TEA ROOM # 108

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.. brrrrrr...my fingers are cold after going out to check on all my babies here.
Lucky we have perfect weather in the Tea Room so I can get warm.
I need to sit with a cuppa for a while after moving all the tables & chairs to the new area.

More lovely rain yesterday but it was very cold. Real Autumn weather.
Hubby says frost may be likely soon. I hope not. My brugs are just looking lovely at the moment.

Hello Charleen, Dianne, Anthony and Sue.

Teresa, Sugar will grow out of her fidgets soon we hope. Its funny that some dogs seem to be forever puppies.
Poor Copper, trying to keep up with the younger generation.

Karen, take things very slowly there . Just enjoy sitting around and admiring your garden.

Louise, hope all is well over your way. .

Hello to everyone else. Must get moving and put out the sign. Cant have people getting lost in the woods.
We came from here

Happy day.

Merino, Australia

Stupid me. I left the pic off the post for the new Tea Room and now I have no idea how to add it.
Oh well, you will all just have to find the Tea Room without the pic, unless someone can add it

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Camperdown, Australia

Well done Jean , you do look after us , with all those yummy morning teas and nice thoughts. Great job thank you. That's a lovely Autumnal view. My tree have almost lost all their leaves but the pumpkin leaves are still green and so too the capsicums - very strange.I willleave the pumpkins until we have a frost then pick them.

Cold here too, feels wintry.I am going to be burning too much wood if I am not careful.
I barely left the house yesterday,just planted a few alstromerias and then raced back in to the warm.

I still have about 150 other bulbs to go but it will wait a day or so . Freesias, Crocus and Brodaiea mainly.

Daffodils,grape hyacinth are peeking out already and so are the ranunculi.
This will be my first Spring actually living here, so I am wondering what else will pop up that I didn't plant! LOL
Earlier, I did find lots of Monkshoods under the oak trees and transplanted some to the pond verge.

My fig tree is tossing leaves into the pond but they are easy to fish out. I have hung some planters in the fig tree so I can see them from the office here and the dining room. Have some ivies, Lettuces and colchinea in them for now.

Still waiting on the plumber to come and replace the Hot Water Service though. Grrr. and the tree lopper has not turned up either and now it is 3 months since he said he would come, he did come to look about six weeks ago and said "in two weeks" but never turned up - I hate nagging them and I know he hates chopping hawthorns with their long thorns, but it puts holes in the tyres of anything that goes there from cars to mower to my shoes ...and it's leaning towards the road so must go. I made some Hawthorn jelly with the berries but it was a bit bland, better when I mixed them with crabapples.

Thumbnail by chookie2
Clifton Springs, Australia

Just looking at those jars makes me long for hot fresh scones, Chookie...one for each type of jelly....with a dollop of cream.
Lucky you to have a patch of Monkshood growing..I love them....I have one solitary plant, but it flowers well..

Jean, I forgot to to put the word Brugmansia in the new thread...couldn't change that either..

Moon, the movie was very interesting, but I think that mostly Burton/Depp fans would really like it....
For some reason there were similarities to "The Corpse Bride"...but I couldn't put my finger on what they were.
Mind you, I could watch Johnny Depp just walking down the street, especially if he was dressed as Cap'n Jack
Hope you didn't freeze, Anthony......

This message was edited May 14, 2012 12:36 PM

Camperdown, Australia

Dianne ,Just what I had for lunch on Sunday. Decided to make some scones for myself and had Passionfruit butter , jelly and jam on them.....OK greedy .....but it WAS Mother's Day and all my kids are interstate so I spoiled myself.

Going to take some to Garden Club tomorrow for afternoon tea too. Also a Coffee & Walnut cake which I just felt like making today ....no haven't had any!!! LOL

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Sorry to put a downer on the thread, but you all know how much i love my pets.,,20 yo -bubby the cat died today, quite dignified,-she went to the toilet for me, had a feed, a drink and then it was time...The last of an era.....Sooty and cocky helped us fix the grave - now we are very sad

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Anthony, so sorry for your loss. Anytime one of us loses our Fur Children it is very Tragic. May Dear Sooty rest in peace and be waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge for your return.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good Morning

Hope all of you ladies had a lovely Mother's Day. Jean, thank you for keeping up such a lovely tea room for us all.

Chookie, how yummy those all look. It is so annoying having to wait on Trades folk to do their jobs....makes you wonder if they just don't need the income???

Anthony, my heart goes out to you....our furry friends have a way of weaving themselves into our lives and hearts. Bubby reached a grand old age thanks to your love and care. I am so glad for you that he passed easily. A Big Hug for you and a bit of catnip for Bubby

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. a cold & dull Autumn morning here. Very cold, but no frost as yet thankfully.

Anthony, so sad to lose Bubby , but what a good age to live to. Shows all your loving care.

Sue, you are a very busy lady with all your cooking .
I used to love doing lots of cooking when the kids were all small but dont bother now as we are just two and dont eat much in the way of cakes & jams.

Dianne, glad you enjoyed your movie.
Last time I went to a theatre was years ago to see some new film out then.
I was nearly blown out of my seat by the sound. Most uncomfortable to sit in all that din.
I woudlnt go now if I could. I enjoy sitting back at home and watching in comfort these days.

Moon , nice to see you . Glad you enjoy the Tea Room.
Where else can you eat all the cake you want without seeing yourself grow ever larger ?

Charleen, I saw Charleys rear end going around the corner this morning. I think he was looking for a handout.
You should feed the poor skinny fellow ....lol

Hello Teresa, Chrissy, Colleen and Louise.
I have to go and do a few things for hubby this morning before he leaves. The car has to go into the repair place this morning .
A while ago , while it was parked in the parking area next to the CFA HQ, a fool ( who shouldnt have been driving and had no licence for a fire truck )
ran into the back of it and pushed the boot in . We have been waiting on the CFA to get off their rear end and get something done.
Finally , they have okayed the repairs.
We will be without the car for the rest of the week so hopefully wont need to go anywhere.

Better move.
Heres your morning tea treat.... Cherry Scones
You can try Sues preserves on them

Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I went out there for a couple days calling him "Rumball" that is about what he is shaped like. But he seems happy.
I know he would love those scones. I just looked at Joy of cooking and found out difference in Biscuits and scones. I love biscuits....I am going to add some sugar to a batch of biscuits and make scones.....:-)

barmera, Australia

Hi everyone. Pretty cool here. Haven't got lost but have been getting everything ready for a trip to see the new GG-son tomorrow. We will be back late Sunday night so probably won't see you before then. The boys are tickled pink that they are getting out of school for a couple of days. It's nearly a marathon to go away. There's plants that have to be made safe and watered and chooks and cats and galahs and a dog and clothes to pack and to make sure everything else has been readied. Nearly there now so I can relax a bit. Anthony so sorry to here about Bubby. Sounds as though she had an easy outing. It's does the heart good to be able to be there for the end, especially when they seem to be able to hear your voice and answer with a little weak "mew" and close their eyes, and off they go "over the bridge". I do wish that it was as easy for some humans. I hope everyone is well and I hope that you all have a great day and I'll see you when I get back. Colleen

Clifton Springs, Australia

" It does the heart good to be able to be there for the end, especially when they seem to be able to hear your voice and answer with a little weak "mew" and close their eyes, and off they go "over the bridge". I do wish that it was as easy for some humans."
Well said Colleen......

Anthony, you have been a good "dad" to those furry and feathered "kids"......It's little consolation at the moment but Bubby went, the kindest way.

Charleen, clarification please......your cookies are our biscuits, so what are your biscuits?
Our scones are nothing like our biscuits....isn't it confusing.......lol

Jean, what a nuisance.....hope they don't take too long....

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Thanks everybody, its been a tough 6 yrs of losses..,a 20 yr old pet leaves a massive void in your life, when gone,.,.Now the weekly 'fresh kangaroo order' shrinks,.., the pet food aisle at coles will be quicker shopped.,.,and even though Bubby never made much noise, it is very quiet here..,..,.,i better go and put Sooty to bed-Anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

The Scones have sugar in them, our biscuits don't but I'm going to make some with sugar.
My biscuits are made:
2 c. self-rising flour
1/4 c. butter
3/4 c. buttermilk or sweet milk
Mix flour and butter with pastry cutter or 2 knives (Not done this) or by hand.
pour in milk and form into ball. Scatter dusting of flour on board and roll out
and cut into whatever size biscuit you want.
I believe scones have sugar and maybe an egg, got to recheck. I still want to make some...

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Isn't it strange that we never notice how much room in our lives our pets take until they are gone? It has been almost 5 months since my Springer Spaniel Chester died and I still have moments that I look for him. Fingers crossed for better times for ya Anthony.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Some fog here this morning. Yesterday was mild and sunny . The weather thingy of hubbys says its 12C in this small room where we have the computer and all his radios.
I hate to think how low it will be outside....brrrrrrr

I finished all the Roundup spraying yesterday so now I can wait on the next lot of weeds to appear.
Hopefully I missed all the little bulbs popping up. I may have finished off some dutch irises but they were all one color anyway. More will soon come through .

Anthony, keep your spirits up. You will miss Bubby for a while after having him for so long, but time really does heal. and you will find the sadness giving way to many pleasant memories of the time he was with you.

Colleen, Enjoy your trip, the garden will mind itself while you are gone .
Just dont bring home too may new plants.

Moon, hope all is well over your side of the world.
Lots of lovely weather for you.

Charleen, I am sure there is some mischief going on with Charley & those feathered friends . I found a feather near the door this morning and a few cakes missing...hmmmmm

Must be all the chat about scones & biscuits.
Our scones are usually made with self raising flour and butter rubbed together then mixed with a little water or milk to make a dough.
Pressed out and cut then cooked. . Exactly as what you call biscuits.
A plain mix but very yummy with jam.
( no cream for me )
Biscuits are usually a bit more fancy depending on what sort you make.
Most of our biscuits are bought from the shop in packets. ( like your cookies)
Charley seems to like them all .

Dianne, my little girl has opened finally. A very cute little starfish this morning. I will add a pic to the brug thread later.
Hubby came home very annoyed yesterday as the car was not done.
The garage had made some mix up so it wont get done until the middle of next month.

hello Teresa, how is that young spotted lady doing ? Hope all your heating is getting sorted before winter sets in.

Louise, I saw your lovely state of NH on TV yesterday. So beautiful. I would love to live among all that Autumn ( Fall) color you see there.

Sue,I hope your garden club meeting went well and they enjoyed your goodies.

Better go and see what is going on outside. I can hear the chatter of many magpies. They argue over the food when there is plenty for all.
After we lost a few of our favorites, new faces have appeared .

I suppose they get thrown out of their own area so fill the places here. The 2 currawongs are still here . I love seeing them out there.
The small wrens are coming back and I see the regular rosellas each day. The blackbirds are getting very quiet and sit around waiting for a feed just like the maggies.

Enjoy these Cranberry Lemon Slices .
Happy day and keep warm .

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

All this talk of scones and biscuits and Cranberry Lemon Slices is making my mouth water.

Anthony, I am so sorry to hear about Bubby. I only pray when I go, its as naturally as Bubby went. I imagine your other pets will miss her too. It is lovely you all said goodbye together.

Have been running about today so not much time for the computer. I say running, but actually its closer to a slow crawl. Saw the doc yesterday and she's told me to keep my activities very low key for another couple of months. Not easy as it sounds though.

It is zygocactus season again, and I'm excited by the number of buds on my plants.
First is a pic of my only fringed zygos. I believe you can get other colours but I've never even seen them.
Next is a rather exciting first time flower. The variegated zygo is not easy to find, so I'm really pleased to see the flower. This one is Variegated Madam Butterfly.


This message was edited May 16, 2012 4:23 AM

Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Anthony, a yellow lily blooming today.
semps and sedums
Day lily
Crinium by pond
Pink hydrangea, first year it has bloomed...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning all, very clear and very chilly here this morning....
Kettle is on Jean.....I hear you coming along the path.....
Hope you are having a lovely time with the family and it's newest member, Colleen.
Karen, beautiful Zygos...love the fringes...
Charleen the garden is looking great.......
Hi Moon and Louise,
Even though it's cold this morning, The fragrance from the Brugmansias near my back door is beautiful..not heavy, in fact a little different to the normal perfume that they have...very welcome on this cold morning.
Have a great day everyone.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Morning...I put another log on the fire....it is indeed getting chilly there....

Hope you all have a lovely day. Some fresh warm brownies for this morning's cuppa.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful Dianne.
Yummy, love brownies...

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
My fingers are frozen. Its very cold but as yet no frost , thank goodness.
I have made a start on rearranging my iris area. I will do more today. Hopefully in a week I can plant my first broad beans in the cleared space.
It will be interesting to see which critter starts feeding on them first. Probably the rosellas.

Karen, I have those 2 zygos too. I have a few zygo cuttings growing in the greenhouse that look just like your Madame Butterfly and oddly enough, one is Madame Butterfly from my large original plant.
It is not a variegation on mine, just that the cuttings have been in the greenhouse since last year and need to get outside.
The whole tray of plants look variegated .
I have never seen a real variegated zygo myself. I have one which has red & green segments. Hasnt flowered so I dont know what color it is.

I see your Aspen goes pink in the cold too. I saw a couple of my whites this year, actually bloom white instead of having pink tones. It was not as cold earlier so they stayed white. The cold always turns many pinkish , not only the whites.
After the last few cold mornings , the whites are all looking pink now.

Charleen, your garden is looking bright with those colorful blooms. I like your pond.
My birds would like it too. The magpies love their bath.

Hello Colleen, Dianne, Sue , Teresa and Anthony.
The sun is trying to climb over the trees so I am hopeful of it warming a bit. I will soon get warm anyway , once I start moving the irises.

Enjoy your day and try some of this delicious Chocolate Cake.

Thanks for the morning tea Charleen.
I have been trying to get online for ages this morning. The internet must have been cold...lol

Happy gardening.

This message was edited May 17, 2012 10:26 AM

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. Into the chocolate recipes this morning, I see. Brownies and choc cake. That does it. I'm going out to buy some of that real dark choc - 85% or more. Did you know, it is legal to eat a piece of the dark chocolate on a diabetic diet? So, its time.

Jean, I would love to see pics of your red and green zygo, and any other variegated ones you think might be. Apparently there is Madame Butterfly, and Variegated Madame Butterfly, so two varieties with that name. The other variegated zygo that I've heard of is Carnival. Apparently these keep the variegations, while others in the past have reverted back to all green. Not that I'm that knowledgeable, its just snippets I've picked up along the way. And yes, the cold does turn the flowers pink. I can't figure why they have to flower right at the time the cold does its worst on them. Sometimes the buds just don't develop once the cold hits them.

I love the fringed zygos and would love to hear if anyone has other colours.

Oops, must run to catch my bus, so catch up later.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Charleen, its hard to find a non beautiful lily.,and yours is beautiful!!!,.i have some absolute 'crackers' out at the moment[imported],,.,.Im not a spruiker for businesses here in Tassie.,, but if you get a chance, take a look at the latest 'Woodbridge Nursery' catalogue,.,.,..its chockers full 'of plants'.,,. how strange!!!!! Ive never met these people, but i know they work their backsides off, to produce brilliant and rare material.,.,and also put a lot back into the community[ even if they no longer grow rare liliums] they are worth a look,.,.,.stay well everyone, Anthony

Clifton Springs, Australia

Red sky in the morning, shepherds take warning......yep, we have a very red sky this morning.
Morning everyone....
It's cold after a beautiful sunny day yesterday....I bought a couple more Agastache, carmine red, which is dark pink and a soft pink which is called salmon pink.....so I have 3 of these now...I love the citrusy smell of the foliage.....
Anthony, I used to buy perennials from Woodbridge, years ago....always something different.....thanks for the reminder....
I think that I will be back home pretty quickly this morning...it's cold out there....
A quick cuppa and I'm off....
Back later, I will leave the kettle on, Jean...

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Not as bitey cold this morning but still enough to let you know it is nearly winter.
Just think, in about 5 weeks it will be the shortest day then downhill to Christmas.
Who stole the start of the year ? Seems like it was only last week we had Christmas. ...lol

Anthony, I have Asiatics already showing their heads above the ground . Poor things will get cold standing around out there all winter.
You should not tempt us with more plant sites . I will look but not buy...really, I wont buy a thing... ha ha, who am I fooling, Such pretty plants there.

Karen, I will get out later and see if I can get a few pics of the zygos for you.
I really should get them all back on the shelves. I put them on the ground when I took the door off the shadehouse and the darn neighbors cat knocked some off the shelves.
Now the cat has gone, I will get them back on the shelves.
The tree overhead was making it a bit darker than they like , but now with the door gone , plenty of light for them.
I have a couple in flower that have not flowered before. I am not sure of the names because they are old oness that dont seem to be around now.
Very pretty though.

Hello Dianne, hope you are warmer there than it is here.
I see you are getting a larger shopping centre extension. down your way.
I love big shopping centres.
I used to go to them in Perth with one of my daughters.
You can spend all day wandering around .

Hello Teresa, give the spotty ones a pat for me. Hope all is going well for you at work.
I see things are moving slowly on some of the earthquake damage.

Sue, you should have some Hellebores around your garden under the trees. Mine are starting to put out flower snow. They multiply quickly and do look so lovely in winter.

Hello Moon, thanks for the brownies, delicious. Hope your garden is looking lovely too.

Louise, are you getting things done in your garden ?
Hope you and Hank are enjoying being back in NH . Pat those pretty girls for me.

Charleen, I left some cookies out for Charley but I think he was beaten to them by the deer down the back of the Tea Room garden.
Love your pretty plants.

Hello to anyone looking in.
I will put something tasty out for you all.

Try this Black Forest Cake....yummm

Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Camperdown, Australia

Good morning everyone,Yesterday I replied in a long post and duh it just disappeared. SO I am writing again.

Anthony my commiserations on the loss of your furry friend. They do place their paws on our hearts and yours must have been deeper imprints than many after 20 years.

yesterday was our first frost , not a bad one and my pumpkins are still fine. A friend noted that my garden is much later than his a few klm away, so I may have a nice little micro-climate happening here in the shelter of the oaks and the mountain.

I spent yesterday placing rocks and burying the pond liner around the edges---oh my back! LOL
I planted a lovely Acacia Limelight, a weeping compact Acacia with very fine ferny leaves that will droop over the rocks and hide some of the pond edges, some more ferns, two azaleas and a True Valerian in the bog garden.Still waiting for the frogs to sing. ( I think in Spring I may regret that ! LOL)

On Wednesday I went to Gem Club and cut and polished one of my Meteorites that I found in Saudi and an amethyst from WA. Good fun, and my ginger slice went down well- I love ginger and made it strong but it seemed to be popular.

Garden Club last Tuesday went well too, we had our meeting and then went to visit the garden of a local who has an amazing treasure hidden behind his fence and hedges.It rambled on and on , his kiwi fruit scrambled high over trees on the back fence - I was very envious of that! LOL In the lower back he had an amazing fernery that appeared so natural in the corner, his garden is an acre. We had afternoon tea on the house verandah while a shower passed over, then back into the garden. The owner was also a sculptor and had some nice whimisical characters and old farm implements turned into snails,bees and trees etc. hidden among the shrubbery ..it was a lovely visit and all members left happy.

I am certainly finding retirement fun thus far, and enjoying no tradesmen coming at 8am every day! LOL I am just waiting on the tree lopper now but he has been saying he is coming for 6 months!!

Good to hear everyone is is enjoying the Autumn days and in the North the Spring too.It looks like an outdoor today too,cool but fine at 8am.
Have a lovely day everyone.

Camperdown, Australia

Jean I have one lonely hellebore which has just one leaf! LOL I put it by the small pond so it can grow and cover some of the rocks. I will look for more next market.

I am just waiting for waterlilies to be available and the waterplantings will be almost done , though most are small just now they will fill out in Spring.

My pumps arrived by courier yesterday so today I will try and place the small one in the pond today.The big one is for the waterfall so has to wait until I can find the right flat rocks to build it.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Chookie, My friend Scott, [an absolute plant growing legend] built waterlily gardens[5 large swimming pools-sunk into the ground at various ground levels] in memory of his mother,.,before long, he asked me to construct cover frames, because the ''longbeaks'' were fine dining on his goldfish.,. Jean, you'll send me back to the doctors with that black forest cake,.,.and im glad you didnt glance that nursery site,.,.-anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Good morning all.
I will have to tell Charley, he will keep them chased off.
Look at their faces.. They are watching my little dogs run along the outside of the fence.
Wouldn't dare let those dogs in with those critters. I'd be yelling and hollaring, for sure....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. A light shower of rain yesterday at lunchtime and more during the night.
The ground is still very dry under the surface as I found when digging up the irises.
Lucky they dont have deep roots and come out easily.
I am halfway through so should be able to start planting broad beans when the good rain starts.

Anthony , I did bookmark that garden site as I just might need more plants in spring....

Charleen, those furry ones do look like they would be interested in playing with the dogs ..
I could just see you running after them all , hollering.
Love your butterfly.

Sue, your water lily pond sounds like it will be beautiful when finished.

Hello Karen, Dianne, Colleen and Teresa.
Hope everyone else looking in is well too.

Heres a tasty treat .....GingerBread Cake..
Happy weekend.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Ginger slice and ginger bread cake - I love ginger! Love butterflies and mules too!

Actually had to put the heater on in here this morning as my fingers were too cold to type. Went to make tea, but no milk. The weekend has started off as a disaster, as I can't get going until I've had my cup of tea.

A few more zygos out. No new ones though. So pretty to see the different colours. Not much else out at the moment though. The Autumn rush seems to have finished early here. Could do with a shower just to wet the ground again. The air is very dry and the wind just suck out all the moisture there is.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Early birds clamor in the trees.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They are so Beautiful. I love those little birds....♥

Christchurch, New Zealand

bit bleak here, we have tickets to the rugby tonight, home game Crusaders vs Blues.
Going to have to wear lots of merino layers I think :)
I'm tired out after cleaning up the dog's room.
Hubby left the crate unlocked so Sugar escaped & played havoc with the lino.
We now have bare boards in there, I had to rip up the rest & bin it.
I really should have taken before & after shots but just wanted to get stuck in & clean up the mess.
The water bowl, an ice cream container, was reduced to a flattened bit of blue plastic with multitudes of tooth marks, there were tiny bits of blue plastic all over the floor along with the contents of the bowl & a few shredded blankets.
I had to mend the new roman blinds, can't do anything about the holes in the fabric but at least it goes up & down again.
This all happened before I got home from work yesterday.
Funny I was just wondering how she would be with a little more freedom...
the short answer - not good!
After the clean up I went outside with them & we played fetch with the toys I uncovered in a pile of junk on top of the fridge.
Copper was like a pup when he spotted his old teddy, he stole it from the top of his crate where I had put it & sneaked off to the lounge with it.
He managed to take 2 more toys before he picked one with a squeaker that made a noise when he grabbed it, I looked around to see him with it in his mouth & a goofy expression on his face 'oops, sprung'
All the playing has them worn out so all is peaceful here for now.
Hubby is asleep on the couch too.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Just read an article in the paper that refers to the houses on flat land, damaged in the Christchurch earthquake that cannot be repaired or lived in again, all 7000 odd of them..
isn't that incredible......you must have been very lucky Teresa....

We drove around a couple of the new estates today that were opened up in the last year, both within 5 mins of our house.....in one estate all the cables for the very fast broadband are in and 90% of the blocks have been sold.....the average size is around 500sq mts, some a little more some a little less....the land cost around the $150,000 for the cheapest block and so many big houses are being built there.....obviously young professionals working in Geelong, who don't want a garden and want sea views.....in a couple of years there will be over 500 houses.
and in 10yrs 1600 homes....

The other estate is only a couple of minutes to the Drysdale shopping centre, all they had to do was pull down a couple of houses that backed onto a farm and open it up....at least in this estate, the smallest block is 600sq and there are quite a few 800sq....it's going to be a
pretty estate, they have kept the creek and are making it into a winding lake and the blocks are wide so the houses won't be sitting on top of each other......nothing under $200,000 in this estate, no building at present, the roads are just going in, but stage 1 is sold out and stage 2 is almost gone.

When we came to the Bellarine peninsula 22 yrs ago, there wasn't a traffic light until you hit Geelong....now we need them everywhere...
what with 2 enormous retirement villages being built and all the estates opening up, our green belts that were supposed to keep the identities of the 7 small towns as individual as possible, are rapidly shrinking.....I am very glad that I wont be here in 100 yrs, it will probably be housing from coast to coast....
I don't even count Ocean Grove/Barwon heads as part of the Bellarine now, they are almost an extension of Geelong with a few farms in between.....and they are spreading towards the rest of us.

One day Geelong will swallow up the Bellarine and go as far as Torquay, then it will be looking at Anglesea.....

I think that I'd better go and watch the Bombers play the Tigers.....that will cheer me up....

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Dianne, we have a korean'estate' being built next to 'one of the worst ' housing areas in Tassie.,.and the premier thinks its great[The -BIG- Christmas bauble, Lara Giddings],.,.and working in the building industry, i see the [terrible] progress across the south ,for ''rushed in'' New Australians,..,I think its nearly time for me to move to the highlands[ but they purchased a whole town up there as well],..,and ruined the nice quiet weekend of fishing ,for us all,.,.,,I'll say no more.,,Go and watch the football, and remember how it used to be.,,,,,..HELLO!!!!!!_ where are we heading?

This message was edited May 19, 2012 4:39 PM

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Its very chilly here this morning , but no frost.
Hubby said last night there would be a frost so I am glad he was wrong.
I have done over half the work in the iris beds. I am taking things slowly in case I do any damage to my shoulder again.
Thankfully, this will be the last major work I need to do to have all the garden much easier to look after.

Anthony, we are seeing some development coming in the rural areas here too. Not so much close to us but it will eventually sneak in.
I have seen some lovely places just wiped away due to building new estates.
I wonder at the people these days wanting to have a huge edifice instead of being happy with just a nice medium house.
Last time we drove along the coast south of us, we saw miles of large empty houses built for holidays only.
Very few are lived in permanently.
Access to a lot of the coast has been stopped by all this building too.
I am glad I will not be around in 100 years too . I would hate to see what the country will look like.
I think the SciFi writers had the right idea when they wrote books many years ago with humanity living in millions of units , having an allowance for water, power etc,
I see the violence of today leading to more and more wanting to leave the cities or live in high security communities .
There will be a race of poor living outside giant enclosed city walls in the future.
No fresh food and little fresh air.

Dianne, lucky you are still a little way away from the bad congestion as yet.

Hello Teresa. I had a giggle about Sugar and her mischief. I am sorry but it was funny , imagining you coming in the door to chaos.
Copper must have been thinking , aha, theres my toy that person hid from me...lol

Karen, I put a few zygo pics in a new thread for May flowering.

I am going to have the best show I have ever had from them. So many buds on the plants.
I must rearrange the pots so I can see them all as I walk in the shadehouse.

Hello everyone else .
I will leave a tasty treat for morning tea. .....Pumpkin Loaf.

The sun has come out and the sky is clear , so once it warms a little , I will get back to the garden.

Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. Not quite so cold here this morning. Looks like being a glorious day.

As for the rushed developments going in for our sudden massive increase in population, they were in such a hurry to get people's money in but not so quick to put in the infrastructure needed to support such an increase. So now we have overcrowded hospitals (if you can get in at all), traffic jams every which way you turn, and now they decide to do roadworks holding up traffic even more. They pump fresh rainwater out to sea and feed us recycled sewerage (and charge like wounded bulls for it). I don't have much to do with schools, so don't know what the situation there is. Public housing is almost non existant, Australian families trying to live in their cars, while immigrants (legal or not) are being given huge homes and handouts . What has this world come to? I don't want to know. I get so angry. They say we need a population of Xmillion by 2020. Why? What for? We can't feed a population of Xmillion. Housing developments today are tomorrow's ghettos.

Off my soap box now and calming my mind. Teresa, you seem to have your hands full with Sugar while she's in this puppy stage. Was Copper the same at that age? Obviously they must grow out of it.

Charleen, I love the birds too. I cannot understand people disliking them, though I must admit they are messy and very noisy. A small price to pay for their cheeky little faces popping in to see what they can find in the "treat" dish.

Poor dog next door has been left alone again today and is crying. She's an elderly pom, and a darling little thing.

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes. some folks are just mean....I love those little birds.
We have folks building around us too. Crazy folks shooting off guns. They don't know who is living on other side of the woods. WE ARE!!!!!
Jean, i just heard a lot of hooves heading your direction when you put that Pumpkin bread out.
Long Ear Stampede!!!!!!

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Karen, you can get on your soapbox anytime. As long as we are stating what is public knowledge and not offending the people police, go for it.
It seems we are being gagged by the green media types . One must not say what ones thinks or we will offend someone.
Usually one of those goody two shoes PC persons , who are about the only ones being "offended ".
I agree, it is all very well to build everywhere and bring in upteen people ( legal or otherwise ) but who feeds , waters transports, schools and employs them when our existing population is struggling to manage on limited resources.?
Maybe a return to old values and ways of management would help a little.
You know , that world where everyone took responsibility for their actions and helped their neighbors.
No throwing food away because of some idiots inane ideas of health & safety. No tossing away perfectly good items because they are not the latest 'upscale 'appliance. or clothing item.
Share & trade among ourselves to save waste. Get the Councils to actually do something major with recycling items instead of pretending and tossing things in landfill..
Let people pick up verge items and roadside fallen wood.
Lots more but I had better get off my soapbox too.
It just drives me mad to see such blatant stupidity from our "leaders "...

Charleen, I heard the furry ones coming and dodged out of the way.
I am afraid there is no food left for us now. I will have to get cooking again.

I bet Charley wont eat this treat. ..lol....
Yummy sticky Baklava..

Thumbnail by 77sunset

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