An AlohaHoya tour

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Just standing on my observation deck here...taking in all the lovely pics and wonderful narration. Terima kaseh, Shari.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Sama, sama Jaye! My pleasure...literally!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Cool! I just learnt two new phrases, now to retain them....
G'night all

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Carol...we TropiQueens can simply retain more info and juggle more topics than the lowly, but adored Knights of the Round Pillows. Non-sequitor to us mearly means "about that thing we were talking about last week"...

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Nighty night all! Just hope no one has bad dreams about Saw 2! ☺ I know I don't wanna! LOL

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Nite, Tammy...sleep well!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

And someone was talking about spiders earlier-now there is a spider movie on! I HATE THEM BOOGERS! YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUK

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Thanks, Shari! Think I may need to take something tonight! LOL

Words are useless sometimes in describing something that only a picture can do justice to,what a stunning place you were lucky enough to go see in person Shari, the pictures speak for themselves,and you did a great job in your descriptions, my favourite was the part where the plants just "slap you in the face"
as that is exactly how I feel sometimes when you just stop dead in your tracks gobsmacked by the beauty of something that makes you feel humbled before it's magnificence.
Truly a paradise!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Well said Chrissy. And so is your place..another paradise!
I am just so lucky, tho' I'm dictated by weather not to have any lush scenery around me, I can escape through your pictures and dream of endless possibilities.
Kewl Shari, you do speak Bahasa Melayu? I read somewhere that the Malays could claim Polynesian/Micronesian roots. So does that make us 100 times removed "cousins"?

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

From one who speaks fluent Texin, we are all cousins. Yep, that we are.

Good Morning

Does anyone know where I can purchase a turtle neck bathing suit? with long sleeves? Sounds kinda live one of those diving suits doesn't it? I don't want to scare everyone off the beach in Kihei.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Seriously Christi, order you a "birkini" or is it "burkini" online. Muslim women don them instead of regular swimsuits.
How many more days Christi?
A---n--t--i---c----i----p---a---t---i----o---n it's making poor Christi wait...

Off to church...blessings to all this Sunday! CYA later!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LOL Christi! Maui is very relaxed you know and some people even go into the sea in their shorts and tees, nobody pays much attention. We only have one beach where the "beautiful people" hang out up in Ka'anapali, known locally as "dig me beach"! We don't go there much...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

45 days! Dreamed all night that I didn't have my clothes ready, couldn't get the car started, couldn't get the dogs situated.

Those things aren't going to happen. I'm gonna be ready even if I just take my purse and as Carol, says buy it all right there. Too fluffy to borrow Jen's clothes.

Anticipation, it's driving me,la,la, da,da,da wish I knew where Shari got those cute little notes and music bars. I was here when she found them but didn't follow up.
Oh, Shari? already New Years for her. Probably busy.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

LOL Christi, it's supposed to be fun - not a nightmare!
I owe, I owe, so off to work I go - will check in during the day to see what you are all chatting about, helps keep me sane!

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

Poor LouC!!!! It could have been worse... At least you didn't have the dream where you showed up at the airport WITHOUT ANY clothes!!!LOL You know where you're walking around like that hoping noone will notice? LOL

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Christi...finally in my long experience of trying to look like Esther Williams when feeling "fluffy" i have come to the conclusion that no one really cares! 'They' are all busy worrying about how THEY look and have no time to look at me!!! And there is always someone who looks worse than I forget about the whole thing and have FUN!!!!

I had a friend who visited a couple of years ago and would not wear a suit...she wore sweat pants and a T-shirt. I thought she looked funny but she was happy! Her tan line was strange, tho'.

YES, we are all cousins...or SISTAHS AND BRUDDAHS...

Sure wish you could come down here for the day, Christi...

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My recurring nightmare is worse...same one for way too many years.

On the top steps of the church where I was raised. Not a stitch on and I can't get myself covered. No one seems to even know I am there. What kind of a Freudian nutcase am I? hahahaha.

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh LouC, we ALL have those dreams! I've never been at church but school, the grocery store,etc....
And it's always the same. - No one screams OMG what are you doing- you're naked!! Or you have a t-shirt on and nothing else and keep trying to pull it down so no one will see? Yea right like that would happen?!
We just recently bought the Simpsons Movie and Bart is actually naked with just a shirt and socks trying to hide and Homer takes him to a fast-food place to eat....I think of all mydreams every time I see that part!!! OK now you all know my awful secret- I watch the Simpsons!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh well, I watch King of the Hill. Arlan is actually Garland, Texas which is about 20 miles from me. I think I know some of those characters personally. hhhhmmm.

Lubbock, TX(Zone 7a)

LOL I like King of the Hill too. Garland huh? I must have relatives there LOL

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Truth be known a lot of people do. lol

LouC it's just anxiety ...just try and enjoy the anticipation!

"don't worry be happy la la la la"
You are going to have the time of your life! :)

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I am in awe of the garden pictures here. So many wonderful trees, shrubs, vines and other plants that it makes my head swim ... but luckily I can let it swim without worrying about what it is wearing ;~)

LouC, I can only imagine how exciting this trip is for you! 45 days is a long time to wait for something this terrific and yet when you are planning it out it also seems like you just won't be able to be ready in time!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

What a blessed person I am. First of all to have the opportunity to go to HI and then to have my friends from all over the world anticipating with such good nature. Thank each and everyone of you for being such deeply kind people. If we were to be put in charge, don't think there would be any wars.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Good Lord Christi! There would definitely be a lot of soldiering in ALL national forests to protect the plants and wildlife from predators!!!!!!!!
Christi, if anyone deserved a beautiful trip, it's you! Just make sure you have lots of memory cards for your digital!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

My camera uses the little pocket discs. After they are downloaded you can erase and use again. Not this time. Be my luck to have the pc crash and I would loose every picture. Gonna save those little discs. Thanks, Jaye. Not so sure my DH would always agree. hahaha.. He knows me all too well.

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Christi, I'm going to call you before you leave.. We need to have a flying 101 course. I'm going to make sure you have "options" just in case. We'll check schedules, and have a back up plan, a reservation number handy on your person..and in the event that the airlines have "operational difficulties" will be tutoring you in the "Never stand in line to be re accommodated" plan. While we're all thinking positive and smooth operation, a prepared girl is a girl that get's to her destination regardless of problems, while the rest of the pack is standing in line and scratching their heads..

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

That's so nice of you RJ. Wow Christi...with an angel in your pocket, you're off to a good start.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I will need those lessons too, RJ... my my...the way those airlines shuttle folks around is awful!

Edited to add this bit of wisdom which has done me VERY well over years of travelling:

To avoid getting sick with whatever is the germ du jour on the plane...use Afrin Nasal Spray an hour before you get on the plane and every 6 hours after that. Also take a decongestant - your favorite flavor. These moves dry up the mucus membranes in your EENT and makes it difficult for a virus to 'stick'. If you take Benedryl as a decongestant it helps you sleep, too. This "method' was taught to me by a well known EENT MD who had to get me well for a trip I could not miss.

When you get to Jenny's you will be in loving hands....

This message was edited Dec 30, 2007 3:36 PM

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Christi, you have your own "airplane angel!"
Randy, you are such a good egg!
Carol, thanks for the traveling trips, glad to add that to the repetoire of recycled air traveling tips!

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Printed out those tips too, Carol. Frank almost always comes home with a virus from the plane. Thanks!
Don't know about you guys and your dreams!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

OMG. I've really been worried about the security difficulties. I look like a criminal so would probably be pulled for a full investigation. All of these other things never crossed my mind. Have been sort of worried about the chronic back thingy and sitting for such a long time. Oh well, there is a price to pay for everything worthwhile. Thank you both for the extra information. Haven't been on a plane in probably 6-7 years. When I traveled with Anthony, he was a frequent flyer and we always went First Class. He and Bruce would guide me all the way. That was before 2001. Carol, just copied your information and will be printing it so I don't forget. Will be talking to you before then, Randy. Oh my, never thought it could be so complicated.

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Relax Christi, it very easy - nothing to worry about! With Randy's tips it will be plain sailing!

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

This is getting too long...will start no. 2... see ya all there!

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hey, where is #2? ☺

Keaau, HI(Zone 11) worries Christi....with any luck at all you will get a full body search!!!!!

Only kidding...they only choose very very old people, usually in wheelchairs!!!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I was really counting on that. Think I could get a wheelchair just temporarily?

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Christi....go to
it will tell you exactly, and how, where and what is permissable in the security line...I just went to it myself for my trip as I never know what the security rule dujour is...

This message was edited Dec 31, 2007 3:44 PM

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Heck, I was going to take my cattle prod and Mike wanted to take his BB gun.
They are just no fun.

Thank you, Randy. Have bookmarked and will go back and print out.

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