Seed Swap Plant List

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

HAHA! Sticking your tongue out at DH!. It's a great pic and I am glad to have a face with your name.

Becky, I am so excited that my seeds finally showed up. I just can't believe the USPS is such a snail mail as that. I'm with Cathy in that they have "gone right down the pooper":((

I will wait not too patiently for the seed envie and I will try to contain myself and not wildly throw my arms around the mailman and give him hugs and kisses while screaming and hollering hooray. Of course he knows me pretty well and might think something was wrong if I don't;)))

I send prayers for Kailey as I post to you and will keep her in my nightly prayers as well.


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Cute picture Cathy! Now we have a face to go with your bubbly personality! You should put that one on your DG ID info. LOL! Mine is my first swap and the wind was blowing like crazy.
As for the cold weather it is breaking a bit turning warmer now; it was almost 60 today. I have one last Monarch chrysalis that should have eclosed a few days ago, but hasn't yet because of the weather. Maybe a few more nice days and I can release it! It's buddies have dissappeared a couple weeks ago.

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Becky I am sadden to hear she still isn't doing well. Will keep her in thoughts and prayers

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Sending up her name in prayer tonight for sure. May Keiley's family find comfort, and the uncertain medical findings be made clear and the doctors have the understanding how to help.

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

I just read the story of those two children, I couldnt imagine going thru that, as the child or the parent. I will pray for them too.

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Sheila, that pic of you is great! Anyone else have a face to go with a name?!

Becky, I backtracked last night and read the story of Kailey and Luke, will keep him in my prayers too.

On the lookout for the mailman....


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Becky, I pray John Hopkins will take Kailey and the biggest prayer, they'll take her as a no-charge challedge as a research case with successful results.

I didn't want my fat face on the net but gave in a few weeks ago. Here I am in several briar-eating grins. Remember, Cathy, you asked for it.

Becky, you'da seed swap queen, uno dat!

This message was edited Nov 27, 2007 6:54 AM

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Cordele- super pic, sitting around the irrigation campfire! I've never ventured into the world of irrigation madness, someday...

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Here I am,anticipating my new Hummingbird Garden next spring. My,but those hummers are in for a big,beautiful surprise:)))

Thumbnail by posyblossom
Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Lucille, you'll be the sugar water queen for sure! You'll have all the hummers in your neighborhood at your house. WOW! By the way, brugs are coming your way!

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

HAHA Cord, just got back from your thread. Great pics and ROTFL at that thread! My kinda people,sitting there ,truck in the drive full of plants,rolls of tubing,no clue what to do with the darn stuff,then the light dawns and behold, a water feature is born.......doesn't get any better than that:)))

Oh! Brugs coming!!!! I think they might just get here, following the seed DG Trail. The mailman will never survive the deliveries!!!!!! Thank YOU!THANK you!THANK YOU!......well,you get my drift:))))


PS. I am already the "Sugar Queen". I have 35 feeders and I put them all out every year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Next spring you must send us pictures of your backyard with all those feeders & visitors! And I though my 7 could be some sort of record. ROFL

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Donna and Cordeledawg......... you look like you were enjoying the irrigation seminar for sure! City_Sylvia in Dallas needed help last year and Smockette from Houston, myself came up and worked all day on her system. Then when she went in the hospital that next week, another DGer finished the job. It is so great to have a network of gardeners willing to pitch in and help each other. Plus we just have fun doing it at the same time!
Love the 'sugar momma' shot Lucille! All your hummer babies must be happy to hang with you!

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

I know,I know,I am a "bit" over the top with the feeder thing and I have already been accused of stealing every hummer in the hood, but I have been forgiven because it has brought so many more hummers to everyone's feeders on our street.

I am going to take a before and after pic next year and post it so I can have Brug bragging rights as well as showcase those wonderful butterflies and humingbirds. We are on the migration path of both as well as Canadian Geese. We are located between two rivers so we get Northwest and Northeast migrations.

Last year, I sat out by the pond on or around Sept. 30th and pretty soon Monarch Butterflies came out of the North one by one,two by two, right past me,jumped the fence, and just kept on going south. I counted 130 in two hours. I stayed out for four hours, but I got tired of counting and then I fell asleep in the chair. Boy, was my neck sore from that position,but it was fun to watch.

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Better than counting sheep....

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

35 sugar feeders? How often do you change the water? It must take forever or else you have it down to a science!


Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Good grief...I have trouble keeping up with just 2!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

At least in cooler weather you don't have to change them AS often......


Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

HA! No wonder I count Butterflies in my sleep!

OK!OK! I change the sugar water every 2 to 3 days. I fix a time,but I put very little in each feeder. Now certain hummers have certain favourite feeders. Those feeders are kept half filled . I bring them in,wash and clean and replace. Now here's the part I didn't make clear and may have stretched the truth just a little. 25 are out at the same time. The others I fill with new sugar water and keep rotating clean for dirty feeders. I probably have more than 35 because of the rotation. I have at least 10 out back, 6 on the deck, 5 on The front window 2 on the west side of the house 2 on the east side of the house, and 6 to 8 Hummers every year feeding. Years ago the hummers were so mean to each other over the feeders, my book said to keep feeders out of sight of other feeders and they wouldn't fight so. It worked and that is when the feeder numbers got a little out of control. If you want lots of Hummers buzzing around your house,that is the way to do it.

It doesn't take that much time once I got the hang of it and the entertainment is well worth the effort:))

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Lol....I tried that, got one on the front porch and one on the back porch, out of sight of each other. The hummers just flew over the house back and forth fighting each other.

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Well, see what I'm saying blue... many feeders ,2 or 3 at each location. Hummers don't understand about just one feeder. They want massive amounts of feeders,just like massive flowers;))).
I started out with one here,one there,until I have them everywhere!Yikes! I truly am a Hummer feeder fanatic!

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

OMG Becky and all, THE SEEDS HAVE ARRIVED!!!!!! Mail sure does come fast from the south. 43 packets of seeds, what bounty from all your wonderful Gardens.

I will do my best to grow these seeds into something extraordinary and share the results with pics and future Beckygardener seed swaps. The fun of these seeds is just beginning.

Thanks to each and every member for sharing so much and not just the seeds:))

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

I second that!!
My seeds came just as I was leaving home to go back to work after lunch. Heard the drone of the mail vehicle and waited sooooo patiently til he came back round the block. And the Mail Gods smiled on me! Took my prize and zoomed back to work and just opened the envelope. It was burning a hole in the front seat next to me in the car, but I figured opening the envie in the car while driving wouldn't be one of my better decisions.

WOW WOW WOW, so many seeds, it looks like a seed factory on my desk. Lucky for me it's a bit quiet here today, so I can look at the seeds, move the seeds around, organize the seeds into flower colors, size, bloom time, and just plain admire all the cool diversity of the seeds themselves. I am in seed heaven.

Thank you all again fellow seed swappers for making this whole adventure an absolute joy!
Becky, big gold star for you! And I love the stickers on the envelope too!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

That does it. I'm headed out to the mailbox with a lounge chair, waiting on the man with the blue shorts.

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

Ha, no lounge chair for me ( making ha,ha faces at Deb)...they are here!!!! Sorry, I guess having 4 kids makes me act like one sometimes. :)
You did a great job Becky and I am very excited about the selection of seed that I have received!!!

I am sure I will be back on later to ask when and how to start some of these. I still need to do some sorting out.
Thanks to all, this was a great swap!

This message was edited Nov 28, 2007 4:55 PM

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

They're here! Yepee! I'm so excited and tickled. Becky, thank you so much for taking on this huge swap right here at Thanksgiving time no doubt. Such a quick turn-around. My-Oh-My how did you do it? When I looked in my envie at the two zip lock wish list bags full of seeds plus extras!, the first thing that popped in my head was Suzy's OINK OINK. I feel like the kid taking the Sears & Robuck catalog and circling everything you want, then actually getting it! I am so appreciative of all I have received. Amen!

Ya'lls passion for gardening for BF's and Hummers is so contagious. I am so proud and thankful to have found a comfort zone to learn from and with you all on the BF and Hummer forum. Unlike many seed swaps, this one has a purpose and will fill our gardens full of nectaring and life-giving plants.

I can't think of any recommendations to improve our first annual swap. Becky, your organizational skills are showing!
Thank you all!


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

I received my seeds today too!! Wowsers!!! Beckaroo You rock!

All you gals rock bigtime!! Very impressive packages everybody!

Thank you one and all!


Southern, United States

I got mine today too! Thank you so much Becky for your time and effort!!

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY..... I think you get the point!!!
Thank you everyone for being so great!!!! Im Happy HAPPY HAppy!!!!

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

I am so jealous! Lol...I sure hope mine comes tomorrow!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

count me in. Mine arrived too. Yea!!!! love what I got. Thanks Becky and everyone for making this a great success ;-)

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Poor baby, blue eyes
I hope your gets there tomorrow too! so you can do the happy dance with us...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

The only thing allowing me to hold it together is that my mailbox did contain the 2008 catalog from Totally Tomatoes... plus a catalog from Seymour's Selected Seeds (looks like maybe a sister company?)... so I have something to flip through and dream over!

I'm kidding. I'm waiting quite patiently, really I am. I have daff & crocus bulbs to plant and amaryllis bulbs to pot up... I'm not nearly ready to start thinking about spring seeds!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Got my seeds too!!! Wow such a great surprise after a "uck" day at work!!!! I have to cook, then I can sit down after supper and go through my bounty!! Hehehehehe!!!
Thanks Becky you definatly did a super job on this swap!! Thanks everyone for the super seeds!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah I saw that all of ou were already getting your seeds, and I went out to check the mail. I couldn't believe they were here already. Becky, didn't you just mail them yesterday? I was expecting to sit back and wait at least another day. Then , like Shelia, I had to cook dinner... Look out garden!! Where are all those milk jugs??

Jill and Kim, definitely worth waiting an extra day.... This kind of collection would cost hundreds to amass! Some of them wouldn't be available to buy anywhere. You'd have to know somebody.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Yea, Deb, I'm glad to be able to rub elbows with yall. A lot of the ones I wanted were wild flowers and native plants. Some just aren't sold commerically. Definately hard to find.
I'm sitting here transferring plantfile info into my seed journal. I may be finished by the end of the week. LOL

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

We are fortunate; we all know several somebody(s)....fellow DGers!

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Maybe mine will show tomorrow...I got the TT and Seymour's yesterday though...and yes, they're part of the same outfit...along with several more. (all I got today were bills, and my SSE renewal)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Right on Deb!! It's a privledge to know all of you somebodies!!

Sheila~~ You always have a way on knowing just what I mean....

Probably tomorrow Mel.... :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi y'all! Glad to hear the seed swap envies are starting to arrive at their destinations! That's really fast! I only mailed them out right before the post office closed on Monday. Impressive how quickly they moved in just 2 days! :-)

I am glad to hear that everyone is happy with what they have received so far. I'm glad I posted the list and let you make a wish list of seeds that you actually wanted and could most likely grow in your zone. If I had just divided them up equally, I don't think everyone would've been as happy with the seeds you received. So this worked out well.

I would still like to hear feedback of how we could make this a better seed swap in the future. I won't take it personally and can handle the constructive criticism suggestions. So please voice your opinions and suggestions. :-) :-) Thank you!

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