TEA ROOM # 108

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Got to go pick them tomorrow. We haven't been getting much rain so they aren't going to last much longer. We have to water other gardens but haven't started in on garden. Poor thing....
Anthony, anytime I lose one of my furbabys I miss it for a long time. My old horse has been dead 5-6 years and I still miss MY SAM...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Brisbane, Australia

Been 17 years and I still miss my little dog. He was a neighbourhood legend in his time.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Christchurch, New Zealand

well another shake yesterday, 5.2 so a good one!
was helping a customer with fabric, we paused our conversation till the rocking & rolling stopped then went back to what we were doing.
the customer had her young son there so I made a point of keeping things light - children get more upset if the adults make a fuss.
Other than that it is all good here, getting colder, but I know where to get good merino clothes ;)
wearing Drizabone layers now & very cosy.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

I remember when you lost your horse, Charleen..it must be so sad when an animal is that big..6 years since Gizmo, my cat died[Lilys mum][ Puss's daughter][Bubbys aunty]..,,.each a different personality,...,I potted up 19 'milkshake pink' trumpet lilies ,grown from seed[in 14 mths], today[cant wait to see them] and many more seedling ''BEAUTIES'' to pot up yet,.,.Im loving it!!!!!,.,.,Teresa-- Oh- shake, shake, shake.,.,.,.,shake shake shake.,.shake your booty!..stay safe

This message was edited May 26, 2012 4:54 PM

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Very nippy here this morning but no sign of frost while the clouds and rain are around.
This is good as the brugs are popping out buds which I would not like to see ruined by frost.
Lots of green coming through the ground now. The daffodil leaves are all poking up.
For some odd reason, although a lot of my plants are later than most around the area, the daffies are always early.
I am not getting much done outside while its all wet & sticky , but at least I finished moving the irises and have the vegetables area ready to plant.

Anthony, sounds like the string bikini has been put away for a while down there. Keep warm.
Love to see all the liliums in spring.

Teresa, so glad you are not badly affected by the latest shakings . Hope Copper & Sugar are behaving nicely.

Karen, I still miss my faithful Opal . She died many years a go and I have had doggy friends since , but she was one that took my heart completely.
I remember her as a young pup getting between me and a strange man at the door one day. She was very protective and showed all the intelligence of her breed ( German Shepherd).

Dianne, I said to hubby that I may sing to my brugs and he laughed and said they would die of fright.
Lucky he was only joking or I may have hit him with a brug....lol
He may not have been wrong though. I have heard myself sing ...not good. I will never make the top 10..

Sue, you will be feeling the cold down there now . Hope you have lots of nice fruit & jams for winter puddings.
You may need a blanket over your fish pond. Poor things wont like the ice on top of the water as winter gets here properly.

Colleen, how are all your cacti going ?
They will be hiding under the brugs or moving into the shadehouse for winter.

Charleen, send us some of your sun to see us through the winter.
We should be happy we dont get as cold as you do or have snow , unless we are up on the mountains.
Hugs for the furry ones.

Moon and Louise, hope you are also enjoying lovely weather.

Better see what I have in the kitchen for morning tea.

Here we are , try this ...Chocolate Marble Cake.

Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Hello all. Take the cold blasts back! We don't need your penguins and ice floes!!! Feeling pretty raw as have been dealing with much unexpected nastiness..my daughter's marriage has broken up, ultimatums from the inlaws..amazing how people show their true colours. We are trying to get her personal belongings..forget the "she owns half of everything" idea. His controlling parents are demanding her keys back etc etc and have given her just this weekend to be gone. All this came out of the blue..I guess she didn't expect she'd have to be a "Stepford" wife for the social climbing upwardly mobile. Think "Meet the Parents"..we are the eccentric, fun loving ones..she was never going to be what was obviously expected but must have looked like a trophy, stunner, (I always joke, like Elly May from the Clampetts, LOL) right school and friends, but, shame about the kooky family..LOL..kooky but all branches are close and loving. No grudges, spats with any on her side. Oh well, she's young and, as they say, future's bright. Just painful now and I hate standing firm against bullies. Gardening will be a pleasant release when we get the final few things...

Brisbane, Australia

Good freezing Sunday morning everyone.

Anthony, I don't think I could live in Tassie. My brother lived there for a short while and moved back up to north Qld. because he couldn't get warm enough. One extreme to another. I don't like extremes of heat or cold.

Hi Kat, nice to see you again. Oh, I really don't understand breakups. The bitterness is too often leaning all to one side, and that side can make life so miserable. It took my daughter years to get her hateful and vengeful ex out of her life. She lost so much, material and mental, but she stayed strong knowing she didn't need to let him bring her down to his level. It took every ounce of strength she had though. Mine too. I hope your daughter's ex isn't so vicious. The inlaws have no rights in all of this, and should keep their noses out of it. The courts will settle it, but the costs are astronomical. My daughter got off cheap at around $20,000, but only because she stopped trying to fight him. It wasn't worth it, especially as there wasn't that much to fight over anyway.

A nice pic from Mt. Cotton.

Keep warm

Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Merino, Australia

Hello Kat. Sorry to hear of your daughters troubles. Been there, done that , too
One of my daughters was left holding the baby , literally. He walked off while the baby was barely out of hospital.
No warning, He just disappeared one day. When we went to the workshop, it was locked and empty.
Took her years to get out of the mess he left.
Luckily she eventually found a wonderful man who has married her and took the kids as his own.
They love him and have always called him Dad.

There are good men out there, one just has to find them.

It can be devastating when in laws interfere.
A lot of the time it is them causing problems from the start.

Good luck to your daughter as she will make a better life without such meanness.
Better to be a bit kooky than mean.
I wonder how such small minded people ever enjoy their life.

Freezing here , so you havent got my cold weather. .
Every time I decide I will be brave and go outside, it starts raining .

Karen, lovely bird pics. Galahs are pretty but I am so glad we never see many here. Noisy and damaging pesky things they are.


Clifton Springs, Australia

Kat, your daughter will soon be celebrating her escape....imagine being stuck with that family for year upon dreary year....best advice, get a good solicitor.....if she doesn't have much cash, legal aid will help.

It seems that every family has at least one break up....sad but true....most pick up the pieces or go it alone, whatever makes them happy.

it was a pleasant morning but clouding over now....
You sound very pleased with those Liliums Anthony...good growing.
Have a good day all.

Brisbane, Australia

Thanks for kind words..I need them! Like a big cyberhug..that's what I love about your tearoom!

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Dianne, it got even better today, with what i uncovered, Jean, i blocked my 2 galahs ears.. ha ha.,,,Kat-I left my marriage in 89. no kids, just 2 dogs...I kept 'Scruffy', the mower and the fridge,..,Scruff died ,christmas eve 95, fridge and mower are still going,.Im thankful i didnt have much to answer to!! I did repay a loan to her mother for 5 grand, but she did take also 5 grand [from the 10]' that my grandparents 'GAVE' me'..in the settlement,,.,.So, with a new life, and 12 1/2 thousand, i purchased an 84 v8 holden ute and a car trailer. I took in a relatives 8 yr old child, who i see as my daughter now, shes nearly 30 now,.she has a daughter, who i treat as my grand daughter,.,So ,there are many sides to many stories, and diamonds shine in the eyes of the ones that you love... although, i could throttle her for some of the stupid things she has done..,. and i found , the best thing is not to carry on 'butchers hook' , but to try and ease in around the problem,.I was 31 when i woke -up... lets hope she does the same,.,.,.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Its cold here but no rain yesterday or so far this morning.
No sun either, but it will shine again.
I will be planting some broad beans today plus a row of onion seeds.

Anthony, it seems like we all have to go through some sort of trauma where marriage ,partners and children are concerned.
I found drink the major problem in a first marriage & a later relationship, but have found third time is lucky.
You cannot do much with the offsprings lives, but be there and offer help when needed . I have seen mine though numerous ups & downs and it seems to be working out for them all now.
Its something only the experience that comes with age, can help with.
Sadly , some of the young ones out there never learn and go from disaster to disaster.
Good on you for helping another while going through your own troubled times.

Kat , the Tea Room is a place where we can all get a hug when needed.
I just hope the peacefulness rubs off on everyone while they enjoy their cuppas each day.

Dianne. it is getting quite cold here now and I imagine you have your woolly longjohns ready for winter.
Does Tilly have a pretty winter coat ?

Charleen, we may all have to come and live with you for our winter.
We can bunk in with Charley.
I'm sure he wont mind as long as I feed him cookies...lol

Hello Sue, Teresa, Karen, Colleen and Chrissy.

Have to get moving as hubby has a friend coming up from Melbourne this morning.
Take care everyone and stay warm & safe..

Enjoy a hot cuppa and some of this ..Coconut Cake
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

Another very cold morning here and I have the little heater on again already. Not winter yet.

Another day of running around, and a dental appointment at 2pm to finish it off. Another exciting day at Logan.
Hope everyone has a good day ahead. Keep warm.

This little bird we photographed yesterday is an Eastern Yellow Robin. Isn't he gorgeous.
According to one who knows, the first pic is the male, and the second is the female.

Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Clifton Springs, Australia

Tilly doesn't have a little coat, Jean....though yesterday she could have used one....We were going for our usual walk around the block and this little dog came tearing out of his yard and attacked her....I was too slow to react, but luckily Ray was with us and he just went whammo with his fist and the dog shot inside...I was stunned, Tilly wanted to go on with the fight and Ray was ropable...I'm sure the owners heard what he called them....
The dog was small and so Tilly wasn't hurt, her long fur would have helped too...it was so unusual having a dog loose in the street...thank god it wasn't a big dog, in future I will take a small jockey's whip with me...

The Robin is lovely, Karen...we see them very occasionally here...we get the pink one more often in Mick's paddock...
Hope you found some good pieces Sue....

Ray's cooking pasta for lunch, smells delicious....
Back Later

Merino, Australia

Dianne, I am so glad Tilly was not hurt. It is shocking the way people let their dogs roam free .
I am a firm believer in a leash at all times outside and a muzzle too.
Even little dogs can do terrible damage to other dogs and people. Imagine if Tilly had been a small child.
Good on Ray for being so quick.
I bet the people will still let the darn thing loose though.
We have hubbys friend here for the day and he bought his two little dogs.
Nice but totally spoilt and no sign of any obedience. grrrr...
Even hubby has been annoyed and asked him not to bring them again..

I love doggies......but.....

I have been planting some of my broad beans and did the onions as well.
I opened the packets of onions and cut the tops off to sprinkle the onion seed.
When I went to do the leeks, I took out the packet and turned it right side up to open the ziplock end and all the seed fell out.
Luckily I was holding it above the poly box I am using. Now I have onions and leeks mixed .
I bought the packets on eBay and they must have made them up using the little ziplock bags.
Fancy cutting off the bottom when you always open the ziplock end. .....Odd..

I also transplanted all my little seedling hippies and will get to the clivias next. Makes more room in the greenhouse now.

Time for a cuppa.

Clifton Springs, Australia

I remember that you mentioned your husband's friend's dogs before Jean.....some people just don't think...
My BIL for instance, prime case in point.......Ray told him not to bring his dog with him, we have 3 cats...so he doesn't visit.....hooray.....

Sorry about your seed, but it did make me smile....how frustrating, never mind they can call each other a companion planting....
I was thinking about those seeds you mentioned, Clivias and Hippies....they were talking about Clivia seeds
on the radio and I wondered how the ones you sowed last year or maybe the year before, were going, will any flower this year or do they take a couple of years?

Merino, Australia

Dianne, I bought the hippie & clivia seeds last year so they will be at least another 2-3 years to flower if I'm lucky.
The hippies do grow easily floating in water then put out in tubes in seed mix until big enough for pots .
The clivias are very slow and I ma y still get some very late ones next year.
Some will never sprout. It is a hit & miss thing with them.
Of course , some of the seed may not be viable as most I bought from OS.
I have about 10 little seedlings of the very lovely Papilio and 15 asstd other colors.
So far I have about 10 clivias of asstd varieties and about 10 I bought as small plants.

Cold here today but no rain .

Clifton Springs, Australia

That sounds pretty good, Jean...that Papillo is a very pretty one isn't it.
Your Clivia collection has certainly grown... :-)

Christchurch, New Zealand

early wake up call from Mother Nature this morning, a little after shock of 4.4 at 5am...
didn't seem to bother the dogs but it shook me awake & I couldn't get back to sleep.
Dianne - I am glad Tilly is unhurt, I normally put a muzzle on Copper for our walks as I can't trust people to have their dogs under control & if he is harassed he will use his teeth to get his message across!
I have spent a lot of time training him & he is under very good control - but I'd never dream of walking him off lead in public.
I always tell my classes to consider what happens if their dog is attacked & tries to run away - if they go out on the road they could be killed, at least with a lead you have a safety line.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Come on up, You would be most welcome. I would love to meet you all.
got Chocolate zucchini muffins in cooking, so we have treats ready when you get here. Don't feed Charley any Chocolate, but the Reg muffins we can., He will eat it papers and all....☺
Beautiful here today, 79 degrees...
You don't leave your Clivias outside do you. Mine would freeze in winter. i take it out in spring tho.
This is Robert's Pomegranate , I hope he finally gets a pomegranate. They do have a beautiful blossom....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Fog here this morning. I hope the day is fine as we are popping over to Hamilton. Hubby has to pick up a few bits & pieces for his radios.

Teresa, sounds like the dogs are used to the shakes . Its good to know they are not upset so much by them.

Charleen, my clivias all live outside. They like it here. We dont get snow and only a few frosts which dont bother them.
I have one flowering now in the shadehouse.
I keep a few in there as a nice evergreen background for the ferns . My small ones live in there too until they are big enough to go outside.
I will get the carpet out soon so we can come visit you & Charley mule.

Hello Dianne, Karen, Colleen, Anthony & Sue.
Hope the weather is kind to you all today.
I will see what I have in the kitchen for morning tea.

try this Chocolate and Berry Loaf.

Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Hope everyone is well and keeping rugged up. Bit nippy isn't it? I had expected the brugs to have lost all their leaves by now, but no, they have put out new lush growth and heaps of buds. I wonder whether they'll get to flowering stage? I have some zygos flowering and salvias. The lovely black one is flowering too. I also have a bush that has got plain white, red and white and plain red all on the same bush. Bulbs popping up everywhere and the winter hippy is nearly out, maybe the next week it will show it's pretty face. I think we might need to go on that carpet ride Jean. Has it been dusted yet?Everyone have a great day. The kettles on Jean. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Brisbane, Australia

Dianne, glad Tilly wasn't hurt. Shame that this still happens, and that there are some people who will not learn. My friends neighbour had two small white maltese type dogs (not actually sure what they were). A policeman lived across the road and left his gates open. His german sheps got into the yard with the two little dogs and shredded them. One had to be put down, the other barely survived the surgery to put her back together. The police man simply denied that his dogs would even leave their yard and refused to offer any help towards the costs of vet bills. Who can you report to when its the police themselves involved? I envy you seeing the red robins there. They are supposed to be around here, but I've never seen one.

Jean, do you have the different coloured clivias, and if so, how many colours do they come in? I've seen the orange and the cream, and often wondered if there were others.

Teresa, that's a rude awakening. I don't know how I'd go living in a place where the earth moves so much.

Colleen, I used to have a lovely salvia with a pink and white flower. I really loved it. It died when we had that prolonged drought and I couldn't keep watering. I supposed I could try it in a pot, maybe.

Charleen, I have a flowering pomegranite tree. It is about 15 feet tall now and when in flower, looks like a Christmas tree. So pretty. It's about 20 years old, maybe more now. It was never supposed to get fruit, but imagine my surprise when over the last few years it started setting fruit. I never tried to eat them, wasn't sure if you can, but they are full size fruit. Not a lot, maybe half a dozen a year now. I got it for the flower and they are so pretty.


The pomegranite flower on my tree...
The tree in flower...
...and red and white pompom tree flowers...

Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
Clifton Springs, Australia

How pretty are those pompom flowers Karen.....I didn't know that they came in white.....
Yes, you sure can eat those pomegranates....they are messy but delicious....I love it when the fruit splits open, they are like jewels........they look great in a Tequila Sunrise too, that's where the Grenadine comes from.....and they are a lovely flower as well.
Was your pink Salvia "Hot lips"...that would grow in a pot....I have one that is just about to flower, it's S.wagneriana...it's about 5ft high and the same wide, but a large pink and white flower...it's only a yr old, but it's grown really well...there are so many of them now....
The Navajo series are small and pretty but I can't keep them alive...so I don't buy those now...

Charleen, Robert's Pomegranate is lovely too...hope he gets fruit this year, keep your eye on the blossom...

Hope you had a nice day at Hamilton, Jean...

Teresa, I wish those "Shaky Isles" would quit shaking.....everytime we hear about CC we think of you and yours.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We are getting a little sprinkle today. We sure do need some rain. Charley wants some fresh grass in his pasture. I let them in Kaluha's pen to "mow" it. they love to "Mow " the pasture.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Fog here again this morning so hopefully a lovely day like yesterday.
We wandered around Hamilton for a while , then hubby got what he wanted to buy and as the day was fine and sunny, we bought a Subway each for lunch. Very nice eating outside in the sun. We stopped at Wannon Falls where there were only a few people . Peaceful and quiet with the magpies looking for the crumbs.

I spent the rest of the afternoon checking around the garden. I have spread snail pellets everywhere again. I havent had to use them for a while but now the wet is with us, the sluggies are rising from their sleep.
I am assuming thats what they do during the warm & dry weather.

i see a few bites on a couple of brug leaves so there is a stray caterpillar around somewhere.

I will get out later and cut all the berries back. I am hoping I can get a berry or two next season as the bugs ate anything that appeared last time.
It was very dry too so I need to watch the water on them next time too.

The bulbs are popping up everywhere. I had quite a few dug out by the blackbirds over summer, so just stuck them in anywhere I found a space.
The Dutch iris are coming up too. I must get some different colors again as the dominant yellow/white has taken over the space.
I did have other colors there but they have all disappeared .

I did buy some that were sold as a lovely bronze, but when flowering , were plain blue.

Hello Dianne, Karen, Colleen, Sue , Anthony and Teresa.
Hope you are all having lovely autumn weather.

Moon and Charleen , you will be sitting out in the lovely sun these days. I hope you get some summer rain for the gardens too.

Time I moved myself and did a few domestic things like the washing and vaccuuming.

Heres something tasty for morning tea. ..... Lamington Cake.

Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good afternoon everyone. The clouds have gone for a while today and we can see and feel the sun for the first time in days. Still pretty nippy though. I have my pink ugg boots on and my toes are still cold. Have to jump up and down on the spot to see if I can warm them. Dianne I'm putting up the pic of my white Tree Dahlia that a friend gave me. The flowers aren't very big but lots of blooms on the same branch. This is it's first flowering and I know that her large tree looks absolutely beautiful in full flower. A lot bigger flowers too. Jean and I must have been on the same train yesterday but she was a bit quicker putting her lot up so mine didn't really make much sense when it got there. Never mind. I don't use any snail pellets here, I just move the snails away from where there doing the damage and put them near something that doesn't matter so much. I don't like killing them but I feel like it when they chew my hippies. They looove hippies. They chew the stems all the way up to the flowers, chew the flowers and then come back down the other side. Grrr. They certainly make a mess. Well, seeing it's a lovely day today I might go and make the best of it. Hope everyone is well and happy and have a great day. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Clifton Springs, Australia

Colleen, your tree dahlia looks very much like a Montanoa, I used to grow....it was called a tree daisy.....it doesn't die down and is a very tall grower....very pretty too.
Check the leaf against the ones that I gave you.....

I hope that my Jostaberry flowers next year...I have never seen the berries, It's only a year old.....
Here is the Montanoa.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

Jean, look at this article on upside down tomato growing.....is that the sort of pot you have?
It's a very interesting article anyway....It's on the welcome page in Today's Articles....

This message was edited May 30, 2012 5:34 PM

barmera, Australia

Dianne I think that it's the same. I went and checked the leaves on the 3 that you sent to me and they're not the same as the flowering one. I had better find a place for them soon. Colleen

Clifton Springs, Australia

You will love it Colleen...it's very pretty when it grows tall....so I hope it is a Montanoa, then you will have both.

Merino, Australia

Thanks Dianne. I did read that article. I always read Sandra's articles as they are so down to earth.
I will be very careful with the hanging of the tomato growing bags.
My son has had good results so I am hoping nothing will reach up to eat any that grow in mine.
I wouldnt put anything past the blackbirds when it comes to getting at food.
I can always throw some bird net over the clothes line anyway.


Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. A very cold morning here, but thankfully , no frost.
Yesterday was sunny but nippy. I potted quite a few seedlings and planted out 3 Lilly Pillys .
I was able to work out there after lunch in the sun without my jumper.

Not a lot to be done now for awhile until rose pruning time.
I will be keeping the Roundup ready though as the next lot of weeds are already poking through.
I did a spray over the nasturtiums to thin them out a bit. I do like them sprawling over things but only in certain places.

Hubby is off the see the Doc again so I may go over with him to get a bit of potting mix.

Hello Teresa, Sue, Colleen, Dianne, Anthony and Charleen.
Enjoy your day and keep safe.

Better go get the washing on before I do anything else.

Heres your morning tea snack....Chocolate Cream Cake.
Happy gardening

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Camperdown, Australia

Good Morning to everyone.
Dianne I did have a lovely day on Sunday, found some Olivine and a fossil and brought home some rocks for the pond so very productive and enjoyable day.

Jean my ponds will not freeze over in a frost they are too deep, have moving water and sheltered, so I am sure the fish will be fine. the fish may get a bit slower in the cold though. They are in hiding a lot now. The frog is singing happily every day. I transplanted my one Green Goddess Calla lily yesterday.

Tomorrow the man comes to lay the vinyl in the studio so I have been painting the old kitchen cupboards that I plan to use in there for storage. The men damaged them when they took out the kitchen so my original plan to sell the kitchen went west. They will be fine in the studio, though they do not fit back together the way they were as they destroyed the corner cupboards completely.So now I will use three as freestanding cupboards and drawers against the walls. Still good storage and I have far too much art stuff.

Seems to be a nice day today, sunny already this morning but cool of course.

The quarry where we wert fossicking for olivine. Close up of olivine crystals ( also called Peridot), The mushroooms were growing in the gardens of the lovely place we went for lunch. A very old homestead in Penshurst.

Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2
Brisbane, Australia

Sue, I've never seen mushrooms like that. How colourful! And I didn't realize that Olivine was peridot. I'd heard of both but didn't make the connection.

Dianne, the nearest salvia colour I can find to the one I had is coccinea, but I can't swear that is the one I had. It was very pretty, small flower, smallish plant too.

I have an appointment with the dietician tomorrow, and need to run a CD she loaned me so I can say I watched it. Its called "The Healthy Shopping Tour" and I think it will be interesting, just very lengthy. I hate it when they don't say how long it goes for. It says the average supermarket stocks over 20,000 different items. I hope they don't go through every single one, I'll be here till doomsday.

We had good rain overnight and this morning but the sun is out now.
Hope everyone has a lovely day.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Sue, those mushrooms are so pretty, but don't they scream "Deadly".....the peridots are beautiful aren't they..
You need a glass cabinet with lighting to display your pieces....I have 2 display cabinets with lighting, but I never turn them on....silly, but I forget to, the things in the cabinet do look lovely when the lights are on.

Good luck on your dvd shopping tour, Karen.....put it on then go out into the sun with a cuppa...much better idea....if the dietician can't make it clear to you on what you should eat, without a dvd, get another dietician.
Here is Salvia greggii "rose pink", it's a little one too....
I was just reading an article on Salvias, they smoke them too....very similar to LSD....what a world we live in.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Brisbane, Australia

Sue, there is no such thing as too much art stuff, too many plants or too many epies!..or too many chooks..cute ones..or too many cats

This message was edited May 31, 2012 12:43 AM

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

But the species they smoke is Salvia divinorum a psychotropic plant.


Merino, Australia

Just been out enjoying the sun. I sprayed everywhere with the Roundup and had a good inspection of the garden.
Probably a few bulbs got a dose of spray but there are so many out there, a few wont be missed.
The brugs are still looking good with buds hanging on.
I found another epi bud . Poor confused things , That makes about 5 that have flowered early.
There are so many little things coming up from self sown seeds so there will be a few more sprays later to control them.
I have very promiscuous plants here.
There are some odd looking little plants popping up out the front. Be interesting to see if they are weeds or not. I don recognise the leaves.
I will be throwing plenty of seeds around in spring again. Always in the hope that one or two will grow.
I think the ants must steal them all .
Those cute little fairy toadstools are usually found in pine forests.
When we lived in Bright, the kids were always looking for the "fairy stools "
They used to think fairies used them so sit on .
I have heard stories of idiots trying them as a hallucinogenic.

I am going back out to enjoy the sun while it lasts.
Had my cuppa so back to work.
Hope you are all enjoying sunshine too.

Clifton Springs, Australia

I'm sure that in my Enid Blyton books Jean, all of the fairies sat on the spotted toadstools.....I have a mental pic of a dark haired naughty fairy sitting on one, or maybe I got too close to the Brugs while I was chopping things back again....this time it was the Iochroma...it was huge and laying on everything....

It was such a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky...
Jean some of those little plants might be from the Scabiosa "crimson clouds'' it's seedlings are everywhere here.

Thumbnail by Seachanger

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