Plant Propagation ,The Basics Continued Oct -Nov

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

That's all Ju? Sure sounds like enough to work up an appetite. Speaking of a mulch pile, I've been really wanting a chipper/shredder as I don't have room for a mulch pile. They're so stinking expensive though, I wonder if I could build one?

I just got back from grocery shopping, just in time for my evening coffee...mmm...

Fort Worth, TX

It is raining here again. I got stuff moved to shelter and emptied containers of old pumps and other stuff in one of my sheds that had rain that came in sideways through the rather large open side vents I guess. Bronx rode with me but didn't want to get out at our pond stop, came home tidied yard, got the exercise bike out of the rain, and fixed the speaker in my old truck. Nail polish and silicone are wonderful things.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin their expensive to build also , the power required ,
I have seen them built from lawnmowers , I have built those and rock crushers with electric motors ,
I have a 2i/2 hp farm motor , I wanted to finish as my shredder chipper , I need a rolling cart that is easy to handle though , Weighs over 80 pds the motor ,

Use the round type bulb augers , heavy stainless steel ,

Small square container , or bucket ,
Appropriate bearings for shafts ,
Auger shaft , the blade type difficult
Motor or power plants
Mounting set ,
Shaft connectors ..

My smaller ones are only for light stuff
I have not felt well enough in a while to finish or repair (as in put back together my smaller ones

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

One of my neatest Ideas , lol .. here we go again right ,??? Mini food processor ,
With a motor attached to the handle shaft . Set in a bucket ,
A leaf and small thing grinder shredder ,
They do leaves and green things up to carrots and cucumbers , leaf ain't near that tough ,
Of course you could do them by hand power if like churning butter , ??? lol

My mind gets going ,
Small appliance motor
Shredder wheel
Bucket , Mostly that is all a leaf shredder is . how good you can ,is to you .

This message was edited Nov 4, 2015 11:47 PM

Fort Worth, TX

You are much more ambitious than I am Juhur. A leaf shredder for me is a 55 gallon drum and my string trimmer, just never put more than a foot of leaves in at a time, works pretty well.

Those chippers, well there is this tree company up the road and I get a pile of mulch from him for free a couple of times a year. City picks up my tree limbs and I can pick up free mulch from them too, but the tree trimmer drops off half a dump truck load for free...

I rescue him from bees now and then.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

sounds like a lot of work and muscle.. ugh.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Not much muscle , only a bit of finese , tedium mounting the motor properly ,
I could go , on , on and on , but this is wrong thread ,
The point is , anything under , say 100 $'s usually won't last or does not do much ,or falls apart rapidly
2 to 500 $'s pretty good machines sometime , usually .
Currently my motors , except the huge one are worn out ,
If I scrap it costs a lot less but for 40 $'s approximately I can build an automatic self working machine , comparative to the 60 90 $ machines that break down all the time ,
Mine as that , run like a small fan , take longer , but do the work , and mine last for ten years ,or so .
100 $ motor , 2 large buckets , I can build one you would pay 900 to 1200 $'s for , it ain't cheap or inexpensive , for machines that work for you , lol

Thank you Gypsi but really , not so ambitious , and my mind isn't always there , most of the edging with the trimmers is about as far as I go

Debra , indeed , not everyone is there with the machinery , Your happier with the plant talk ,i dig where your coming from ,

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

I wish our Village chipped and shredded, they gather the leaves and brush but burn it ...a huge bonfire every Halloween for some reason.

I'm sure a huge auger might do the trick; like a giant hand turned meat grinder. I've got and use an old school coffee grinder...hand cranked. On second thought, that gives my arm a good workout. I need it motorized.

Your method sounds good too Gypsi.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Robin , you need your arm motorized ,??? lol chuckle , sometimes me too , Aren't we glad we aren't driving a model T ?
I am terrible the past few days , hope all the best to you all ,,as always

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

A lot of minds working hard. LOL, JU, I might be the only one that can agree with you on that. I really do, or used to in my younger days, love stuff like that. See that is where the 20 years difference in our age comes in. Those were my younger days. Where you are now. >smile<

But, yeah, I can see how you did it. But, I like the way Debra said too. A lot of muscle. See, tho, she has Joe to use the muscle. LOL, not fair Debra.

But those chippers/mulchers do come in handy. Especially for shrubs, trees etc., Branches can go to the landfills. It is nice when you can get a load of that brought to you. Especially free. We all like free.

Sharon, are you around? You haven't been on for all day. About time you showed up. jen

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

That would work Ju, can you imagine how fast I could get things done? Speedy Gonzales with everything mundane, then put it in manual mode (my arm) for gardening...haha.

I can only wish.

BTW Ju, I'm saddened you haven't been feeling well, I hope you get better soon.

This message was edited Nov 5, 2015 1:07 AM

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

crossposted JU.

What do you mean you've been terrible the last few days? I don't understand. In what way? You sounded like you are ready to go out and take care of the world JU.

Gotta head for Spokane in the morning to pick up my new glasses at Costco and have an Endoscopy. Yuck. Oh well, could have been worse.

Think we lost Lisa too?

Just watching the news and a hunter's bullet went into a house and ended up in a coffee pot. They showed where it traveled all the way. Very dangerous out there.

Fort Worth, TX

dangerous all over.

I only know north Texas, but tree removal and pruning companies always have to dump their mulch somewhere. And their wood. Firewood runs about 280 a cord down here, but if I take my little chainsaw and cleanup downed wood it is free. The tree guy charges me about 20 a pickup load for odd shaped pieces. (I heat with a wood stove, big coins are much better than split wood) I would check my local yellow pages and see what you find in the way of tree pruners for mulch.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That all sounds good , Gypsi , with the eye on quicktime goodies..

You realize posts disappearing is not good , back tomorrow ..?

This message was edited Nov 5, 2015 2:20 AM

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well, the highway guys that cut the trees that look like trouble, the ones JU was talking about, they will dump the chips for you free if you stop and ask. Thing is finding them when they are doing it.

JU, you didn't write anything. Bet that kitten is doing it's trick for you with your computer. Are you teaching it how to use it? He is a very tricky looking kitten, better watch out. Also those teens could be teaching him some too.

Just saw the darnedest thing on the news. Pencils that sprout and you can plant. Had leaves coming out the top. The erasure end.

Well going to read and then to bed as usual. gotta get up early in the morning and head out. 'nite, jen

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm here, just reading the posts. : )

Fort Worth, TX

taking off morning work to fix the chicken coop. Dogs saw a rat in the run last night. Need to repair the hardware cloth, they were trying to be good dogs, it did not get away

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Well, who knew coins burn better than split wood? I don't have a wood stove but would love to be in an area where I had one.

Good dogs!

Pencils that sprout? To what end I wonder.

Fort Worth, TX

coins about 4 to 5 inches thick burn all night, split wood don't plan on sleeping or be very cold in the morning

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Lisa and I are reading along... I wanna see that pencil.. I also had a weird idea, don't laff.. but I thought about using my OLD blender to chop up small twigs to use as a soil amendment.. Am I crazy>? yes.. I have told Joe over and Over we need a machine that chops up branches... but first you need the branches off the trees, right? LOL
Wish I had your dog long enough to get all the mice outside, Gypsy.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra Blender will work if their really small , not stringy , and with a cup of water . , Stems .like leaf will wrap around the blades and clog the shaft
My old blender to strain paper in an old colander , to drain the water , can to soil mixes also ,
Motors in those would have to be three times as large , to work properly

Gypsi , good info , when we use to use ours , I would cut stumps the size of the stove door for night time . When i could that is ,

Jen Pencils that sprout ,lol How went the Appt, when you get back , if they do not keep you ,

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Debra, you should ask someone for the use of one or two of their barn cats for the fall, as long as they're somewhat friendly (friendly enough to transport them back and forth). Barn cats are usually excellent mousers.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

That is a cute idea Robin , Barn cats are usually to wil like to move around , they come for food , they purr for you , rub your feet , Pick one up , you get clawed or bit ,
That is why their barn cats and mousers , their kind of wild ,

Debra , do you know if the seeds you sent are stratified or not ,?
If they have been I have to wait to plant ,
if not I can plant a few ..

Fort Worth, TX

If I think of a twig chopper that isn't my snips I will let you know. pretty tough stuff those twigs.

dogs chasing rats do damage. Unfortunately I have a vet appt with the big guy, and a thunderstorm coming in, and I am out of hardware cloth. as long as no more rats the run is secure enough, but I have BIG dogs and the area one pushed through leads into a much less secure piece of chickenwire.

My dogs are a deterrent. chickens will kill mice if they see them, so the raids on their feed only happen at night. I showed that still living but wounded rat to one of my feral cats last night - he had just finished his dinner on the front porch, and he flashed a paw once or twice and lost interest. He is 5 almost 6, used to pull big rats out of my garden..hmmmmmm getting fat too

The dogs did get a squirrel last Friday while I was gone. First time. 4 dogs were out, and it was raining. I have many many more squirrels.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

YES, i NEED A DOG.. IN MY YARD.. *sigh* SOME DAY. Ju, none of the seeds I sent are stratified, they are all fresh. sorry :P

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra , Debra , Debra ! Nothing there to be sorry about , !!! Nice trade gift !!! Super in Fact !!!
I am planting them now , I just wanted to be sure , They won't sprout until after they stratify
That is Perfect for planting now ,
I planted about five containers of all , Hackberry , Meadow Rue (thalictum) Purple Echinacea
and White swan Echinacea , ,
Moved some more Bamboo , put some leaves and mulch in a box
I can plant seeds outdoors all winter until it Snowstorms ,
I am about one hopeful son of a gun ,
Also got a small motor , and while I was doing that a couple of shredder plates to play with ( uh , huh , impulse ,,
I know how to do larger, as said , with auger , There are those that run with 1/4 , 1/2 drills. but their inconvenient for me , their nicest feature is they store well , and last , and do not cost much ,

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I planted a few of the and milkweed seeds also , only a few though , as phlox do not like it as cold as it gets here in winter (seeds)
Planted a Birdsfoot treefoil failed earlier ,this season
I am doing this twixt and tween the rain , Beautiful rainy fall evening as it is about to turn cold ,

Were are you Jen , ? dr's keeping you , ? depressed ? Checking out the forest garby garden ,the pitch and throw gardening service did for you ?

Debra , thank you for the info reply and of course the seeds also , I have only a few of the Thalictrum seeds left over if you want to try them , leaf like chinese lantern , bloom like pink golden rod , I have no idea if the seeds are even any good , but from this year they are .
I may of killed the larger one I cannot tell , so it stays in a big planter until next season , goes dormant no matter after it blooms , difficult to distinguish what it doing sometimes .

Fort Worth, TX

how do I get in this seed swap. I have a whole jar of broccoli seeds (waltham I think, my bees got friendly with some I didn't pick a couple of years ago and I keep them refrigerated, where all this year's came from)
and I have a bunch of Hopi Red Dye Amaranth, the bright red, that theoretically one can make red flour from but actually I am not terribly good at getting the chaff out of the seeds.

I keep all seeds refrigerated - have a lot of various galliardias and texas wildflowers well I planted a bunch of the misc ones but still have galliardias

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Gypsi Seed swaps the big ones are entry closed , but if your interested in personal trades I am sure a few us will share ,
What kind of plants or seeds , I have a few watermelon seeds , couple of mustards ,

Several different flowers I am nowhere done collecting and organizing , gets hectic if I have to try to much around here I have been asleep the past 4 hrs
I am such a nut ,
What is this one ? anyone

Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7 Thumbnail by juhur7
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Long day guys, as I said on the back porch. looks like I have a lot to read and write to. And a lot for you JU.

Tomorrow's another day. Just skimming thru, didn't see anything from Sharon, Evelyn, Nancy, etc. I'm tired. will write tomorrow. jen

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Your nut looks like a Pecan Ju.

Gypsi I asked on the seed swap if they could fit one more in, we should have an answer soon.

Jen, I hop you get a good rest a will look forward to talking with you tomorrow.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Ju, that is a pecan seed. They are all over my yard..
Gypsy if you would dmail me your info and what You'd like, I'll be glad to send. :D

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi Robin, are you still up? I am about to crash, been re=doing the basement gardens. Talk to you all tommorrow..

Fort Worth, TX

Going to have to re-read the thread, people were planting some mighty interesting seeds but I have slept, and worked, since then, and I forgot everything, lol. Chicken run still not fixed, I really need to pick up 44 ft of half inch hardware cloth and wrap the bottom 4 feet of the run. after I get back from work.

(Robin) Blissfield, MI(Zone 6a)

Gypsi, let them know you're interested in the seed swap here:
Then send DeeJay9 a Dmail to give here your surely won't be dissapointed, it's a blast!

Debra, you can tell by my spelling mistakes I was up past my bedtime, lol, that won't be the last time either.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Debra I will look through info on the Pecan seed

Gypsi , however , If you set your address in my mail , or you do to the member address in Extras , eventually we also will get you get you more seeds ,

I am still trying motivate to do anything , I get bunches done and mode like a robot or i want to sleep ,
Robin , sleepy time is misprint time , A trait we share ,,

I will try a few of these seeds at different times this season , Most of these it seems February or March sow as winter sowing ,
I will plant a few Monarda seeds , a few Dame's Rocket . Then wait a month and plant a few more , Difference in germination times is where I most often fail , Papaver grow above 20 degrees often times so it has to be really cold for them to stay dormant until spring, Daylily (hemerocallis seed are about the same ,
Making myself remember or reading my own notes is the problem most of the time , Memory therapy ? lol
All it comes down to is how cold or warm it will be this winter ,

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Does it really matter, make a difference, Ju when you plant them? What do you do with them when you plant them and they grow big while waiting for spring to put them outside? That is my problem. Depending on when it warms up in the spring so I can put them outside, I don't have enough room to hold them if they get pretty big, and can't leave them in small pots very long or they get stunted. Don't do well if they are.

Gypsi, have you ever tried that electric fencing for the chickens? I know it sounds crazy, but it is suppose to keep predators out too.

Gypsi, what kind of plants do you want to grow from seeds? I'm sure between all of us we can come up with some.

JU, where did you get that nut seed if you don't know what it is? How many of them do you have. If you are going to plant it, I think you should nick it with a file or something. Might even soak it over night

Well I ran Bob out of the kitchen so I am off to water my houseplants. Don't do outside stuff now. We got snow Thursday. Didn't hang around, but it is coming. ttyl, jen


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

It was a slow type day , The kind where you got out of bed in the morning ,
Jen , The perennial planted outside (the seeds ) The earth has to cool down some , 30 degrees here tonight , but poppies and Daylily still germinate with 50 60 degree days ,They germinate and die at the temperatures now , in a few weeks I will plant more
I planted a few White Milkweeds , a couple Monarda Hackberry tree , these seeds take a long time to germinate as do Delphinium Borage ,
I really do not like sowing seeds at 20 degrees , however , if you want to grow seeds without doing much , that is how ,

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well JU, it is weird that the seeds don't rot at these current temperatures if you are waiting them to germinate at 50 or 60 degrees. What do you think they are doing down there?

thanks Debra. It will be fun to see what they do. I will pot them up in the house with my houseplants. Will let you know. jen

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