An AlohaHoya tour

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

This is generally what one should do when traveling:

After booking their flight, check if the airline has other flights to that destination, if so print out the info from the internet.

2) know if your airline fare is endorsable to another airline. What this means, is that if something goes wrong with the flight, or you miss the should be eligible for protection on another carrier (protection is rebooking and passage). This is important, because alot of special fares issued are only good for the issuing carrier.

3.) So you have your reservations and you checked if there are other flights. Going to HNL non stop from DFW will probably have limited flights, if your exiting out of LAX or SFO, these cities are GATEWAYS to HNL and have numerous flights. So right in this paragraph there are options for the HNL traveler. If something happens on a DFWHNL nonstop, chances are they are going to find another might be way late. You know that - there are lots of flights exiting from SFO (sanfransisco) and LAX losangeles)
If you are already booked via LAX...then you want to know how many flights from DFW -LAX there are, how much time you have to get to your flight. in HNL and what happens if your DFWLAX flight is late... I don't know what your booking is..but make sure you have uh oh time for delays.. So..lets recap.
You now know how many DFWLAX flights you can get on and still make your HNL flight.
You now know if there is another HNL departing flight
You now know other airlines departing flights from LAX
You now know that if for some reason LAX is fogged in, that SFO has HNL departing flights..

Sub category....even though you know your DFWLAX and DFWSFO back up flights...they are full..what do you do?
Remember, non stop is not the only way....You pick up your cell phone and call that reservation number...tell them you can't get booked because flights are full, and you were told that standby chance were pretty slim, and so you would like to check availablity from DFW to Phoenix to LAX or DFW to Las Vegas to LAX. Thinking outside the box will have you sitting on the beach long before those other poor folk.

NEVER STAND IN LINE if you don't have too., use that reservations. tip* - if the reservation person doesn't seem to be able to help you or seem uncooperative, hang up, and call again..get another agent.

WHAT about my bag? I checked a bag.
I like to take my bag on the plane, the event of a life time trip and luxurious outfits to plan, make sure that the carry on bag you do have has...1 or 2 days simple change of clothes, and things that you think you couldn't get by with for 2 days. Do not let your bag be a chain around your options! Your bag will be sent to your destination - do not be disallusioned into thinking you can't leave the flight because your bags on it. How do you know your bag is on it? We send bags on earlier flights all the time...don't fuss about airlines loosing bags...if it doesn't show up at your destination chances are it will be delivered the next day...if it doesn't ..and sometimes they don''s super lost and there is nothing you can do anyway...You will be having a nice time shopping for new clothes, because you asked the agent (or reservation agent, or read the airline internet site) how much reimbusement is for lost bags and contents.
Bottom line, don't let your bag dictate your will get there, most time faster than you will during irregular operations.
Make sure you know the next days flights too.
FYI if your flight is late because of weather, and you make it to LAX, but the flight is gone...and you have to stay over night..that the airlines will not pay for your hotel room.
You can however get a distressed rate and select hotels.

I know that's alot to throw at you, but knowing options really contributes to a more relaxing trip as chances are everything will be routine...but being prepared gives you the advantage, because there 200 other people trying to achieve the same goal. A person who did their home work..snaps up the option seats first, and the rest...they keep waiting to be told what to do and what their options are...that's why people are so grumpy at airports, who likes that?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

You are incredible, Randy. I'm sure there will be others copy,paste,print other than myself. We are booked through Orbitz which I don't know if that is good or bad.
We have a layover in LAX. Not long just enough to stretch our legs.
Will have to carefully go over the rest of the instructions. I'm beginning to feel like a seasoned traveler and I haven't even left yet. Planning on taking less rather than more. The new suitcases expand...and Jenny said to remember she has a washer and dryer. Don't expect to need evening clothes. tomorrow is 43 more days...

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

cool...another thing to check! What terminal in LAX your arrive in, and what/where your flight departs can got to the airline website and view maps, etc. Some parts of LAX have buses to transfer to other can be confusing.

Orbitz is fine! ultimately the airline they booked you on will be responsible for getting you from point a to b...if you get a chance...are they different airlines DFW to LAX, then to HNL or is it on the same airline..

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

All American.

Got to get a shower and get ready to go to our friends.


Keaau, HI

Hi Islandshari,

The purple canegrass in your Dec. 27, 2007 photo of Carol & Bob's garden is Pennisetum macrostachyum var. atropurpureum, or foxtail reed; sometimes erroneously called foxtail bamboo.

Aloha, Dave

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you very much for resurrecting this thread, Dave. Of course, my trip is history now and was even more wonderful than I anticipated. In these last months I have absorbed so much more of the tropicals and I shall study this again with all of the beauty and education. My heart is racing again just remembering. Seems like a long time ago and it has not been a complete 3 months. Wish it were Feb. 11 again and everything was yet to come.

Carol, Jen, Shari, RJ, you each have a Paradise of love and appreciation for nature and for others as you share your lives and plants so freely. You have changed many lives.

I realize this thread is about Carol's ranch and not me. Like Shari, I long ago ran out of adjectives. Sorry I jumped in so deep.

Am once again, inspired to create my little space of the tropical world. Time to turn on IZ and head to the garden.

Carol, will be thinking of you everyday as you recuperate at another sanctuary. Gonna be great.

Aloha, Yokwe, love,

Princess Kilikina aka Christi aka LouC

While watching the wonder of the humpback whales, Carol is on one side of me and Jen is on the other. Sure can't be that with a stick.

This message was edited May 11, 2008 5:42 PM

Thumbnail by LouC
Lexington, SC(Zone 8a)

I am also glad this thread got a bump. I've just gotten back from the islands and I wanted to also share my gratitude to Carol for allowing my wife and I to tour their garden a few weeks ago. It was absolutely stunning and was a real treat for us both. The selection and variety Carol and Bob have planted was absolutely amazing and we appreciated them sharing their slice of paradise with us. We look forward to growing the kind gifts you provided as well. Mahalo nui loa to you both.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Aw, shucks, John.... it was FUN!!! So glad to came by...!!!

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