Plant Propagation ,The Basics Continued Oct -Nov

(Patti) Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Yes Robin, you are correct. Tucker is my almost 10-year-old chocolate lab. He's been my glued- to-my-hip buddy since he was six months old and I brought him back home after a four-day visit with his breeder in Wisconsin.

To bring this post back to gardening, he sits and watches as new plants go in. He might go up to sniff, but he's never hurt anything. Correction - He might have stepped on an iris I planted a couple months ago – but that damage was probably caused by my neighbors dog who was playing tag with Tuck in my backyard. LOL

Those people that know it all – aren't they called master gardeners? LOL LOL

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the confirmation. There are bound to be casualties when you share your garden with anything. Heck, I'm quite capable of doing some damage myself...if I plant too many things at once and forget to water something, or step on one plant trying to tend to another. My favorite is when I plant something next to something that turns out to be much bigger than anticipated and one of them has to go. I usually opt for the smaller, less unruly of the two to stay so I can pack more varieties in...wha ha haaa...

Yes we have a few very master Master Gardeners, we're a lucky lot.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I planted a few tree seeds today , up at 7 am 30 degrees , doing all morning , hardware shopping at noon , rain outside and home now ,
Always use to keep a puppy as young , now a cat , ?
Student Masters , fully capable and to tomorrow beyond what is , trickster of Mastery . lol

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

What tree seeds did you sow Ju and did you direct so insitu?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Meant to answer Jen earlier , also , Yes Jen , I garden learn doing that . I do not have as much room here as that sounds , Plants to do the wild thing grow together ,or get crowded out ,, ? Like the Christmas rush art Wallmart ? you dig ,,,

Robin . A few more of the Maple seeds . Japanese Maple , a couple others , A couple were left over from our last compliment (trade) . One grew last time and got dumped off the front porch , Their in the containers (coffee cans ) planted them just as it started raining , others did not get done ,

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Here's hoping you have better luck this time around. Kittens are a different beast but just as enjoyable as dogs I have come to find out. Pets are good for the soul, enjoy.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin All things considered , my luck is pretty good ^_^ I forgot a part today for my project ,
Seeds and relaxing thought this evening ,
Camo is 13 ,or so , my oldest cat , He has always been here as the only pet , He is very disgruntled , walking around hissing and growling . had always been rather a quiet kitty until all the others ,
Sleeping on the kitchen floor most of the time , the others bother him outside ,

Everyone is delighted to the kittens , but you all know about what you know unless we find good homes for them , We keep trying to do that ,
Males run off more feral , females well ,, that also ,

I am doing two for leaf and a gear grinder , mostly though , I seem to be sitting ,lol

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Poor Camo, he deserves some extra lovin'.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I agree... older cats seem to need more love and patience when there are strange Kittens around.

Ju, did you plant that black locust yet? I'm looking for A RED MAPLE SEED IF ANYONE HAS ONE. all mine are the regular green ones that don't turn and don't drop leaves until frost. Patti will have a steady supply of leaves as well as the compost pile .
I kind of go crazy at sowing seeds, I go in crazed spurts, if I KNOW it is going to rain in late fall or early spring, I run around throwing seeds everywhere, then if I don't write it down, I have no clue what is growing until there are blooms, and then I have to come here and find out what the heck did I plant. :P
no rain here for three weeks now, my rain barrels are almost empty again. Tonite I planted three rosella hibiscus, two white texas star hibiscus, a lemon seed, and two cuttings from my brazilian morning glorys. fingers crossed. ( the Morning glory is a hard one to propagate from cuttings) Why won't my passion vines bloom? It is driving me mad! They are all over the ceiling down there..

My variegated Agave is throwing babies up, I was stirring the soil to see if it was bone dry and stuck my finger on a point. They come up point first.. ouch! we have three babies peeking /poking up so far.

I have tiny baby itty bitty okra looking buds on my big brug, she bloomed in spring and has not since, so here is keeping fingers crossed for blooms this Christmas. I cut back the red poodle hibiscus, I have cuttings stuck in other plant pots and a couple in the fish tank filter, so far so good.
My baby kong coleus seedlings are starting to look like their momma. I might have nice plants come this spring..
That's the news from this crazy seed loving plant nut.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

jw I have not planted the Black locust yet I have not had the chance , I will winter sow it shortly though
Only the usual red Maple here , I keep trying with those, I paid 70 $ for a red leaf maple tree , The Japanese beetles ate it to stems , in 2003 it was 9 ft tall and looked real good ,then ( the Beetles )
If I am lucky the Flame , or Shiraz Maple I will have this time next year , I planted the last of the seeds today ,
Maples rarely breed true ,, Silver , red , sugar , black , are about it , but the silver varies , crosses with most ,
I keep trying ,
The leaf in the bin , really red for a silver Maple , That is unusual ,

Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

That leaf is a rare red Silver neighbor has one and it wreaks havoc in my gardens. Silver Maples have massive feeder roots, making digging very difficult while they suck all the water out of the soil. I can't leave a compost pile for more than a couple of days, unless I want a mass of roots (I don't know why I would). The branches break all the time and I'm constantly picking them up. I just want to claim my space, I was hoping to outlive the bugger, that would be satisfying.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

How about all the wonderful seed pods , and the millions of little trees ,, Maple trees that is , .
That one has been growing and being trimmed in the side middle of the patio for years
I came in and took a shower as some icky stuff got spilled on me , As soon as I get dry , some more to do , Including a Locust seed ,,lol (for jw ) and for me .
incidentally I catch colds when I get wet at below 56 degrees , back in the day ,that was 18 degrees ,

Have some errands to do groceries to bring in ,, ( hey , garden products ,

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Woohoo garden products!

How could I forget about the billions of samaras I pick up every year. Somehow, they still produce thousands of seedling for me to yank out of the ground. Come to think of it, this tree is the bane of my existence. Gee, I'm so depressed now...I think I'll sit in the rain and sulk.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Like me yesterday Robin , Rain time Think of it this way .. ground water is being made better , The microbes your plants want grow in the rain water , Besides ,your plants are being watered .
Rain time is time to think of green foods , blooms to come , projects of interest ,

Hmmm as to projects , How do you put this together ,
and ;do you believe this ?
then, will will help , ?

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I wanted to be depressed Ju and you went and uploaded furry little spirit lifters. Darn, they're so stinking cute, they look like they're really busy helping. I bet they LOVE all the tinkering and gardening you do.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin They pose a second while playing also ,lol As if you could not tell that ,lol

I did not do much , plants a few tree seeds , Buckeye , Oak , Locust ,
Working on glue parts , (motor wax) parts of my project ,

Fort Worth, TX

Will sweetgum grow where you live? Maples don't go red in Texas but Sweet gums and Shumardi red oak do. (Unfortunately the last shumardi I bought wasn't one, it was an east Texas oak and died slowly in the drought til I finally cut it down) I might be able to come up with some sweetgum seed pods. The kids used to make Christmas ornaments out of them, just glitter the points.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Gypsi I have seen a few here , the region , Not many , Gum tree or Osage Orange . around here anyway ,
Mostly Maple and nut trees , Most around here was once natural scrub , and swamp type tree Beech Sycamore etc .

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

well personally, I am getting sick of LEAVES. all the neighbors sycamores are everywhere but in their own yards. Joe will be raking in the wind tomorrow. Love those kittens, so dang cute.

I still have salvias , marigolds, mums , and morning glorys blooming. We are all ignoring the fact that it is November here.. no rain as yet and none in sight, so I watered tonight. Poor shrubs and trees were looking withered.

Fort Worth, TX

that swamp oak of mine just died and died here. Have a young water oak that started from an acorn about 10 years ago, since it was a Fort Worth tree I assumed it would be a tough species, but NOOOOO. The rain this spring saved it finally.

I will see if my sweetgum has any seeds

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

JU, I read somewhere that when you get pups or kittens and there are older ones in the house, they seem to have the idea that you are getting the young ones to replace them. That is really sad if true. Don't know. That is why they try to run the young ones off.

Called the gal at the library today. Bob told me a week or so ago that there was a load of kittens down in the library. Today he said they were outside in the snow huddled up underneath a chair on a porch across the street from the library. The lady I called said that the city and she were working on getting them to Pet Rescue because they were already becoming feral. But she did say they were being fed and watered. If you want one, she said, please feel free to take one or two or??? No, I already have two.

Seems someone dropped to pregnant females. figures. Well folks, going to read some more on my book and hit the hay. ttyl, jen

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I love Sweetgum, they're beautiful. I think they'll grow in your area Ju, they'd be easy to spot this time of year. You'd have to grow them where the spiky balls wouldn't be a hassle though (if that's possible).

Jen isn't that a shame? I can't understand why or how people can give up on and abandon their pets like that.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

There are some smaller ones around here Robin , Bright red fall leaves ,
Too windy and cool out to do much . I can pot grow a few , but My yard is full of trees lol

Fort Worth, TX

It has cooled off a lot here. Having a garage sale this weekend with my neighbors, so we can all get rid of our junk. The ones selling christmas ornaments are making a fortune.

My yard is full of trees too, not much room for more, they would not have adequate space to grow and water demand would go way too high. So no takers on sweetgum seeds?

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

If only I could trade you some Sweetgum seeds for a fully grown Acer saccharum Gypsi. I have a one tree yard and this one's too big.

No Jen, it's not like an unwanted puppy.

Okay, I'll stick with the Sugar Maple and raise you a few Sweetgum seeds. who knows what can happen between now and then. I would love to grow them...and guess I could always give them away later if I can't keep them for myself...right? Seeds, they're so addictive...yes Gypsi please send me some.

Mmm, bright red fall leaves...

Fort Worth, TX

That maple wouldn't make it here, we don't get enough rain. I will see if I can find any seed pods that haven't dropped their seeds.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

How cold do get in Winter Gypsi?

Fort Worth, TX

I lit a fire tonight. I heat with a wood stove. I don't think it has gotten below zero in Texas since I lived here but it gets down to 5 for a few days a winter, at night, and some days it doesn't get above freezing

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Sounds like a perfect winter, Gypsy.
It got down to 30 this am but because of the lack of moisture there was no freezer burn on anything here. I am off tomorrow and will take cuttings of the tomatoes to root and grow during winter. I will be covering the tomatoes that are loaded with sheets until a HARD Freeze alert, then I will blanket them. This is always the plan for me when I have tomatoes still going strong. So late, but will be worth the extra attention, I a looking forward to tomatoes this winter. I'll eventually pick them all and store the green ones to ripen slowly in a bag wrapped up one by one in newspaper tissue.

All my cuttings downstairs are going great and I have little seed heads popping up already, yay!

Fort Worth, TX

You can take cuttings of tomatoes to root and grow during winter?

any instructions on that? I will have a hard freeze within 10 days I think, need to get my solar blanket on the greenhouse Sunday I guess.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh yes, you can take the top third or two thirds of an active growing tomato and root it in a bubble tub. As soon as it gets root nubs move it to an almost soil-less medium, and set the pot under a bright light and in a shallow pan with water and food in it. make sure you give your plants some food all winter.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Sound to me like you might try growing a pepper or a olive tree Gypsy . Only ones I have that might grow where you are is a Redbud and the Hackberry seeds , not much ,, My desert palms and trees , died this summer , I do not know for sure why ,

Debra . that all sounds wonderful !!!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

photo contest winners link:

Nice entries!
I'm going to try to get an eastern persimmon and a white mimosa to sprout, Ju.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Any part of a tomato plant will root and grow. Debra do your tomato plants produce during the winter? My pepper plant's do but they are already in containers. I take a cutting of a tomato plant and stick it deep in moist soil, after it roots I water it from the bottom, that's how I water my pepper plants too. I'm lucky enough to have enough natural ight that i don't have to use extra light on my established plants.

Fort Worth, TX

Going to try some tomato rooting. No thank you on redbuds or hackberries Ju, I am cutting down the fenceline hackberries for firewood (have to every couple of years to keep the fence UP.) and I have a redbud that is doing well, I potted a few babies for friends this year.

thank you though. goodnight

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Night , night to you all also .. I tried sleeping a while ago ,, oh , well

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

LOL jU, what is sleep?

I had tomatoes year b4 last in winter, last year I had peppers, this year I will have both. I have no natural light in the basement garden. I have T5's and other lights.

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Sounds even better still Debra , great in fact , food and blooms from the basement ,
Sleep is that which prefers to be somewhere else when you want it , ?

I am having trouble reading ,so off to play until sleep comes to visit ,

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't have a basement but a SW facing dinning room with large double pane windows and no husband to tell me there are too any plants on the table. Lol I also have an E facing window box in the mud room.

Goodnight John Boy....

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

Debra, how do you pollinate them? Ok going to bed...

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