Seed Swap Plant List

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Becky, you need to save that picture and enter it in birds and blooms mag. and also here on the dave's contest. That is just awesome. Post over on the photos forum too.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Agrees with Elaine..

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Deb they are glassine envies. I got them on e-Bay for like 20 dollars for 1000. They have lasted me 3 years. Need to order more for next year. LOL I evacuated with them and my seeds for Hurricane Katrina

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Now I have to try that saffron crocus...
Say goodnight,

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

goodnight Elaine, lol

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Y'all! Thanks for the lovely compliments on my Monarch and morning glories photo. They are my newest garden plant passion! I am so addicted to them! These vines and blooms just blow me away with their beauty. And the bees and Skippers and often Sulphur butterflies share my love for them! lol

Deb - All the "Ipomea nil" vines that I have grown have not re-seeded so prolifically. I find that "Ipomea purpurea" seems to really kick out the seeds and I have to pull up volunteers if there gets to be too many. I love the nils! They have those huge vibrant blooms! And so many cultivars! Did ya know you can cross pollinate MGs within their species and name your own if it hasn't already been done! LOL! I named my first one after the little girl in our class that we dubbed Butterfly Mama. But the dang vine didn't produce any seeds at all! Argh... lol! I shall try again!

I didn't know there was a photo contests going on. The DG one is over. Can someone point me in the right direction with a link? I would love to promote butterflies and morning glories by submitting a photo! :-)

Donna - I too love the glasine envies! They allow the seeds to breathe. I had pulled some seeds from my yellow 4 O'Clocks and noticed that they were a little damp when I did this swap. I added rice and hope that helped absorb all the moisture. Anyone that got those seeds from me, please check the baggie to make sure, please! The seeds had been rained on the night before I pulled them from the mother plant. =:-O


Is there anyone here that has not received your seed swap yet????

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I "WAH!"ed to soon! Seeds arrived yesterday....YAY!

Thanks Becky to all your hard work.


South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky, that MG and monarch picture is stunning!

Thanks for the 4:00 alert! I did notice that the yellow 4 o'clocks were a touch damp so I put a piece of paper napkin in there with them the day that I got them. The seeds came at lunch time, so I brought the envelope to work, just couldn't wait until that night! I have since transferred them to a paper envelope with a bit more paper napkin and I think they will be fine.

Donna, thanks for the glassine envelope info. I think I might get some of those too, they are really great for those teeny tiny seeds especially.

Haven't seen too many butterflies the last couple days, I think they are all on the other coast at Becky's house!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Athens, PA(Zone 5b)

Prize winning photo for sure Becky!

I hope my BG MG seeds are gonna look so good next year,BFs and all;)))

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

You're right Becky.. It is the purpurea that I am still pulling up in the front yard... Granpa Ott I believe.. I also have some feisty Crimson Rambler that is doing the same thing, lol. The nils are less invasive.

I loved the yellow and pink cross you had. I hope you can duplicate that one!

Here is a link to a site that Linthicum and dwruly have won potd a few times.. They have many catagories.


Cordele, GA(Zone 8a)

Congrats go to you too Deb. You placed! Lots of beautiful pics.

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Ty Deb! There were lots of great pics.. It was very hard to pick out of them for sure!

Here is the insect category: Kim and James one first and second...

hazel placed in perennials:

CJ and Debin placed here in pets category:

broncbuster (TJ) was runner up here in Misc:

To see all of them look up in the url window and change the last number from 273-286


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Today was interesting! I saw Monarchs on my single petal Dahlia bush and also all over my small Cape Honeysuckle tree. First time I ever saw butterflies on the flowers of the Dahlia and the first time I ever saw Monarchs on the Cape Honeysuckle. So both are obviously good nectar plants for butterflies! Whoo Hoo!

Also, here's a photo of our new dog. No name yet. But I found her at the Humane Society and she is a real sweetheart. I don't know if she is a pure Pomeranian or a mix breed, but she's got the best disposition. Everyone just loves her! I am so surprised we found such an awesome dog. Now I just need to come up with a good name for her! Any suggestions? Thanks!

Thumbnail by beckygardener
Georgetown, IN(Zone 6a)

Awww, She is so pretty... Shelter dogs make the best pets!!
I have a Sebastian, a Fritz, and a Butch. All from the HS. shelter.
dont name her princess, there are about 10 princesses in my subdivision alone! LOL

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Becky, what a darling doggy! Don't have any ideas for a name for her, but I will put on my thinking cap! Must make some coffee first.
Congrats on the new nectar suppliers!

Peachtree City, GA(Zone 7b)

I have heard of dogs named bear and cats named monkey so how about.. Sulphur or Butter(fly) or Monarch or Luna? Hmmm, coffee sounds like a good idea. After a pot of coffee, these names will probably sound crazy.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL! I suggested "Butterfly" to my family and everyone said, "Noooooooooooooo!" So insect names are out! LOL! I know that this is a very common name ... but I like "Lady Jane". She looks like the kind of dog that would be in a Jane Austin novel! LOL! Our cat is Miss Penny. So she could be Lady Jane. She IS kinda prissy! LOL! Very attached to people. She came in as a stray a month ago at the HS. I can't believe that no one came looking for her. She loves people and was someone's beloved pet. Well behaved, so sweet and loveable. So sad. We were thinking that maybe her last owners were elderly. Well, she certainly got a good home with us!!! She's already spoiled. She does several things like Bailey used to do. Made me cry. My dh was mad at me for several hours when I brought her home, but now she is HIS dog! LOL! He was mad I didn't bring him and the family to check her out first, but I was afraid someone would snatch her up before they could get there. Anyway ... all is forgiven and everyone in the family is just in love with her! :-)

I'm going out today (perfect weather) to try to sow some seeds. I've got lots of space in my long bogless bed after weeding and pulling up dead plants from summer/fall blooms. I will just use some of the seeds from each pack instead of all of them. That way, if by chance we get a freeze here (unlikely), I will still have some seeds left for Spring planting. I am looking at all the seed packs from this swap and am drooling! I didn't keep any of the most coveted seed packs, let y'all have them, but what I did keep looks like some great host and nectar plants! Can't wait to see how they do here. :-) :-)

This message was edited Dec 2, 2007 9:07 AM

Thumbnail by beckygardener
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Chris, I think the Sulphur idea is cool, and I've had coffee! She looks like a little pixie or sprite, with those laughing eyes. Lady Sulpur Pixiedust has arrived...
Becky, look what you started!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Lady Jane is so much more refined, I'm glad she has found a happy new home, yay!

Seguin, TX(Zone 8b)

That sounds like a fine name for her. I remember my parents laughing when I named my cat Ivy. But she kept crawling up the curtains so I felt that it was appropriate!

:) Kim

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

What a sweet little doggie!!! She's gorgeous Becky! I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!

A good name would be:

Mariposa.......... you could call her posie or posa for short

It means butterfly in Spanish


Your bound to be calling her something by now, lol Maybe I was too late, :-)

This message was edited Dec 2, 2007 5:43 PM

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

She looks like a toasted marshmellow! Yep, I need a nap!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Cute name idea, Deb! (Though my family didn't like it. I tried to talk them into it! Bummer!) The HS named her "Sugar" which she doesn't answer to. I don't much care for that name. My dh and I both like "Lady" as it seems to fit her. I don't hear that name used as much these days, so that is what we are going to call her. But her name will be Lady Jane.

Sheila - LOL about her looking like a toasted marshmellow! Too funny!

We've come to the conclusion that she is not a pure pom. She is bigger and her nose is not as pointy. Whatever her genes are, she has got the best personality! Very well behaved. I am hoping my daughter will teach her some commands such as sit, stay, shake hands, lay down, roll over, etc. Lady knows what a walk is ... the minute I get out the leash she goes right to the front door! :-)

I was going to sow some of the seeds today. I got several of the beds weeded and cleared out somewhat, but decided I need to research the growth height on the plants first before sowing. Best to have the taller ones in the back of the beds against the fence. I think that is how I am going to arrange the seed binder by Tall, Medium, and Short plants. Looking through my binder is like looking at a seed catalog ... only better because I already have the seeds and they were grown & shared by folks here! :-) :-)

It's been rather hot here lately. I haven't seen the hummer the past two weekends. Probably flew south! :-( Hopefully it will return in the Spring and bring it's friends and family! :-)

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Or Painted Lady Jane ROTF!


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Suzy - Y'all are cracking me up trying to tweak a butterfly name for my little doggie! LOL!

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Maybe she's got a little Papillion dog breed in her?!!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I would really appreciate some prayers for Kailey tomorrow and during this week. She is going to John Hopkins. Please read this post I just added to the prayer forum about her:

I can't tell you how much your prayers for Kailey mean to me and my daughter right now. Thank you!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

LOL about her being part Papillion dog breed! Hey ... ya never know! LOL!

Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

This is to Becky and all forum members - Thanks so much for the seeds! I'm one of the newbies to receive an awesome packet of seeds. I read about this on the forum, but didn't participate because all I have are milkweed seeds - two kinds and lots of them - so didn't have much to trade. I truly appreciate the gift of seeds from so many of you. I already have a BF garden of mostly purchased plants, and have learned so much from your posts over the past year or two. I'm excited to try some new varieties included in my packet. I'll keep you posted in the spring. Thanks again so much for being so willing to share your BF wealth - seeds and all!

Kailey is on my prayer list, for sure Becky. God Bless her and the wisdom of her doctors as she enters a new treatment phase.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

So glad you posted, Nancy! We love having you join us on the forum!!!

IMPORTANT!!! I just added a thread on the forum:

I believe this is about our friend Melody (admin)!!

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

What a sweet "brown-eyed" girl .. Honey sure fits her coloring. and temperament ,,, Or Buffy ..
More prayers for Kailey.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks, Elaine! Oh cute! I actually like the name Buffy! :-) We named her Lady and that seems to suit her.

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Has anybody started seeds yet? I am so impatient...
Here are a couple of things from the swap that are sprouting:

Bottom right is the skipper vine

Edited to add: Wish I could spell properly!

This message was edited Dec 30, 2007 2:59 PM

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's yellow 4 o'clocks

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

And coral bean

Thumbnail by svplantingfool
South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Now that the Christmas hubbub has passed, I'll start some more trays!

Two plants related to milkweed also sprouted, Telosma cordata and Gomphocarpus physocarpus (syn. Asclepias physocarpa). A fellow DGer further south was kind enough to send the Telosma and I ordered the other from Ebay. I'm not sure if monarchs use these as a food source or not.

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Oh, those pics really have me in the mood, but it is just too early here for any but te most stalwart plants. Love the Coral Bean Vine seedling -- it look so promising!


South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Suzy, I feel for you! I visited my sis in Battleground IN a few weeks ago and it was SO cold. She had some nice irises along the side of the house that I could see under the melting snow. They just bought the house in June of July, I'm hoping to go next summer and see the yard in bloom!
I've never grown Coral Bean before, so it will be a great suprise!


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Well, hopefully, I'll have these broken ankles behind me in a few weeks, and in my opinion, gardening will be good physical therapy. I've got milk cartons ready to fill, but can't get to the garage in my wheelchair yet.

I should be able to go by the middle of Jan. and that will be plenty of time to wintersow here.

South Venice, FL(Zone 9b)

Melody, I'm so glad to see your post! I hope you are recovering well.
I want to thank you again for the helpful tips on taking macro pics, I call them tulip pictures. My close up photos are definitely getting better, all thanks to your easy to understand tips. :-)

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