Snatchin' Part X... Salvaging at the Dump

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)


Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Oops, sorry!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Were they stolen or rescued?

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Rescued! I didn't mean to imply that anyone stole animals, just saved them! Soooo Sorry. Omigosh, I hope I didn't offend anyone. I really didn't mean anything bad.

Our poodle was rescued from the pound after his owner was killed. The chinchilla was rescued from some kids that were mistreating him, and the collie was rescued from my MIL, who just couldn't take care of him anymore.

Again, I apologize for suggesting that anyone would steal anything.... Open mouth insert foot, as usual. Sorry.

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

That's okay Ivy, my MO is open mouth, change foot! LOL ~ Suzi :)

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

That should be mine.

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

We can share that MO... LOL anyone else?! I try to say what I mean and mean what I say, but unfortunately, sometimes I don't say what I think I said... ~ Suzi :)

New York & Terrell, TX(Zone 8b)

I found one of these in very good condition today; still with the plant tag on and fully intact at the wegmans supermarket parking lot; in the next town over. Maybe the people purchased it and it fell under their car while they were packing it up. Pretty pink flowers too, in a tall 4" round pot.

Spotted Dead Nettle 'Shell Pink' (Lamium maculatum)

The price on it said $1.99. Ya didn't think I was going to return it inside did ya? I'd get accused of stealing or something for crying out loud!

~* Robin

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hee hee! Robin that was indeed a plant rescue. Poor fella would have burned right up in that hot parking lot!

Oh and my foot stays in my mouth!! As much as it does I should get regular pedicures! LOL!!


Ivy, my sweet mix breed Kenai was snatched/rescued/saved from a gas station parking lot! Someone dumped she and her brother (someone else got him) there when they were 9 weeks old! Now look at this face, who could dump this??? They did though and to MY benefit!! :) She's smart too of course. :)


Thumbnail by ncgardenaddict
Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

What a cutie! I couldn't resist that smile.

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

She's also a great roommate.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

My goodness Heather, you have been busy (got your name right this time, I have been continually interrupted by kiddos, since I have been gone today)

I just love those trellises. Frankly, a few of those around your corn would do the trick for your watermelon, so GO FOR IT :-) I have read of at least three methods of trellising watermelons; check out Mel Bartholemew's Sqaure Foot Gardening, Jim Mittledier's Method, and American Intensive Gardening I think...

Haven't salvaged anything lately, but on the way to Amarillo saw some pretty purple wildflowers. Taking a pot, dirt, and shovel with me on Thursday!

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha ha Sidney!! Course getting her off the top bunk is not so fun!! She's mad this week since dh is not out of town and she has to stay out! :() Wish someone would snatch my dh! LOL!!!! ANYONE????? He's kinda purty but not terribly useful - that will hurt my chances of gettin' him Snatched in this crowd I believe. He digs holes ! :)

Sorry, couldn't resist!


Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Last year, I snatched lily of the valley from my dear MIL's garden, but it disappeared. I figured that's what I get for snatching. Well, guess what! It's back! I am so happy! Nothing would grow in that spot under the burning bush, so I thought I'd try lily of the valley mixed with ajuga. Now to get the ajuga...

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Try it wiht hyssop LOL

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

NatureWalker, I just bought a 'Shell Pink' lamium in Anchorage earlier this month... I'd better go look to see if I dropped it! LOL!

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

LOL!!! I did it again-- I was at the mall returning a pan to Williams-Sonoma and they had a lovely Martha Washington Geranium out in front by the door. I asked the manager if I could take some-- LOL! He said SURE.. sooooo I have some geraniums on my propagation station in rotting hormone and soil... LOL!!!! MY DH thinks I'm NUTS...;-)


Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Mysticwill- My DH would die of embarrassment if I did that. He gets red if I even stop to look at someone's garden on our street! I've asked people for cuttings and turn around to find he's walked a block away. Then when I go to him he says "Why do you DO that?".

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Heather, I hope you have those geranium cuttings in rooting hormone instead of rotting hormone! LOL!

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

LOL!!!! can you tell I was tired when I typed that??? Yes is ROOTING hormone - mommy's plant medicine (as I tell my 2 year old)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Good job! So far, my kids are young enough to not get embarassed. They are always saying, they want to meet new friends, so I open my big mouth, and we do!

Yesterday I stopped along the highway and got some wildflowers. I will get pics soon to ID them. One for sure is a legume, the other two have yellow flowers and long deep roots! That was real work, standing on an incline, in inclined shoes no less, using a dull shovel in roadside TXDOT caleche. When I mentioned to the neighbor that i was planning on getting some, she knew just which ones I was referring to, she intended to get some too. So since she is in her eighties now, I figured I would save her a possible rumble down the roadside bank, and get her some too. Now I told her she owes me BIGTIME, and she can just give me a ring when her bluebonnets have dropped their seeds. I want them ALL, as she has no place left to plant anymore LOL. Anyhow, got the 3 types of flowers planted last night, except for the ones that were accidentally cut off with short roots, they are in water, and some which were on their way to seeding. What is the best and cheapest rooting hormone? Any home-made organic ideas?

Sure got a thrill out of that snatch. My mother insisted it was illegal. But none of the fifty plus vehicles that passed us seemed to care. Luckily, she wasn't with me on that trip. LOL

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Tamara, my one little jar of rooting hormone powder has lasted me several years now. A little goes a long way, so it's not as costly as it seems even if you don't find the cheapest one. Seems to me a couple of people have mentioned something on DG about using "willow water" as a natural source of rooting hormone.... as I recall, you can make this by chopping up some willow branches (green, not dried) and steeping them in some water for maybe a week.... maybe somebody else will have more specific directions or a better memory, LOL.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

that sounds familiar. don't know if i want to wait a week though. What brand is yours?

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

I just bought a small jar for Walmart-- DD ripped the label off-- but it's an orangy red one with a red lid. it was about $4 and lasts a LONG time.


Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Oh man - I tried and couldn't find any at my WM and it is a big super one too?! I have some stuff waiting to cut at a friend's till I get some too... ~ Suzi :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

BTW, most things will root just fine without rooting hormone. I use it with everything mostly because it makes me feel better, but I'll bet that's mostly just in my head, LOL! I think it's most useful with woody stems, from what I've heard. So go ahead and snip those cuttings from your friend!

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

I will - found it today. She had some lilacs that she had dipped in rooting hormone and they grew. She wanted me to have some RH first, before she did cuttings off of them - so now I can. Thanks, Suzi :)

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

You guys are sure keeping busy snatchin'! I have been so busy trying to get all my plants ready to sell, that I haven't been able to do much more than read posts here lately, and sometimes, not even that! Keep up the good works!

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll snatch something for you weez, have to send it through sis though.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Snatched some wildflowers from the roadside the other day. Wrote a really cool post about it, then hit the wrong key, and it was gone, POOF!

Anyhow, not easy digging into caleche on a sloped hill, but got three different ones. Will work on ID ing them another day.

Weez, we can say I sntached one for you, and will foster it here :-)

NC, how's it going in your neck of the woods?

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for asking Tamara! My son Brandon had pink eye so we have been hold up in the house for a few days. This sounds bad but I could never be a stay at home mom without a nanny!! LOL!! Anyway, I had to leave work early Friday to pick him up (yea right my co-workers are thinking-Memorial Day weekend?) and we just hung out. Didn't even turn on the 'puter. We did do some fun things - he rode maw maw's tractor, helped me plant more tomatoes she gave me, etc. I also 'planted' Okra! Really just threw the seeds out in the garden - there's already so many things out there I didn't have the energy to plant them properly.

I did snatch something though - it was snatching verging on something else.. Can't say I'm proud of myself but Wal Mart wanted $10 dollars for these huge pink coleus outside. Well I got to lookin' at one and whoopsie broke a stem off. Yea yea yea I know! Anyway, their charging 10 bucks for a Coleus is highway robbery themselves!!

My poor baby missed a trip to the lake AND a pool party! Good thing he's too young to get what he misses yet...


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh and HEY I almost forgot! My husband finally agreed to let me have Austin the Rottie this weekend! YEA!!!! No dog splitting up when I finally get off my butt and move!!

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

NC - Congrats on taking care of Austin, the Rottie. Moving on is hard enough w/o fighting about all the details! Best wishes! Best thing, but one of the hardest, that I ever did.

Have rooting hormone, great snips... what did I do this weeked? Sat at home on computer w/sore back. Took Little DD to her friends and visited w/her momma. Thought about snitching a few of her goodies, but they weren't blooming and didn't know what they were... Just you wait, I said to myself... (she said I could take some of anything...) Will get some of her rosebush too, gen principles. Course, she will prob get lots of mine, LOL

I better get to snitchin' or I am going to have to slap my little hands!! ~ Suzi :)

Here's a "snatch" confession: During our recent vacation to Utah's red rock country (i.e.: God's country because it is so beautiful) we made a pit stop at a small gas station somewhere in Idaho. As I entered the small restroom I noticed a sad little floral arrangement on the wall. I'm talking sad here. Dusty, faded ribbon, broken stuff. Etc. Not that I'm rationalizing or anything like that.... anyway, three dried lotus pods graced this little arrangement. Two were cracked and the seeds were just about falling out! I felt I must rescue them before they fell to the ground! I emerged a few minutes later with a pocket full of 6 lotus seeds of unknown variety. My DH thought my smile was pretty strange, since the kids were traveling with us and I had no reason to have that secret little smile that he knew of! LOL When I showed him the seeds he just shook his head. The kids said "mom you STOLE them?". I had to explain the concept of snatchin' then and there. Of course one of the "kids" is 20 so she's not too young to know.
Other snatches gained on this trip: seeds from a beautiful dwarf lupine growing wild in Utah, seeds from a fabulous orange mallow that turns the desert orange in Utah, starts from a couple of sedums growing in a garden outside our hotel in Oregon on the way home.
I wish I could have snatched more seeds from all the blooming flowers in Utah! Unfortunately, they were in full bloom and no seeds were to be found.

Here's a photo of the orange mallow that was so glorious!

Thumbnail by
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

ohhh pretty!

Mystic, CT(Zone 6b)

Pixydish - That lotus pod story is absolutely the best snatch I've heard yet!

That mallow is sooooo gorgeous. I never used to like orange, but this year I'm finding myself drawn to peaches and oranges, vivid colors and desert type plants. Hope it grows great for you.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hey, Pixie, good score! Which mallow is that?

Ivy, I hope so too. It is a beautiful plant. I'm not sure how to germinate, but I'm going to give it a try after doing a bit of research. Weezingreens, here's a link to a website I just now found to answer our mutual question:

It even says on this website that thousands of these plants bloomed for weeks in the 4 Corners area of the US, which is where we were! Maybe they'll have info on germinating.

Now don't go and use my name with that Lotus Pod story around the dinner table! Somewhere in Idaho there is a gas station bathroom that's not quite as attractive as it used to be! LOL It was really a scream and totally worth it just to see the looks on my family's faces! They thought they'd seen it all when it comes to my gardening!
I'll let you know if they actually germinate! Wouldn't it be a hoot if they grew and I got seed from them! I could offer the seed for postage and call them 'Pit Stop Lotus'.
That's pretty bad. I think I need to go to bed.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Ivy! I myself have deviated off my normal colors this year. At Home Depot they had the brightest red verbena and I got 2. I have never had red in my yard! It's mostly burgandy, yellows, blues, and whites. Anyway, I just couldn't resist!

I paid for them though - no snatchin promise!


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I went to a yard sale in the country and they showed me their pretty garden in the back. A asked if they would mind if i took some cuttings.
They all laughed when I whipped my pruners out of my hip pocket.
I think it's Wedgewood cuban oregano.

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