Taft, TX(Zone 9a)

You all are having so much fun and the rest of us get to watch with enthusiasm.............

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

gessiegail, you don't have to watch. Join the fun. I have done a whopping two arrangements and that was much later than when I started chatting. I love the food and drinks they serve here and the company is great to talk to.

Terri, don't want to step on toes, but do you need me to make a Flowerpot Cafe' #2 thread? I just learned how to do it.

The petites are precious. Those, I don't think this amatur could handle, but any other design ideas would be great. I have two now. The little rose pots and the lolipop tree. I love they are called petites since DD nickname is Teensy. Too cute!

Bitter cold in the 50's today. Straight up coffee please with two lumps of sugar and some cream. I am going to read a few more of these magazines for a while.


london England, United Kingdom

Hi, busy busy, trying to organise the leaving party for our cafe' any contributions would be welcome!
Traci, thanks for the help with the new location, have the builders finished already? gosh that was quick!!

Here's a couple of coffee's for you and Gessiegail!

Thumbnail by terriculture
New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci, Terri is rather taking a looooooooooong time to move! As soon as we do, I'll have the tea ready for Marcia when she comes in. Hope she cares for some jasmine tea. Still working on your gin, Traci. Hi gessiegail, did you order anything yet? Terri will come along and take care of you soon!

I love the petites. Wow wow wow. I just bought a bouquet book. Will share some pics at the new location.

south central, WI(Zone 5a)

HI, jasmine tea is fine. Check out the lovely moon! I am going to try to scan some pages of the Florist Review. Our local Michaels Craft store carries it and I use the coupon to make it more affordable.

Ok...tried to scan..machine doesn't like me..wouldn't do what I wanted it to this time....then wouldn't close out the program. Argh..after an hour I fixed it..shut the thing off.....
Photos and scans are hit and miss, as I didn't learn how to do it before learning new things became iffy..good thing I already knew some computer things :)
The site for the Fantasy Lights is
For Florist Review it is't had a chance to check sites yet. Hope they help, back to chores.

This message was edited Oct 25, 2007 11:43 PM

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

OK all, the contractor's are finished as we just completed the punch list. A couple of additions have been made to further showcase all the wonderful arrangements. There are little alcoves above each table to showcase your arrangements and a nice water fountain has been installed when you enter the door. Please follow me and watch your step. It has been raining all day and is very slippery outside.

london England, United Kingdom

Karma! I've been looking for you all day, what are you still doing here dear?
I know it's sad to leave our lovely cafe and we shared many a happy cuppa in here, but we must go now.!
The new one will be even better!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

NO NO WE WON"T GO!!!! ooooooooooooooooochained myself to the front doorooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooNO NO WE WON"T GO!!!!!

london England, United Kingdom

Hey Traci, her protest didn't last long did it? haha!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Me thinks she is louder in bark than ferocious in bite.

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Are y'all still here? Can't let go either? Don't provoke me, Traci. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

london England, United Kingdom

I saw a light on earlier, I think there might be sqatters!

london England, United Kingdom

LOOK, KARMA, LOOK the light's on again! I think it's BDale! hahahahahaha!
You had better tell him we've moved!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

BDale? Is this a ghost?

london England, United Kingdom

Hey Traci,
BDale used to be a regular here! He used to take the mickey out of me, saying I was dressed like Mary Poppin's and my children were chimney sweeps! He made me laugh and he was so good with his evaluations, we really miss him.
If ever you see him around let him know we were asking about him.
some say he hangs out in special places on this site.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Sure thing. I do remember seeing him on old posts here. Didn't his wife do arrangements? "Take the mickey out of me"???

london England, United Kingdom

Pull my leg, skit me, take the mickey, don't you know those sayings?

Have a laugh, havin' a bubble, in other words having a joke at my expense!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Pull my leg and have a laugh I know. I will be incorporating the new ones however. Should make some heads turn around here.

I am working on the final drawings for our new cafe in the artisan's area. I am going to add these links to them if that is good for you. Let me know. Give a chuckle, yank my chain, joshing, how about these. I will add the first and come back to check on the second. Were you able to remove Karma from the building. Don't want visitors to think we are strange around here or anything.

london England, United Kingdom

Sounds all good to me!
The sister cafe over there is going to be fabulous! I have some famous Artisan's on my books already and someone has promised to bring their mum to our cyber cafe' for afternoon tea! I'm looking forward to that!

I think Karma is busy, but I hope she gets back to our cafe before I leave you to it.

Oh traci, I was thinking, the Artisan's cafe won't be open until Tuesday, when I get back. That's if you find anywhere by then!.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Will do. I have already posted an under construction and will have the grand opening on Tues.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Terri, do you have D-mail? Would love to send you something.

london England, United Kingdom

Is it chocolate?

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Terri, luv the florist arrangment pages you posted. Where do you find them?

I luv chai tea.....yummmmmm.

london England, United Kingdom

Hi there perennialGirl! The flower arranger magazine! I have posted some more pages in the new thread.
Please pop in over there, after all Traci has gone to a lot of trouble to find a new location for us.
I guess we come back here for old times sake eh?!! remember the day when............. haha!

london England, United Kingdom

I thought I'd find you here Karma and Traci! sushi night is it?

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Quick Karma, you push her down and I'll run. We've been had!!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Crap, I just did my first arrangement and can't find my camera!!

New Orleans, LA(Zone 8b)

Traci, this cafe has been closed for weeks. I doubt if you can find your camera here! But I hope you find it soon. . .I wanna see it!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

Dear lord, it was a long night last night. No surprise I posted here.

london England, United Kingdom

I'm exhausted too!

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

My figers hurt right now, I was typing so hard!

london England, United Kingdom

Love your new table arrangements, why don't you bring them into the 'pot'

Birmingham, AL(Zone 7b)

I am, just was getting the other going!

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