Snatchin' Part X... Salvaging at the Dump

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

The snow has receded, and I'm uncovering my plants from their mulch and cleaning up the lawn. The DH loaded up our trusty ol' truck, Bruno, and we headed for the dump with a load of deadfall limbs, etc. Now, this time of year, I don't ride shot gun on these jaunts, but a trip to the dump with a load of brush is like having a ticket to Disneyland! Once you get access to the back area of the dump, there is always something of interest, and nobody yells at you for hauling out more than you brought! We've found plywood, metal garbage cans, bricks,... you name it! Here's the old Tom Cat getting ready to start unloading.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Those mountains are the best view any dump ever had!

A friend of mine in GA used to make periodic trips for truckloads of crab waste from the piles behind the processing plant (he added them to his compost). I'd go along to pick up some buckets of oyster shells (good for mulching beds or for the bottom of a fish tank), but the real attraction was searching for pretty seashells from mollusks that had gotten caught up in the dredges. After the first time, I did not volunteer to shovel any crab waste though -- the ammonia was enough to make your eyes water. I still have some of the big clusters of oyster shells in my fish tanks....

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Yeaaa! New thread!!

:) Go dumpster divin' divas!!!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yeah, I thought we'd better have a new thread, NC. Oh, crab compost materials sound great. Here, we never get hot enough to compost hard-shell crustatians. I'd be sifting the same crab shells for four or five years! LOL! Yes, we have a pretty impressive dump site. Here is another shot of the dump... beautiful!

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

It was a discouraging haul at the dump. I found a few planters, but the rest was either uninteresting or already pushed into the pile. We'll see what I can do with these half pots.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Those are cool! It's amazing to me what people will throw away!!!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

We're pretty fortunate to have a dump that doesn't fuss with you for making 'withdrawals'. In fact, in the area where you dump household garbage, they have a table where you can leave things you know someone else can use. It is my understanding that many facilities don't allow any scrounging. We are also fortunate that it doesn't cost anything to drop off your garbage.

The fellows that work at the dump know I am always looking for garden containers, so they actually set them aside for me. Now, if I could just get them to save me some of those old window blinds!

Years ago, when I first started my raised garden beds, I was always looking for blocks, timbers, etc. My DH was working as a merchant seaman at the time, so I was on my own in my projects. I'd go to the dump and bring home all sorts of things to contain dirt, and on the way home, I'd pick up blasted rock along the roadside.

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

I went to the local tire place today and picked up 4 truck tires for potato planting! Goin' back tomorrow for 2 or 3 more for peanuts....


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I can recall trying to grow peanuts in Indiana years ago... not a great success, but I was able to see how they grow. Interesting!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Did the bus crash!!!

There haven't been any postings since 4/28, that's 8 days of no posting!!!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I think everybody is busy utilizing all the cool loot we've collected... seeds, plants, pots, etc. I try to check in every morning and evening, but I miss a lot, since I'm at warp speed getting my seedlings transplanted, etc... I guess everybody's doing the same. Keep bumpin' us up every once in a while to remind to keep the bus lubed and kick the tires for the next adventure!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Shew, so much to do so little time. Spring is breaking out all over.

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

Goin to my Pop- pops right now to do some snachin!!!!!!

I'll post picks aof the results!


Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

Here goes..... I got some of this --

Thumbnail by mysticwill
Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

And this.....

Thumbnail by mysticwill
Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

And cuttings of wistera, honysuckle?, periwinkle, some daylillies...


Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

need to - plant, work on the truck (can't keep spreading brake fluid all over the county). Guess I'll relax and do the "puter" job on Monday.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooooh, Heather, well done! What's the blue flower -- almost looks like a creeping phlox?

I hope you snatched enough to share some at the RU.... :-D

A friend of mine called last weekend to say she'd found a heap of nursery pot (various sizes) and even some flats (always need more) marked "free for the taking." I told her to please take all that would fit in the car.... she was out yardsale-ing, so I'm not sure how many actually did fit.... will have to call & see when I can get them from her!

(so, now I'm recruiting other people to do my snatching.... LOL!)

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

I have it on the id forum-- yes I have plenty to share-- it spreads and I will mark one yours if you would like it.


Heather (whatever pots you don't use......LOL!!!!)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

oh, yes, please Heather! I'd love some! That's such a pretty blue, and I'm looking for shorter, spreading or reseeding stuff to plant under my little fruit trees (my hoped for meadow of "volunteers" under the trees turned out to be half grass & thistles, so I'm replacing the unwelcome stuff clump by clump!). And I'll certainly keep my eye out for more pots & bring extras to the RU if my "stockpile" grows too large, LOL!

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Well done; training others to do your snatching! I'm working on a friend that has Garage sale habit to get things like that for me too... Plus clippings of anything interesting!

That is def a pretty blue one you have there!

I went to my aunts in OH last weekend. Got corkscrew willows, wisteria and couple pussywillow. General principles, snatched more when she went back inside... LOL Was hoping to bring some to the RU and meet some of you. Between friend's grad party and possibly meeting ex 1/2 way... it's not looking very positive right now. Later, Suzi :)

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

I wish some "snatcher" would come by here.... too much "stuff"... I'd even fix a nice cold glass of tea for them when their van was loaded. lol lol lol


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Carefull what you wish for. LOL
You are on one of my many paths.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heather is bringing me a pot of that pretty blue ajuga to the roundup, Suzi, so if you come I'll bet you could swap her for some! (just trying to provide a little extra incentive) I have a corkscrew willow from a cutting my mom started for me, and it's really taking off this year.... beautiful tree! I get more comments on that one than on any other tree we've planted.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Sidney, are you into houseplants?

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Oh my, I am on my way in station wagon to Pocahontas, TN to help poor Judy get rid of her too much "stuff" la la la la Don't drink tea, should I bring lemonade to share?!

Neighbor told me last night about bunch of leftover bricks being thrown out where they are building a new home in a plan, couple miles away. She got a bunch about wk or 2 ago; plans to get some more. I'm going tonight after finish supper, hopefully still some there!

I asked for a written estimate on fencing materials. Next thing I knew, Lowe's sent a card for $10 off next $25 purchase. Asked the lady that helped me if estimate was why I got the card. She said I had gotten on their list somehow, and she hadn't even gotten on that list. So, I feel like I snatched money there, which used towards purchase of some great bypass pruners - to snitch lots more goodies! Sure beats my dollar store pruners!

While getting those snips, saw a couple pieces of w. jew that had been broken off and were just lying there; had to rescue them too! Getting nice roots and will make a nice plant too!

Well, got to run, little one is ready to run and check out the bricks! Have fun! ~ Suzi :)

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Snatched 159 bricks. Going again tomorrow after work. There's also 7 approx 14-16' 2x4s there too. How to get them? Used to have bungie cords, not sure where they are. have top rails end to end, nothing crosswise on Station wagon roof. hatchback - so cannot leave them in car and out back, unless back up. Would be great to get those to build the arbor out of for the climbing roses... any ideas? ~ Suzi

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, Judy to a degree I'm into Houseplants. I had a 8" ledge put as bottom sill on a tinted plate glass picture window I put in my sewing room.
I also have shelves wide enough for pots inside all SE windows.
So, I've been readying for houseplants, but not having an auto indoor watering system, I just wasn't going to do it yet.
I can put everything outside for now when I leave. I have a great collection of painted rex begonias.
We'll talk (Grinning real Big)
Weeze, them Nasties are great!
8ft Here is a picture of Yokohama

Thumbnail by sugarweed
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b) last years plants and most of them wintered over.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Suzy, would a hacksaw help? I once rescued some 2x2s from an alley, and only had my trunk, so I cut them in half. You can always still use them for something, and if you or sig. other is handy, it won't matter what length they are, just make a beam out of them...

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Yea! Bought time this thread popped back up! I was out all day yesterday planting a bunch of goodies! Purchased stuff/DG stuff/and Snatched stuff!!


oohhh my back hurts today!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Judy, what a collection. You could start a nursery from those beautiful plants. That wrap around porch is just to die for. They are all just beautiful.

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Judy, you have a beautiful place w/lots of very nice plants!! If you ever need to get rid of a bunch again, email me quick!!

Tamara, no sig other. School meant no time for guys, so they ran away, fast! LOL and I am not handy enough to make 2 pieces into one board. Maybe I can find the bungee cords tonight that that step-bro took out of my car. Think they are on the side porch, with lots of other stuff. Now I know why I wanted them left in the car!! Maybe he will remember, will call tonight from home.

Gee, work just keeps getting in the way of progress. Lunchtime almost over, later - Suzi :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Suzi, our dollar store always carries packs of bungee cords.... of course, you can't snatch from the dollar store, but at those prices sometimes it almost feels like I've been snatching when I come back with a bunch of goodies from there.

Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Got the 2x4's... 6 --16' long, 1--12' long. Put down seats, stuffed them up to the windows, tied them togeher w/shoe string, then tied that to the hatchback catch. Tied red t-shirt to one of them, set the door down loosely on top of the boards. Stuck out about 6', boards touched road twice, due to hills... oh boy! Back later for bricks YAY!! ~ Suzi :)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I hope you getting goods disposed of. lol

Brookhaven, PA(Zone 7a)

so where is Moon township-- I need some brick!!! LOL!!!!


Moon Twp, PA(Zone 6a)

Older DD said how do you know they are thrown out? I know, it is really dif to believe, but, they are w/some other construction trash, thrown out at the top where there are no houses, on edge of cul-de-sac and steep hilll down. Peo have thrown bags of trash up there too. Neighbor's directions were to pass the castle and go to the end of the c-d-s. Castle is min $500K. Other homes there prob $350K and higher.

We now have 525 bricks and 7- 2x4s... back tomorrow for more. I am tired. About 3-4 trips left still, maybe more. Neighbor wants more, she shouldn't wait too much longer! ~ Suzi :)

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Go for it!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Yeah Suzi, wish I could come along!

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