Free Seed for Newbees "Newbee beginning!!"1/14/2013

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I have started and grown many " More difficult p;ants my self speedie!! Heck that theme follows through in many things actually. My kids were not on the less difficult list!!
Winter is half of our year in Maine!! It is good that we can all have a different way and share it all!! One mans trash is another mans treasure right!! ???

Thumbnail by arejay59
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Heeheeheee, ain't that the truth with kids! HAAA!!! If I'd listened to all the "Just wait until..." lousy 'advise' my ex-mother in law gave me I'd NEVER have had my wonderful son! < =D

Ooooooh pretty red.. errmmm... plant-thing! What is it!?!?! LOL!!! (I deserve a bonk on the head for that one!)

Oh Amanda, you've got D-maillll!! < =)

Oh dear, I hear a load of laundry calling me. < =/

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)


Rancho Cucamonga, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi everybody!

I am a newbie. I recently moved from the edible landscape we created in Texas to Southern California. As odd as it may seem to others, I am mourning the loss of my garden since CA won't let you bring anything with you.

Last night, my husband asked me why I didn't plant the beautiful onion growing in the kitchen and why I haven't started any seeds. I broke down and bawled. That is when I decided to get started again.

I want to be a part of the seed exchange. I have some seeds to share :-)

I will be revitalizing my need to garden by siding through the forums.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Good Girl. Get over the blahs and fight back by planting you a NEW garden....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Sounds like there is a California girl needing a newbie packet!!! Welcome butterfly mama!!!

Boston, MA(Zone 6b)

Welcome welcome welcome! Missing home is cry-worthy, for sure. But that sunny SoCal weather - you can grow so many wonderful succulents and dry garden things that I never can. Take a look through Annie's Annuals - I learned so much about how to garden in California from them when I lived there.

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

butterfly4mama-let me know what kind of seeds you are interested in. i am fairly close to you and have lots that do well in our heat

Winnemucca, NV(Zone 5b)

Good afternoon to all.
Just wanted to stop in and give a great big thank you to every one. I just picked up a big fat envy full of seeds from the post office last night that has had me just giddy! I am on limited computer time right now and do not post to the site as offten as I would like to. I love seeing all the posts and reading the stories. They keep me going and pushing forward towards my goals here.

Things are a bit of a mess right now thanks to the bitter fridgid weater we have had so will be very busy trying to place catch up and clean up. Can't complain though, many places were and still are much colder then here.

Any how, thank you all again.


Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Welcome Welcome Butterfly4mama and Hiya Demonshollow!!! < =D

WOW, I moved from sunny SoCal aeons ago!! (as Cheech & Chong's song goes, I was, Born in East L.A., mang, I was Borrrnnn in East L.A....") < =D

Anyway, glad to see y'all here, and I look forward to chatting with y'all more. =)

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Speediebean your so right I grew two small fry myself that turned out to be my two best efforts in spite of the wait until later advice from well meaning folk! Hey Bumble and RJ- me doing happy dance-just received load of plants from flwrsnflryrs1! Such a sweetie! Most all my recent seeds are in little cups- hope staring at them won't stunt their growth:). Thanks for all the hot weather tomatoes RC!
Also Nola's right butterfly4mama you just dry your eyes! A whole new planting world awaits. I was sad about losing my rich soil in Alabama, but once I got over it I found all kinds of new and wonderful things grow here. About same time found all these wonderful fellow gardeners to share with. Drop me a dmail, I probably have things that will grow in your yard. Lord knows only the tough survivors hang out in my yard lol!
A big 'Hey Y'all' to 'Demonshollow' - !

Smiths, AL

Hi, I am Goober and I want to start a garden at my house. I would like any vegetable seeds, herbs, and red or blue flower seeds. My Nana is going to mail my stamps for me this week. I am in the address Exchange already. I am 12 years old and this will be my very first all by my self garden.
Thank you.

Goober fairy

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Welcome 'Goober':). I will send you some fun things for your first garden and I'm sure you will find lots of others to help! I'm from Alabama (we moved ti north Florida a couple of years ago) so I know what really grows for you! Give me a little bit, I will dmail you when I have it ready. Risingcreek is in charge of seeds for 'newbees' and I'm sure she will be talking with you soon. Have fun, I started with my first yellow rose when I was your age. Best wishes to you!
Good morning everyone:)

Picture of some of my seed cups you all shared!

Thumbnail by Bellsp
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Howdy Goober Fairy, so nice to have you join us!! < =D And how cool to have your very own garden for the first time this year, YAAHOOOOOO!!!!!! So, what got you interested in starting a garden?

Have fun here, and any time you have ANY questions, please ask!!! We will help you!!! =)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Goober fairy !!! Yeay!!!! Did your Nana help you find your interest in gardening or did you just come by it on your own?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh Speedie I got so excited I didn't see you had already asked the question!! I remember being 12. I remember gardening better but I remember being 12!! Those cute little cups Bells!!
Goober Fairy will you be showing us picture of the process of your first garden and writing to us all about it?

Here are my little guys gardening with me!! One of them anyway!! His favorite part is watering !!

Thumbnail by arejay59
Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

What a welcome Speediebean:)! RJ, your little one is sooo sweet! I'm waiting on my oldest son and his wife to call about our first grand baby! It could be any day, they are adopting! I am so excited I can hardly wait. They are going to be the best parents. They have wanted this baby so much, we all have:).
Aren't the cups fun, I'm worse than when I had my first garden waiting in anticipation! I've never heard of some of the seeds in my cups:). If 'Goober Fair' only knew this is just the beginning for fun and looking at everything that you see a little different, knowing it all just sprouts up? Know what I mean? Mighty oaks from little acorns grow - something like that?:). Down here it's oaks and mighty palms. . . Hee hee

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Mighty palm tree picture:)

Thumbnail by Bellsp
Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi Gang! - Welcome to all the Newbies! Things seem to be picking up for Spring.

We're shuffling off to Buffalo tonight to see the "Elvis Lives" show at Shay's Theater downtown. There's three professional impersonators depicting diffferent times in his life, should be interesting. We're both great Elvis fans.

Took some time to browse a couple of Buffalo seed shops. Found some heritage Italian Pagano lettuce leaf Basil and Giant Marconi peppers not available at home. Some special container tomatoes, too.

Talk later,

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I love that !! Goober Fairies "sprouts up" Seed drive!! I cant wait to see what you get Goober Fairy Im going through my stashes too!! This will be so much fun!!
That sounds like fun Al!! I was in Buffalo a few years back and visit the Niagra falls it was a beautiful trip!!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh RJ your son is BEEEEE-UUUTEEFUL!!!!!! < =D

Wow Bell, that is a Mighty Palm indeed!

Al, heh heh, I had to giggle at 'shuffling off to Buffalo'.. then had to giggle at myself 'cause I forgot you're in NY, so you meant it literally. =) Hope you guys have a wonderful time!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thats my Grandson Speedie bean Im a grammie

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Woooops, Sorry!! < =/ But he's still sooooo adorabibble!! < =D

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

lol no apology needed!!

Graham, NC(Zone 7b)

Just giving you a head's up that I will be dropping my Envie in the mail to you tomorrow.

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks, I wish the Mighty Palm was mine Speediebean. I took it while at work with hubby. We do have the nice Pindo Palm that has hubby hanging lights on posted on here at the top, just a Mini Mighty Palm:). I know I hope we here back from Goober Fairy, may be more fun for us than Goober! RJ, lucky you, such a Beautiful Grandbaby!!!! Holler at y'all later! Before I forget I hope lycodad and family have a blast with Elvis concert and super fun vacation AND squeezing in seed shopping, too:).

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ill be watching for your envie qunofdsgn!!

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

.... Just sitting here trying to pronounce " qunofdsgn ". Perhaps a truncated version of "Queen of Design"?? =)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh!! I think you got it speedie bean!! Queen of Design!! That must be it!!

Graham, NC(Zone 7b)

I used to be a plastic injection mold designer and work with mostly guys. They tagged me with that name a long time ago. I am onto other engineering things (now I am in estimating), but I am sort of fond of the nickname.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Wheee!!! **ding! ding! ding!!** Give that girl a Kewpie doll!! < =D

That sounds like interesting work, Your Majesty. =) Tell us more about it, please?

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Wow - Great music concert, if "Elvis Live" gets to your area be sure to see it. Actually four Elvis impersonators in the troop, and one Ann-Margaret as well. Lots of nice historical music and dance tunes. Fabulous show.

We're now back home alive, winter snow storms on the way but now quite here yet. Lots of seeds to sort out, I'll send some out to Arejay soon.


Graham, NC(Zone 7b)

Kiss the ring. Ha-Ha

Let's see. Plastic injection molding...think of many of the plastic parts in the world today like (as I am sitting at my desk looking) a plastic cup, calculator cover, radio outside, chapstick tube, computer moniter and keyboard, stacking trays, etc. These all are made with plastic injection molds. I used to design the mold/tool used to shape the plastic into the various shapes and forms. I actually worked on parts for some of the first cellphones (remember the first honkin' Motorola phone that had the flip down part that covered the push button keys) and pagers. I have also designed tools for parts on the Segway, medical parts, car parts, etc.

I have covered between then and now customer service, account management, inside sales and, as I said, I am now in estimating but for a slightly different industry. I now work for a company that machines metal components for airplanes and the like.

Graham, NC(Zone 7b)

Actually, what all got it started was the country song a long time ago by Pam Tillis called Queeen of Denial. They changed it a bit and would actually sing to me!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Gotta love plastic stuff, lots of room for design options there.

My old Lincoln was made mostly out of still is. The Boeing 787 Dreamliner is made of plastic, that must have been a super design job. Now if they could only get the batteries to work..


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I worked on software for the 787 brake control. Antiskid protection, hydroplane protection, brake temperature monitoring, tire pressure reporting, etc etc.

The circuit boards that watched each wheel had to remeasure everything and recalculate everything and send antiskid commands 200 times per second (every five milliseconds).

Other companies worried about "first flight", but we worried about "first stop".
Our team's unofficial motto was: "787 ... make it STOP!"

Graham, NC(Zone 7b)

And we do appreciate your efforts!! The technology in something so new and cutting edge is mind boggling! We actually make some metal components for the girl.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

From seeds to plastics!! We are a diverse group, and plenty smart it seems!!

Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Hmm. . . Qunofdsgn I'm thankful for the platic that holds my cell phone together so I can call my kids, best friends and chat here and the platic that rolls my Chapstick up:) Rickeycorey, I'm really thankful for the platic part that stops the 747, really:). My only expertise in plastics includes utilizing them! Examples, using bottles to feed my babies when they were still little, making Clorox jugs into Easter baskets while they were busy growing up, making luggage tags for them when they went off to college and started seeing the world, gluing beads on my daughter-in-lovelies wedding veils, buying baby rattles for expected Grandbaby and now while I'm waiting filling Dixie cups with soil and seed and watching and waiting for what happens next:)
Happy Gardening and thank goodness for all of inventor gardening friends who make this world a better place to be!

Guess what - I've got sprouts everywhere! Agastache, pumpkins, tomatos, you name it, it's growing:). Has anyone ever tried for fun to sprout a tomato seed other than in a pack? I've just sprouted what me and Dear Old Dad call our 'Burger King Special'. Hey, RJ, Speediebean, Bumble we think it should grow mini-whoppers lol! They came up so we will see? I just love a little garden FUN! Hey, has anyone heard from Gooberfairy? Glad to here Lycodads trip was so much fun! Planted all my plants from recent trade with flwrsnflyers1, and a few fun bulbs from a neighbor:). Gotta go get some 'Go Go' Juice - coffee that is!
Picture- neighbor Elsie's banana and pride if mobile azalea, she gave me both. Love them!

Thumbnail by Bellsp Thumbnail by Bellsp
Hayden, AL(Zone 8b)

Oops Pride of Mobile , not if! That sounded a little 'iffy'?

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