The trip to DragonFly Gardens.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

My car

Can I send some to anyone LOL

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

The back 40 from the back porch

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

My por little Weeping Willow just planted this spring, hope he makes it, aways wanted one

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Lost power for a little bit, and lost the last post to. retry

This is Purple haze now, not so pretty.

And now worred my brother is missing.? He works at WalMart and they lost power so all is out looking for him, may still be at work? he has a very small car could be hiding in the snow in the parking lot and still working, I hope

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Wonderful photos, Tilly!!! It's now strictly rain here and we never did have any accumulation (although I drove home from Seattle in that heavy snow yesterday - not fun, as I'm sure you will agree!). Hope your brother is "found" soon. We just never stop worrying, do we??!!

DH and I drove to Oak Harbor today and it snowed like crazy - surprised the heck out of us. We weren't gone long (DH is not well - long, scary story for another time) so we got back home quite soon and it was turning to icky rain. It was windy as well, we know that's on the way.

Everyone, stay home, close your doors tight, put on some music, and veg!!!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I keep looseing power off and on, half of the post I write I lose
Hope all is well with you Murmur!!!
Should hear from brother in 30 min. thats when he is due home!!!!
It stop snowing and raining now, could be ugly at 4:30 am when I leave for work. LOL

Putting it all to bed now,
All be safe

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Brother found just pulled in, all is well.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Tills the the pictures are beautiful! Glad that your brother is safe an sound.
Murmur what's going on with hubby's health? How are those babies!?

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

The babies are great - I took care of Julien, the great grandson, Friday night and he is such a dear little fellow.

DH is quite ill and, despite the fact that our marriage is never a smooth one, I am afraid of losing him. He finally went to the doctor early this week after not feeling well and having a lot of abdominal pain off and on for quite some time. Also weight loss. Turns out, per the blood work, that he has pancreatitis. He is having an MRI Tuesday as the doctor also fears cancer in his pancreas, liver, and/or gall bladder. I believe he is also checking for colon cancer (not sure about that one).

The doctor said, "No wonder you aren't feeling well - you are a very sick man." He should have been in the hospital and is under strict orders from the doc to get there immediately if the serious pain starts up again.

DH and I went out Christmas shopping today and he did okay. He's looking a bit better - eating small amounts and avoiding fats. Also hasn't had a drink in a week (this is obviously the probable cause of the pancreatitis - and the other possible issues as well).

Thanks for asking, Rachel!

Mary, so glad your brother is home safe!

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Know that we are all here for you, to lend an ear, shoulder and hugs. We all love ya! Keep us posted and send more pics of those babies! Hugs, Rachel

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Here's one for you - the back row is (left to right) my granddaughter's husband (age 23), my youngest daughter's husband (age 41), my oldest daughter's husband (age 49), and my oldest daughter (age 44) holding her dog, Otto (age 3).

The next row is my oldest granddaughter (age 20) holding her son (age 4 weeks), then my parents (ages 88 and 87), then my youngest daughter (age 40) holding her daughter (age 3 months)

The front row is me (age 63), then my two grandsons (ages 9 and 8), then my youngest granddaughter (age 16).

My brother took the picture and loved every minute of it - his wife was in the kitchen, cooking for all of us (and boy oh boy oh boy, is she ever a good cook!).

Thumbnail by Murmur
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

What a wonderful family portrait! You all look so happy and full of joy. Thanks for sharing.

Great looking family, murmur!! And I love seeing those babies! Hope your DH is going to be okay. Keep us posted.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

What a nice family! I see a lot of family resemblance with your 16yr old granddaughter-she looks a lot like you! Hope your DH continues to feel better than he was, and the MRI goes well.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

Beautiful pictures Tillys - thanks for sharing your snow, makes the yard look gorgeous!

Murmur, sorry to hear your husband is so sick, I hope he's feeling a bit better and not in pain.

rain rain go away

Kingston, WA

Wow this is huge rain. I donate to the local garden clubs for their spring plant sale and I think we will be cancelling today. Our pond is filling up fast we tied all the gutter pipes into it and made it larger. We had to water out of it last year since I have more plants than water. We have a well with 4000 gallon holding tank and still not enough. If you like water diversion or ditch patrol today is a great day. Back to the basement and seeds and more seeds then to the greenhouses. P.S. what does DH stand for I'm guessing darn husband?

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I think it's usually assumed to be "Dear Husband", but as it's never actually written out...

Oh, it's soggy here today!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

i like darn husband, lol - sometimes it's darn sometimes dear

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Yes, I agree, DH has a movable meaning.

Murmur - sheesh. DHs! If they can't claim your attention one way, they'll go for it another! My thoughts are with you, scarey when you are waiting for the diagnosis. Fingers are crossed - even when sowing seeds. xo.

And Tills - 4:30 a.m. - wrap up warm! Safely safely.

We've had that windy, wet stuff - and coldycoldy custard. I was suppose to be out laying pebbles in the new patio - made it through several soakings on Friday and Saturday, but just couldn't drag myself back out on Sunday. In the understatement of the locale: It was bracing!.

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

Heidi, I don't remember seeing a pond at dragonfly. where is it located? my koi pond doesn't have a overflow. so I've been going out and letting out water 400 gal at a time. I started at about 3 in the morning. I 've let water out 4 times now. and it looks like I'll be doing it again this evening. lol with yours. Jim

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

coldy coldy custard ! ha ha ha, thats a new one for me, you are braving the weather!!! Sooo rainy here it's ridiculous... good luck with your pond Jim.

Kingston, WA

Hi Jim we have a big natural pond over the back hill by where the agaves were. I would like to make 2 other ponds back there and make them look like they are part of the big one but not have them conect. We have about 1 big pond and 3 little ones today. This rain has been nuts. Luckey we are up on the hill but there are pretty big streams running through the nursery now. A few years ago I bought some crawdads and put in the pond I don't know if they are still there. I hope to start a few new gardens down by the big pond. We dug out part of it this fall so I have a bunch of dirt. Maybe a few gunneras and a neat woodland garden. I'll show you in the spring. Good luck on the basement I'm heading back down. Heidi and Dragonfly

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Even my earthworms are swimming or crawling on top of the dirt today. These dark, wet days are miserable.

Wow, Jim, draining your pond 400 gal at a time, and starting at 3am-ugh. Hope it levels off for you soon.

Heidi, sounds like neat plans for next year-maybe even a bog garden????

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry Murmur to hear about Hubby, Pray he gets better.
Love the photo.

This rain can stop now, PLEASE
This is a mess, my creek has over flowed, lucky the house sets on higher ground.
My road is closed off on one end, 2' of water over the road, and now I just heard a mud slide, on the road to my road. What next????
Oh forgot getting on the ferry on the Edmonds side was flooded, got my car through it but lost my brakes (they got wet) didn't hit anyone thank goodness!!

I think I would rather have the snow, thank you...

Tryed to take a pic of the creek but it was to dark.

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

2' of water, that is crazy - you're lucky your car didn't stall out (I've had personal experience!)

are you trapped at home now until it recedes?

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Holy cow, Mary - that's too scary!!! We don't have water issues by our house, but I went to the store earlier and found some interesting places - fortunately, one lane was open so naturally I just had to stop and take some pictures! I do have another way I can go that would avoid water (main highway), but absolutely never go that way.

Thumbnail by Murmur
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

And this one of the same area.

There is a children's park over by the beach where I usually go and it was quite covered.

Thumbnail by Murmur
Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Here's one of the park - doesn't really show how much is covered.

Thumbnail by Murmur

Heavens, Murmur!!
Did the sun ever actually rise today? About noon it still felt like it was 4:30 in the evening. At least it's warm. I cannot believe it is currently 57 degrees. Go figure.

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

What a shame you can't sell all that nice water off to the Californians. You could all be gallon millions!

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

how are you today? My husband had to go through Sherwood last night to get home from work - 217 was closed. It's strangely warm isn't it?

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

It is indeed eerily warm - actually creepy. We feel so fortunate that the weather didn't affect us personally - so many people are in really dire straits, losing their homes, etc. I have a friend whose 89 year old mother just calmly took food and water to her second story, and took some stranded neighbors with her as well, and waited it out. Unfortunately, her house is possibly ruined, they have no power - thus no water (well), and their propane tanks floated away. The good news is, as their family kept stating, is that they are okay. I say 'they' as my friend's brother also lives there close to their mother. They are stranded due to highways being washed out, except for a poorly maintained gravel road that I guess can take them a back way.

Because we live in the rain shadow of the Olympics, we only had about 2" of rain compared to more than twice that in Seattle and vicinity.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Well the rain and wind have finally slowed down a little! My plants are breathing a sigh of relief. The two small ponds that I put in to catch the runoff from one of the gutters are full though! Going to fill my watering cans for the greenhouse in them today!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Sun! I saw sunshine! It's gone now, but oh, how nice after yesterday! I'm not quite sure how much rain we got here yesterday, but I think we've gotten more than 6" in the last week or so, and more than 2" yesterday. (We forgot to empty the rain gauge over the weekend) It was full to overflowing this morning.

It IS weird how warm it is. I"m going to try and go outside for about an hour before the rain comes back.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Sunday we drove to Oak Harbor in the snow. Yesterday it rained cats and dogs. Today the sun is out, albeit temporarily, and it is warm. So strange. I do think I'll get outside for a little bit and clear my brain (if that's at all possible!).

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I wouldn't let it stall out ,one good thing about a stick, keep the revs up and move don't stop for nothing. I wish I had the time to take a pic. It did look like one Murmur took with the cones in it. good pics Murmur I saw allot of places that look like that.

I couldn't see all the damage to my road, came home in the dark? and least it was open.

Right after I posted last nite the power went out and we scramble to get the power cords off my Christmas lights and hook up the generator, but no Daves for me.

This is funny; snow - day 1, rain - day 2, sun and wind - day 3 ### Whats up with that?? heaven knows whats in store for day 4

We're high and dry here. Were just looking at the videoclips of the roads down south in Chehalis/Centralia area. HOly Toledo! I don't understand why this year's flooding is any worse than any other year. Every year we have heavy, torrential rains that cause all kinds of flooding in the 'flood plains' all over the state, but I've never seen I-5 under 5 feet of water! What gives?

Murmur, sad as it is, I love the story of the 89 year old woman who went upstairs to wait out the flood! Now that's a woman who knows how to take things in stride! That's what 'life experience' will do for you. I can only hope I have her fortitude at that age!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Carole - I'm so sorry about your neighbor. I do hope that she has some insurance. And it is a blessing that she has family and neighbors to look out for her.

I was watching the radar pictures of the rainstorm yesterday and there was literally a hole in the picture over Sequim and surrounding areas - a great illustration of how the rainshadow works.

Though Woodinville, 8 miles to the west of me, and Duvall, eight miles to the east of me got hit with flooding, my area did okay. The yard is still a sogg mess, though, even without that much rain today. I'm enjoying the warm weather - and it looks like it may stick around through the weekend. One can only hope!!

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

The elderly lady isn't a neighbor - she's the mother of a friend and she lives in Chehalis. And let me tell you, she is a role model for all of us on how to age!!!! Remarkable. One of her dogs had disappeared, she'd been seen floating away, but darned if she didn't show up safe and sound!

Oh, i'm so glad about the dog!! Somehow, the animals are always a concern to me.

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