New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Victorian individually wired them? How long does that take and how long does it last without water? It's really pretty...looks like a labor of love! I guess I need to find out more from her before I sign up for it, huh? I will definitely check out your diary.

I guess I was thinking if you started a new thread, it would be more eye-catching, that's all. Didn't mean anything else...private club...huh?

london England, United Kingdom

It took about 2 hrs to wire, tape (which holds some water) and assemble,it can be made the day before,also kept because they dry
quite well being small flowers.
Yes well, I will be interesed in any new threads! or old one's! I'm enjoying all of it!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Oooooh, Terri....your wedding flowers are beautiful. I especially liked the posy with yellow roses and yellow alstromerias. How do you get it to be so round and perfect?!?!?! I've never seen a cake top like that before. I usually just wrap it into a point and poke it into the cake! I've been lucky that the cakes didn't come apart due to the pressure. The stand you made is really neat! Well, thanks for pointing me into that direction, it was so much fun looking through your diary.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks df, glad you enjoyed looking at my Diary, I try to add new stuff every day or two.

The gift shop! In our Cafe' is by the door. We have a range of gift ideas,cards,bouquets,small arrangements,indoor
plants etc etc..... People can ask for requests here anytime!

london England, United Kingdom

Karma, I made us a 'green chair'

Thumbnail by terriculture
Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Good Lord, Terri! That is sooo cool! How did you ever think of it?


london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Suzy, it just happened, like most things I make! I tend to take some photo's of work in
progress, the ' chair ' is the background I made for my holiday carnival display to sit on.

london England, United Kingdom

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine down
in the most delightful Mary Poppins!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma,
Just bringing in some Canna's for the cafe' garden, no flowers yet, but looking ok.

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, the foliage looks healthy and beautiful.

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Karma, they look like that every year and haven't ever flowered!!

Here's some more artwork to put up!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Very cool terri, you are really an artist. Terri, it's not hard to put in links here at DG. You just have to copy and paste the URL, and that's IT! I just open another window, find what I'm looking for, and copy the address at the top, then go back to posting my reply and paste. Hit preview to make sure the link is there. Very easy if you have a minute. Just thought I'd help you if you were interested.

london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou, I didn't know how to do that for sookey on the other thead .

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Flopping down in a chair with humidity drenched slowness, ahhh, it feels wonderful in here. I am new to the area and I heard you have the best Iced Mochas around. Any way I could order one? Wow, what a lovely little cafe. Did you do the artwork yourself. I would love to know who the artist is. And the green chairs are amazingly comfortable and have such a pleasant aroma. I am just going to flip through one of your magazines and cool off. I appreciate the hospitality and can not wait to find time to stop by again. By they way do you carry tea. No, not that kind. Good ole southern ice tea loaded down with sugar and lemons. Great, I'll order one next time I breeze by. Stay refreshed and can't wait to see ya'll again.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Pupil and Welcome! Come and hang out here anytime, sorry I don't think we have tea here!!!!!
Bring your flowers and creative works into our Cafe'
I am making another chair just for you, it's under construction as we speak.
I am very happy to hear you like our Cafe', I am hoping come winter this place will be buzzing with ideas!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Welcome Pupil. Terri, sorry I haven't been around much...will do better to support your cafe. What do you mean you don't have tea here??? Do you mean to tell me I will have to sneak my own sweet iced tea in here? You might just have to hire me to make ice tea for your perspiring guests.

Here is something for your wall Terri.

This zinnia...

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Or this?

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma, I don't know how to make tea! Thanks for the lovely flower pictures, I'm putting up both.
You are officially the tea maker ok!!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Karma, if you need help with the tea, I mean real Southern tea like we love to drink in AL and LA, I will substitute any time. Not too sweet where your teeth rot immediately, but not bitter. No Sweet-n-Low here. And a good dose of lemon. Oh Terri, it is 98 degrees out here, could we have it as a summer specialty drink on the menu. Maybe regular sweet tea and Long Island?


BTW Karma, just noticed you are from NO. How did you fare during Katrina. I am an insurance adjuster (no don't shoot. I am a really nice one. I like to give money away). I drove down there during CAT duty and loaded my car down with everything imaginable to give to NO. I hope you and your loved ones made it ok. I have never seen devastation like that before in my life. Pictures do not capture it all. I know that we don't know each other, but one thing I learned is being neighborly. I knew several people who opened their houses to strangers. We didn't have one at the time. However, we do now, and God willing it doesn't happen again, you always have a place in Birmingham. I would have given anything to have been able to put someone up when it occured. I worked in the same building as the civic center and it was the most distressing thing I have ever seen. Families living in an arena, on cots, with everyone watching. There was one family with a little girl I wanted to grab a hold of and offer a place to stay. Unfortunately, we were in a one bed with a baby. Now we have a three bed with a fourth downstairs which has its own bath and den. I know this may sound crazy to some of ya'll out there, but Birmingham was one of the many places where people fled and doors swung wide open to any and all. It was amazing and if it happens again, mine will too.


london England, United Kingdom

Ok, but not the kind mary poppins drinks!

Thanks for sharing your story Pupil, I'm sure many of us around the world cannot imagine just how bad it was for you, from the television coverage. Thankfully you've survived.

I just called in with a delicious cake for you, so enjoy!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Pupil, I'll have a glass of your sweet tea, but hold the lemons please. I see you have not forgotten about New Orleans...thank you for keeping us in your thoughts. We did not stay in NO to ride the storm, and were fortunate to escape the worst of it. We did lose the house and everything in it, but that's all replaceable...except for the pictures. An empty lot awaits our return....but not sure if we will. You'll be happy to know that our insurance adjuster for our flood policy was great. It just took forever to get anything processed. You sound like a very generous person. Lucky for those who had you for an adjuster! Thanks for asking.

This message was edited Sep 4, 2007 10:11 AM

london England, United Kingdom

A couple of new chairs for you!

Karma suggested we try to get 2oo post in a week, try out your ideas in here relaxing!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Oh my gosh....those chairs are soooooooooo cute! Love them!!

london England, United Kingdom

Well thankyou karma!, I will be making quite a few variations of these I recon! I got them the other day,at a floristry
wharehouse, it was fabulous there,like a huge Aladin's cave full of cooooooooooooooooool stuff! They had lots of things made of wicker and moss and these chairs caught my eye.

I found this wicker thing, so I made a fushia tree!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hi Guys, just bringing some fresh flowers in, help youself if you want to use them for anything!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Hairy sunflowers!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom


Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

I've put the first lot in a vase.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Here's the hairy sunflowers

Thumbnail by terriculture
Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Just dropping in to grap a double expresso, mocha cappo. I need energy to finish the night up. I received multilple cuttings of coleus, hung the first of our lights for basement overwintering, dug up monkey grass and ivy to trade with another lady for her grass clippings, leaves and pine straw, came home and finished planting and now I have to transfer seeds from baggies to tray, as they have developed roots (my first try, yea!).

Terri, love the hairy flowers. I was up the night you were doing all the postings and would check back to see what was next. I love your creativity. My favorite pic was the second one with the pack opened and seeds scattered. I would hang that in a heartbeat.

As being new to the site, please let me know if I offended by evaluating your arrangements, yet not knowing how to do them myself. I just know when I like something and want to tell people so. I love the fact that you know each design basis but I bet anyone who would see a line of arrangements would pick yours out immediately. Not for being repetitious, but orginal. Like you said, you have to keep the frame, but anything else is in the eyes of the maker. Break the rules, make them see outside the box, be original. I love it. If I had met you 5 years ago, I would have flown you to AL to do our flowers. That is, if we had the money. LOL.

Please let me know if we are not suppose to 'critique' arrangements. Believe me, they will never be bad as I can't even get a single rose in a vase. Thanks for the Cappo. Got to plant some babies.

So exhausted,

london England, United Kingdom

Traci, don't go overdoing things, getting exhausted is not good for you. Slow down!!
I am not offended in the least, whatever you say is your opinion and you are entitled to it my dear!
Actually it's very good to get feedback, everyone sees something different and it's nice when someone notices
something that had just happened by accident and you decided to leave it in! hope that makes sense.

Thankyou for coming into the cafe, hope you enjoyed the coffee and come back soon!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, here is another arrangement I made with the gerbers. We always talk about verticals, but what about horizontals??

Edit: Now that I've posted this pic, I realize one of my gerbers seems shy as she is not giving us any eye contact.

This message was edited Sep 9, 2007 9:47 PM

Thumbnail by karmaplace
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Or do you like this one better....less horizontal.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

I like the shy one! it's a bit quirky.
The 2nd one would cost a fortune at the florists, very pro! neat, good shape and balance. well done !
Thanks for posting your arrangements in here, did I say it was free drinks when you bring flowers or arkworks in here?
We could do with some nice lighting in here for the evening crowd, any ideas?

london England, United Kingdom

Sweeties anyone?

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Life is like a box of never know what you gonna get.

london England, United Kingdom

You are funny! Where's your lanterns or lampshades?!!!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

You mean the one I posted on paper crafts? I'll post a pic of the final product when I make the real one for my son. They're celebrating the Moon Festival Friday. All the kids will have a lantern, made or store-bought. They will have a procession or parade with their lanterns, but it's in the morning, so no point in putting a light source inside. The real festival is held in the evening and lots of kids will bring their lit lanterns. It's a pretty sight and a wonderful cultural experience.

london England, United Kingdom

maybe you could take some photos of the lantern festival, that sounds like fun. we don't have that here!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Just wondering, do you have a special sushi day at the cafe. I love it, and could go for some. I will definitely follow with a piece of a sweet. How much for a box?

Karma,what is a latern festival? Sounds interesting and, like Terri, I would love to see picture.

Gotta run. Let me know if there is a sushi day and I will come by to grab a bite.

Oh, a piece of sweet before I good. Delish!!

Thanks for the candy fix,

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