Seed Swap Plant List

DeRidder, LA(Zone 9a)

Same here Becky.....use my change to send newbies seed. Thank you for putting on a wonderful swap!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Cathy - Thank you. Yours will go out tomorrow, too!

The difference probably in postage and the amount of $$ or stamps will most likely be within a $1 or less because the envies are kinda heavy. If I have enough for each envie, I may do delivery confirmation on them. I would be very upset if one or more participants don't get theirs. I'm probably being paranoid, but I have had several lost envies this year and I just don't understand how bubble envies can get "lost" in the mail. Maybe a letter envie, but not bubble envies! So ... my utmost desire/concern is to see everyone here receive their swap!!! :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks y'all! Everyone that doesn't need the difference back will have their envie go out tomorrow. Others will go out on Tuesday. :-) And I am going to look into Confirmation delivery and see if I have enough to do it for each envie. I would feel much more confident doing that. :-)

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Becky I don't need any money back either. Use it for postage for cramming the newbies envies as full as you can and the rest towards gas expense for taking them to PO. Thank you so much for doing this for us.

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Becky,
ANOTHER kind DGer sent me your info on the extra seeds for Newbies. :) I would love to have any if you still have some extras. :) Mistygardener :)

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Keep any extra $ from me Becky, that is if you ever get anything from me;))))I think all your ideas are the way to go.

Those pics are an awesome collection of.... "from the hearts and minds of DGers".

I am very proud to be a little part of this seed swap. You did a fantastic job Becky.

I certainly will remember my first seed swap and I mean that in a good way:)))


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Mistygardener - D-mail me with your mailing info. I am sure I can send you some seeds to get you started with butterfly gardening! :-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Donna and Lu! :-)

I may have enough extras to share with a couple more newbies. If you know of someone here on this forum who is trying to start a garden for butterflies... have them d-mail me. I'll will try to make up at least 3-5 envies of seeds for newbies. Not sure yet how many until I stuff the rest of your envies! lol But I want to make sure that those of you that are doing local swaps or sharing with a family member or friend have plenty to do so first since y'all get first dibs! :-)

Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

Your kindness and generosity is great, so left overs are fine with me! :) My 5 year old daughter loves hummers and butterflies and will be so tickled to have them flying all around her! :)
Thank you all for being so wonderful! Misty

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Misty - When your garden is established ... all we ask is that you "pass it forward" to other newbies in the future. This helps our little winged friends and gives us joy to share our newfound love of butterfly gardening! :-)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL Looks like a case of 'Good measure, pressed down, shaken, and overflowing' to me!!

Way to go everyone!! Thanks a million Becky!


Saint James, MO(Zone 6b)

I will absolutely do that, Becky! Knowing that I can contribute to our "little winged friends" all over is a delightful thought! Misty

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Hi Becky! What an undertaking! Thank you, thank you!

I do not want one extra thing, please! It will be a huge feat if I can get everything I have sown as it is. Send them off to wherever you think they will do the most good.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Suzy, Deb, Donna!

I need to know who would like their change difference in postage. It looks like many of yours will be mailed out tomorrow. If you want the difference in postage sent to you, please d-mail me. I don't mind doing that, I just need to know WHO so I can be sure to follow through with your wishes. Any money left over will definitely be applied to bubble envies and postage for newbies. :-)

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Please keep any extra Becky... Spread the love far and wide!!

I am of the same mind as Donna.


Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

No need to send my extra if there is any.

:) Kim

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

No need to send my extra if there is any.


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

No need for my extra to be sent back either. Use it as you need to.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks y'all! :-)

Two small bubble envies are going out to newbies! :-) I have 3 more made up. So will share those until they are gone! I split the rest of the seeds up between those of you that wanted extras! I didn't check your "do not want" lists, so please forgive me if I sent something you didn't want. (Sorry to put y'all through the trouble of making up a list!) I really need to finish up this swap. If I try to read through and check it against your "do not send" list it's going to take me another day. Two days spent working on this swap and I need to wrap it up. So if you got extras that you do not want, share them (or trade them) with someone who does! :-) Sharing the wealth is a good thing! :-)

The envies are going out tomorrow after I get off work! Enjoy!

Happy sowing and growing everyone!

This message was edited Nov 25, 2007 2:53 PM

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

I just wanted to let you know that the first two envelopes I was looking for did reach my house. However, I think that delivery confirmation would still be the best idea for mine. I don't want this envelope tempting anyone to redirect

:) Kim

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

This is a list of the folks who are NOT getting left-over extras (because they specifically requested no other seeds than what they wanted or because I can't get anymore in their envelope):


Everyone else will get extras.

I just divided all the seed packs up, placed them in baggies, and then placed them in each envie. It's quite possible that you might get your own back. I wasn't going to check through each and every seed pack. There was a LOT left over! Just use them for trades or sharing if you don't plan to use them! I was more focused on getting your wish list seeds to you and that took a lot of time. I didn't feel that it was as important to put the same time into the extras. I hope that is okay with everyone. Believe me ... this was probably a 2-3 person operation! You are dealing with a "lone" organizer/sorter! LOL! I am guessing that there was over 500 packs of seeds. Whew!

I decided I am going to mail them ALL out tomorrow. If anyone wants the difference in postage, just d-mail me. I will try to keep track of what each envelope costs to mail out. I will send any reimbursements out in a separate snail mail. That is much easier for me! :-) :-) :-) I am all about making this as easy as possible! :-)

This message was edited Nov 25, 2007 4:18 PM

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Also, for those who didn't want extras ... I tried to give you as many seed packs on your wish list as possible since you weren't getting any extras!

I'd appreciate it if you could each let me know when your envie arrives and give me some feedback about this swap. It would be helpful for next year's swap!

Thanks to everyone! ~Becky~

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky, thank you for your patience & perseverance in the Great Seed Swap 07!
What an undertaking, those pictures were great. Can't wait to get the envie in the mail...

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes....thank you so much for doing all of this! Looking forward to getting all the seeds!

:) Kim

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Yeah, the links were awesome! I would have been exhausted after doing that much, much less sorting and mailing!

Looking forward to seeing my envie! Thank you, Becky!


Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Becky, If I had any extra, Use it wherever you need it. I am so happy I am in this!!

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

The anticipation is just BUILDING!!!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Speaking of seeds, here's a pic my DH snapped while I was pondering how to get a seed pod from this beautiful Calliandra at Busch Garden last week. Finally located a nice pod and pinched it, don't know if the seeds will sprout, but it was worth a chance!

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's a closer view of the flower

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

And its pedigree

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm crossing my fingers it will grow for ya, Cathy. Pedigree, LOL! Wahoo! I like that!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

What a difference a zone makes! I can't even dress like that inside my house right now, I'd freeze. LOL! It was 38 last night. Pretty pink bloom, wish you sucess!

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

38 in Texas? I didnt know it got that cold there!!!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah kelboindy~
We are in North Texas...... It gets pretty cool here in the winter. We definatly experience all 4 seasons. Texas has 8 zones: 6 a&b, 7 a&b, 8 a&b, and 9 a&b...

Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

WOW, That really is interesting, I had no idea at all, that it ever got cold there..
I guess I have watched too many westerns, LOL

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

I am having big trouble with the US Postal Office. I can't even get the service I paid extra for to find out where my envie is. I signed up for an e-mail response as well.
They e-mailed me to tell me they don't know anything. I am going to go call the 800 number right now!

Becky, I hope the seeds from your seed swap get here and it isn't going to be the same problem I had from this end. Worry! Worry!

Cathy, turn around. I want to see what your face looks like:>) That is a beautiful bloom you are gazing at.:)

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi Posy, I think all the shots we took at Busch Gardens were of plants or animals! I'll have to dig through the photo bank on the computer or have DH take a pic tonight.
That Calliandra was SO beautiful. I have some seeds of another Calliandra that just sprouted last week, can't remember which species. I love the powder puffs!
DH put all the photos from BG on the network, maybe I'll post some on a new thread, there are some nice plants there!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

We even had snow just west of Fort Worth on Thanksgiving Day. Not much to write home about, but unusual to have it on Turkey Day here.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I wanted to let everyone know that your seed envelopes went out today. I sent all of them Delivery Confirmation. The postage average was $3.25 including Delivery Confirmation. And I also sent out small bubble envies to 2 newbies that were packed full with host and nectar seeds. :-) Courtesy of all of YOU! Thank you!

Please let me know when you get your envelopes! Thank you.

Also ... Murphy's Law! I received BOTH envies from you today, Lucille! HA! Wouldn't you know it! I had already mailed them all out and then came home and found both of yours! Oh well. Not your fault. Slow USPS! (sheesh) I will share your seeds with newbies! :-) And Samantha - I got your postage today, also! Thank you to both of you! :-) :-)

I got some bad news today and I would like to ask those of you that pray ... to please pray for this sweet teenage girl. She is like another daughter to me and has been best friends with my daughter, Lisa, since they were 3 years old. Her mother is one of my close friends. Words fail me and my heart is breaking. I have been posting and updating on the Prayer Request Forum:

I sincerely appreciate your prayers for Kailey. Bless you all!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky, you are such an angel to be organizing a seed swap with such hardship going on. Sending prayers for Kailey.

I think the USPS has gone right down the pooper. I sent a cd, first class mail, from Venice to Ft Myers, maybe 75 miles between the two towns, on November 13th. It got there on November 24th. How's that for 2-3 day service!
I will be accosting the postman tomorrow, looking for that envelope!

Posy, here is the only pic on the computer I could find tonight. Me being silly on the lawnmower!

Sheila, I can't believe you had snow on Thanksgiving, ugh. I just finished my nightly walk and was thinking about turning the AC back on! Sending some good weather your way

Thumbnail by svplantingfool

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