Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

NEscafe! I am from the hometown of Starbucks and must say, even though I don't patronize their stores often, the thought of Nescafe makes me gag! You should switch to tea like a good Brit, Terriculture! I assumed the same: tea drinker. Shame on us.

TC for short, if I may, your work is stunning and creative. But that wicker basket full of common cottage garden blooms: now that is right up my alley and so nicely played out the entire depth of the basket. Perfect picnic wherever that basket goes...!

I hadn't heard of a beignet before ( google LOL) How do you pronounce it, and more importantly, are they good?

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Poochella, nice of you to stop by. Don't know how the French would say it, but we New Orleanians pronounce beignet as benyay, rhymes with bengay, but tastes much better! Yes, they're delicious when served fresh and hot as Suzy had mentioned, but can get really messy if you're an amateur beignet eater, because of the powdered sugar. Thanks for asking!

Terri, I cannot touch any of those flowers that you have there in the basket. They're so beautifully arranged, why would I want to mess that up? Can you list all the flowers you used? I recognize the daisies, but that's about it. Great assortment of flowers you have there. I'm getting bummed about mine. Seems like I'm using the same flowers over and over again. I can't wait for next spring! I'm getting lots of ideas from DG...I'm all over the place...just lurking though.

london England, United Kingdom

I hate tea, the smell of it, the taste and I don't even know how to make it! When my tea drinking
friends come around they prefer to make it themselves because I'm rubbish at it.LoL!

So, you alll need to educate me on which coffee I should try, I don't like it really strong,so what do you suggest?

I'm glad you liked the garden flower basket, thanks.

This message was edited Aug 5, 2007 1:27 AM

london England, United Kingdom

Karma, I'm working on the list, here's something I made for you
yellow roses with crocosmia

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

That's so sweet, thank you! Lovely roses at the base. I like the nest around the pot. You pay so much attention to detail. Will be back tomorrow with somethnig for you.

london England, United Kingdom

Poochella, more garden style stuff for you! coffee pots

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

coffee pots with garden flowers in water

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Garden flowers in vase of water

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Wowie, have way too much energy...I don't know if I can keep up. Okay, so I used some of your lilies that were in the lounge and a made a smaller arrangement for you. The older blooms are gone, but the buds have taken their place. Just snipped them and shoved them in a smaller vase. Nothing creative about it...just something simple because my brain is tired. Enjoy.

Thumbnail by karmaplace
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I get tired just viewing Terri's productions! Splendid and fabulous! I love the coffee pot offerings. Crocosmia is something I wish I'd have learned about years ago. People complain that it spreads, but I use all I can grow and find that I give it away enough that it never spreads fast enough!

Beautiful coffee brews TC. I would like to know what the light green, scantly yellow filler is to the lower right in the post entitled "coffee pots with garden flowers in water." Looks good.

Beautfiful lilies, Karma. Hope you can re-energize soon, ditto for me. Days get shorter every single week, I mean in apparent time, not in sunlight hours.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Poochella, I just need my morning coffee fix here, and I'm good to go. I've never seen crocosmia until I saw Lenjo with it. That's a really nice flower and I love the leaves on them. Are they good container plants?

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma, Thanks for the lilies. Crocosmia is so easy to grow and people do moan about how much it
spreads, as poochella said, but when you arrange flowers it's great thing to have and the leaves are easy to
manipulate, you can get fantastic colours too, I have a yellow one which has lighter foliage,it's not flowering yet, I also
had a red one but seem to have lost that! My yellow ones are in a container, which I can move about .

we could do with a few more people coming into the cafe'
with their donations of flowers! We need to enjoy the flowers while we have them flowering.

This message was edited Aug 10, 2007 12:22 AM

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5b)

Terri, That is so funny that you don't drink tea. I have had visitors here from Ireland, N.I., New Zealand and Australia and they all moan that the water isn't hot enough, the tea isn't "right", and that they haven't had a good cup of tea since they left home. LOL!

I *LOVE* your garden flower arrangements and I can honestly say I've seen a lot of summer arrangments thorugh the garden clubs and all, but I have never seen a maroon droopy thing better used in an arrangement. (I don't know the name, but it might be Amaranthus) From post Post #3818708, just above. Usually they sort of stick it in the bottom so it falls over front, but it never quite looks part of the arrangement!

Karma, Nice lilies! Love the arrangement, and the lilies have such good color....did you grow them yourself?

I am finding it difficult to cut my pretty flowers, isn't that silly?


Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Here's some flowers to play around with for your arrangements. This was our dining room table at about 6:30 a.m. this morning. (Sorry about the dark lighting in the photo. We had a massive thunderstorm about the time of this photo).

Today was Entry Day at our local county fair. Most of these flowers found their way into various arrangements or individual floral entries for the fair.

Thumbnail by BDale60
london England, United Kingdom

WOW! BDale those flowers are beautiful, and look in such perfect condition.I love the assortment of vases too. I don't have many of those flowers myself, but I'm sure someone
will be able to use them in an arrangement for our cafe'. Thankyou.

london England, United Kingdom

IIIoquin, Thankyou, it is very nice of you to say lovely things about my arrangement. I have
been to a few of those clubs and demonstrations myself, but I find them all a bit stiff!! too many
rules.That plant you mentioned is Amaranthus like you said, I haven't used it before. I bought
one at the Hampton court flower show this year, so it is still quite small.
All I can say is, we all love our flowers and it would be a shame if you don't share.LoL!!
snip snip snip!

Karma, sorry I have been so long with the list of flowers I used in my basket arrangement,
I have made you a flower clock!

This message was edited Aug 7, 2007 3:43 AM

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Illoquin, wish those lilies came from my garden *bows head down in shame*. But I did pick them out at the market all myself...thanks. Bdale, thanks for the flowers, I will see if I can use them in here.

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I just noticed the other thread for the first time.......................we need to get a lot more people involved...............come on DGers...................I know nothing about arranging but i do want to participate....................

london England, United Kingdom

gessiegail, thanks for coming in the cafe' hope to see you as a regular!

Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

so happy you are doing this!!!!!!!!!!! and thanks for the invitation............

london England, United Kingdom

Flower clock, to show what I used in my basket/vase arrangements.
3 roses
4. amaranthus
5. conifer
6. daisys
7 red valarian
8. veronica
9. hollyhocks
10. rosemary
11. rose campion
12 crocosmia
This message was edited Aug 7, 2007 4:30 AM

This message was edited Aug 17, 2007 2:43 AM

Thumbnail by terriculture
Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

I love that terriculture.................and I do believe I am reading more into this wonderful flower clock...............than just a clock..........

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks terri, a lot of hard work into your id. And a nice arrangement itself. That's the blue spiky flower...veronica...I couldn't remember what it was called. What's between the daisies and veronica? Love all the different flowers. I love amaranthus, although it looks scary at times when it is draping from an arrangement.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Karma, Glad to see you in the cafe' we haven't seen much of each other here lately!

This message was edited Aug 10, 2007 12:16 AM

london England, United Kingdom

I have left an arrangement for the lounge, garden flowers today in a vase of water.

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

and some 'Flower Art'

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Opps, I came in the wrong door, I meant to go to the flower market next door, someone said they
were having a sale on Cannas, I fancy getting one of those new one's that Yardqueen grows.

london England, United Kingdom

Would you believe it, they are comptetely sold out of Canna's! I wish someone would bring some in. (hint hint)

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, my neighbor has lots of them blooming...wonder if she would lend me own cannas just aren't as beautiful.

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

At Karma's request, here are a couple of "Dueil du Roi Albert" Dahlias in an Irish coffee glass. (Karma requested the Dahlias. The Irish coffee was my idea...)

Thumbnail by BDale60
london England, United Kingdom

Thankyou BDale ,they are beautiful, did you grow them from tubers? I started with 8 daliah's
this year and now only have 2 left the slugs love them here. How do you manage to keep them looking so good? We love to get any flowers in the cafe' so please pop in whenever you have
some to share! Oh and when you fancy a brew of course.LoL!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

I agree- they're beautiful, although I would have loved to see more of the glass as well. So, I like chickory in my coffee, and Bdale, you like whiskey in yours. Terri likes Nestle in hers. The only nestle I'd like in my coffee is chocolate. Well, actually, I'd like chocolate anywhere!

Do tell about the dahlias...and please don't tell us to go to the dahlia forum. I've been there and it's kind of intimidating and overwhelming there. I grew some from tubers, but they're not looking so hot. I'm guessing it's because they're potted. The weather is too hot down here right now for me to work on making a bed for them. The bougainvilleas are loving it, but I'm hating it! Here's a pic I took this morning to show you how hot and humid it is down here. Note: The dreamy quality of the picture is from the "steam" that gathered on the lens as I took it, not from any editing (have no idea how to do that).

This message was edited Aug 11, 2007 4:52 PM

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

Lovely hot pots Karma! see, today now, things to look at. I like that!
Yes BDale, tell us about your Dahliah's please! I cannot get onto that forum to see the replies
and it's frustrating!

Karma whats that one with the yellow flower? (the big one) oh and I missed you!

Warren, PA(Zone 5a)

Karma, LOL. 98% of the time I take my coffee black, without anything in it, whiskey or otherwise!!

This is our first year with Dahlias so I have no great expertise to impart. We purchased the tubers on line from a couple of the suppliers most highly ranked on the DG Garden Watchdog. The tubers were planted directly outside, as per the instructions we found in several places, but I now find that many experienced growers start them inside in pots and transplant for earlier blooms. We have about ten Dahlia plants in our garden this year. The tallest plant is nearly six feet at this stage and has produced multiple blooms, the shortest is about two-and-a-half feet and has a couple of good size buds but no blooms yet. All others are somewhere in between.

The most common response I've gotten from local gardeners in my area is "Oh, Dahlias are so beautiful but I don't want to have to dig up the tubers and store them at the end of the season." We won't be going through that process until several more weeks, so I guess I will find out then if it is really such a burden. The most commonly cited problem (which we did not experience this season) is tuber rot in the early stages if the area gets too much rain (or if the gardener over-waters) and the soil does not drain well.

I've found the Dahlia Forum intimidating only because of the high volume of gorgeous blooms, one after another, produced by some of the experienced growers but they have been extremely friendly and helpful to me so I would, in fact, recommend it. I've learned a lot over there and received much good advice and encouragement. There are also some "sticky" threads on that forum with some Dahlia basics: planting, tuber storage, etc.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Terri, the yellow flowers belong to golden thryallis. It's supposed to look much fuller than that, but my thumb just isn't green enough to pull it off.

Bdale, thanks for the info. I had 3 or 4 that rotted on me because of the rain. Good to know for the next season...I'll be more serious and stop in to say hi instead of lurking around the dahlia forum.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Terri, I haven't made anything for the cafe in a I'm using a few zinnias from BDale's collection for this arrangement. You can set it anywhere you like!

Thumbnail by karmaplace
london England, United Kingdom

So delicate Karma, thankyou! what are those pink leaves from? and is that blue Hydranga?
Beautiful and mysterious pot lurking behind there!! I think your arrangement can go in the gift shop ok?

london England, United Kingdom

Karma don't you think we should encourage Any arrangements here in here?, no themes!!!!! just whatever you like!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Of course...but do you mean in the cafe? I don't think anyone new will venture in maybe take it outside? But I figure if anyone wants to show off their beautiful creations, they can always do so via new thread. You are a persistent one, aren't you and it did pay off! I do have a request Terri. Do you do wedding flowers? If you have, let's talk weddings! I've done about one wedding a year on the request of family and friends and I have one I haven't committed to at the end of this year. I'm looking for ideas to present to her, but she may have ideas of her own already. They're kind of stressful because you don't want anything to go wrong for the wedding. I would have nightmares prior to the event! Anyway, hope you have wedding pics to show off!

About my plumbago IS pretty delicate. They don't hold up too well as a cut flower. It's no longer a light blue, but more of a purple you would find on agapanthus. Kind of neat. The label that came with the pink leaves said syngonium...looks like nephthytis, just pink. Gift shop? Since when? Guess I'd better go check it out!

london England, United Kingdom

Well, as far as weddings go, I'm no expert but I have made a few things. I don't really enjoy that side of floristry (too
much wiring and fiddly stuff)! Also far too stressful with having to do everything perfect for the day.
I have made, a Victorian posy, semi wired bouquet, tablecentre with candles, buttonholes and corsages.
They are in my Diary under 'Floristry'.
Best to get as much info as possible from the clients and advise on which flowers will be best suited for their colour
scheme. before even thinking about designs.
Oh Plumbago, thats lovely, I had one once but it didn't survive the winter! I haven't heard of Syngonium,but it looks
like good foliage. Victorian posy, roses,lavender and lace, each individually wired.

This message was edited Aug 13, 2007 12:43 AM

This message was edited Aug 15, 2007 8:24 PM

Thumbnail by terriculture

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