Plant Propagation ,The Basics Continued Oct -Nov

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

One of my sisters drives a Honda ,, Granny thought about it . Went to sleep for two hours and came to see the Bee Balm and the Great Spangled Frittilary

Sounds like a full weekend Debra , Glad to hear that all went nicely also ,
Couple evenings this week I will also cut vines and stalks

Lots of seeds to stratify , when colder weather returns ,

Last time the bee Balm lived , bloomed and died . Hopefully it will like better where it is placed this time
I have some nice looking Kale growing , good green ,

Penstemon showing spots but colorful for fall foliage

Thumbnail by juhur7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Gosh you guys all have such pretty flowers blooming still. Bob has slowly taken the plants off the deck so not much there now.

Debra, the Monarda is beautiful. I have one that is a really nice lavendar like one of yours I believe. But I would love to have a red one if you have one. The reddish orange one next to the butterfly is gorgeous, and also the first one is pretty. So if you have one of the one next to the b'fly, I would love to have one. I'm so sorry I just can't get down to dig up any of my things to send to anyone right now. You all probably have everything I do. I do have about a dozen day lilies out there. and peonies, Pyracanthas, Helebores, and hostas, right off hand what I can think of. But, haven't even been able to go down and take care of them the last couple of years. I got a sprinkler off Amazon that really covers a big area and it has a timer on it. Bob sets it every day and he puts some fertilizer on them. Also my daughter came over and put down weedblock and some mulch, then Bob went down and got another load of mulch just to keep the weeds down more than anything.

But, I am hoping next year will be different. Possibly this infusion I got will help improve my bones so they don't break if I just put my foot down wrong. We'll see. JU, your plants you have planted now look really healthy. Going to be good next year. Also, your Penstemon looks a lot like a plant I have that I am not sure what it is. I wonder.

We had some of Bob's sauerkraut last night for dinner with Polish sausage in it. I didn't eat a lot because of my stomach, but it was really good. He froze 9 bags 2 12 lbs each. Don't know why so much; Maybe he was saving on his vacu-packer bags. lol, hope that isn't it.

Watched the Seahawk/Dallas game today and it was a really sorry game for a Pro game.Very sloppy. However, even tho they were playing in Dallas, Seattle won. So that is nice. 12/13 isn't that an awful score? jen

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the compliments Jen. I think I can speak for everyone (cause I'm sure they'd agree) that what you do contribute is very much appreciated. I'm so glad you converse with us and share your knowledge. I also hope next year is a better year for you physically and you can more easily get out into the garden.

Mmm, sauerkraut and Polish sausage got my mouth watering.

Debra, I agree with Jen about the color of #4, it looks like a beautiful coral color. I also love the color of #2, is that a dwarf maybe?

There's still a couple of things trying to bloom. Ju's H. syriacus seed heads are dry and harvested, I'm still waiting for mine to ripen. this is the first year it's still trying to put one more bud out.
Rose of Sharon
Chocolate Daisy
I forget what this one is, It might be a memory cleaner???

Thumbnail by Mipii Thumbnail by Mipii Thumbnail by Mipii Thumbnail by Mipii
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

You're very sweet Robin (my daughter's name) but yakking is cheap. LOL, and I sure do a lot of that. Otherwise JU would fall asleep. Have to stick an elbow in his ribs once in a while.

That is a gorgeous color on that Yarrow. I love that stuff. It is the most drought resistant plant in my whole yard I think. Ju sent me some seeds for white and rose I think it is called but it didn't bloom this year. Think I got them in too late. But, not sure what rose is. JU, is the color Robin posted the same one you sent me?

Robin is that first one a Rose of Sharon? Aren't they the same as Hibiscus? Just a different name for them? The leaves look different than the Hibiscus Sharon sent me the seeds for. This is the first year I planted the seeds and it was a very fast grower, but the cold hit it and the leaves all fell off. It is suppose to be a hardy one, but I hope it is hardier than that 'cause it really didn't get that cold.

Your last picture, what a gorgeous color, sure looks familiar, but I can't think of the name of it either. Sure pretty.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Rose of Sharon are a deciduous tree/shrub here with smaller blooms. Hardy Hibiscus are herbaceous and die to the ground each winter, some of those have dinner plate size blooms. Seeds for all...all for the asking (as long as my ROS seeds ripen before they freeze). I don't have a name for my ROS but the bloom is lavender, very pretty.

BTW you are blessed to have Bob look after you so well and bless his heart for doing so!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes having folks is good (mostly )
Lavender ROS here does not make as many seeds as the white , both have the red Eye ,

Here is my garden helper today , keeping up with things ,remembering names can be such a Bear ,, Everything gets hazy fuzzy or really woolly ,,
Would that be a Woolly Bear putting you on to a snow? uh , huh ,,

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

There are many different types of hibiscus. The is a Hibiscus forum on DG.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hello Lisa , we thread talk and blog along about everything here , There is a critter forum also ,
First two are like praying for snow , lol ?

3 RoS White
4 ROS Lavender
Dinner plate red Hibiscus

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Hi Lisa, are you through the drought where you are?

Ju those are pretty good insect pics, do you know the name of the woolly cat?

Here's my Lavender ROS.

Thumbnail by Mipii
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin All I know is the Woolly Bear becomes a Moth , not sure which

here ;Pyrrharctia isabella - Butterflies and Moths of North America ...

Hibiscus are nice ,

I was digging today . I will tomorrow if the chance arises ,Those mustard coffee cans are set up for fall and winter sowing . Moved bunches of daylily older ones ,
Couple of feverfew to plant Strawberries to move , to many to name the plants that need different light , so on .

Fort Worth, TX

I would love some ROS seeds if they come with starting instructions. I have a lot of seeds I have flopped at starting, btw

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Robin can those be grown in pots? If so, what size? pots that is. I would love some seeds. I really enjoy them. Nothing like watching them germinate and grow. Then of course is the room for all the up-potting. jen

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I didn't mean to butt in or say that you can't talk about whatever you want I just meant that there are so many types of hibiscus that they have their own forum, if you want more info. After all the changes on DG that's saying a lot! Lol I was surprised how many plants were hibiscus.

Robin, regarding the drought. That is a good question. Lol We are still in a drought according to the NOAA but the Austin Airport ABIA has had the wettest yr ever recorded. So, to answer your question...I don't know. It's either really wet or really dry.

Beautiful pictures

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Hey Lisa, didn't think you did anything but tomatoes. LOL, just kidding. Good to see you here. jen

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I do lurk lol. I'm wonder if they can be grown in containers also? There were 3 10' tall ROS plants when we bought this place, I ask the original owner if they were a type of hibiscus,she said "no". Unfortunately, I believed her....but they lived in ground here for years with no care in the summer or winter.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I type sounding wrong frequently Lisa , and all here. Yes , I agree , A lot more types of Hibiscus than you count on your fingers or toes , as matters are ,nearer the number of hair folicles

everything nearly can be grown in a pot (not by me though) They would probably make an interesting Bonsai .

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Gypsi, send me a dmail with your address. I'll give seed germinating instructions too.

Jen, are you interested in the Yarrow or the ROS? The ROS usually grows to be 10' by 10'. I've got to find the tag for the Yarrow to find out how big it grows. Dmail me with your address and let me know what you'd like.

Lisa, that's too bad about your ROS. They're a popular shrub because they're so easy and undemanding. They're also a pretty good grower -- on the faster side, so you may want to try them again. Mine bloomed for a long time this season.

Ju is right, nearly everything can be container grown and it would be an interesting Bonsai project. Since they're a no muss no fuss shrub, I'm betting they'd do good in a container.

Fort Worth, TX

photos as promised taken today

Broccoli and swiss chard, or broccoli and watermelon and sweet potato (old eyes can't see thumbnail) Peach trees looking for a home. Texas sage, gaura, turks cap and a pink spirea in front of a whole lot more, marguerite daisies and larkspur seedlings getting ready for spring, newly planted angelina augustifolias, salvia greggi big transplant, smaller red salvia, 4 small lantanas. Otherwise known as bee forage!

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Very nice Gypsi, are you still harvesting vegetables now? What kind of peach tree are you growing there? Bee forage is a must when you keep bees, that's so cool. You're amazing, you remind me of Jen.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Gypsi ,if I were a Bee , I would have Fun there , work , play , lol
BIG Sigh ,, real Nice ,,

Fort Worth, TX

I have yet to harvest my first full size tomato for 2015, they got in late, then it rained and rained then it droughted and droughted. Looks like I have a half dozen green 'Early Girl' tomatoes. I will harvest all tomatoes to countertop ripen and any squash or melons for the same just before first freeze.

I will harvest broccoli and swiss chard for most of the winter unless we have a super hard freeze in which case I will toss a 110 gallon stock tank on top. The long pots are stuff I am going to try to grow in the greenhouse - bell peppers and so on but germination was weak and I doubt they will do well.

Peach trees are a fall ripening variety, from fruit I tossed on the compost pile, bought the trees 4 years ago in spring and no idea what kind they were, the dogs ate one. The survivor had so much heavy fruit last year I lost the crown when the fruit was green and when it went on the compost, I had baby trees this year.

Greenhouse last winter

Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Lol, that's a peach of a story Gypsi. I'd certainly pick one of those babies up if I lived closer.

Regarding harvesting, I guess the zone difference is a trade off. Things grow well here in the heat of the summer and probably not there. Our harvest time-frame is short for cool season veggies before the temps drop too much. Cold frame and greenhouses are the only things that can extend the growing season here.

Fort Worth, TX

in deep summer I can expect to harvest a couple of cantaloupes, occasionally a winter squash, swiss chard, and chinese noodlebeans. The tomatoes and bell peppers do not fruit, summer squash has already burned up, and forget spinach, the only time to grow it is now and maybe february. a lot of things just don't tolerate the heat. And if I forget to water everything dies.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Staying with this is the Kale cool weather plant , easy , seeds , and poof , eats , lol and besides , it is perennial here ,

2 is some outdoor winter containers being set up .

3 is saying peek a boo hi there ,

4 bamboo is still green ,

Got the Grass cutting equipment apart and ready for storage , a couple trees to trim so their not falling on power lines ,

This message was edited Nov 3, 2015 8:44 PM

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, this would be the third time I have tried this and keep losing them. Maybe just tired. Will try later. jen

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

zebra grass got moved , 1
2 goldenrod in full seed
3 my ten year old plum being giving a leaf cut
4 top the willow in the wires
5 the Dandelion bloom gone to seed today ,, November unique that is ,

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

The mower apart , ready to storage ,
2 All this is enough some days to make you grow (have) kittens

3 roadside aster making seeds

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, going to try again, but only a bit, not the whole thing since I have so many things to cover. Lisa I think they can be grown in pots. They will not get 10x10 because they will not out grow the pot you put them in. My opinion.

Robin, I would love to have seeds from both the ROS and the Yarrow. Will plant the ROS in a pot in the house and we'll see. It will go outside in the summer. The yarrow will not get more than a few fee tall. It is one of my favorite plants and I love the color of that red one you have.

Gypsi, I see the broccoli head you are going to have to eat pretty soon. That and Brussels Sprouts are our favorite vegetables. Oh and Asparagus. Love um all. That geranium is gorgeous. Will be so cheerful in the winter. So pretty.

JU, think that little guy follows you around. Does it sit on your lap at night? Just likes to see you work huh? So cute, and the box full of them is something. So cute. Going to keep them all? Or just thru their cutest stage? Bet Granny loves them.

Going to cut this off before I lose it. Then will finish the rest. Jen

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Two males two females. The one on the far left looking at the camera , is the little male the Teens are keeping
The largest and larger male is stretched out on the bottom of that pile is half as long as ma already .you can see him in there but not real well .
Couple of them like me , mostly they like playing with what I am doing , they were jumping up and down off the lawnmower blade like it was a diving platform while I was removing it from the bottom of the mower , Running up the back of my pants leg , grabbing with little teeth and claws while doing so , Jumping on me from behind whenever I am bending over ,, you know , kitten things , Pulling ma's tail , jumping into bags to hear them rattle , bouncing about a few hours , lol

Oh , and Jen , they stay in the garage at night ,

This message was edited Nov 3, 2015 11:08 PM

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

You got it Jen...seeds from both. Losing your posts is incredibly frustrating, I'm sorry to hear all the trouble you're having. Ju's kitten caboodle are pretty darn cute though, I could watch them play for hours. I'm glad I'm not the only one taking great pleasure in his pics.

Thanks Ju!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Your all always welcome , your sweet Robin , my pic's are usually like these(below) not real exciting , only interesting at times

and Jen , here's hoping you better luck with your internet , enough to drive you unto the folks with nets ,isn't it , chuckle
2 Purple ruffles from the garden , (I doubt these breed true )
1 Cinnamon Basil pods from the garden
3 Zebra grass seed stalks from the garden

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Fort Worth, TX

Those kittens are adorable. Since I got the feral cats fixed I don't have neighbors calling me to pick up kittens BUT we haven't had any under the hoods of cars either. I ought to check with the auto shop that was feeding cats and see if they need any live-traps. .I

dogs wanting breakfast, reckon they are not going to let me be online.

Thumbnail by Gypsi
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Wish I had a feral cat. The mice outside are plenty. Love those kittens, Ju.
Gypsy what kind of dogs? Labs? I wish I had the space to grow all those yummy vege's you grew.
Ju, you have been really productive. NOT ME. I slept most of the day yesterday, but Joe got a lot done for me.
Jen, I have some small 8 to 12 inch ROS plants.., will send you one when I send the Monarda.. You can keep them in a pot .. I have three in pots, fun to shape. I will be working on that package mid week.
Supposed to cool off this weekend.. fun.. ( not really)

Fort Worth, TX

my dogs are all rescues and all mixes. Actually one of those in the pics was a foster, he has gone on to get a home, and you can't see my shar pei mix behind him, but it is the best pic for the year.

I have a border collie mix (with GSD and something small and yappy) smart as a whip and on the left, not death row - cute as a bug, came in at the pound and I went right over after I saw his pic and brought him home for a trial visit. He had been an only dog and never seen a cat or a child, he has learned to be a pack member. He is about 1.5 years old
Rotti / bernese mountain dog OR Rotti/Lab, had him almost 7 years, battling mast cell now, 100 lbs of lap dog fixing to ride to work with me. Death row Jan 09 due to bad kennel cough
Cici the Dobie mix probably with GSD, 3 years and a velcro dog, if she is not crated or out back she is attached to my left hip and tripping me up.We are working on that go lay down stuff Death row due to bad kennel cough, after 5 weeks we were sure she would live
Camelo - pic below - Chinese Shar Pei and GSD. He is a lover, and his favorite ball is a basketball. I gather old ones, they last about 2 weeks. He was on death row at a pound, saw him on facebook
And Bravo, GSD mix pup, maybe with rotti, will see how he fills out, dumped in a back yard alone at 8 weeks, I fed him most of last winter and gave him a dog house, when the guy that dumped him moved out a year later his ex-wife gave me the dog. The big dog whose face you can't see because of the gate. On the right we have Woodstock, an aussie shepherd mix who was on death row for too much time in shelter and had potty training issues (and hose chewing) took 9 months to get him straightened out and he got adopted and hasn't come back. Bravo and Camelo below Bravo didn't want to wear his hat, Buddy can you spare a biscuit?

Feral cats get killed by coyotes etc too. If you have a large feral population the coyotes move right on in, they cleaned up about 120 cats in 2006. I got the last one fixed after she had had and lost her kittens to a predator, she lasted about 3 years, but periodically new ferals move into the area.


Thumbnail by Gypsi Thumbnail by Gypsi
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awwwww my heart is just melting..

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Use to keep dogs when younger , Pet lovers one and all ,Most of the Coyote are gone from here I have seen three during the 80's and 90's last about 2008
One brownish red one had mange , other two big silver imported ,

Today I will try and pick up branches . Maybe fall plant a couple Milkweeds etc

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

have fun for me, Ju. I am at work and wish I was raking leaves instead.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Oh my gosh, a beautiful lot you have Gypsi. I have to ditto what Debra said (using a paint scraper to get my heart back into it's chest cavity).

Since I rescued two cats last year, I don't seem to have any issues with squirrels or rabbits. Also, I never knew there were so many mice around here. I have witnessed at least 4 getting eaten this fall already.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Debra, I raked leaves for yah, boy you're whooped. Your arm muscles are going to be sore tomorrow, I suggest taking an epsom salt bath tonight.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

all today was a few Clematis moved , I lose to many moving them . I moved the Strawberries , needed more light there ,
Well a few smaller things , a few branches on a mulch pile.
Now I am sitting here having a Burger with onions and a coffee , Applesauce for desert .
Always things to do

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