Photo by Melody

Australian and New Zealand Gardening: TEA ROOM # 108, 1 by 77sunset

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In reply to: TEA ROOM # 108

Forum: Australian and New Zealand Gardening

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Photo of TEA  ROOM  # 108
77sunset wrote:
Good morning everyone.
My fingers are frozen. Its very cold but as yet no frost , thank goodness.
I have made a start on rearranging my iris area. I will do more today. Hopefully in a week I can plant my first broad beans in the cleared space.
It will be interesting to see which critter starts feeding on them first. Probably the rosellas.

Karen, I have those 2 zygos too. I have a few zygo cuttings growing in the greenhouse that look just like your Madame Butterfly and oddly enough, one is Madame Butterfly from my large original plant.
It is not a variegation on mine, just that the cuttings have been in the greenhouse since last year and need to get outside.
The whole tray of plants look variegated .
I have never seen a real variegated zygo myself. I have one which has red & green segments. Hasnt flowered so I dont know what color it is.

I see your Aspen goes pink in the cold too. I saw a couple of my whites this year, actually bloom white instead of having pink tones. It was not as cold earlier so they stayed white. The cold always turns many pinkish , not only the whites.
After the last few cold mornings , the whites are all looking pink now.

Charleen, your garden is looking bright with those colorful blooms. I like your pond.
My birds would like it too. The magpies love their bath.

Hello Colleen, Dianne, Sue , Teresa and Anthony.
The sun is trying to climb over the trees so I am hopeful of it warming a bit. I will soon get warm anyway , once I start moving the irises.

Enjoy your day and try some of this delicious Chocolate Cake.

Thanks for the morning tea Charleen.
I have been trying to get online for ages this morning. The internet must have been

Happy gardening.

This message was edited May 17, 2012 10:26 AM