More pics?

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Come on Christi, show a little enthusiasm! Stop being so shy and quiet about your upcoming adventure! Ha Ha!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I could send Mike back and just stay a lllloooonnng while longer. whoowoo.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. I don't think Mike will fall for that. Nice try though!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

sigh. probably not. Don't think Jen intended to take me raise anyway. hahhaaah

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

It is just like spring beautiful...for a few more days, anyway. Supposed to be 29 first of the week again next week. Hopefully for not long.....I have Jasmine in bloom! Smells sooooo good!

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

And red hibiscus

Thumbnail by Texasgal77
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

OOOOOOOOOOH, i LOVE that yellow Jasmine...have never seen it. What is it? Gotta have it!!!!


KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

There is a yellow jasmine called Margarita which is what I have. They have made it hardy to zone 6 and we can grow it here in zone 5 with protection.

Jeanne, is the one you have like this one?

Here is the DG info for it.

This message was edited Jan 13, 2008 8:20 PM

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

It didn't have a name on it when I bought it at a local nursery, but that sure looks like it! Only mine doesn't have that many blooms!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Went on that link to Northcreek Nurseries...but they are a wholesaler only. Anyone watn to trade for one if they have one rooted????


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Carol...I know Logees sells small plants, but I believe they have a yellow might check.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Shari, you will notice the people I tend hang with also have that "Can Do" attitude.

77 is that the one that smells like baby talc ...lovely!
LouC you could always "catch " some sort of infectious disease that requires you to stay "in isolation" for 6 months ...therefore making it impossible to leave that heavenly place.We can call it "Trop- itus" or something rare that causes no painful symtoms but turns the eyes green and you run a slight fever and have palpitations when you see a beautiful tropical plant or sniff exotic fragrances ...including salt sea air. Cure long exposure to these things to de- sensitize your reactions to these things ...
Shari you have so much to answer for ...I think you may be a carrier of this new disease :)
Aloha Hoya! your growth is soooo amazing it dwarfs my triffids! stunning pics as always ...sighing over the Angels.
That ti was just wonderful ...don't you love the way light shines through some leaves turning them into precious jewels ...could you tell us about ti's flowering and seeding?
Take it easy ...hope you are not too sore, thankyou so much for the pics is so grey here has been all Summer so far ...I think the sun has come out only about 4 days so far and even then it was short lived due to storms ...rain rain rain though very greatful we are getting soggy and the plants are needing it.
Have a great day everyone playing in the tropics of the mind ...and in the real paradise.

Thumbnail by
Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

OH Chrisssy...LOOK at your seed pods!!!!! Do you like to grow them out??? Can I (ahem....uh...wink wink) send you some????

Ti flowers are nothing exotic...but have very interesting geometric shapes...and they seed easily. I have tried to grow some...but have not been successful. I must call a friend of mine who grows them out and see how he does it!!!

The angels love it here...but they sure take a lot of fertilizer. About every 3 weeks I go around and sprinkle and Tbsp. of undiluted Miracle Grow on the ground around them.

Hey...this just bloomed for me and for the life of me I can't find the tag. Does anyone know what it is??????? Either an Amarillis or a thinketh.

Thumbnail by AlohaHoya
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Here is another site for the jasmine. It also has just plain yellow jasmine. I don't know if it is wholesale or not. I didn't see any reference to it.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Thanks Pepper...they have it....!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Great!! This is my first year growing it but it should do great. They grow it at work and mine is a cutting from it. Now I just have to get the trellis built. lol

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Good Golly Carol, whatever that bulb is, it is just Drop Dead Gorgeous!
Tropical bulbs are slowly becoming another addiction...

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I want to grow a bat flower but i don't know where I could plant it and have it look good.

Carol, I agree, that bulb is drop dead gorgeous!!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Pepper, I "rescued" a bat plant (actually several crammed together) at Home Depot a few weeks ago. I was looking for frost cloth, and wound up buying another plant instead. Of course , this was after I gave myself the lecture "Cath, don't even look at the plants, you have enought to bring in/ cover up/ wrap in lights & cover! Luckily, I rarely listen to myself.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. I have too many plants inside as it is. I have callas, tons of cannas thanks to work, dahilas, coleus, petunias, basket grass, passion flower vine, and a houseplant rooting. Plus the pernament house plants. I can't wait til spring gets here so I can throw them all outside!! lol

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Oh that lovely bat plant, can't wait to have my own! LOL

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Hello there ;*) it true that bat plants like it dark and humid?....I have a root/bulb
in a pot in a bag in the corner, it has rooted but no leaves yet.

This message was edited Jan 14, 2008 9:03 PM

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Chrissy - Oh gosh...I guess I should hang my head in shame...just call me "tropicitis Shari", spreading the disease far and wide....sooooo sooooorrrrryyyy! (grin...not!).

Kim, hope Carol answers ya soon...she has a beautiful bat out in her paradise. Don't remember it being in super shade though....I could be wrong.

Carol, I don't know what that beauty is for sure, but the way the three flowers sit on the stalk, it looks a lot like a Hippeastrum. (sp?)

Anyone want Royal Poincianna seed pods?

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Shari, is there any probability of growing it where I am? If so, I would LOVE some! :)

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Shari....those seed pods sure are tempting mmmm.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Tammy...let's check with Tropicman...I've never heard of it being successful in anything short of zone 8, but I could be wrong. If he says he thinks it might work, I'd be happy to send you some!

Redondo Beach, CA(Zone 11)

VERY very nice Aloha!
That creamsickle is so white, I haven't seen that one. Perfection. I fell in love and must get one! I think that palm is what we call flame thrower or something like that.

Also that red hibiscus , those are always blooming and always beautiful, so pure red, they are champions.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a) too...see above...

These get 20 to 30 feet tall...but they need full sun. I have seen them grow around 4 ft. a year...just so you know. So, what do you think? Want some?

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

The 'Bats' like shade...but not so deep!!! They like lots of water and fast draining medium.... If you want to grow seeds, just sprinkle them on top of the soil and don't put any medium on top.

SO right you are Sheri...I have learned that it is Hippeastrum cybister 'Chico'. Wierd thing is that i cannot remember where I got it!!!! Ah...getting CRS is a bummer!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Shari, If anyone would know it would be Don for sure! :) I looked it up and it is amazingly beautiful! I wouldn't mind it if I had to wrap it all up in plastic and trash cans and whatever else if I could keep it! LOL

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

LApalms...we have the 'Flame Thrower' too...but this one is different. let me know about the Creamsickle....would be happy to send you some cuts. Usually the inside skirt is an orange/peach but it must be the cool weather making it all white!

(Kim) Philadelphi, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks AlohaHoya I will give my Bat a little more light....we all suffer from CRS from time to time.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I know I sure do! :)
Shari, I posted it over on Don's forum, but he may already be sleeping since he is back to work now! :)

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Okay...well, let me rush, I've got plenty.

Carol, I love my hippies! They are so odd, in behavior, but so pretty when they bloom...lots of fun.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Will do, and thanks so much for the offer, Shari! :)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Shari, Don said I might do a bonsai with them and try that, but they wouldn't make it outside with out weather. When I looked at the pictures it showed them as bonsais and they looked beautiful, but I don't know how big one would get as one? I have some bonsai pots DH got me before Christmas. :) Let me know what you think, and thanks again! Tammy

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

OH I just remembered something! Our dear Shirley that past away had a ton of old pots and stuff and her son called me last night and said to go get them today and I dug out this big old iron pot that is shaped kind of like a bath tub that has holes drilled all over it already. I think it would make a great bonsai pot! I have to figure out how to clean it up since it has been out in the weather. It was covered by what looked to be a cat litter pan and is the neatest little thing! Yesterday morning I was digging around for some decent pots, now I have all kinds! He was so sweet to let me have them! :) Hope I don't sound too silly to get excited over something like that, but it is nice to get stuff like that, especially when it came from a special lady that had to leave us!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Carol, I don't think it's amyrillis....I have those.....but the other you mentioned maybe. Randy has them, he'd know! Look over on his Garden Blog you might find them on there somewhere!

Christi, I know if I went over to HI, I would definately come down with Tropicitis! There'd be no getting me back home in a week.....other than money, one reason I haven't gone back! I know I couldn't stand to have to come home again.....already made that break........pure heart break to have to leave.....once!!!!!!

My daughter had the same feeling when she and her husband were on their honeymoon a few years ago! She's got Tropicitis, also. They want to go back and take the kids eventually!

You'll be hooked forever! Right Shari, Carol, Jen?

Chrissy....good to hear from you, mate!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

No, Misti, you're still sane. It's OK to get crazy over anything garden related!!!!!
It's an addiction. Strange what all feeds it! LOL!

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