Free Seed for Newbees "Newbee beginning!!"1/14/2013

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You sure do have a little lemon tree coming up. I had a pecan tree in one of my begonias, thanks to Squirrels. Pulled it out and tossed it.
TBo and a Blue Jay tail feather.
Morning glory ornaments I made
Last but not less, is my darlin' Charley....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh Tbo is a cutie, but Charley and the 'girls' still too CUTE! I love your begonia. The morning glory ornament is fantastic! My grandma made a morning glory quilt and I helped appliqué one at my old quilt guild in bama land:). Fun times!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you, Bell, now I got to get the blue one mailed to Debra...
So glad you love my Fur kids....

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I have no fun pics to share, it's so sad. =( I don't do anything fun or creative (except for in the kitchen... wanna see a pic of a pretty dinner presentation I did once? HA!!) Everything outside is half-covered in melty snow right now... but I am happy we had snow, whee!!!!

This morning, that bathroom floor got grouted, YIPPEE!!! DH was my "Little Helper", and **I** did the grouting. THAT WAS FUN!!!!!! < =D

I think I'll put a couple pics of the floor in here. < =D

Thumbnail by speediebean Thumbnail by speediebean Thumbnail by speediebean
Enid, OK

That is a nice floor Speedie! I am glad it is not me having to go through the construction though.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That is good. We love seeing your tile floor... did great...

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Yes, I do love them all:), furry creatures big and small. . . Thanks for sharing the pictures! Speediebean you are smart to do the floor while the snow is on the ground! Later on in spring you will be glad! Today collected some umbrella type palm?, seed and bought a few on sale paper white narcissus at Lowes , so pretty, I couldn't resist:).

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Jay brought me this branch of firecracker home from job today. I had never seen one until down here. I hope I can get it to go!
Daughter in lovely made beautiful birthday cake in picture, other is of the firecracker plant.

Thumbnail by Bellsp Thumbnail by Bellsp
Clinton, IN

RC, Thank you for the card. Very approprated for the weather we are having. Fred

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning everyone...very pretty floor there speedie!! The firecracker plant is neat. I have never seen one!!

I hear the new bee seed box is very close by!! Seems it will be here on Wed the 30th!!!! Yeay!!

I can"t wait to see what is in there!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Thank you all! I think we done pretty darned good with that there floor. =)

I do LOVE that firecracker plant! We sell those at work, but in our zone they're not perennials. :( I guess maybe, MAYBE, if the micro-climate is juusssttt right, and if one is given enough pampering and protection, and if we don't have too-too bad of a winter, one MIGHT be able to over-winter one around here, but the odds are stacked against it. Sad, really, they are such beautiful plants!

RJ, at first, from a distance, your little pink baby there looked like a Lantana... is that a Hydrangea? Sooo pretty!!! Such a rich pink, I love it!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

It is a hydrangea speediebean and did you know you can grow hydrangeas with a cutting!! I have a purple blue one too. Maybe this year they will be big enough to take cuttings and root!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

From cuttings, really!?! Hmmm... I wonder if anyone would notice a nip here and there from some of my favourites at work!? ;) What is the best time of year to take cuttings? What's a good medium for starting the cuttings in? I start back to work somewhere between the end of Feb - start of March. We've got some beauties that I would love to have, but they're a bit pricey for me... however, I think you have just helped me around that little bump in the road! < =D (((((HUGGG)))))))

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have a lace cap hydrangea.
I have too many pictures, so I'll give you Jake....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes I am sure they would not mind you taking cuttings!! You ony need six inch pieces

Here this is a great tutorial!! I am sure any time the cutting will root. Those sound like perfect month to begin a new project not to hot nor too cold. I do rose cuttings with a mason jar it would work for hydrangea too I am sure!! So much easier !! Ill see if I can find the rose cuttings tut I put together a year or so ago. Maybe it will help!!
here is a little peek that I can find Ill be back later with the whole thing maybe !!

Two years old

Thumbnail by arejay59 Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Note**** I forget and then. So, if I forget to do this for you. And you would like to see it. Remind me!!

Enid, OK

I love Jake! The greenhouse is pretty much doomed, think I will leave it in the garage and leave garage door open for sun, add a grow light and call it good. Redneck greenhouse!! Just too much wind in Oklahoma for a freestanding cheapo depot greenhouse!

I am cleaning house today and off to the candle shop this afternoon. Someone (ummm Bumble) told folks on another site that I would trade candles and soap for plants...where in the world did she get this idea?? LOL

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

Quote from enidcandles :
The greenhouse is pretty much doomed, think I will leave it in the garage and leave garage door open for sun, add a grow light and call it good. Redneck greenhouse!!

Omgosh, this made me laugh! I have been standing in my hot sun thinking of what to do that my landlord won't mind overmuch. I'll tell him that's what my contraptions are!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lol I could use a new candle I better get over there!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lol Redneck greenhouse!! We have a humorist up here that talks of those things!! You know you're a redneck if kind of thing.... I can hear him saying that. You know you're a redneck if your greenhouse is a bright white lightbulb when the garage door is closed and the sun when your garage door is open!!!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Aaaaaaaawwwww, I LOVE the pic of Jake!!! He looks like he is wondering why you are taking his picture! < =D

Enid, LOL LOL!!!!!! You crack me up!! < =D < =D

Errr ummmm... RJ, don't forget... errrr... something.... =) heeheeheee

OK, enough goofing off here, I've got one more load of laundry to throw in, one more floor to scrub, and one cheesecake to make. =)

Ooooh, but I did have a fun visit out this morning.. to the orthodontist! Got my adjustment on my braces and FINALLY got that icky coil taken off, YIPPEEE!! That means progress, and I am loving it!!!! < =D (it also means a VERY tight adjustment was made, loads of pressure, YOIPS!!) Haahahahaaa!!!!! Rollin' rollin' rollin', rawhide!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha ha ha speedie - one good (?!) thing about working in the industry - my job anyway - was that snipping here and there to maintain plants was part of my job description. I was always a little afeared when I'd go into retail places to do it cause we had been warned that removing stuff could be grounds for termination. Ack.

Never really did enough pinching or snipping to get in trouble. House plants were very easy to start so i have a nice collection. I think the best example of snippping in my garden was a nippon daisy. Hope it gets giant like everyone claims it will. Also have started a fair number of purple daisy looking chrysanthemums. Easy.

Don't miss it much though. The maintenance part was the best part. But we slowly had more and more paperwork obligations and inventory and such that made the job stop being fun.

More questions - you are a grown up with orthodonist. Might need to talk to you as I am considering this in my near future.

Bring on the seeds! Ha Ha. I am waiting for Susie's Robin.

Have a great day everyone.

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Susie? Waiting for Susie's?

Look what I just found!!

Thumbnail by arejay59 Thumbnail by arejay59
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yahoo!! Let the new bee games begin!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

WooHooo! :)

I think before we (?) got bogged down with the details and how to label everything. I don't much care what the label looks like Arejay. So long as I can tell WHAT's in it. And the year is usually a good idea. ;)


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Poor Lori, told me she wanted some plants but didn't have the money. I merely mentioned she made candles and could trade for plants. You should have seen all the Ears perk up. Thought I was in the pasture with the Long ears!!!
Charley still laughing at me too!!!!
See, told you all the ears were up!!!!! and they are talking about it!!!

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lol My strong point was never labels or organization!! Feel free to ask anyone will tell you that has been on this thread!! Most of the new bees learned what seeds were and did because the had know choice I was lax on the labeling!! Still am bbut Corey did a super job labeling them all. Ill have to look for other ways to make the newbees work!! Yeay!!!!
Come on in seed lovers and savers and addicts around the world!! We have seeds!!!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh dear, I'm in dangerous territory... the name's Susan, nickname "Susie".. YIPES!! (I prefer the nickname "Suze", does that make me safe!?!?) < =D

Amanda, I got my braces put on this past August, right after my 48th birthday. < =D Please ask away (D-mail if you prefer) ANYthing your warm fuzzy heart desires. I will tell you now though, I am soooooooooooooooo glad I did it and wish I'd done it sooner!!! I adore my orthodontist (he calls me "Dude") and his entire staff. I finally, even WITH my braces, feel fully confident to SMILE BIG!! < =D (bigger than that, even!)

I started a thread in the "beauty tips" or something or other forum, if ya wanna check it out. I finally just got the nerve to put pics in there today. heh heh. I'll put new pics in once DH gets home and takes some new ones of me now SANS COIL. =)

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Hey guys, I've been cutting neighbor Elsie's hair (rose lady/violet lady), putting seeds in cups an envelopes! I am rooting 2 hydrangeas, too:) Thanks. Jim. They are doing great! A wonderful pack came in the mail from Risingcreek today! Thank you:) RC would you want pindo palm, cabbage palm, umbrella plant seeds for the south zone new bee box? I luv the firecracker, too. Hubby did good securing that for me. Bumble- really a chicken? We must have been seperated at birth! I love chickens. Is Jake a naked neck? I had Rhode Island reds, top hats, domineckers, Easter eggs and one beautiful red and green boy! I sure had fun with them! Also, amandaesq I have you envelope on the table. I will get it to you if you dmail me where to send it. Thanks. I'm stuffing one for flwrsnflyers1 right now! Have a great day. I think I hear my song "redneck shuffle". Hee hee!
Picture is umbrella palm!

Thumbnail by Bellsp
sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

those seeds would be great additions to the newbee stash, thank you

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yep, chickens!

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Am I allowed to say "Yummm" when I see brown eggs? < =D

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

yes you certainly can say that!!

Notice****** Notice*********Notice******

If you requested seeds and do not get that plump and pretty little envelope in the mail this week. Please, please, did I say Please let me know here or dmail either will work!!
Thank You...Keeper of the seeds...Arejay aka Robin

End Notice ***** End Notice ********* End Notice********************

Thumbnail by arejay59
Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Bumble- your chickens are living in style what with that private fountain/chicken spa? Lol! I miss my chickens, but couldn't keep up with all their barnyard fiascos! I'll just enjoy yours:). Thanks RJ for answering all my questions:) From the look of that stack of envelopes I appreciate you taking time for me. Speediebean I second the YUM - nothing like fresh eggs right out of the best. They make store bought look sad! The yellows are round and never break and run everywhere if you don't want then to! Nothing but love for 'homemade' eggs:) Sure, thing on the palm seeds RC, they are along my walk path. The neighbors are used to me carrying around a little bag and shaking bushes, trees, etc. to see what falls out! Lol! ! ! I put most of my seeds you all have been sending in about a zillion little cups yesterday, fun, fun, fun! Y'all have a great day!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You see this little fella? He is my Egg-sucking hound and he loves fresh eggs. This is Dufess.
He is a sweet heart but so goofy. He will get an egg and carry it around in his mouth til he is ready to eat it. some would say he has a "soft mouth" I just get aggravated at him stealing my eggs. When I find them ahead of him, I feel so blessed. gives me exercise, I guess.....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh how funny! 'Dufess' may get bumped up to the top of the list with Charley and the Girls! mischieveous looking rascal! Your "Dufess" reminds me of an old dog I found at dump, had to lift her in the tailgate because she was to weak to jump in-skin/bones/no fur, except about 4 gold hairs. Took her to vet treated/fed/spayed, best dog I ever had, named her Amber for the 4 gold hairs and sure enough in came beautiful thick gold coat w/TLC, perfect all EXCEPT she ate ALL my tomatoes the minute they were ripe! Ha ha ha -joke on me! I just kept wondering where they were going? Then one day there she was straining to get one off the top and she did! Picked it off clean and enjoyed every bite! She was a goof, too, had deformed bottom jaw that made her look like she was always smiling:). Seriously, though she was the best dog I ever had, but aren't they all?:).
Picture sweety 'Tweety' trying to fit in a box I put out for the cats to play in and another of the beach down here upside down? Don't know how to fix that on here. It was right side in my pictures.

Thumbnail by Bellsp Thumbnail by Bellsp
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I had to blow it up! I thought it was a cat, Nope. what a cute face.
Got lucky Dufess found an egg in the flowerbeds where he buries them....
Spring time in Ga. Yep, that's Dufess, Eating his egg....Then my Beautiful Missy Mae....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

They just get better and better! Missy Mae is a lovely! Your spring flowers are so pretty! I bet Dufess can't wait for Easter at your house:)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Did you see todays article?
"so you've decided to take the plunge and try growing some of your bedding plants on your own from seed. Or perhaps you're already among the initiated, but have had some disappointing failures. I've found that instructions from seed sellers can vary considerably regarding the appropriate germination and growing conditions of a particular plant."Larry Rettig (LarryR)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

I had to laugh at the "more difficult" and "not worth the effort" lists... TRY WINTER SOWING!!!!!!!!! < =D

I have had soooooo many successes with many of those "more difficult" and "don't bother" plants on those lists it's not even funny.. hahahaa. ;P
Not to mention, Winter Sowing let's ya play in the dirt when it's cold and snowy outside! < =D

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