london England, United Kingdom

Well, my fake sweeties gave them all a bit of energy ! Maybe they remind you of Sushi!!!

Sorry Traci, but this is a vegetarian cafe, no sushi allowed. There's a fish and chips shop on the other side of the road!! Have your sushi over there and come back here for coffee and cakes.haha!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Darn, I figured you would have the loveliest sushi in town. Not even vegatarian sushi? Cucumbers, cream cheese, apple and such? Oh, well, I will take a box of chocolates, the last ones didn't last long :^0, and an expresso. It is going to be a long night!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

The moon festival is an asian tradition that goes by several names. Mid-autumn festival, moon festival, lantern festival. It occurs on the 15th day of the 8th month on the lunar calendar. We have a big asian population here in New Orleans and every year around this time (it's different every year because they go by the lunar calendar), a festival is held mainly for the kids to spend time with family and friends. Many of the kids dress in colorful traditional clothes and show up with lanterns of all shapes and designs. It's on the 25th of this month, but not sure when the festival will be held. Will take lots of pictures of kids and their lanterns.

I'm disappointed too Pupil. I love sushi myself. The cucumber and cream cheese is so crisp and fresh. Long night Traci? Working on your garden again? Good luck and have a great night.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I love N.O for its colorfulness. It is one of my favorite cities to visit. I have had the pleasure of coming there about 10 times. I came to Mardi Gras once, but that is not for me. I like the off season, when you can stroll the streets, walk the Garden District, explore the fantastic antique shops and enjoy the wonderful food. I know the French Quarter is touristy, but I still love it. The performers, artists, fortune tellers are all great. And you have that fantastic outdoors market right down the road. I was truly devastated by what happened to ya'll. What a sad day!

I can't wait to see the pics, I bet they are adorable.

Karma, sneak around to the phone area and I will sneak some sushi in!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed NO. It's nice to hear good things, esp when the politics is so awful. I really do take the city for granted. My favorite part is the architecture and the beautiful container gardens on balconies and patios, but I can't afford to live in the French Quarter or the Garden District. I hardly visit these places anymore...too busy being a mom I guess. Now you have me wanting to spend a day in the French Quarter or on Magazine Street. There is a flower shop there I've always wanted to visit.

Well, thanks for the sushi, I'm calling it a night. Green tea?

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Morning...back here for some coffee. Have nothing planned outside of work. How's everyone doing today?

Terri, forgot to say thank you for the comments on my arrangement. I think I made 4 different ones with the same pink gerbers. It was really fun and inexpensive! Thanks for the suggestions.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I try to ignore the politics of N.O. Birmingham is not much better. Ya'll just had the spotline shining on your town. B'ham is about to have mayorial elections and the race issue is front and foremost. I get so fed up with all the posturing but no resolution. Don't even get me started on Fed Gov.

Anyway, being a construction buff, the architecture is what draws me to the city. What I would give to go into some of those homes and the rooftop gardens are amazing. I forgot Magazine St.

I understand about prices and mothering. We saved for 4 years before we could afford a home and it is very modest. The great thing is it has a wonderful yard and our little "Teensy" has somewhere to play. But children do take up your time. I am always saying I want to go see this or do that, but never get around to it because of no time and she is only 2 1/2. I really don't look forward to ballet, baseball or whatever she can get into. I see parents whose lives are completed taken by become taxis.

Gotta hit the road. Do they serve Red Bull in here, because I need energy and would like to add to the double expresso before I spend all day drive.


london England, United Kingdom

Hi, Something fishy going on in here.!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I wish, but no sushi in here. Just discussing the finer point of New Orleans. Have you ever been to America, Terri?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Traci,
I have been to America twice. The first time was when I was 16,we went to Disney world Florida with my brothers and
Mum and Dad.We stayed at the contemporary resort hotel, and it had a monorail going through it. I had never seen anything like it! I had a fantastic time there and always wish that I could afford to take my own children there one day.
The second time we went the following year, to San Fransisco and hired a car and stayed in the holiday inns all the way to Los Angeles? ( sp.) Stopping at santa everything! monica, Barbara etc.
We went to Beverly hills and Universal studios, queen mary, all the usual tourist places I guess.
Have you ever been to England? It's cold! and it rains alot. They drink tea all the time.
Are you going to do something creative for the cafe? We always welcome flowers, artworks, things for our gift shop,table arrangements, even garden features for our patio area.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, what you said about you stopping at santa everything in California is too funny! England has got to be better than being cold and rainy! What is your favorite thing about England besides the tea (haha)?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Where's everyone today....I'm bored out of my mind!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma, hope you haven't missed me too much....haha!!
A relative came to stay so, haven't had time to come in the cafe' today.

I think I will have some of that yummy carrot cake and a milky coffee.
What flower arranging magazines do you have over there Karma?

I was thinking we could do an arrangement from a magazine for one of our weekly themes, what do you think?
and we could do a theme using only 1 colour for arrangements for another week.

Well I always pop in here first, I'm going to check out the other threads now.
lovely carrot cake!

london England, United Kingdom

I'm back, think I will have another slice of that cake!

Leaving some artwork., a flower collage.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Morning all. Hate you were so bored Karma, but I have not stopped working. Anywho, I could go for a double expresso right now.

I still don't have any flowers and haven't had the time to buy any. However, I did receive some cuttings of Coleus and played with the leaves I pulled off. If any of your lovely table arrangements are wilting, how about this simple fix. I was laughing the whole time I was doing this at 3:00 this morning. My first attempt at display with flowers.

By the way, I don't know if I told ya'll this, but I have never even owned a plant until 2 months ago when we finally bought a house, but I have always wanted to learn how to make beautiful arrangements. So here is a newbie question. What are the basic items I would need to get started? I have several lovely vases of all sizes my Mom gave me this week. Where do I go from here?
Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks for the shot of expresso. Gotta get back to work.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, I don't have any flower magazines besides the occasional Living and Southern Living magazines. How about if you post a pic of the arrangement from your magazine? Unless you want variety, I can look through the other magazines. Great idea! What a funky collage...and I mean it in a good way! Love the modern colors.

Traci, nice dispaly of potpourri. I love the colors of coleus. Laughing means you were having fun...and that's what flower arranging is all about! Btw, did you get the cuttings to plant? Are they easy to root?

I love your enthusiasm Traci. Having some vases is a great start. I don't know where to begin to show you. How about telling me what your favorite kind of arrangement is? Or take a pic of those vases...and I can think of ideas from there? Have you seen the workshop on this forum yet? We have a few ideas there.
Talk to you later.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, where are you? The people you hired to take your place when you're not here just aren't personable. The coffee isn't great either. Hope you look into it!

london England, United Kingdom

Sorrry about the service lately, I have sacked the part timer, I found sushi take away boxes out the back, I think she was sneaking them in. Obviously it wasn't any of the regulars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Traci, that is a great arrangement with the candle and coleus. I keep all my flower petals to use for various things.
I'm so glad you are finding things to make, even if you have had time to get flowers. It is fun being experimental, and
each time we make something, we learn what works and what doesn't. I'm going to put a post in the 'toolbox'
thread about the basic flower arrangers toolbox ,tools and eqipment.

karma, thanks for saying you liked my funky collage did you notice 4 of the flowers are 3d, which were fun to make!
I have lots of arrangement pictures in magazines, I wonder which one to choose, something simple, not everyone
has floral foam do they? I still have visitors, thats why I wasn't here. Must go and make dinner, will try to come back later.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Terri, I can't believe someone would try to sneak in Sushi and who would bribe her to do THAT/?! I must look into it, so I can find out who the ring leader is, what was her name?

Great idea on the tool box. That is exactly what I need. The basics and simple beginner designs. I loved Karma's and I am going to try that as soon as the flowers bloom.

Gotta run, meeting another DGer.


New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, yes, I did notice the 3d flowers...that's why I described it as funky....and fantastic! Choose anything terri! I'm excited to see the arrangement of the week. That is true about floral foam...I'll wait here patiently until you come back.

I did not mean to get one of your employees fired. I feel guilty thinking about the 10 children at home she has to feed.

london England, United Kingdom

Traci, her name is wi #+_tw*(n^%e'#p.o.

Sorry for the inconvience...

The flowerpot Cafe' will be having a flower festival next week, bring in your flowers,plants, and gift ideas to swop
with others.
there will be lots to see if we all make an effort and buy some flowers!! cakes also welcome.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma, I had already written the above message before I saw yours!
she didn't have any children and I expect high standards of service here so don't feel guilty.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Hey terri...just checking in before I call it a night. Busy weekend for you, huh? I'm off tomorrow, so TGIS!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Pupil, I was looking at my baby bottle arrangement again, and you know, that's not the greatest looking "double budvase". I'm sure your roses will look much better. I hope it blooms soon for you.

london England, United Kingdom

TGIS? no comprende Karma!

BTW, I like you baby bottle! it is unusual for flowers!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Since I had to work Saturday, TGIS-thank goodness it's saturday as opposed to TGIF-thank goodness it's friday. Thanks for letting me know you liked the flowers. The picture distorted it a bit.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Been so busy I forgot to swing by and grap some java. Um...I did it. I have my first arrangement. Please don't D-mail each other back and forth laughing. I never thought something like this would be so stressful, as I have no problem being outgoing. Ya'll are so fantastic and this is so amateur. On that note, however, I can take constructive critiquing very well. I learned several things. First, FOAM. I would have had a great arrangement and vase if I had some, but since I did not I had to settle for the bud vase. Second, Do NOT use a white back drop. It has a bad shadow. Third, If you walk around your yard, you can find some amazing stuff. Fourth, always make sure what you have covering the stems in the vase actually needs to cover them. Finally, this is NOT easy to do, and all I had were two flowers and some monkey grass. I bought the large rose, the rest I scavaged. My stupid roses still haven' bloomed.

Thanks for the ideas. I did this based on the baby bottle (which is a fantastic idea for a baby shower!!).


Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Congratulations on your first floral arrangement. Looks like you mastered the double bud vase in just one attempt. Fabulous Traci! I love the monkey grass and its spiky flowers. You did a great job with the placement of the grass. Beautiful vase and elegant arrangement. I think it looks way better than my bottle arrangement. I also want to add that the top flower doesn't have to be smaller. If you had two roses of the same size, it would be just fine. Love that bicolor rose.

I think terri said free drinks for bringing in flowers!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Humbly she accepts the compliments and inside lets go of her breath. Thank you so much. You could not imagine how long this took me. I am not even going to tell. Let's just say it is sitting in the same spot, where nary a breeze can touch it or it will all flop forward. How do you keep it in place in a rose bud vase?

I had another of the roses, but I liked the fact I could walk out my front door and cut one of mine. I actually read an older thread where ya'll talked about how to cut roses from the bush. Thank goodness, because of all the abuse and time it took, I don't think it would have made it much longer.

Here's a kicker. I think If I had more roses, this might have worked. But with only 3 roses, all cut to the wrong size, and store filler, didn't think about my back yard till later, it looked so disproportionate and downright silly. It is a shade to a light with reverse painting. I usually just put a candle under it. You should have seen me try to use this with only a glass of water under it. My DH was laughing at my frustration. He is no longer laughing. HAHA! I scraped it and started over.

Don' mind the mess. This is our basement Tiki bar. I have pretty much taken over it for gardening.

Please tell me if something could have been altered. Should I have used the other rose instead of the bud. Any feedback will not be construded as malious. This is my very first arrangement and I would love some pointers.


Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

If you layered some greenery at the bottom, it would help fill up the space at the opening of the vase. Many times, cellophane wrapped roses comes with some fern that you can use. But any broad leaf greenery will do. I like to use nephthytis (arrowhead vine) because it's so easy to ivy. I took the flowers out to show you nephthytis and how I layered it to enclose the space. Will be back to comment on your arrangement.

Edit to add: filling up the opening of any vase helps to hold the flower where you want it instead of flopping forward.

This message was edited Sep 16, 2007 8:02 PM

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci, I thought you went out of your way to find a rose bud in order to follow the "rules" I mentioned and didn't want you to think you had to stick to that "rule". I think it was lovely what you did. Seriously.

You're too hard on yourself! I love the lampshade idea. That is so creative...and the colors on it really complements the roses. Great job. The varying height of the roses are good. I would only recommend cutting a piece of the baby's breath from the left or right and tuck it at the base on the corresponding side and also some additional greenery like fern at the base would "ground" the arrangement better. That's about it. I think you did a wonderful job on this one as well. Don't stress...I think you're doing great.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

I would like to see a different take on your arrangement traci....where is that Terri?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

How's everyone doing? Cafe's been quiet...thought I'd come in and have a cup before I head out for work. This must be a 24 hr cafe...always open. I saw ornamental cabbage/kale in the floral dept at Whole Foods. I never thought to use it in an arrangement. I found some at a garden center and bought them for my container garden. It's what Terri calls Pot de Fleurs. It came out pretty nice. I will have to bring that into the cafe a little later. Have to go to work now. Hope everyone is okay. Please check in and let me know?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi everyone, just a qick note to let you know my laptop has crashed, thats why I haven't been in.Traci I think your arrangement is lovely and I agree you are too hard on yourself! I am still doing arrangements and keeping them on my camera until my pc is working again. Carry on the great work with the forum

I see the number of posts has gone up, well done to all. see you back here whenever I can, bye for now

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, we miss you....come back soon. The cafe is not same since your laptop crashed. I've been the only customer for a few days now!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Sorry Karma, I've been in SC on Business trip. Packing now to leave (I'M LAAATE). I will check in tonight.

Good to see you Terri, Bad to hear about your computer.


New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci, have a safe trip!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma and Traci, good to see you are still both calling in the cafe, sorry about the self service!
I plan to have a big flower festival party when I can get back to normal with my computer.

Karma, are you about to have holidays over there? Poochella said something about me churning
arrangements out for the holidays,our next holidays are christmas! The college I work at returns for the
autumn term next monday,
Have you made the lanterns yet? if so lets have a look!
I have made the 9 flower arrangement, it is in a wooden container with red roses, I used raffia to make the compartments and put the roses in low so you can see the raffia. I looked quite good, even if I say so myself!! One day, I might be able to show you.
Say hi to everyone for me and keep the arrangements coming, so when I do get access to a computer I have some of your arrangements to look at! I liked that Pampass grass one, wish I had some of that.
Have a good weekend, Terri

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Besides Christmas, we have halloween in october and thanksgiving in november.

I had gone out to the craft store and bought some cute Disney vellum for his lantern, but I was an idiot and bought them in different prints the day before the procession. I had forgotten I needed two of the same print to make the lantern the size of my sample one. I realized it when I had gotten home and the nearest store was 30 minutes away! I ended using the same red construction paper from the sample and tied yellow ribbon for decoration. It looked okay. He won an inflatable guitar for his lantern! I forgot to take a pic before I handed in to the daycare. It looks a little beat up now, but I will post a pic later.

Terri, can't wait to see your 9 flower arrangement. You always put a creatvie spin on all your arrangements. Very clever! "One day" sounds so far away! Tell me your pc is going to be fixed soon! We really miss the great service here, so come back with your pictures. Talk to you later!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma, I'm just calling in to check for cockroaches! seems ok.
I am so fed up Karma, you wouldn't believe how much I miss you all and not being able to do my photos
is driving me mad. I wish I had some good news to tell you but there is none.

I will call in when I can, bye df Terri

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