The trip to DragonFly Gardens.

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, nice fern bed. I liked that tatting fern, too! I'm trying to think if I have a spot for more ferns or not. I'm thinking I might need to make room.

Well, this night owl is running out of steam.......have a good evening!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

how about another peice of Heidi's work of art, i like the way it shows off the plant.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Nite Suzy,
Its not often that someone is there at this time of night with me. and yes I just Love that fern, dont know why?

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Sorry some how I missed the first post you made Suzy, and I agree it is hard I have the same shift tomorrow and off on Thur then back to mornings and will most likely do it again next week then the manager on vac. comes back. hippy me owell comes with the territory.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This is one of the grass trails that wanders Thu out the gardens, You never know whats around the bend. And there is no way i could remember all the plant names, But Heidi can, She is a walking plant book.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

It still wont let me edit. that was the only bad pic I took I hope kind of blurry But looks neat.

This is another trail.
Think godness Happy Trails is not this big, I would be in big trouble.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

What next I thought the trees in the back ground with the fall color was realy stunning, the back drop of the gardens

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

One of the many living arches.
Rachel, Jim, Carol and Melissa hiding behind the leaves.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

The nursery was so awesome you had to be everywhere.
Carol on the right soaking it in, and Rachel must have found a great find.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This is only part of what you can see from a camera shot of how big this is. this is from a rise looking down I could not get any other angle, to show the rest.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Mary, thank you for taking the time to share the photos. I'm sure planning to go in March! That red maple photo is a real eye popper!

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This is the big dragon lizard statue. that has his home in the garden.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Katy are you a nite owl tonite too. I took 86 pics and want share them all. LOL

So. Puget Sound, WA(Zone 8b)

Yeah, it seems a couple times a week I'm "blessed" with insomnia. I've been to bed twice so far and can't entice the sandman to my room. Maybe I should trade these old flannels for a sexy nighty? Nah! I'm going to try reading for a bit next.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

There are so many neat beds and the ideas are just overwhelming, can really put your mind out there. I'm going to print some of then and see if I can make it work in some of the areas I have.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I take Advil PM for those kind of nites, works for me.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

And this is another design I like.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This will be the last post for the nite, and I am going to read, like Suzy is cause I know it will put me nite nite and I hope all is well with all us nite owls. and everyone else have a wonderful day today. Injoy

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

It looks so wonderful. The photos are great - I feel like you have greatly caught the atmosphere - just wonderful.

Hope Heidi can beg/borrow (subscribe/steal access to this thread, I think she would be touched to see what an impact she's had. Lovely. Looking forward to seeing the difference Spring brings.

Whidbey Island, WA(Zone 7a)

Mary, what a fabulous job you've done of sharing the photos and describing what we all saw - thank you!!!

Laurie, I would like to beg/borrow/steal YOU over to this part of the world for our visit to DragonFly next year!!!

Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

Ohhhh, Carole thank you. That just warms the heart. (Especially with Mary's earlier comment. I just loved sitting on her shoulder - I always wanted to be a director: ACTION, Cameras rolling, CUT!)

Livermore, CA(Zone 9b)

thank you thank you so much for sharing your day. These pictures have really gotten me over a "hump" ... I was stuck on something in my backyard, and this has got the ideas flowing again! Yahoo!

Those of you who made the trip, please don't forget to go to this link and add your comments:

That way Dragonfly Farms is in Dave's database for others to find.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Good idea. I saw FireVicar last night and got some pre-exchange "gifts" from him. Jim is such a nice guy. I told him about Dragonfly and that it looked like a must see kind of nursery.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Its to bad you cant post pics on it
Im in

This message was edited Oct 18, 2007 1:29 AM

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Still more to come
Laurie I'm so glad you where there with me you helped me take some good shots but the only thing you didn't tell me was how to keep track of them I know i have double posted some of them. I had to stop and reboot myself on what I did and didn't do. there was so much to see I cant recall whats what and who's there. but refocus now. ( I think)
This is one of two shots of something I seen I a tree, the blue bottle caught my eye ( or Laurie told me it was there)

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Here's a close up. (lighting not very good) and I wonder if any one else seen it we all walk around it and by it.
I think it goes with Dragonfly Farms name and the bottle tree. All the same color bottles.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

And another thing that was rather unusual was how do you make rocks stick together?
there are 3 pics in this
2 are normal shots the last is putting them together.
first one

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This is the second a little taller

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Well the 3rd one wouldn't work.(darn)
So lets move on

this is a little shed that fits so nicely in the nursery area, there's a Wandering Jew in a large pot, that I thought was very odd because it doesnt like this climate. I had it as a house plant in Calif. Then I found out that they put it in the greenhouse for the winter, but there is one that is hardy that will grow here. And I bought one.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This is the back of the little shed and also the the driveway to the parking area runs along the side of it. When I took the pic the cars are right behind me.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

I wonder if they started their bottle trees as a way of stopping themselves getting eyes poked with trimmed branches - (I do something similar with small pots in the veg patch over the canes marking the rows - so much nicer getting a clammy terra cotta pot in the eye than the end of a stick - I do lead an exciting life).

I think the stones are stuck together by drilling holes in them and then threading them onto a steel rod through the holes - they do something similar at Derek Jarman's garden with beach stones/pebbles that have naturally formed holes. Although, Heidi does seem a remarkably resourceful woman - she may actually manage to train them to 'sit', 'stay'.

And just thinking of the bottle retaining wall - I have always wanted to see these houses:

and just one more (this really intriques me)

and especially this one

This message was edited Oct 17, 2007 11:01 PM

This message was edited Oct 17, 2007 11:07 PM

This message was edited Oct 17, 2007 11:14 PM

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

This will be last post for tonight, still more to come I love taking pics I have to I have Laurie on my shoulder all the time have to make them good. And I know there are more out there from the rest of us that went.
This is another one of the arches. this one is made out of wood and to see it so a part of the surroundings

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

what a wonderful place - just marvellous.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

There is a place in Calif. call Calico Ghost town, and the miners made their windows from bottles and also built little shacks from them. I read a lot of books about the old west and some true some not so true, back then how do you know it did or didn't happen there is no real documentation on what really did accure. I am part Indian and some things do upset me. but that's life, and move on. and I forgot where I was going with this. Been a long day need to go nite nite.
And also I know about the area in Calif. I grew up there, and there is allot of things most people don't know about it. and allot of other places.

This message was edited Oct 18, 2007 4:55 AM

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

O boy did I mess that was not the pic I wanted
heres the right one

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Burwash Weald, United Kingdom(Zone 9b)

So cool (as in temperature) - this would be lovely on a summer's day.

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Thank you a million for taking so many pictures! I was so entranced by everything else when we where there that I totally missed the "rock towers!" I love them!

Interesting bottle house! But, the doll lady gives me the creeps for some reason. All those doll heads.......shudder. And so much beer and milk of magnesia. I wonder if there is a connection??

Here comes the wind.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

I e-mailed Heidi last night she has joined Daves, But needs to pay her membership fee yet, so keep a eye out for "Cattledog" which will be her (Dragonfly was all ready taken.)

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