Seed Swap Plant List

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

By next fall, I wont be a newby anymore, I believe all of us newbys this year will be happy to share our seeds with the new newbys next year!!!

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

I have no problem with Posy getting some seeds too,
She was like the 2nd one on this post.

This message was edited Nov 20, 2007 12:47 AM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

There are still a few participants whose wish lists I need posted here. Please jump on in and let me know what seeds you'd like! :-)


I was wondering if every person could please "d-mail" me a list of seeds that they do NOT want to receive. (Perhaps it is something that you already have in your garden, or can't grow in your zone, or just don't care to have those plants!) Please send your list to me in a d-mail instead of posting it here on this thread.


This message was edited Nov 20, 2007 2:31 AM

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

I'm still lurking around here anyhow. Somewhere on planet earth someone has 26 seeds of Ruby Star coneflowers and $5 cash. On the other hand Becky, the snail mail is so slow out of Athens,PA,,you may still get my envie. I am pretty mad at myself right now because when I mailed it out on the Tuesday after Vet. Day, the postal worker ask me if I wanted to track it, dummy that I am, I said no thanks. Hind sight is 20 20.

Good luck to everyone here with their seed packages. This is an awesome world here on this thread and even though it didn't work out for me this year, I have had the best time anyhow:))))

I'll remove my list Becky,but if my envie comes and you still have seeds to give,just stick them in,I don't care what they are:)))

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Posy, I'm so sorry about the dang postal service. Things definitely get lost. At work 2 weeks ago, both a set of engineered site plans from Miami and a local check from a regular customer never made it to our office. They are probably circling the globe with someone's lost luggage on a plane flight right now.

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Doggone Snail Mail Cathy. I don't remember any mail I ever sent not making it. I should probably not have sent cash,especially around Holiday time. Darn!


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Lucille, you will be included with this seed swap from what Becky said.
I am sure none of us would care if the excess seeds were shared with a newbie gardener trying to feed our butterfly and hummer friends. I for one don't. As for your envelope and postage money.....think positive everyone and it will arrive at Becky's today!!!

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Thinking positive,thinking positive, Oh Mail Gods,please,please get my hard won Ruby cone seeds to Becky for the trade....................

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I certainly don't mind sharing. Getting seeds into the hands of newbies is what it's all about. I sent plenty.

Anything that is properly harvested right now will be fine for a couple of years without much trouble. Just make sure that the seeds are completely ripe, and completely dry before bagging. Moisture and temperature change are the two worst enemies.

I store mine in a closet..(soon to become part of a seed room) I put in envies, then in boxes. I use paper rather than plastic for long term storage. It breathes better.

That's not to say that plastic baggies are bad...they're fine, as long as the seeds are dry.

But anyway, I store in paper and throw a few of those silica get packs in each box..(like you get in new shoes or electronics) My seeds last for years.

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Fingers are crossed for the Postal Express to come through!!!

Melody, I love the casual use of this phrase:
..(soon to become part of a seed room)
Do tell! Are you putting an addition on the house?!!!

Going to Busch Gardens this afternoon for DH's birthday, maybe my camera will cooperate and I can get a few pics of some interesting things!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah Melody,
The silica packs are great for that.. I save them too. For those of you who may not have save them, rice works really well too. (Becky sent me some seeds with rice in them...) Fantastic tips Mel and Becky!


Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Becky I sent all the seeds to be passed out with everyone with no trade required. I don't want any of mine back lol

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

me neither...

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Lucille - You ARE in this swap! You will definitely be getting some seeds. I am writing this at work (shhh ... don't tell anyone!). Maybe your envie will come in today's mail. Either way, the word is that folks here want you to get some seeds, too! :-) We are always trying to help newbies! I call it "Pass it forward" because so many folks helped me out last year with my new seed garden beds! And I have everyone here to thank for the joy it has brought me! It's very special because the seeds came from the heart of so many kind folks here on DG!

I just kinda did a oops when I did the participant list and didn't see you listed from the other thread. My bad! lol

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heya! Sorry it took me so long to post a wish list; we're away and having a little trouble with getting online.

Aristolochia Serpentaria
Aristolochia tomentosa
Aster pilosus
Conoclinium greggii
Datura metal double purple
Eupatorium rugosa (if it's the one with bronze/chocolate foliage)
Malva sylvestris
Monarda didyma -- pink blooms
Phaseolus coccineus
Salvia Elegans (2 pks)
Salvia farinacea 'Silver White' (3 pks)
Tagetes sig. 'Tangerine Gem' (I have 'Lemon Gem')
Verbena bonariensis
Zinnias - Giant beehive - Dark Lavender (5 pks)
Zinnia elegans “Giant Violet Queen” (1 pack)
Zinnia elegans “Pinwheel Rose” (1 pack)
Zinnia “White Giant” (10 pks)
Zinnias semi double Bright Purple (4 pks)


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Wrap up your WISH LIST tonight folks! I will print your lists out and start sorting tomorrow! Also d-mail me your list of those seeds you don't need or want. Thanks!

Lucille - I already printed out your seed list before you deleted it! LOL! Gotcha! :-)

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky, have we told you today how fantastic you are?

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Whoa you Becky! You are pretty darn fast on the draw. I am sending a new envie and 200 Red Salvia Seeds via overnight mail so HAHA yourself;+

Thanks everyone for so many seed offers without a trade, but I just have to have something to trade back,even if it is a "little" something:))

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Lucille, you crack me up!!!

Got back from our adventure at Busch Gardens for DH's birthday. Of course I managed to harvest 5 or 6 different seed pods... DH was even a "seed mule" when I ran out of pockets and had to use his!
Exhausted and off to bed.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Good deal, Lu! :-)

Cathy - LOL about you dh being a "seed mule"! Too funny!!!

I'll let everyone know here on this thread when I mail them out so that you kinda know when to expect your envies! :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Lu - I just re-read your post above ... please do NOT spend the money to send overnight express mail. Sheesh! You could "buy" seeds cheaper. I'll send seeds out to you. Some folks here have ya covered on that! :-) And don't worry about sending seeds. Perhaps your original envie will arrive tomorrow. If not, then enjoy the gift of seeds for a new butterfly garden as a welcome to DG "gift". We all love helping newbies!!! :-) :-)

I once had a envie that went to another country (France, I think it was) on a very long round-trip! I have NO idea how that even happened. And yes, ocassionally envies get lost in the mail. I loose 2 -3 a year that for whatever reasons ... they never arrive at their destination. :-(

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

ROTFL Cathy:) That is so funny that DH had to be a "seed mule" on his birthday. It sounds as though you had a good time,especially since any time is a great time when "seed pods" and "seed mules" are involved;)))

Busch Gardens is a beautiful place but since I fit the definition from the plantaholic thread,, I was more excited about "seeds","pods,"seed mule,"pockets full of seeds";)))

Becky, I just have to send some seeds. If they don't make it in time,I just harvested them so save them for next yrs. swap:) Geesh Becky, I hope my envie is not in France!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving a bit early from me everyone,

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you too! Just think, the Butterfly Forum gang will all have a bit of each ones' gardens growing in our backyard for our local flying flowers!


Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

May you all be blessed this Thanksgiving Day!

DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Deborah, That's a nice thought! It's always nice to look at flowers in bloom and think of the person who shared with you.

Becky, thank you for the time you put into this swap, so we all can have a beautiful butterfly garden.

Happy Thanksgiving!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Wish lists are closed.

I have been cross-referencing wishes and what I actually received. Everyone will get "most" of what they wanted. There are a few seed packs (of only 1 each) that several folks wanted. So .... I am going to make the executive decision of who to give it to. Probably someone with a small list of wants vs. someone who is getting a lot of seed packs! :-) I hope this doesn't upset anyone.

I am delighted that many of the seeds I wanted are available as well. So I'm very happy! Now I have to decide whether to plant them now or in the Spring. The weather has been unusually warm. I am thinking it may be another mild winter here in my area. I bet some of the northern plant seeds would do well here during the winter months. So much to figure out! LOL! I'm still a newbie myself. Though by looking at my many garden beds ... you wouldn't know it! I am on my 3rd year with some of my plants.

Is this the correct ditty about perennial plants?

First year sleep
Second year creep
Third year leap!

Some of my plants have definitely leapt this year! My yard is starting to look like a pruned jungle. LOL!

And remember that many plants go dormant, but the roots are still growing underground, so do NOT dig them up as they will likely return in the Spring/Summer!

Happy sowing and growing, everyone!

I wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving! :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I have been working on the seed swap all day. Whew! There are a LOT of seed packs! (See photo!) Everyone will be getting the majority of the seeds they wanted. I did the best I could to try to be fair. And a few packs I divided up because there was enough to share with all those that wanted them. (I marked on the seed pack if the seeds were divided.)

Now I have a huge amount of seeds still left which I will divy out, but many of you said you just prefered to get the ones on your wish list. So ...

I was thinking ... I could divy the extras up between EVERYONE in the swap which you could share with others here on DG or with neighbors, friends, family, etc.

Or ...

I could do a few envies up with seeds and offer them to any newbies here on this forum.

Or ...

I could do both.

I would like to know what YOU think about this! Please d-mail me or post here on this thread.

Also ... I will be going to the post office late Monday, but it is to have the envies weighed, not mailed. I need to find out how much postage so that I know how much money or stamps to return to each of you (which I will add into the envie). I don't think the envies will be $4 to mail.

So ... they will get mailed late on Tuesday afternoon. :-)

Enjoy your Sunday! And please give your indeas or feedback on the above suggestions for the extra seed packs.


This message was edited Nov 24, 2007 10:55 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Oops! Forgot the photo!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

A closer shot so that you can see all the seed packs! An amazing amount of seeds collected by everyone!!!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

I wouldn't mind some of the extras to share with my mom, she just moved down here this summer and would like to attract some butterflies. I don't know why I didn't think of that when I was choosing seeds. I also think offering to newbies is a good choice as well.

:) Kim

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

OMG, Becky, it looks like you have your hands full. LOL!!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm planning to host a DG tea party & seed swap on Groundhog's Day, so I could use a few extras to share. I think making up some newbie butterfly gardener packets is also a great idea. It sounds like you probably have enough seeds to do both... ?

Thanks for all the time and effort you're putting into making this swap work out so very well!

Southern, United States

I'm not in need of extra seeds at this time so either is fine with me. thanks for doing this for us. It was quite an undertaking and most appreciated!

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Holy Cow,Becky! What a job! I don't need any extra seeds but maybe I could pass some out to my garden club.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Okay - Here is what I am going to do ... I will send everyone extras (except those that do not want any additional seeds). I realize that was the original plan ... but once you each see how many seeds you are already getting, you will understand why I even asked about what to do with the extras. I'll bag them in a baggie separate so you know which ones are extras so that you can share them. And I'll also make up a few baggies of extra seeds for newbies here on DG. One trader in the swap sent quite a few seeds and wanted nothing in return. (She has a small garden and no room for more, but was sharing seeds from what she has!) Very generous!!

So I will do a second sweep today of all the seeds and add more. Some of you only sent me a 5" X 7" envie! Your envie is already quite full. But I will cram the extras in there and tape it up as secure as possible! :-) LOL!

I'll give y'all the heads up when they actually go out at the post office. (Probably Tuesday.) I just ask that you please let me know when you get them. If anyone here has had problems in the past sometimes receiving mail, please d-mail me. I was thinking of doing delivery confirmation for anyone that is concerned about it. This year ... 3 of my SASBE never made it to their destination. Who knows what happened to them. :-( I have been in other group swaps and it does happen. And sometimes it takes 2-3 weeks to get them. Go figure on that???!!! So once they leave me, it's outta my control unless there is delivery confirmation on them. I know that this is a first swap for some of you and I want it to be a good experience. So I am just letting you know what I have experienced with the USPS.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Becky, please keep my extra money for your efforts or to mail newbies some seeds out. You have really got a table full of seed to go through, that deserves payment!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Sheila! I can mail yours out on Monday since I don't have to add anything to it. :-)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

((((clapping!!!)))) Can't wait to see what I's like an early Christmas present!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow, Becky, what a collection! I'm so glad to be part of this swap, what fun!
Would you please keep any excess $ and put it in your postage kitty.
Thank you to all the so-generous swappers, this is just a blast, I will be stalking the postman this week!

Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I don't need any change back either, Becky.

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