Free Seed for Newbees "Newbee beginning!!"1/14/2013

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

is exactly right and nothing else needs to be explain if you have ever grouted...
**giggle** and, what if I have never grouted before? < =D And the fun news is, I get to be the one to grout, which is only fair since DH did all the REAL work putting that floor down and all I did was "go fer." =)

How cool that you've owned a flooring store! So you know that cheapo wet saws make cutting marble tile a real chore to cut! Ugh! AND a real chore to clean up after too!! (that's my job). ;)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lol well if you have never grouted!! Your hubbies joke is on you !! You aint seen nothin yet!! That's a Maine saying I guess the spell check wants to delete it. Is there a key for giggle??? (**/ **) that's gigle in Maine talk!!

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

I have to rustle around and find the right envelopes/postage to send along. Then I'll send some seeds I've got, too - it's my baseball card collection at this point!

Here's a couple photos of my garden: lots of containers of flowers to keep things sunny and happy while I work on the veggie garden beds. The soil is getting better after a lot of work, but I seem to be really good at growing weeds from clay!

My favorite thing blooming right now is the Improved Meyer Lemon - it smells divinely sticky sweet and seems to be a big hit with the bees. Today, I'm weeding and watering the veggie bed, just put down some grass seed, and put my rose cuttings into the front garden...thank goodness for a sunny, warm holiday!

Thumbnail by Nola_Nigella Thumbnail by Nola_Nigella Thumbnail by Nola_Nigella
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh look its a monarch butterfly in disguise!!

Enid, OK

Arejay, you are here! Man have I missed you!!! I still talk to RRM once in awhile of FB, now where is Seray and Mekos? We will soon have the whole old gang back together!

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Good for you Speedie Bean! Me and jay have done way to much tile wouldnt be caught w/o heavy duty wet saw for tile work. The floor looks great! I weeded front flower bed and side. I'm whipped, but it felt great to be out on such a gorgeous day. Nola, I love your pictures of your potted plants, specially the monarch in disguise! Did I mention I have a bat face flower? Red face little black ears (blossom, no kidding). I'll snag a picture this spring. I feel for you on the weeds in clay, had one house in bama land that had that super rich red clay. It grew anything, super, but first i had to blast the weeds out with dymamite (wiley coyote). Here no problem pulling the weeds out of the sand. They slip right out, but slip right back:). I'm whipped, hope you guys have a great evening:) (hi, endiecandles, I'm a new 'bean'. Hee hee, but know what you mean about all the great bunch here!)
Pictures are pretty pink vinca, I've just collected seed off these, white, pink, hot pink,etc, my old 'button' climber rose, iron lily (work horse for greenery for me, my 'weed?' That I love kalanchoe d. (Dad says umbrella plant), pink/multi colored lantana. Hoping for no cold snap. . .

Thumbnail by Bellsp Thumbnail by Bellsp Thumbnail by Bellsp Thumbnail by Bellsp Thumbnail by Bellsp
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Bells!! Those are so pretty!!! Nola did I mention I have to go to the grocery store to get Meyer lemons and then only this month are they ever there??? Did I mention I'm so jealous they are in your back yard?

Look who stopped by Bumble and Al it's Enid!! Do you all remember the great candles she makes? How are you Lori? Busy as ever? It's good to hear from you it's like going home when I get to this thread old familiar faces and new friends that have moved into the neighborhood !! It's great when your a traveler to finally get home and take your shoes of and settle in!!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi Enid! - Yeah, I remember that, she sent me a nice candle once. Good to see ya'all back.


Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

If the flowers on this Meyer are any indication, I will have gobs of them. It's a 4-year-old tree that my local nursery (the fabulous and wacky Harold's Plants) sold me for $10 because the branches are all crookedy. My neighbor got 150 POUNDS from a tree only a bit bigger.

The bees on it now look drunk, but confused that I don't have anything else to their liking in the garden. I keep telling them it's only January.

New bees for newbies!

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks RJ! Speaking of meyer's lemon's, I have a question for Nola. We've been here in north FL almost two years, so I bought a varigated lemon, kaffir lime, grapefruit and satsuma/Hamilton? Orange (not sure because all of mine were $10.00 pops it fell out of it's pot, limb got broke, end of season Charlie Brown trees , too). Lol! Back to ? I had loads of baby fruit and was so excited and then it all fell off! ! Horrors! We looked it up and thought maybe we watered too much, but then saw these weird orange bugs about the same time, not sure if they were friendly or what (someone said they were assassin bugs and good). Just wondered if you had any ideas? The trees have doubled in size and look great. (Even the lemon is putting out new foliage- it was the worst beaten of the bunch). What can I do to keep from having a repeat? Thanks, I would appreciate advice:). Also, Al your sunflowers are spectacular-I would love to have some seed-let me know if you see anything on my trade list or I can send you stamp if you dmail your address to me. Happy note on lemons, Jay found empty lot with lemon tree and picked me a bag and I made lemon marmalade, it was tangy, but scrumptious on biscuits (would have been good on sour dough bread, but I burned it!). There's still a few, neighbors just pick a few here and there, kinda fun, but someone will eventually buy the lot, so I hope mine quit dropping off! Thanks guys! Missing Speedie Bean, Charley and the girls. That last photo of them laughing over 'new beans' cracked me up!
Picture Jay hanging lights on the Pindo Palm, not exactly a white Christmas, but FUN!

Thumbnail by Bellsp
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Once my hubby hangs lights they stay there til tree falls down...
We are here. Just wander around sometimes.
Hi there Lori and Al, we are picking up folks and loving it.... Love our Newbees and oldbees too!!!! ♥

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Ha ha hee hee. . . I know what you mean, maybe I'll share your hubbies secret with mine:). I wish I could remember and I would send Charley and the girls some cookies next Christmas, maybe I should go write that down:). Glad to here from you.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

I would like to thank the very kind gentleman that donated to my postage fund, but he did not put his dg name on the envelope. so- thank you kind sir!

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

my citrus trees are better luck than good management! Mine are in containers, and I'm certain I'm doing it all wrong. Mine has two other vines growing up around it (mandevilla laxa and a moonflower) and it's by the dryer vent, the container is too's all wrong but going ok so far!

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh, No you so remind me of myself! Me tooooooo. . . I just fly into things and let it happen. Well, no more over watering and maybe this year I'll get some fruit!
Thanks, Belle:)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Im right there with ya Nola!! Everything I grow is luck...Management has nothing to do with it!! Lol.... I guess that makes at least three of us luck chasers!!
Yeay!! RC!!

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Yep, RJ sometimes best way to get something done is just jump in! If that doesn't work try try try again!

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

I got my package from you and it was full of so many beautiful things! I can't wait to try them all. You sent so many I can't wait to try them all! The variegated morning glory is going on the front of my picket fence. I love morning glories, such happy flowers. I love the necklace pod seed. I always wanted to try those and the pretty pale pink hollyhock, etc., sooooo much fun! I'll be posting pictures of all my goodies as they bloom. You guys are all great. All the cuttings Jim sent are rooting and even new little leaves:). I hope everyone has a great day. Rising creek I stuck you a warm weather pack in the mail yesterday:). Happy Gardening!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Sometimes you wear your self out jumping.
If I move too fast my back lets me know I have to have peaceful (hahahaha) things to do. Arejay don't call me Bumble for nothing.....
some of my creations and one of God's....Camellia is now blooming here...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh, bumble I think your creations are fantastic, your an artist! Lots of artist 'bumble' . My whole family is artistic (painters, makers,sewers of fantastic things)! The first picture is my favorite, cute as a button. Do you have your own kiln , I love the one holding the posie, too, I have a secret fancy for dragons, hmm, I guess I can't pick! I can't always get about as good as i would like, but then I go hog wild and end up on the couch watching tube or 'bumbling' around with some sewing till the aches go away. Maybe we should 'jump' with caution? Heehee

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lol jump with caution!! I think that is the cutest possum that is a possum right? He is some cunnin!! Makes you want to kiss him on the forehead kind of possum!!
I love the rest too Bumble you know I do but that possum he is a catch!!

Clinton, IN

Not looking for anything just trying to help you help the new people or whoever have a better gardening experence. If you get where you need more let me know.


Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

I think it's the tiny belly button that make him so doggone cute! I was thinking maybe teeny koala baby?
My oldest son and daughter-in-lovely are adopting and bought this cute little sleeper, also the elephant and tree my son is going to draw for mural in baby's room:). Sweet couple, All babies are special, but I pray they get one that has an extra twinkle! We could know any time, so exciting! Maybe, I'll start a garden with just 'baby' related plants while we wait? Hey, that sounds fun 'Tiny Tim tomatoes' , 'baby's breath' and I now have 'angel wing' columbine! Lol

Thumbnail by Bellsp Thumbnail by Bellsp
Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Loved Nola's idea about scattering seeds around abandoned lots, Etc. I think it makes them not such an eyesore for neighborhood. My neighbor and I regularly clean the yard next to hers (hard times fell on absentee owners, long story). Maybe, this spring we sprinkle a few toughies, marigolds, zinnias , hmmm nicer for us and rest of neighborhood to look at:). Super idea Nola!

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

Fred-fordpickup-once again, many thanks to you.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

No pick-up here(tho I wish I had one), just big red mule....
The possum ain't a possum, it is supposed to be a hedge hog!!! But for you RJ it's anything you want....

Enid, OK

Arejay, it is like being home again. And it looks like there are a lot of new friends here too! That is awesome.

DH bought me a greenhouse (a cheap one) as a surprise gift the other day so I will be doing a lot of testing, killing and whining here I am sure! I am going to try some veggie seeds in there here pretty soon and see what happens. (well, I am probably going to start them in the house and then transfer them out there)

Enid, OK

RRM, you don't have a pickup???? How do you survive with all the critters and no truck? I hate cars, I think the everyone should drive a pickup! Cars are too close to the ground and being a big girl, they are just to dang hard to get out of !!

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

ridesredmule-would you be the person that gave this to my cousin? (sherman99) I know it came from someone here at dg

This message was edited Jan 23, 2013 2:30 PM

Thumbnail by risingcreek
Enid, OK

I don't know where she ran off to so fast but I promise you she is the guilty party! She makes awesome clay "thingys"!

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

I typed hedge hog, then got Koala Bear on my brain! He is an adorable hedge hog!
Ya'll have a great evening. Long day, here. See you in the morning, my brain cells slow to a sad chug a lug this time of the day. LOL I'm still pulling pictures of all the fabulous seeds you guys have sent me! I'll be posting pictures of them as soon as spring lets me! Thanks a million.

Enid, OK

good morning all! I have been up since about 4 a.m., where is everybody??

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

good morning-raining here-need coffee!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning!! I got so busy this mornig I forgot to post!! That sure looks like Bumbles mule up there!! Charlie is that you? Im sure it is!! Hi Lori how are things in your neck of the woods!!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

RC, Yep that is one of my Charleys. One of the first one....
I have made Oodles of critters and flowers too!!!!! Love the Spirit horses....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You go girl!! Love the bead work!! I love to make beads!!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Great pictures RJ and Bumble! I'm helping Jay today:). Hope I can get some seeds potted later. Beautiful day here:). Have a great one!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Isn't it fun? I just made a frog today, got to take it out of oven and glaze it... we may have to trade clay creations, just because!!!!!
I've made some beads but love critters better....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

since it is raining here today i think i will try to get a lot seeds entered into my have list. have them all in plastic shoes boxes in envelopes but have not been entering them here. probably an all day task.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I would be happy to trade with you bumble !! Wow Rc you are an ambitious one!!!

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