Canna #1

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

My daughter thinks she's gonna stay up until midnight....she might stay up past me but I'm not so sure about that.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL. Give her $5 if she does. I won't being staying up late. Did that last night. Kept thinking it was time to wake up but I would look at my clock and it was midnight. Back to sleep til about 1am. Thought it was time til I checked. Finally made it til it was time but it wasn't easy. A coworker had the same problem.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm feeling lucky if I make it to 9...teehee

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Yeah, me too!! lol

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

alright, I'll consider it a party, Happy New Year, ya'll!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Pep, I did the same thing. Tossed and turned all night. Got maybe 4 hours total, and in the state I'm in(the bipolar thing) should have been 7+ easy. Only worked 4 hours, so came home and passed out on the couch. Maybe I can stay up all night! : ) Nah, who am I kidding! My heavy party days are in the past.
When and/or where was your best New Years Eve?
Mine was in Palma Nova de Mallorca, Spain, 1987. In the navy, spent christmas holidays in port, along with a bunch of Brits on their holiday. Needless to say, it was a drunk fest and the height of my drinking days, so I could hang with those blokes, and the birds weren't to bad either. A week later, we were sitting off of Libya to listen in (ie spy), and a couple of months later were crossing Khadafis "line of death" in the Gulf of Sidra.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

wish I was partying with drunken

I think the millenium New Year was most fun, we were graduating from college and spent a weekend out of town with friends

I got up around 2:45 this morning, pretty ready for bed now, but Happy New Year!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Geez Trop, you are young! ; ) And how could I forget, (oh yeah- I'm mental) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

.....and vadap, you sure are brilliantly

What was your good luck food for the New Year? We ate our blackeyed peas last night.

Blytheville, AR(Zone 7a)

Vadap, Just saw that it is 2 degrees in Denver. Brrrrrrrrr. My kids as you know live in Denver and Aurora and my poor daughter is having a major problem with broken water lines in her yard. The back yard is like an ice rink. She had the back patio broken up to replace it and apparently the pipes weren't deep enough in the ground. They froze before she could get a new cement patio back in. Will have to be replaced deeper so they will meet code. She definitely needs some greens and blackeyed peas for the new year. Doesn't that mean you'll have plenty of luck and money? Heck of a way to start the new year with a huge plumbing bill. Laverne

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Black eyed peas are in the slow cooker right now! : ) Yummy. Got the greens, and make some jalapeno corn bread to go with. 2vernes, that's terrible to hear about your daughter. We start a warming trend, getting into the 50's over the weekend, then back into 30's and 40's, which is still better than the teens and 20's we've been dealing with lately. 2 years running, it's been a very wet and cold December. Unusual since the 70's and early 80's. Hopefully in the warmth, your DD can get things fixed up. Is it an older house, or a new build?

Blytheville, AR(Zone 7a)

Not a new house, it's probably 20 years old. She said had it been a new one the plumbing pipes would be up to code. This is her first house and she's been in it about 8 months. Her first winter. The joys of home ownership.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Poor thing, hope it doesn't cost her too much to get it up to code.

I'm supposed to be eating black eyed peas? maybe thats been my problem! mmm love greens and cornbread. My mom used to make beet tops & bacon, it was so good. We had a huge vegetable garden. (hated the beets, tho)

I made it to 9:45 last night, dang Trop - you are young! Very wise for your years. Did your daughter make it to midnight? Sophia did (she's 10) - Olivia conked out.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I made it to 9:30. lol.

You all can keep those blak eyed peas and those greens. Yuck!!!

2vernes, we have had at least 6 broken pipes here over the years. Those were inside. Outside no broken ones really but we did have a leak. Got that fixed but it was years before we got the hole filled in. lol. So I really understand what your daughter is going thru. Hopefully it will get better soon!!

Blytheville, AR(Zone 7a)

Thanks everyone for sympathizing with DD. We're hoping that she can get it taken care of real soon.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Darn its raining (heavy drizzle) again - should've pulled weeds yesterday in the sun, they are sprouting up everywhere!

My daughter was all dressed this morning, eating her cornflakes by 7. She thought she went back to school today, too cute.

DH goes back down to Santa Clara tomorrow for another interview. I'm going to have to start painting the bedrooms back to a neutral color (blah, not inspiring!) I'd rather dig in the dirt!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

2vernes, wish your daughter luck, too, thankfully the pipes didn't bust in the house.

We never eat collards..that must be the money, I always heard blackeyed peas were for luck on New Year's. I nearly made it to midnite after I nodded a coupe of times...not unrtil the ball dropped though

and Red, my daughter was dressed and ready (hair and teeth brushed too!) at 6:00am, half an hour before her alarm even goes you think they get sick of hanging out with us?

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

They probably do. LOL

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

now, pepper, I could wish children on you....

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

my kids usually get along really well - but today the two girls were bickering with eachother (which really gets on my nerves, go read a book and leave eachother be) so I grounded them together in Olivia's room for half an hour. Said if I heard any arguing I'd double the time. They were very quiet and cleaned the room : ) - yes, I think they'd rather be in school! Oh well, I'm letting them have friends over Thursday and Friday so that will solve it.

6am - that is impressive, she misses school!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

She loves school, and does really well...I know she missed her friends too.

I don't know how you do it with 3 two kids fight enough over the TV and video games (well, technically one kid if the SO doesn't count, but most of the time he counts). Don't think I' d get by putting him in a room or anything

DId we talk about resolutions? anyone do those? I'm gonna try and be healthier, more patient (lol), more creative...nothing specific, nice and

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

No resoultions. I don't bother making them cause I forget them or I just don't do them. I just live life as it comes.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

my resolution is to have more fun!!!!


This message was edited Jan 3, 2008 11:55 AM

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

LOL Red!! You are having fun stretching this out!! hahahaha

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

I know, what happened to our thread? weird...Red, I like your resolution

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

I changed my wahoo to a little oo so I wouldn't mess up the thread. But I still vow for more fun!

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

That sounds like a good one, but it was weird the thread had stretched out, I don't think you did I actually broached quitting smoking with the SO last night, we both need to. I could do it myself (have before but started again, hard to live with a smoker) but in order to not want to choke him out daily, I think it would be better if we both did. So sometime in'll be ugly I'm sure

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

No resolutions here. Being BP, I'd forget all of it during the first depression, or come up with 20 better ones and still forget the original ones during the first mania! Supposed to get new meds to replace the lithium, so hopefully I can level out a little better. Can't take enough lithium because it completely zombies me out. Don't want the OH to leave me! LOL
RTP, lucky you that you get weeds. My yard is still abt 4-5" under the snow. : ( A few days to warm and melt everything into mud, then more snow Mon and Tues. I was thinking of trying beets this year. Never liked them when I was younger, but we have a local restruant that makes them very good. And pep, I bet you would like the black eyed peas the way I cook 'em. Tasty indeed. Imagine a good red beans and rice, except using the bep's.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

well, Paul, I resolve for you that it's an easy transition :)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

didn't know you were BP Paul - ** I think my mom is, but never diagnosed, made for a weird mother growing up, thats for sure. Dancing outside in rain storms one minute, never leaving the house for weeks the next.

Trop, I used to smoke too, it is a bugger to give up.... I bet your dd would be happy for you - does she bug you to quit? I think it takes 8 years for the urge to completely go away. (not daily urge, but temptations). I wish you luck on it!

Ah, the weeds - it drizzle again today and thunderstorms tomorrow. I'll try to attack them this week, they pull right out with the ground so wet. **Can't imagine having that much snow, DH has a couple more places calling him now (ebay & Best Buy) - Best Buy is in Minnesota - brrrrrrrr, but we could get a great house there!

Aurora, CO(Zone 5b)

Thanks trop!
Red, my mom was a wack job too! LOL She'd start getting ina mood, disappear to her room for 3 days, then you'd come home from school and the house was clean and your laundry all folded on your bed and snacks on the kitchen table. My brother is BP, one sister is but won't admit it, and the other sister is normal(just a150 lbs overweight-thats conservative).

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

omg !! too funny, I can totally relate. I'd leave for school, there would be 4 or 5 big hefty bags of garbage on the kitchen floor, dishes everywhere, total mess- we'd come home to everything clean... and even the driveway and garage reeking of Pine-Sol (she just loved Pine-sol). Then she'd be somewhat normal for a while. I didn't realize this wasn't exactly how everyone lived until I got older. And when one of the neighbor kids asked "why does your mom mop the driveway?"

Now she works out like a maniac (she just had a hernia operation this last month) I think it actually helps her stay more "even" when she can work out, so I hope this doesn't push her back.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Mop the driveway?? First time I have heard of someone doing that. lol.

I have a cousin who is bipolar. He seems to have it under control though.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

lol - I know, but she is more balanced now, she had my brother and I when she was young (well, to me for having kids) and had a weird home life herself.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

That is just a funny image I can't get rid of. I can see her in a June Cleaver dress and a big smile on her face out there.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh totally !!! when she was "UP" she was totally Betty Crocker! Making homemade everything, we even had homemade bread for our pb&j's when she was "in the zone" - lol we would ask for store bought bread (what idiots we were!)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Ok, now that is *totally* being zoned in. LOL.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Trop, does your daughter watch Zoey 101 - with the pregnant younger sis of Britney (what a mess of a mother they have)

*** it's super stormy here, windy my hummingbird feeders are swaying like mad.... thunderstorms tomorrow, our power has been flickering.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

She doesn't watch that one...I've curtailed the preteen stuff of my friends kids is 12, and developing, lemme just say I lost respect for quite a few guys over the weekend when they were suddenly asking about this child they have seen grow up...somehow they didn't recognize her even though they've known the girl since she was in pampers. My girl is no longer allowed to grow up..nope

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

oh gross ! I agree, I need to remind myself that the things I let my 10 year old see (just Disney, Nick stuff) is totally not ok for the 5 & 7 year old.

ugh, I'm not ready for them to grow up anymore than they have -

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