london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma, that's a beautiful rose, does it have any scent?

Gald you think the cafe' is colourful, I warned you we would have a flower festival! We have come a long way since
we started to decorate our cafe', don't you think? Smells lovely in here too.
Hope you enjoyed the sushi! I was thinking about getting one of those ice tea makers for the cafe, what do you recon?

I bought viburnum once, for an easter arrangement, it cost £8.oo for I bunch, it was fabulous but far too expensive for some reason. The main problem with buying flowers is that we generally end up with the same old stuff, carnations,chrysanths and roses because they seem to be the most value for money!

Have you got much still flowering in your garden? mine is looking very much like autumn now. leaves everywhere, I might do some leaf frottage, for cards and pictures to go into our gift shop.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

You're all so amazing! Karma and Terri do you both work at a florist shop?
:) Donna

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, it has a rose scent, but not as fragrant as some of my other roses. I've never made tea with a tea maker, so I have no idea. Lipton tea pouches for the lazy southerner like me. Or hot jasmine tea during the winter. . .just boil water and drop one or two tea leaves in a cup. No fancy devices.

You're right about the prices of flowers. Carnations and chrysanthemums last the longest and are the most inexpensive! Why don't we do autumn arrangements? I can start a new thread for fall gardens and arrangements!

PerennialGirl, thanks. I worked in a flower shop 5-6 years ago. It was the best job I ever had. Learned so much and met so many talented designers. What I'd really like to do now is grow my own flowers. It's so more rewarding when you can utilize flowers from your garden.

london England, United Kingdom

As you know Karma I don't like tea! I think we could do without the gadet and just make it the old fashioned way, like you said.
Autumn arrangements, yes I like the sound of that, all those lovely rich colours and twigs &stuff good idea.

Donna! welcome ,thanks for coming in our cafe'. I'm afaid we only have the Poochella cocktail available today (it's very nice) next time your own 'perennialgirl' cocktail ok.

Oh I've never worked in a florist shop, I've done some floristry courses though.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Just wanted to share my gold glow rose again. . .today. It has so many petals.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

One of nature's beauties, a perfect rose, lovely.

Hope Traci likes the new sushi on the menu!

This is the only yellow rose I have, it finished flowering weeks ago!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Smacking my lips as I devour the last bite of sushi. The edible violets were a nice touch and made them lovely. May I also order a Pouchella cocktail for a refresher. It is late in the evening and tea would keep me awake, altough I am glad to see it added. I love the blackberry warm tea in a bag myself.

Hello perennialgirl, I am a wanna be arranger and the these two ladies are helping me limp along. Don't let them fool you with their modesty. They are fabulous. Have you seen either the workshop thread or the easy arrangements. I think they did this just because I didn't know an arrangement from a bush and they wanted to spare my feelings (Karma knows now that I can take the heat). I have attempted a couple and will try to tackle...ugh...parallels this week. They are task masters so beware. Karma pretends to be mild mannered, but she has quite the little slave driver hidden inside. Terri will remind you several times it is your turn to attempt another arrangement. I was a nervous wreak doing so, but the encouragement afterwards makes me want to keep trying and their advice as ideas are wonderful. Constructive criticism is always a plus. Karma changed the look completely by suggesting I move one flower. I could not believe the difference.

I must add my yellow rose. It was here when we moved in. These are a little old as my camera is no more (belonged to the company). I have another and must find it soon.

Thumbnail by pupilpropogtr
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Oops, wrong rose. I will go find the yellow.

london England, United Kingdom

Your wish is my command!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Cheers Traci, hope you enjoy the Poochella cocktail which was created for Poochella because she is the Dahlia lady!
I am working on some new cocktails, it helps if I can find out what your fav flowers are., give us a clue!

This message was edited Oct 22, 2007 3:38 AM

london England, United Kingdom

I'm just bringing in some stuff for Teensy and Peyton to have fun with in the play area,while the mum's have a chat.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

You really don't want to know, since it...Hydrangea! But, I like Gerbers, roses, tulips..oh an mint tulip. That would be refreshing. I did enjoy the Poochella cocktail and what swift service!

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Hello, have been tapping in, but this is the first time I have been able to read the history of the cafe. I love to put together arrangements. They were few and far between this year, but hope to find something that is still pretty. We had 4 months of August and then monsoon season-not good for the area of Madison WI.
I love both tea and coffee, have wonderful recipe for scones.
Hope to have something to show this week, my few bouquets went to the wonderful lady down the street.
Love to page through the Floral Design magazine....

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, here's the pumpkin arrangement that you requested.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Another closeup

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, I think you're a great designer. If that's what you can do with only a few floristry courses, I can't imagine what you would be like if you worked in a shop . .probably a floral diva.

I love all your new additions to the cafe. Cocktails, sushi, and kiddy accommodations. Love the sushi, but the cocktail is too pretty to drink. Actually that's just an excuse. . .I'm allergic to alcohol. Thanks for the kid area. It is sooooooooooooo adorable. Too bad Peyton is all boy and would just tear itl up. On the other hand, he may be so infatuated with Teensy, he may sit still for a change.

PG, don't let Traci fool YOU, she does not limp along, she hops and runs. Traci, thanks for being such a good sport. I am not a slave driver, although I have not seen your parallel arrangement yet. Marcia, hope you will enjoy the cafe as much as i do. Terri is always asking for artwork and arrangements in here. I can slack off if you bring in yours. Looking forward to seeing them.

It's rainy here in New Orleans, at 75 degrees. How is the weather in your part of the world?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi MarciaGeiger,
Welcome to our cafe', I love scones so please come back with your recipe soon. I'm looking forward to seeing your arrangements, we are always happy to have some fresh flowers in here. Check out our flower arranging magazines in the lounge, next time I come in I will bring the latest Autumn edition. What would you like drink?

Thanks for bringing the pumpkin arrangement in Karma, it looks FABULOUS there.
I thought it was the English that talk about the weather!
I don't drink the stuff either! so what would you like in your cocktail Karma?


New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, the next time you bring in your lovely magazines, be sure to leave it open with an arrangement or a good article. Can't flip the pages in this cybercafe. And since when did you have hydrangea on the menu? Why was I not alerted? And HOW IS THE WEATHER??????

london England, United Kingdom

Hang on while I find the weather forecast and read it out, ......'/./'./.,./.,./#''][]=-p08787687&^%$££"£%^£"!SDCBNBNM>?@:>>>:@@{@@}{+)P:OI*UJkkHJL:{@@PO((*UO{)(*&&&YU(*^%GFHGYHljuioj;9p;;#[#;'.l;o[p[;

cold and rainy!

Well karma everyone has been asking for 'Hydrangea heaven' which is our latest cocktail and we completly sold out .
Sorry if you were not informed, it's just that you were so busy with your pumpkin arrangement, I didn't want to interupt you. I thought I would use my initiative and suprise you!

london England, United Kingdom

Just bringing in the autumn flower arranger mag into the lounge!

It's raining cats and dogs out there!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

The same but different. I like this idea, using the same flowers and making different arrangements with them.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

A construction with lilies,chestnuts,cornus,terracotta roses and orange beads

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Autumn platter of gourds filled with hazelnuts, elderberries,rosehips and blackberries on a bed of leaves.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Textured white container,using subtle colours with massed hydrangea (in various stages of development) apples and berries

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Well, Terri, you could have knocked me over with a wet noodle after you posted about not being a florist. Talk about natural talent!!

Weather report RAIN!! We have moved down to level two drought. Same restrictions on water but no surcharges if we go over our alloted amount. Not much difference. Hopefully the weather men are right and it will rain tomorrow also. So many states are suffering from this drought. Alabama has been hit the worst and we are in a legal battle with Georgia as they have dammed one of our main tributaries, which is completely illegal. But as long as it is in trial, they can keep it dammed. I think that is what the are trying to do. I never in my life would have thought a plant could sigh with relief, but all mine did.

Karma, you gave me till the end of the week. Please don't hit me again. I posted about them on one of the other threads. NO, NO not the willow tree branch!! lol. I didn't even think about a party arrangement. Her's is in two weeks. I love the idea and know where I can get the pots. I think the pumpkin arrangement is too cute.

I have got to see about getting a subscription to a beginner's magazine. I love reading in here, but I never have the time to finish. The candle is beautiful.

Oh, I do take my drinks with a dash of Gin. If I need to, I can bring my own bottle.

london England, United Kingdom

Alligations about abuse will be dealt with by the AAFA (abuse against flower arrangers)!

Weather report, bright and sunny!
Traci, we had a hosepipe ban here last year, it was a hard job watering the garden with the watering can!

Karma, put a gin in that cocktail you are making for Traci with the gerbera please! (that's if you're still speaking to her!)

Gotta go, Flowers to buy, greenery to cut, arrangements to make, busy busy bye!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, thanks for the opened magazines. Those arrangements are so contemporary. Now I won't have to buy a subscription. Your autumn platter is absolutely gorgeous. I love the colors and the rose hips are amazing. Is that a japanese maple leaf? If so, I wanna see a pic of the tree. It's beautiful.

Traci, I got rid of the whip, so take your time, but remind me of what you're talking about? Willow tree and party? I'm sorry, drawing a blank here.

london England, United Kingdom

Karma, It's not my arrangement, the platter was the centre page! I agree it is lovely.

I'm just popping in with some artwork.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Terri, I loooove the artwork. I have peacock feathers all over the house. I need one to hang in the den. I thought it was yours also. It looks so 3 dimensional

Karma, the party arrangement was about the precious little roses in tiny pots. You said they would be great for a tea party for Teensy. Her birthday is coming up and I could do those for decorations.

The willow brach is the one you use as a lash when I don't get my arrangements completed. Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about. ;^P
When you make the Gerber Gin, may I have a double?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, you take good pictures. I didn't even see the fold between the pages.

Sorry Traci, I'm rather dense at times. Great idea for a lovely garden themed party. . .love my Peyton, but would be so nice to have a girl to share girly things with. Willow branches are way too wicked. A bamboo stick is more like it. Sorry it's dry Tuesday. . .you may get your double gerber gin tomorrow.

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh, I have that magazine. I will check the floral design magazine for goodies. They featured little lights that could go into the water of floral arrangement..Diamond.something (will check)
A local floral place carries them..$20.00 and you have to find a place to hide the battery pack..they certainly looked pretty though.
Umm, Chai tea would be nice, a expresso frappe'....

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Marcia, nice to see you again, I like the sound of those flower arranging lights. What other magazines do you have?
I'm not very good at making tea so I hope it 's ok. Karma makes the best cuppa around here!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Traci, I found this......well you wanted gerbera's! I was thinking that you could hang lollypops instead of roses for the party! I put a couple of gins in it 'cos you've been working so hard in your garden,and you need a rest!

Thumbnail by terriculture
Taft, TX(Zone 9a) glad you all have kept this forum going.....................I wanted it so badly and then hurt my back........will have cutting raised beds by spring...................

Dave has always suggested that when a thread gets more than 100 or 150 replies that you start a part 2 of the same thread or start a new one of some kind............for people with dial up it is virtually impossible to tune into a thread this long...............would someone mind starting part 2 of the same thing???? Thanks so much.........long threads tend to exclude people even though we don't intend to...........

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the mag post Terri. I could read the instructions and everything. I think I will attempt it. What a cute idea with the lolipops, especially if they were flower shaped.

Marcia, good choice on the chai tea. It is cold here today and a warm spiced chai sounds great.

london England, United Kingdom

Hello Gessiegail !
I had no idea about the thread replies or the dial up connection. It's really nice of you to come in and let us know!
Thankyou so much, I wouldn't want to exclude anyone!

Karma, we have work to do, we are being evicted ! Let's pack up quickly!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, just a quick note. Please find a great location and I will be there, just not tonight. Will help you redecorate another day. Talk to you later. Oh, and don't forget to leave us the address to your cafe. . .new and improved!

london England, United Kingdom

Ok Karma, I'II have a look around for somewhere suitable!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture

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