TEA ROOM # 126

Merino, Australia

Here we are again at the start of a brand new year

Hello 2014.

We came from here..

I hope to see all the familiar smiling faces this year again.
Its an overcast morning with rain forecast. I will be out talking to all the plants and giving them a pep talk on how to grow well this year.
I wont stay long this morning as hubby is waiting for breakfast.

Charleen, wonderful to see you back again , you were missed.
Great to see Charley waiting at the door for cookies again too.

Al & Moon, hope all are safe and well now you are into your winter .

Teresa, give Sugar a hug for me and explain that she is now a year older and has to be a lady...lol

Dianne, enjoy your beautiful garden and pat Tilly for me. I wont aska bout Archie, I'm sure he's up to something.

Anthony, keep the lilium pics coming, We all enjoy them so much. Give Mo & Cocky an extra nibble for the new year.

Chrissy, hope you find time to pop in sometimes to say hello.

To everyone I may have missed or those just looking in, all the best of things for the New Year.

Stay safe and keep well.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Nice Cosmos photo, Jean. My garden was full of them last season.

Have a Happy New Year everyone!


barmera, Australia

Happy New Year everyone. What a year we have just come through. All sorts of things going on and not enough time to do what I wanted to. Well it's 2014 now and I hope to keep up with you all this year. I don't believe it but the boys are in grades 5 and 6 this year. Birthdays soon too. 10 and 11 years old. The years have gone so fast. Santa brought them a kayak this year. Christmas has been very quiet but the boys and I did watch the Sydney fireworks and brought in the New Year. First time for them. We're usually tucked up in bed long before 12. Well I'm looking forward to getting back and chatting to my old friends. Hope you'll forgive my absence. I have a lot to catch up on so better get moving. Talk later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Happy, Happy New year from Charley and myself.
I am back and so is Charley, always mooching for some of Jean's snacks.
Love and hugs to all...

Christchurch, New Zealand

Sugar was up at 5.30am this morning... since I didn't put her to bed until 2.30am I thought she might have let me sleep in.

Never mind, I needed to get up & start drinking lots more water...
a few glasses of bubbles imbibed to celebrate the New Year - a few more than I intended but not enough to give me a full blown hangover.

I wake up thirsty & with a head ache at the best of times so at least I had a decent excuse this time.

Sugar was happy to curl up on the couch & we both had a nice sleep in, it gave hubby a chance to sleep in peace too.

The weather has been fine for a change & I decided to tackle a few weeds - am now feeling sightly more virtuous & the gardens along the drive look half way decent.

I am not looking at the massed weeds in the shady corner by the boundary fence.

That area used to be where an elderberry tree lived, since that was cut down I have done very little with it other than frenzied weeding when I get the chance.
I need to make a plan - I have some ideas involving making a bigger garden to move my roses & lilies from the garden we will probably lose when the new terrace is finally built.

Speaking of lilies I have 4 babies from my experimental hybridisation.

I can see why some of the group are so into creating new brugs & broms...

not to mention Anthony's amazing lily collection, definitely inspired me to give it a go :)

photo is the garden I might be losing... you can see the edging is all over the place but it hasn't seemed like any point in fixing it if it is going.. I have lavished years on filling this garden with nice plants - when I moved here all that was in it was the mexican orange blossom - still there, massive over grown penstemon, over grown french lavender & daisies plus weeds for africa.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Clifton Springs, Australia

Happy New Year everyone.....

Just made a boiled fruitcake and almost boiled away the fruit.......
REMINDER....don't go into the garden when you are cooking....
It was Rays fault anyway, he wanted me to check on the tomatoes in the raised veggie garden so I looked, then noticed something more interesting and totally forgot the fruit on the stove...

Anyway the cake was ok, the pan was a bit burnt and Ray is fast asleep on the couch watching the cricket....
It's pouring here too, now Jean.....lovely soaking rain.....
Don't forget to come back Colleen...

This message was edited Jan 1, 2014 2:53 PM

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Lovely to see you all again. Have missed so much, but I'm back now. Thank you all for the lovely welcome and I hope to be able to keep up with all the chatting. It was 30C at 7am this morning and has been overcast til just the and the sun popped it's head out for all of 10 seconds and disappeared again. It can stay under the covers if it likes. I have heaps of work to do in the garden but keeping up with the watering takes time in this weather so ofcourse other things slip. I got a trailer load of mushroom compost and pinebark for a Christmas present. I do love pressies that I can use. Took the boys down to the lake again late yesterday. It was lovely sitting down there with my book while they ducked and dived around in the water. Then we came home and had a lovely cold meat and salad tea with strawberries to finish off. Just what the doctor ordered. I was given this plant as a little plant and told it was a Salvia. It is now about 1mt tall with these heads of beautiful purple flowers. Very nice. Have a great day everyone, the kettle's on Jean. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Good morning all.
I have been busy outside cleaning up mess from the wind and rain yesterday. The rain was welcome, but not the wind.

Al, you keep that snow , I dont need it here...lol
Lots of time to be reading some good books over there now while the winter sets in.
take care on those roads.

Teresa, you are going to have fun redoing some of your garden.
Its hard to lose bits but the plants will soon fill up other spaces.
Hope Sugar is nearly ready for her trips to the park again.
Hope the headache has gone now. be good until next New Year...lol

Charleen, we did miss you and the long ears.
I had to feed the cookies to the ducks down on the Tea Room lake.
Hope all is fixed now.
How are you doing with winter over there ?
No snow like Al gets.

Dianne, you made me laugh. How many times do we get sidetracked. I have had over done meals when I just popped out for minute that turned into an hour...lol
Lucky nothing much was spoilt.
Tell Ray to go do his checking himself while you watch the pot.

Colleen, nice to see you back again.
Glad you and the boys enjoyed your day out.
You will need a bigger yard soon with all your plants.
That trailer load of lovely stuff will keep you occupied for a while. A very nice present to receive

Better get myself moving again. It was cold this morning so I had the heater on.
While hubby is sleeping, I'll get back out and do a bit more cleaning up.

Heres a nibble for morning tea. ...Banana Walnut Cake


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

We took Sugar out to the hangar with us today, Baz met with a friend who is a qualified air craft engineer & they discussed Auster progress.
Sugar & I did some training & she watched from the car as I managed to empty another box of junk.

We stopped at dog club on the way home & let Sugar off for a run - she loved that!

Part of the fence was down & one of the horses has a very scratched up nose so I am wondering if he stuck his head down & got caught in the chicken wire.
We did a bit of a patch job on the fence, the chicken wire stops the dogs from hopping through & visiting the horses.
My old girl was a devil for going in for a snack of manure!

Speaking of devil dogs - I had some fun with photo editing software on the lap top.
Took me ages to get the edit function to come up, I am so fed up with windows 8 - have updated to 8.1 & that was what made the difference I think.
pic 1 - Sugar showing her true colours
Pic 2 & 3 - roses after a touch of photo shopping.

Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I used to have a little poodle. Gypsy Rose used to love to go and roll in a fresh cow paddy . But poor looked awful with the green in her apricot fur. Hated baths too!!!
Kaluha loves to have a donkey drop now and them. Only he does like your dogs and gives them a nibble.
Winter is not as bad here as what AL gets, but it is going to start getting cold tonight down to 48 they saying. Farrier is coming tomorrow so will have to dress warm to go tie the longears for trimming.
Got them 3 rolls of hays yesterday, so they should be ready for the month.
Beautiful blooms and love the dog photo too.
Charleen and critters

Christchurch, New Zealand

By comparison this photo is as the camera captured it...

Thumbnail by dalfyre
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. We had some lovely rain last night and now today everything is lovely and damp. It's still overcast and a slight wind but cool. Everyone must be having a sleep in today. Theresa, my dog insists on getting the chooks poop. I suppose it is only grain and grass refuse. lol I got a bit done in the garden yesterday. I have some lovely cacti flowering. Yes I still have the cacti. Some are 12' high now. I'm waiting for a lady to come and take the big ones but she is busy working. It's going to be fun and games moving them. Just as well Brian taught me well how to handle them. I've just been to pick up galah food and chook food then went down the street to get some milk and there wasn't one parking space anywhere. I finished up parking out behind IGA and walking through the back way. Goodness it was busy. A lot of holiday makers here this time of the year. The Lake looks absolutely beautiful and is great for a lot of different things.Well had better get over to the Brom site and have a look. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris Thumbnail by ctmorris
Christchurch, New Zealand

cute brug Colleen :)

the lake looks lovely, we are hot here today, 28C at 5.30pm when hubby was driving me home from work.

We are getting into a routine of buying meat at the butcher on Friday night, there is a very good one in the same mall as the shop where I work.

I threw some water on a few precious plants - the strong nor west winds all day have sucked the moisture right out of the ground.
I moved an azalea from one side of the drive to the other... need to keep it well hydrated till it settles in & it has gone from south facing under a shrub to north facing & in a spot all to itself.

I have the weekend off so hoping to get more done in the garden, there is the over grown corner to tackle, I really need to find a few good plants to fill the space that is so inviting to the wretched weeds!

cheers - Teresa

Clifton Springs, Australia

It's cold here Colleen, so at the moment you can keep your lovely lake...
That is a nice flower, is it one of your seedlings?
You'll have to bring us up to date with all the things you have done to your garden, do you still have the big pine?

Interesting pics of the rose,Teresa.......Sugar looks comfortable.
We are just about to run out of hay too, Charleen....it's all been baled on the farm across the road so we will get our 12 months supply in Feb....

Anthony, sounds as though you had a good Christmas, now to get down to business...all those lovely little Daffs will need planting in the coming months....and there are Liliums to be sold and shows to attend...busy time for you....

You will probably be cool this morning too, Jean...hope Robert is coming along.....

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
You are right Dianne, it is cool here. A bit of rain overnight.
Yesterday was fine for shopping day, so it can rain now.
Strong winds late yesterday and now there are small branches all over the place.
Gum trees are a nuisance as they shed branches & leaves all year round.
I prefer the European trees that sensibly, only shed in autumn.

Just been out to feed the "children" there was a bit of left over chicken which the maggies love.
It was a fight to see who could pick up the most pieces and run off with them.
Like real children, they have their favorite foods and among them are cooked chicken and left over chips. ( the ones that come with fish, not the dry crisps)
They do eat proper magpie food and love centipedes, spiders & oddly enough, mice.

Anthony, you are going to be busy , as Dianne remarked.
Lots of bulbs to get ready.
Hope all your shows go well.

Charleen, Charley was waiting for me this morning.
I think I saw feathers going around the corner. Was Abigail around with him ?
Keep warm over there.

Al, are you shovelling snow from your paths ?
I see on the TV news that the snow is really bad in lots of places.
Keep safe and warm.
I cant imagine being under feet of snow then coming out of it into the lovely Spring gardens you have.
Plants are very resilient things arent they ?

Colleen, you will be busy getting things ready for the boys going back to school.
Your garden must be full of lovely plants too.
It seems to be pupping time for my broms, so I imagine you have lots of new ones coming too.
Your brug is lovely. Thats the one from Brian is it ?
He would be pleased.

Teresa, Sugar looks so calm and peaceful there.
We know better , dont we ?
She will be dreaming up something naughty I bet...lol
Hope your garden is doing okay in the heat.
My azaleas live on the front veranda where they get morning sun. I keep the camellias & gardenias with them.
That way, I can water them all together with rain water only .
They are doing well now they dont get town water.
The azaleas are just about finished flowering and the camellias are only small yet.
The gardenias have buds coming so they will be pretty by the end of the month.

Time to put out some nibbles...Chocolate Cream Cake.

I will then go talk to my plants.
Take care and stay safe.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Afternoon everyone. A beautiful day here today nice and cool with a slight breeze. blue sky and sun shining. Who could wish for more? The Brug pic is a NOID Dianne. Possibly the same parents as Golden Memories but actually not the same plant. Still nice though. I have it planted in Luke's memory garden as a standard with OSA and RFP either side. They look lovely when they flower together. I have Golden Memories planted into the garden up the back as well. I'm still waiting for it to get big enough to share some pieces. It's a standard as well, it has a nice umbrella of branches but nothing down lower. I had my first double white flower a few weeks ago but the flowers got burnt so didn't see it at it's best. Will have to wait for it to flower again. It's a NOID too but the clue is the furry leaves, KnightiiX? Jean I still have mostly the same plants only more of them. lol The front garden is looking decidely neglected so might have to get someone to come and give me a hand with that. The Broms are going mad. The ones that I did de-pup and repot have more pups now so it's a never-ending job with them. The boys are having some quiet time at the moment on their games. They helped me clean their rooms yesterday and change their beds. They help really well with the chores now. John has told them to not let me lift their kayak, they have to . and they do. He's looking after poor old Mum. Can't believe that the US is getting those snow storms. Hope everyone is safe over there. I'd rather have snow than fire though thanks. Must go and see what the bromaholics are up to. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris Thumbnail by ctmorris
Sydney NSW, Australia

Wishing everyone a safe, healthy & happy 2014!

p.s garden very dry.in Sydney..no rain for ages.

Christchurch, New Zealand

say pics of the snow storms in the US & the flooding in the UK...
not going to complain about our weather, it is just fine :)

My transplanted azalea is looking good, hopefully it likes the new spot as much as my two others have done.
One I brought with me from my previous house & thought I had killed it this time.
It got very scorched & the leaves all fell off but I neglected the garden for a while & then when I was weeding discovered new leaves coming out.
It is making a good recovery - what a tough old thing it is :)

I moved a Japanese anemone but forgot to water it.
Not sure it's going to make it but they are persistent in other areas so I have plenty spare.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Lovely cool day here. The sun is shining at the moment but there are quite a few clouds around. I'm still busy with the Broms. I did heed Jean's word the other day and chopped some of the cold Brugs back. I still have a couple more to do but one of them has some buds so I'm going to see if I can flower it in our heat. It will be a miracle if the buds stay on. I have trouble with azaleas here but your tip of only rain water might be the answer. Years ago I had the most beautiful Rhododendrum but it finally died. It was in flower when I bought it and did flower some more. You just don't see them around for sale anymore. Happy New Year to you too Anna. How have you been? We haven't had a lot of rain here either but every now and then the Heavens open and we get a nice shower. Just as well I have 3 rainwater tanks. Well must go and see what the brom site is doing and get back outside. Have a great day everyone. The kettles on for morning tea, Jean. another NOID.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Hello everyone. I have been pottering around outside for the morning but the cold wind finally drove me inside.
I was out in the more sheltered side of the garden , if you could call it that . At least the wind wasnt so bad and i could do a bit of weeding.
Now that lunch is done, I will stay inside with a book as it has become very overcast which may bring rain.

Very pretty brug Colleen.
In regard to azaleas etc, I found that they would do okay for year then slowly die, whether in the ground or pots.
After losing them all, I decided to try them on the veranda and use only rainwater on them.
A couple still died, but I put that down to weaker, pot bound small plants, as all the others are doing very well.
Even my gardenias are looking good. My rhododendron is putting on a second lot of new leaves.
I think the water here has too much calcium in it for a lot of acid loving plants . Some can live with it others just give up.

Teresa, like you, I am not complaining about my weather too much, as its better than the heat up north at the moment.

Have to go out and water the broms in the greenhouse later, but its nice in there out of the weather.

Hello to everyone looking in.
Al, Moon & Charleen, keep safe and warm over there.

Anthony . hope your bulbs are all doing well.
Dianne, love all your lovely plants.
Watch out for that Archie . I feel some mischief is coming.

Heres a nibble for afternoon tea, too late for morning tea...lol....Cream Cheese Pound Cake..

Happy day and stay safe.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Wings clipped for 4 days... no phone= no computer.. Indian man came today [SUN] and went for 2 hours , then came back 'all fixed'

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Yep, it's cold here Partner! As I'm sitting by the fire reading my seed catalogs on a slow Sunday afternoon. Also completed two crossword puzzles already.

Another storm brewing from the west off from Lake Erie will likely hit mid-week. Temps are expected in near 0's on the F scale, darn cold. I'm not staying out long!


Thumbnail by lycodad Thumbnail by lycodad
Merino, Australia

Anthony, nice to see you popping in again. Sorry you had no phine etc... Been there, not good.

Al, did you send some of your winter here ?
Its been up around 30C - 48C in the northern states here but our area is still stuck in semi winter. Last few days have not climbed over 16C. Its around 10C here now. Temp has risen since earlier this morning when it was only 7C.
maybe it will warm by the weekend.

Hope everyone else is enjoying some nice summer weather.
Back to the heater for me.

Heres a nibble for morning tea. ...nice hot Cherry Scones.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Not as cold , but cold here Lorn..

barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. Sorry I'm so late but have been having some computer problems. First of all the mouse went dead [must have got some ratsack] I got that going with a replacement then the keyboard wouldn't work. I replaced that too but it still wouldn't go so I turned the computer off and restarted it but it switched itself off. I thought, oh hell, my computers gone bung so I turned it off at the wall for a while. When I switched it back on it brought up this microsoftware said to restore to an earlier time and repair the computer. I pressed restore and finished that and it restarted itself and here I am. phew, you would have all thought that I'd gone AWOL again. Anyway did some shopping this morning but haven't done much else. No gardening nor repotting, no washing or anything. Have had a really lazy day. Will have to make up for it tomorrow wont I? It was quite chilly here first thing this morning but turned out a beautiful day. My G/daughter and my Great-grand son are coming to see us on Friday. He's 20 months old now. Time goes so fast now doesn't it? Al, your snow covered pics look so beautiful. Have you got an open fire to sit by? Hi Anthony, long time no see. Have you got any new buddies or still only the cockies? Cameren was on his way to school and he came across 2 dead galahs and ofcourse he stopped and blow me down if there wasn't a young one in the middle of the road. There was a car coming so he stopped it then went into a house of a person that he knew and asked her to bring a box and a towel out. She did and they caught it so he asked her to look after it til after school for him. After school he came rushing home to get me and we went and picked it up. The poor little thing didn't have any broken bones but was missing tail and wing feathers and couldn't fly. We put it into the cage with the other ones at home here and she is nearly ready to release now, but because she was so young when we got her I don't know if she will be able to fend for herself. Mine wouldn't have been able to show her how to forage because they don't have to, just go to the food bowl or get the corn or fruit or grass that I put in there. Water's laid on too. So I will have to think about it for a while longer and she gets a bit bigger. What does everyone think about it? Well had better get going just had to let you all know that I'm still okay. Have a great night. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

wind is moving in and moving temperatures down. It is decievingly beautiful day here, just windy.I can feel the coolnest sitting in.
Hubby will be going to surgeon next Monday to set up appointment with surgeon. He couldn't make it without the medications, I know I had to get him to Doctor, he was in so much pain.
Charley and Donkeys are all in their fuzzy coats and i bet they are glad to have them....
Love and nuzzles to all.

Merino, Australia

Good morning all.
Its a nice morning here . Cool but fine with the sun coming up over the trees.
I will get out and do a bit of weeding later. . More thistles than anything else at this time of year. They seem to like the warmer weather.
We have seeds blow in from all the paddocks around as the farmers dont bother cleaning them up.
Some paddocks look to be all thistles.

A bit of watering for the pot plants and greenhouse too.

Colleen, I sympathise with you about the computer. We went through similar and now I know how to do restore points and lots of other small things that I never knew about .
Marvellous how quickly one learns new things.
Sounds like you have a new pet now as that galah will not be able to look after itself in the wild .
We dont see many galahs her. They are more in the northwest of the state where it gets hotter.
We have the darn white ccorellas here. Hundreds of them. Thank goodness they dont spend much time around our place. They seem to like it better down around the town.

Charleen,I hope your hubby is feeling a bit better. Its awful to see them in such pain. My hubby was the same before his op. Lots of pain really drags them down . It gives you a helpless feeling when you cant do anything for them.
Hope it all goes well and he improves after his op.
Pat Charley & the other long ears. I have cookies for them when they get to the Tea Room later.

Anthony. stay by the fire if you have it going.
Hopefully we may see a bit of summer later in the week.
How are the bulbs going.
Have you sorted all your lovely daffs ready to plant. ?

Al, beautiful pics but its nice to look at not live in..
I expect one gets used to any weather if living in it all the time.
Lots of time to study those plant catalogues.

Hello Dianne, Chrissy and anyone else looking in.
I am off to feed the maggies. They do get impatient and will be all sitting at the back door.

Enjoy your day whatever the weather
Heres a treat for morning tea...GingerBread Cake.

Stay safe

Thumbnail by 77sunset
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Sounds like a new pet Galah Colleen-and I praise Camarens efforts!!!!.. Ive got a new Galah named 'Mo' from a local wildlife park[deceased estate] He replaced Squeaky , who died suddenly...He is a real groover, but I struggle with attention going 3 ways........

Clifton Springs, Australia

Never a dull moment with growing boys, Colleen....sounds as though all the kind things that you've taught them are coming in handy.....
I still remember when you took them outside to look for moths to fertilise your Brugs one night....
Sounds as though all is well with them now.....

Al that really does look pretty, but very cold....
Charleen, hope that your husband gets in for his op, very quickly.....

Ray and I are 'animal sitting' at the moment, friends have gone away for a couple of weeks and we are feeding the cows, horses, and 2 dogs.....the cows don't need anything, but the horses and dogs do.......even though it's cold in the mornings, it's invigorating walking around the farm...they all come to the fences for their breakfast and the dogs go for a walk with us....

How many maggies come for a feed now, Jean?
Tilly was flopped on the cat stand and the TV was on, I thought this was a funny pic....

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

No snow! Lots of Sun, but Brrrrr it is so cold. I do not like winter. Went to look at longears and they are standing out by their large haybales. I think to knock the wind from them. The wind isn't as bad today as it was yesterday. Yesterday, it was howling at times. Today just very cold, Temps not to leave the mid 20 today.
Charley and critters will be trotting down your way to enjoy the warmth. :)You all enjoy the day.
Love and hugs
Charleen and critters

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Nobody's talking about Global Warming over here today! It's downright frigid in most parts, even for us winter lovers that are used to it.


Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. The sun is out at the moment here. Hubby says very hot by the weekend.

Al, I have to laugh at all the idiots and their global warming scare tactics.
I would like to send them all back through the history of our planet to see just how the climate has varied so much over millennia.
These know alls, seem to just live in the time of records kept.
Mother Nature has been changing Earths climate since the beginning, and all without our help..
We have to learn to adapt and live with what weather we get.

Charleen, Charley and friends should come and stay at the Tea Room. You know the weather is always perfect there.....lol
Keep yourself warm there too.

Dianne, you are lucky having a few more animals to look after. I sometimes do miss having all the creatures we used to years ago. It was pleasant to wander around feeding and talking to them all.

We have 12 permanent resident maggies here . It seems to be the sustainable number which hardly varies over the years.
There are umpteen blackbirds as well. They are pretty quiet and when nesting, will often get into hubbys shed looking for nesting material.
There are lots of other birds, but these are the ones who expect the restaurant to be open all day....lol

Hello Anthony, hope the sun is shining for you down there today.

Teresa, I see on the TV weather that you are in for some wind, Stay safe and warm.

Hello to everyone else looking in.
Time I went out to check on all the plants before the forecast big heat gets here over the weekend.

Heres a nibble for morning tea....Lemon Tart.

Stay safe

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Another lovely morning, sun shining with just a bit of nip in the air. Perfect for doing whatever one wants to do [or has to do]. Dianne that is a funny pic of Tilly. They get up to allsorts of mischief don't they. Pinching the cats scratching post, what next? Ben takes the cat's bed here. He would sit on my lap to stop them getting up there if I let him I'm sure. Jean the song in your yard must be magical when all the maggies start to warble. They have a lovely sound. The cheeky little black birds are in my garden too. They know where the pickings are good. The especially like the cherries. They breed twice a year here and sometimes when the babies are first learning to fly they land on the ground. Poor Benny is beside himself and tells us that there's a problem. He doesn't stop til we have returned them to their nest. This might be a problem when the two new additions, kittens, find out but I hope not. I'm sure that Ben will keep the little birds safe. Anthony, so you don't think I'll be able to release this little Galah? I have 6 now and the one that got out still comes and talks to them. She perches on the clothes line or on top of the Epi frame and you can see them talking to one another. She probably has family of her own now but she still remembers her name and where she came from I reckon. Well seeing it's such a beautiful morning I had better move. Have a great day everyone. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. A bit quiet today so will just have a quick cuppa and lock up. Good night everyone. This is Willow. Look at his lovley markings.Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
I have been outside watering everything in preparation for the high temps expected over the next week.
The forecast is for up to 41C by the middle of next week. Its already 24C.
It may not seem as hot as what our northern states here have had for weeks, but for my little corner of the country, its bloody hot.

The nicest place to be in the heat of the day is in the greenhouse under the mist sprays . but one does tend to get wet...lol

Not much doing here at the moment though.
The weeds are slowly drying off which is great, except that out across the farms and woodland that means lots of bushfire fuel.
I just hope the fires dont happen .

Al, I am thinking of you in the snow and maybe a trailer load would be nice .
I hope you are cosy & warm there.

Charleen and Moon, keep warm there even if you dont get the snow .
Charleen, I saw Charley early this morning.
Did he have a coat on ? Maybe he was just looking cold ..

Dianne, keep an eye on your bruggies etc as the heat climbs.
Get out that teeny weeny polka dot bikini.
Love Tillys vantage point to watch TV..

Anthony, how are things down your way. Is the heat forecast for you too ?
You will need your lace bikini if it is.
Give Mo & Cocky a scratch for me.
Look after those bulbs if it gets hot.

Colleen, thats a cute cat, pretty colors.
Colleen, you may find that with galahs that become pets and used to people, they can not be released but I have often had them and left the cage open during the day. I found that they would come out and wander around and if they did fly off, usually came back. If not, well I left it up to natural instincts.
Galahs born in captivity will no natural instincts developed are usually better staying in cages.
I do like to see birds that are caged, occupying very large cages or aviaries because they need exercise and room to open their wings properly.

Hello to anyone else looking in .
I am off to wander down to the letterbox before it gets too hot.

Heres a nibble and a cool drink for those that need one. ...Chocolate Butter Cake.


Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, the thought of the sprinkler in your fernery sounds pretty good...'specially on a 40+ day..
Here are a couple of Liliums from the seeds that Anthony gave me a few years ago....
Next year I'll put them in a pot together, they compliment each other...
Willow is a pretty cat, Colleen.....she doesn't look very old?
Enjoy the weekend everyone, we're off to the annual mussel festival tomorrow....
Mussel cooked in recipes from all over...yum...

Then there is a glass festival on Sunday, I wonder if the woman who posted on here for a while will have an entry, she lived between us, Jean...I think her name was Sue and she was doing up an old house and planting a garden...then she went to Perth to help her daughter and we never heard from her again...

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Lily show today !- Im stuffed!
This message was edited Jan 12, 2014 4:29 AM

Christchurch, New Zealand

Dianne - lovely lilies :)

the colours are very pretty, they should look good next to each other.
Who knows maybe you could cross pollinate & create something new.

I found another lily seedling today, I was weeding & tidying & found it behind one of my tomatoes.

I am shattered, Sugar wanted out at 1.30am.
Then she wanted up at 3.30am, I put her out & then slept on the couch with her.
When I did poo patrol I discovered some sloppy ones so I think she might have had an upset tummy from eating green plums.

We took her to the dog park for a good run as it was a lovely mild day.
She had great fun playing with different dogs but was not impressed by a 10 month old dobermann that was very pushy about wanting her to run so he could chase.
She told him off in the end - just a quiet word in his ear & the threat of a nip to his rump & he got the hint.

His owners were a bit clueless & seemed to think his behaviour was cute...
hope he is told a few times by bitches like Sugar & learns some manners before a male decides to teach him the hard way.

on our return home I got stuck in to weeding the over grown corner garden.
Looks much better & you can see Chita's camellia again.
There are still weeds in there but those can wait.
I also trimmed foliage that was over hanging the footpath & weeded the herb garden & then vacuumed the house & emptied the dust catcher onto the garden, the contents are wool from the carpet, dalmatian hair & dust which is basically shed skin from humans, cat & dog so I figure the garden will benefit from it.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

A weekend shot

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Its been very hot here and will be for the rest of the week.
Around 41C, but bearable because there hasnt been much hot wind that usually comes with the summer.
I am keeping all the main pot plants and shadehouses damp so the plants are still looking good.

Lovely liliums Dianne..
Have you been out in the yard in your teeny weeny bikini ?
I hope all your pretty brugs are coping in the heat.
Pat Tilly and tell Archie not to walk around with nothing on, its not a pretty site...lol

Anthony. what a beautiful lot of liliums.
Are they all yours or from one of your shows ?
Hope you are not getting too much heat down there to burn the pretty blooms.

Teresa, if you keep finding liliums , you will have a whole garden of them.
How are things weatherwise over your way ?
I bet Sugar will forget being sick and still eat too many green plums.
She always loves going out to the dog park.
I dont know if they have any of those here. Probably not.

Charleen, things are not looking good for so many over your way. With all that snow now melting..
I hope Charley is keeping warm. I havent seen him for a few days , but I am sure he'll be around when he wants more cookies. Keep safe there.

Al, I hope you are not in any danger with all the snow and flooding up your end of the country.
Stay safe and warm.
I know all the snow pics look pretty, but it must be a real problem for day to day getting around.

Colleen, help yourself in the kitchen. I dont come in every day as its not always busy here in the Tea Room.

Hello to anyone else popping in for a cuppa.

I'll leave something yummy out for morning tea...Meringue Cake.

Happy day and stay safe.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

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