TEA ROOM # 108

Clifton Springs, Australia

Chookie, which market, was it the one near KMart on sunday? ...can always do with more..lol

I finally found a pic of the flowers on A.negundo...they kept showing green ones in all the pics....can't find anything stating that it flowers on young wood....maybe now that you've pruned the lovely old thing it might show you it's pretty flowers....
that crystal sounds interesting...

Still pouring, almost up to 5ins for the week now.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Camperdown, Australia

Yes the market near Kmart. Out in the carpark near the gate.
HMM I will watch and take a pic of the next lot of flowers I am sure they are green...maybe yours is different cultivar?

.Still raining here all day non stop. My tanks are all overflowing.

re crystal; Yes it just looks like a rock but is heavier and when I washed it it sparkles and looks like a peice of dark glass, so appears to be a solid crystal.(I hope)LOL Am hoping for the best . It weighs about 500 grams so should get a cutter from it I hope.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

No Dianne, the dog was gone...just left behind a huge gap in the asters all flopped over....she is an old Labrador, so can't get too angry with her. Normally those asters are very upright and about a meter tall. i do love the glads. They are close to being finished for this year.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl Thumbnail by themoonhowl Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.. No rain here during the night, but quite windy.
We have had none of the destructive winds that were forecast for the state. Its good that some weather does miss us here on the hill .
I did nothing much outside yesterday although during the morning it was not too bad out there.
I did get around to tying up a couple of the taller salvias where they were falling over . It was very light rain then and the wind had dropped. Hubby said I was looking very odd out there in my plastic raincoat, bending over the plants.

Sue , you are going to have such a wonderful garden with all your new plants.

Dianne, I hope you didnt get any of the wild weather forecast.
Keep safe and warm there.

Hello Moon, love your pretty glads. I did have some here, but they have disappeared.

Hello Charleen, pats for the furry ones.

Teresa, Sugar looks so happy with her mouth full of toys. How could such an innocent face get up to all that mischief ? ...lol

Hello to everyone else. I am off to get a second cuppa. I need it to warm my fingers.

Today you can all share in my birthday cake
. Even hubby remembered what day it is without too much prompting , dear man.

Have a happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Jean, I didn't know it was your birthday. Many Happy Returns. I hope you have a wonderful day and get thoroughly spoiled.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
barmera, Australia

Happy Birthday Jean. I hope you have a wonderful day. It's been raining here and a bitterly cold southerly wind. I do suppose we can expect a little cold weather, after all it is Winter, but that cold wind can go any time it likes. My Winter Hippy is out Jean. I never got around to repotting it but will do when it has finished flowering. I have my son coming for the weekend, the proud Grandpa. You should see him with Kaiden. It does my heart proud. I have lunch at my other son's, Micheal , on Saturday. Not for anything important just to catch up. His marriage broke up earlier this year after 11 years and I'm seeing and talking to him a lot more now. Funny isn't it. What's the old adage? You have a daughter all your life but you have a son til he takes a wife. Everything has been sorted and they're each getting on with their lives now. The 2 kids spend week about with each parent at the moment. Everything seems fine at the moment but I think the kids will kick up down the track. He just said that it will be dealt with if the problem arises. So cool, calm and collected. Well I hope everyone has a great day whether it be raining or sunshine. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. Yesterday was a nice day and we went to check out that mystery plant with the yellow flowers. I am now more convinced it is a sunflower shrub, or Tree Marigold (among other names). It is a rampart grower and through many of the flowers were finished, what was left was covered with bees. Moon, you are right. It is Tithonia diversifolia. Your glads are beautiful. I never had any luck with them as the soil was just too hard and too poor.

On the way home, we stopped at the local pound to see if I could get a cat trap. Another dead bird yesterday, and I've had more than enough of feeling helpless. I can't find the owner of the cat, but it is obviously well cared for and fed. Local law demands cats are not to be left out, and they let me have a trap and instructions to use it for a week. I hope I can catch the darned thing. It will cost the owners a pretty sum to get the cat back, so will be a lesson well learned.

Teresa, that second pic of Sugar looks like mischief looking for a place to happen :)

Dianne, that's an unusual flower. Hope that rain eases up this week for you and others that are still getting it. We get a few sunny days here, so they say, but due to start getting the clouds back by Friday.

Chookie, let us know how you go with the rock.

Colleen what is that flower? It's so pretty. A shrub?

Hello to everyone popping in for a hot cuppa and a chat. Have a great week.


A better close up of the sunflower shrub.
A Pied Oystercatcher at Victoria Point, tide out.
Looking across the channel to Coochiemudlo. The natives used to walk across the sandbars and swim the channel bits to get to the island. It has quite a little history for a small island so close to the mainland.

This message was edited Jun 4, 2012 3:35 PM

Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Karen, I have them scattered around and pretty much neglect the glads. They are always a pleasant surprise when they pop up.

Jean I hope you have a splendid day. Happy Birthday.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Camperdown, Australia

Happy Birthday Jean and many many more to come with each better than the last.
Here's a bouquet for you

Karen I will let you know how the stone goes, here's hoping I am right.

Colleen is that a lilac ?.... it reminds me that mine is not budding yet. Hmm will have to check on it, now the trees are lopped it will get more light and not be in such full shade.Hope it doesn't mind..

Men are here laying the vinyl in the studio so the rest of the week will be spent refurnishing it and unpacking all those boxes.
Here are some of my books I had to move out to get the floor done. I made the big bookcase at an evening carpentry course years ago. I never mind moving my books but it takes a long time because I "rediscover" so many and need to re-look at them ! LOL
The far end case is gardening & gem books.The nearer is cookery books and the centre one art,craft and history plus some family albums and some of my journals. I still have 20 or so boxes of books to unpack so need another bookcase, although I think I need to cull some, but mostly it is like parting with a good friend so I change my mind each time.LOL

Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2
Clifton Springs, Australia

A very happy birthday, Jean...hope it's a lovely day for you with lots of phone calls from family....

Chookie is that Rhodo "Blue Diamond"? it's very beautiful....
I took the plunge a couple of years ago and culled my books....haven't regretted it..some I hadn't read in years.

Coochiemudio, Karen...what a great name.....

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Happy BBBBBBBB'BIG' Birthday Jean......And to add---- its FFFFFF Freezing here,.,.,.,.,

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Happy Birthday Jean and many many more....
Beautiful Japanese iris...I love this one...
Daylily, Love this one too.
third one, Fairy garden
The fourth one is a climbing lily...
You all have a great time of day....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Yes Anthony, its freezing here too.
It was windy yesterday, but nothing like they got in Melbourne & other places.
We had just a few light sprinkles of rain with the sun trying to shine.

I had a nice quiet day inside near the heater.
I had phone calls from some of the kids and also from one of my granddaughters .
Hubby even bought me a couple of KitKats when he went down to the shop.
We dont worry about presents much as there isnt too much we need other than a few million dollars...lol

Anthony, you keep that fire going there, Cant have our favorite lily man getting frozen.

Charleen, I love the day lilies too. I give mine no care at all except to throw a bit of fertiliser at them once a year .
They usually die right down during late autumn / winter then regrow for spring. I see lots of nice green clumps out there now .
They all flower well and thrive on neglect.
I like your little magic area with the fairy enjoying the sun .
I have fairies in my garden too. Hugs for the long ears.

Sue, such a lot of books,
I am an avid reader, but usually only fiction.
I do have recipe books which are never used now and some garden books I have accumulated over the years.
That is a very pretty rhodo.
I am afraid mine has just about died off completely.
For some reason rhodos & azaleas dont do well here. They usually only live through one season then die.
Its not the soil as I have had them in pots. I blame the water .
A pity because I love them.

Colleen, nice to hear that your son is getting on with life, also that the other son is enjoying his new baby.
I do like that flower. It looks like lilac but different to both of mine.

Karen, I know how you feel with that cat around.
They do so much damage to the bird life. We are only just seeing the return of one or two smaller birds. Until the cat , we had lots of wrens etc.
I like you pics of the oyster catcher and the little island

Teresa, how is the little Miss Mischief today ? I bet Copper has a doggie giggle to himself seeing her keeping you on your toes.
Hope you are not getting any further shakes for the moment or any of the wild weather about.

Dianne, I hope you are safe there. That was some really wild weather down your way.
Bad luck with the damage to your brugs . They will recover in spring.

Hello Moon , Chrissy and anyone else coming in out of the cold.
I am staying by the heater again today , but will have to get moving outside tomorrow, it being shopping day.

Here is something yummy for morning tea. ......nice warm Apple Cake.
Stay safe and warm
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Good frrrrreeeeeezzing morning everyone. Though I shouldn't complain. Far worse down south. Its the wind that is so icy cold. Not real pleasant at all. But I hear NSW is getting a lashing with flooding rains coupled with high tides, and cyclonic winds. Another bad night expected tonight. Nothing worse than Nature throwing all it can at you in the dark with no power. I hope there is no one from here in its path. They expect it to reach the Qld. border by Friday, so we could be in for a nasty weekend here.

Love the flowers, Charleen. And Sue, that rhododenron (sp?) is gorgeous.

Not much happening here. I have the loan of a car for a while but have been to chicken to drive it yet. Will have to do a test run, as I am driving it over to Browns Plains tomorrow to see my podiatrist. My biggest fear is getting lost, would you believe. I haven't driven any further than the local shops for a few years now, and the traffic conditions have changed enormously (for the worse, as far as I'm concerned). Too many one ways that take you way out of your way if you miss your turn. Well, it will be an adventure, won't it.

My zygocactus are all in full swing now, and its a delight to look out the window and see the colours dancing in the wind.

Keep warm and well, everyone.

Twilight Tangerine
St. Charles
Gold Delight
Sunburst Fantasy

Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning all,
We are off to the xray place today, my mother has had 3 teeth break off at the gum line..so she has to have an total mouth xray to make sure of the condition of the others...not a sign of a problem before they broke off, she hasn't had any pain, but break off they did.....bugger.....
I hate taking her anywhere that might distress her and I'm sure that this will....
Thank goodness she knows and is very fond of her dentist...he'll have to take them out.

At least the rain is only light, but it's really cold....

Jean, we are the same as you re presents.....what do we need, every time I think of something, it's "Do I really want it?" unfortunately the answer is usually no......I enjoy the gift vouchers from the kids, because they're always from a nursery.....

I'm getting like my nana, she always said "A nice hankie will do, love"......now I know why.....
Have a good day all.....

Gorgeous Zygos, Karen....good luck with your driving.....you'll be fine.

This message was edited Jun 6, 2012 9:43 AM

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Gee, I could not agree more with you both. If I need something, I arrange to get it as necessary....if I want something, most times I decide I don't really want it by the time I get to the register to pay...I am slowly making Hubby understand that if he asks me what I want for an occasion, I will tell him what I honestly want....be it a new watch or a lovely load of mulch and compost for the garden. For years I would tell him and he would go buy something he thought more "appropriate" for the occasion.....

And I don't have to dust or vacuum mulch...lol

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful Karen, love them all....

Christchurch, New Zealand


we have snow...

lots of cold white stuff falling from the sky, fat fluffy flakes - try saying that quickly 5 times ;)
Went to work, served 3 customers - two bought Drizabone coats so worth being open for that.
We packed an urgent order for the boss & were lucky to get it on the last truck for the day, they were being ordered off the road thanks to the snow.
The boss then sent us home as worse was predicted.
I let the dogs out when I got home, Sugar's first snow & she was so funny to watch gambolling in it & running around biting the flakes & the snow on the ground.
I took her for a walk to the park, she had a coat on & I had my merino layers & gumboots.
Wish I had taken the camera as it was so pretty with all the trees white & the ground covered.
Sugar enjoyed it, in fact I suspect she'd be up for another walk now if I asked her.
Copper is a bit put out to have been left home but he is getting too old for romping in snow.
He was my naughty dog last night - he side stepped Baz, ran up the hall & pushed his way into our room then sniffed out the gift wrapped box of chocolates I had hidden away in a shopping bag.
I was so shocked to see him come trotting down the hall with the box in his mouth.
Lucky for me Baz thought it was a tissue box & Copper didn't do any damage other than a few tooth marks on the wrapping paper.
I surprised Baz with the chocolates & a card - sneaked them into the lounge after he went to bed & he found them when he got up to go to work.
7 years since our wedding day - it was freezing but gloriously sunny, today's weather would have made things tricky, would have been amazing photos though :)

Thumbnail by dalfyre
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. I agree Moon. If we say that we would like such and such that is truly what we want. I used to always tell my boys that I would like toweling tea towels. Micheal complained about it not long ago so I explained to him that i couldn't afford to spend $2.95 on one tea towel but if they bought it for a present for me then I would get just what i wanted and they got out of it relatively cheaply. Now I ask for pine bark or manure or even half a dozen bottles of beer to make up my fertiliser and get looked at strangely still. Jean I have a pic of the Winter Hippy. I was out at 6am this morning putting the sprinklers on the brugs so that they wouldn't get frosted. Predicted frosts for the whole week. yuk. I have lots of buds on the brugs and will try my hardest to get them to maturity. Have a great day everyone. Pics of Winter Hippeastrum and Brug. Avalanche. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris Thumbnail by ctmorris
Christchurch, New Zealand

When Baz came home I had some fun & put my wedding dress on & he took some photos out in the snow...

Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre
Brisbane, Australia

Hello all. Bit cool here but lovely sunny days, So I'm not complaining.

Karen, that's a weed..the Mexican sunflower. Heaps of it here. Although it's a weed, the big patches down in the gully attract people collecting it for vases. It tends to go droopy within a day and will self-seed readily once you toss them out..also even a stalk lying on the ground can grow. The backyard here is actually a steep side of a gully and was full of it when I moved here...it is all now like a rainforest so they have no sun to grow in. Our late neighbour even "rainforested" right down to the other side of the little footbridge. On the other side of us, that neighbour won't let anything higher than a blade of grass grow..and even works on that!!! Here's a link:

Colleen, there is a snake skin draped along the handrail down the back steps and I found another hanging off the guttering above the back door. I think they just like to remind us they are around. I just wish they were vegetarians then we could get along better but as things are, I have to protect the chooks. If the snakes ate the turkeys we could be friends, as long as they stuck to that. Then I would have two problems solved! :) The turkeys must be in nesting / mating mode as they are quite manic!It's hard to see the positive side of a turkey invasion.

Stay warm and well everyone....and I hope your 'inner birds are chirping'. Cheers, Kat

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Congratulations and happy anniversary Teresa. Love the delicate, dainty shoes....grin Sounds like Copper was rushing things a bit for you...wanted to get the celebration going.... i am sure Sugar enjoyed her romp in the snow.

I hear ya Colleen. One year I asked for lumber for Christmas to do some projects....I got a beautiful boiled wool Bog Coat....I absolutely love it, but we barely get cold enough here for it to be useful...and I have 2 other coats...and this one cost over twice what my lumber would have....Hubby was so proud, I didn't have the heart to fuss.

Karen, your Zygos are just lovely...such nice colors. I am sure the driving will turn out okay....just leave a little early so you won't be stressed for time.

Hope you all have a lovely day...stay warm

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Teresa, you are Beautiful in your wedding dress, also love the very pretty jacket on the dog. I would not have thought of snow but I'm learning more of your country with all our "visits"
Don't care for snakes but they are a necessary evil and Thankfully some are not too bad.
Beautiful day here and hope you all have a great whatever time of day it is in your home...
Love and mule nuzzles to all...
Abigail's new nest is an old mop bucket, I put straw in it and she hopped right into it and started rearranging her house...so cute!!!

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. My fingers are so cold this morning but no rain here. I am glad as its shopping day.
So many people getting wild weather up & down the east coast. I hope all stay safe.

Teresa , you look like Snow White standing there in the snow. So beautiful. Watch out for the "wicked witch"out for more mischief....Sugar ....lol

Hello Kat, nice to see the pythons are still keeping watch on you.
Maybe the turkeys are just too much of a mouthful for them.

Charleen, Abigail looks very comfy there.
I left a cookie out for Charlie.

Hello to Dianne, Colleen, Anthony , Sue and Karen ..

I will just pop into the kitchen and leave some nibbles .....Some yummy mixed cakes.
Its shopping day so I am off to get things ready.
Stay safe and warm everyone.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

Jean, wicked witch is the least of what I called Sugar when she pushed my terracotta pot of mint off the deck!
It is sunny today but was down to -5C earlier, the boss didn't want us to risk coming in so I have another day off to pack a few more things into boxes so it is easier for the guys doing the earthquake repairs.
Took Sugar back to the park, remembered my camera so will share some more photos later.
It was fine walking in the snow - had my 'wedding shoes' on ;) The tricky part was going across driveways & the road as the snow was compacted under tires & turned to ice.
Even Sugar was sliding in one place!
The snow is melting in the sun, the trees are dropping loads of it, fun to watch but not so good to be underneath.
I lost a big part of my 5 finger (Pseudopanax)- a nuisance as it was a perfect privacy screen.
Have to wait for it to re grow now.

Brisbane, Australia

Hello all..not so cold here but all the cats think it is!! We were supposed to get the cold winds that have been freezing you down south but they haven't arrived. Yesterday was a perfect winter's day but there's not so much sun today..high clouds. Too many days without sun and I go crazy so I'm glad we have mainly sunny days.

I loved the photos of you in your wedding dress in the snow, Teresa..I had fun after that looking at satellite pictures of New Zealand.

Belated Happy Birthday, Jean..I hope you had a great day.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Quote from Seachanger :
I'm sure that in my Enid Blyton books Jean, all of the fairies sat on the spotted toadstools.....I have a mental pic of a dark haired naughty fairy sitting on one, or maybe I got too close to the Brugs while I was chopping things back again....this time it was the Iochroma...it was huge and laying on everything....

It was such a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky...
Jean some of those little plants might be from the Scabiosa "crimson clouds'' it's seedlings are everywhere here.

That sure is pretty Dianne

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Quote from katciao :
Hello all. Take the cold blasts back! We don't need your penguins and ice floes!!! Feeling pretty raw as have been dealing with much unexpected nastiness..my daughter's marriage has broken up, ultimatums from the inlaws..amazing how people show their true colours. We are trying to get her personal belongings..forget the "she owns half of everything" idea. His controlling parents are demanding her keys back etc etc and have given her just this weekend to be gone. All this came out of the blue..I guess she didn't expect she'd have to be a "Stepford" wife for the social climbing upwardly mobile. Think "Meet the Parents"..we are the eccentric, fun loving ones..she was never going to be what was obviously expected but must have looked like a trophy, stunner, (I always joke, like Elly May from the Clampetts, LOL) right school and friends, but, shame about the kooky family..LOL..kooky but all branches are close and loving. No grudges, spats with any on her side. Oh well, she's young and, as they say, future's bright. Just painful now and I hate standing firm against bullies. Gardening will be a pleasant release when we get the final few things...

Thinking of you at this time Kat. We parents just want our children to be happy. When they get hurt ...it hurts us too.

I have fully recovered after Mum's death in March and now spending my days working in the garden.. The garden has been so neglected, it is taking a lot of work to get it back to what it was.
I had an accident and came crashing down in a garden bed trying to remove some cement blocks. I landed with my legs in the air and stayed there for a few minutes (legs in air) waiting for Fred to come to my rescue. He didn't see me so I just had to dust myself off ... wipe the blood off my foot... and struggle to the medicine cabinet....MEN!

Hope everyone is not too cold now that winter has arrived.


Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

YE-OUCH, Marlene. Hope you are not too shaken by your fall. Big hugs to you....it is so hard to lose a parent...no matter your age. i am sure you will have the talk of the town when you finish in the garden.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Brrr I think Jack is out there this morning. I do hope that he hasn't done any damage. Busy weekend coming up with lots of visitors coming. Lunch at no 2 son's Saturday and hopefully some more fossiling on Sunday. The men want to fish so maybe we can kill two birds with one stone. Great that your garden is coming along Marlene and that you're feeling much stronger now. No use waiting around for the man of the house to notice that you've fallen over. He's too busy doing his own things. lol We always manage to get back up anyway, just takes a bit of struggling and moaning to do it. The boys nearly had a fit when I fell in the garden. I came down with such a THUD and every bone in my body shook I think. I just laid there for a while and gradually rolled over to make sure that i hadn't broken anything and then the boys "helped" me up. Well I hope everyone is well and all have a great day. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris Thumbnail by ctmorris Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning all. I don't think we are in for the predicted winds, it is incredibly still here. May be the calm before the storm?

So good to read all the news. Love the snow bride, Teresa, complete with blue boots :) Look forward to your pics.
Marlene, am so please to see you joining in again too. Do be careful. I really fear falling. I am too big and would hit the ground very hard.
Kat, hope those turkeys stay outdoors and in the bush, and leave your plants alone. Yes, I realize now the sunflower shrub is a weed, especially now I've seen how it grows and reproduces like wildfire. But it looked so lovely where it is, and as it is a park, I guess the council decided to leave it unless it becomes a problem.
Charleen, Abigail sounds adorable and practical. Saw the pic on FB of her lovely egg. Brekky?

Moon, the driving turned out fine. I did well and it took all of about 2 minutes to feel right at home behind the wheel. Got to the podiatrist. Did my shopping, then on the way home there was a police road block at Browns Plains. It was all over the news last night, an alleged road rage/shooting incident that travelled up from the Gold Coast to Algester, and ended up at Browns Plains pub. Honestly, there were helicopters and vehicles all over the place and I couldn't believe how many police and how much disruption it took to capture one male person who was unarmed anyway. I was lucky I saw the road block before I left so I could go round the back way. With the amount of traffic stopped, I could still have been sitting there if I'd been caught up in it.

Today I am catching the bus.

Hello to everyone else popping in. Have a great day.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Glad the drive went well Karen. Since my daughter is in Brisbane, we keep an eye on the news and weather....silly I know, what on earth could we do about any of it anyway? But, she is my youngest and it helps me feel closer to her.

We have gotten really good rain last night and this evening...could have done without the 95KMH winds though. Fortunately just a few tree tips and small branches down.

Lovely flowers Colleen. Hope it doesn't get too cold before the brugs finish blooming.

Hope you all have a lovely day.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone . I have moved us along to here.....

Hello Teresa, Looking forward to seeing Sugar in the snow. I loved your "wedding shoes'
You would have had some odd looks if you had gone out in your lovely wedding finery with those shoes on.
Sensible wins over fashion every time in my book.

Hello Kat and Marlene. Hope you are not too bruised after the fall Marlene.

Karen , so glad you managed with the driving. You will be feeling a lot more confident now.
Lucky you saw the police block. It can be awful being stuck in traffic with no way out.
Take care of yourself.

Colleen, very pretty flowers. How are all your cacti going ?
It is hard to get yourself up after a fall. Lucky hubby heard me call when I fell.
As you say, we manage to get ourselves up eventually.

I would hate to see the fuss if hubby or any of the men out there, fell over.
Oh my....Moon, how are things in your neck of the woods ?
hope you ar ehaving wonderful weather.

Charleen, you started me thinking about a couple of hens here again, but I am afraid the foxes a re just too much.
I couldnt bear to lose more hens to them. I may think about it a bit more and see if I can build something really fox proof.
Did Charley get his cookie from the kitchen yesterday ?
I did see a feather so he may have missed out.

It was a lovely day yesterday for shopping.
Cold as expected , but pleasant with no cold wind. The sun was out most of the day.

I bought no orphans but have bought a couple of new salvias on eBay.
I keep going out to see if my broad beans are coming up. Hubby says I am mad. They wont be up yet.
I need to watch so I can get the snail pellets around .

Hubby has a friend coming tonight for the weekend so I had better tidy up a bit.
They are going to Mt Gambier for a radio ham convention . Hubby goes every year and usually comes home with first prize .
He is pretty smart at building his amplifiers. Not many do these days.

Hello to Dianne, Anthony & Sue. Hope all is well with you all.
Keep safe and warm

Heres something yummy for morning tea..... Banana Chocolate Cake.

Happy day


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Camperdown, Australia

Good morning everyone. Sorry I cannot remember the name of that Rhodo, I will have to check my back files to see if I kept it. I did buy one similar after seeing it but i have a dozen now and have lost track of their names - I am bad aren't I?

jean you are right it could be the water, they hate anything alkaline and I remember the water in Heywood being alkaline and you will have a limestone/sandstone base under your area too which would affect your water I guess.

Karen good to see you are getting out and about. My son is moving down to Labrador this weekend for another stint at house sitting - his last one said the place was better when he left than when he arrived!( he did say it was an artist's house and a bit messy when he got here) LOL.He is saving madly to buy a house so it is helping him save by doing the house sits and saving on rent. This one is for 5 months while the people "go North for winter" ! LOL From the Gold Coast ! They only have one cat for him to care for so he will enjoy that - he always loved our cats.The last one had two dogs and a cat.

My youngest daughter in Perth is a finalist for the My Kitchen Rules for the new TV series, she has had a short film test and cook off, and she and her friend are waiting now to find out if they are "in"...apparently they try out lots of couples and then choose the ones they think will be good on TV.They had to cook a 3 course meal for the crew in 1 hour and the reporter said they were the first to get everything done in the timeframe but it wasn't her decision, it would be the director after he viewed the test film..I wouldn't do it for the world ( they are so cruel sometimes) but she loves to cook and is a real extrovert so will probably enjoy it.

I am off to the PO to pick up a parcel of more books ! LOL These ones to help me with my rock and gem collecting with some maps and advice on places in Australia to collect and how to cut to get the best glow from a gem. Fun ..........and I need more books like a hole in the head...... I know! LOL

Colleen I just found out there are some good fossils on Kangaroo Island and I was planning on going there for a gemstone fossick this year so now have two reasons to go.LOL. Wishing you good fossicking at the weekend.

Cool and mild today, clouds coming now so will probably have a shower later, only 13 deg C right now.Brr.
Good weekend to everyone.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Cookie Crumbs all over the place from that mule....☺
Abigail is a great little chicken. I have a parade when I am out in the yard.
Aren't they cute??? Abigail gets right under my feet.
Love the Brug pictures up there.
One of mine is loaded It is called Monster...
see there is Jake. I just got finished feeding Abigail this big old Tomato horn worm...
I found Charley a new friend.
This insect was eating a horsefly. I was lucky to get this picture.
Had a wonderful day, hope you alls will be great!!!!!

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Camperdown, Australia

Good morning to everyone, I hope the weekend has been kind to you and your endeavours.
No planting this weekend for me, though I do have an advanced Brug to plant yet - I brought it at our local market it is pale pink shading to cream. Not sure yet where to plant it so have left it under the loquat tree for shelter for now.

The tree lopper rang friday night and came back yesterday to finish up the trees, he had to take the stumps that he left high down lower, and to take out the blackwood on the neighbours side, as it was leaning over their fence and onto their clothesline as well as shading most of my vegie patch,it was very tall and 'leggy' so in danger of breaking limbs off. so sadly it had to go.
There is much more light in the yard now and I have given two big blackwood logs to a local wooodturner so it will live on as something creative.

Another big load of mulch in the yard now, so I spent some time after they left spreading new mulch on the old mulched paths, but also need to make the new paths now.
A little time in the newly floored studio last night saw a few boxes unpacked.
1 The stump of the hawthorn tree. 2 mulch piles to spread.3 Brug waiting planting 4 cumquat fruiting. 5 studio unpacking

Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2
Merino, Australia

All looking great Sue.
Lovely lot of mulch there.

Come over to the new site....


Clifton Springs, Australia

Wrong place..lol

This message was edited Jun 10, 2012 1:02 PM

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