finally a couple Blooms in the Basement

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

flame is a double? yippee! maybe I will see a double after all.

Hamilton, OH

I was so hoping that you did have a double, Yippee is right, Please post yours when it Bloom


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

wish the miss bhavin would have taken root, that was twice i failed w/that one from you, dear.. if you see charleen, tell her thank you for the setosa seeds..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Hamilton, OH

look at those Blooms, looking good, I hear from Charleen on facebook, not that often, but every once in awhile


Hamilton, OH

Karoline finally Bloomed, this is a cross by JT Sessions, a nice shade of darker pink, the third Pix is a cross by RJ
the fourth one is Superspot, the last one Red canna


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Karoline loos lie hwe sister, Kaitlyn, by jtsessions, doesn't she?

Thumbnail by joeswife
Hamilton, OH

she sure does, JT does a fine job with his Brugs, I just love the color


Hamilton, OH

here are the day blooming cerus, by all the buds on it now as well as the blooms, it should be blooming for some time


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

beUTFIUL! gee, wish mine would bloom. well, i don't have that kind, tho..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Hamilton, OH

what a nice Bloom, I just got back from Lowes, they have 1 gal mum's for $1.00 so naturally I had to get a few
it's time to plant them, soon I'll have more Brugs Blooming


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I got my mums last year for 5 cents at end of season, they are in ground in the new area, budding out. I am so kacited to see them make it thru the summer. Betty Marshall is prolly blooming now, I need to go down and take a look at her.

Hamilton, OH

Wow, that's a better price, as soon as I did some of my Brugs up, I will plant mine, I have started digging my small Brugs up
planting them up, getting ready to put them in the basement


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

got a lot in the basement already. still a few outside, and some in rooting tub, going to send those out to newbies I think. my morning glory tree bloomed this am and i missed it *whine*

Hamilton, OH

you're way ahead of me, I had a morning Glory tree, that didn't make it, sorry you didn't get to see the Bloom, that's always disappointing.
yesterday, a lady stopped by, she bought a jade from me, she also wanted to know about the Brugs, so I gave her a clipping, she wanted
some Prickly Pear, so she traded some Giant EE's for them


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

what kind of prickly pear do you have? I have the yellow blooming one with hardly visible spines. MG tree is blooming now, but camera at work duh. Do you want a small rooted one? I have one..

Hamilton, OH

my Prickly Pear, blooms yellow with Red in the center, these have to be left outside, they have long spines, with little Red like hairs
I have to seperate them with tongs, they make a great living fence, also you don't have to worry about anyone making off with them
does the morning glory tree do well inside, in the winter?


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

it just goes dormant, then when I move it outside it comes back

Hamilton, OH

I would love to trade for one, what do you need, or want?


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

how about a piece of the prickly pear you have? I am not going to try brugs rooting in the winter any more.. it breaks my heart when I lose one.

Hamilton, OH

I'll get you about 3 pads, Dmail me your addy, I am so glad both of us have Rain, right now, I am still digging the small Brugs
that won't have enough time to Bloom


Houston, PA(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, what is that dark pink dbl. up on Sept. 4? The one that says "one more"

Hamilton, OH

that's Angels Exotic, it's about to Bloom, the Bloom should be a triple, now that it's cooler weather, we'll see


Houston, PA(Zone 6a)

That is now on my Gotta Have list!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

LOL I know how you feel, Rox, I want all the doubles and triples she has shown, I have yet to see one, it won't be this year for flame either. he got deleafed and whacked and is now a root ball waiting for next year.
I have two brugs left in ground, four root balls in a tub outside, and several small babys I started way back in early summer going of maya, dola, and peach versi. we will see if they make it or not.

Hamilton, OH

soon there will be one last show, I have several Brugs with Buds about to Bloom, I have taken all the one's that wasn't about
to Bloom, up in pots, ready to go in the Basement, I won't put them down there, until the temps drop.
Santa Rosa, is I know 12 ft. tall, & just full of Buds


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

you are a lucky woman, the only one performing for me is good ole Kaitlyn, I have your mg tree ready to send, will post it in mail Monday or tuesday.
this is lobata

Thumbnail by joeswife
Hamilton, OH

I'll send your Prickly Pear, also your Peach seeds, no I haven't forgotten, that lobata is Pretty


Hamilton, OH

well, I have a few things Blooming, I also have a lot dug up, my Roses are putting on a show, I hope the weather stays warm
for another week


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

pretty pretty!

Hamilton, OH

I am steady digging, Saturday, the Brugs, will all be in the Basement, so I am hoping, that all the Blooms open before then, anyway
the night time temps, are starting to drop, Thank you for the nice comment


Houston, PA(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, if you need to cut back that Angels Exotic I would be interested in them. purchase, trade, sase ;-}

Hamilton, OH

I will taking all my Brugs in soon, I'll see what it looks like after I take it up, do you have Charles Gramaldi, I am not sure if my spelling is correct
but I am looking for that one. here are some new Photo's, had to show my Mums


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Houston, PA(Zone 6a)

I have 3 Charles Grimaldi! I would be happy to get some cuttings for you!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

beautiful, elizaeth. I have been sick, and your mg tree is sitting here looking at your beautiful brug blooms.

Hamilton, OH

I will sending out your Peach seeds & Prickly Pear , this Tuesday, I have a bunch of Buds, just waiting to open
I'll get photo's of all of them before taking them up, Monday night I think I might have to cover them with sheets
the Temps will be really dipping down low, then rebound Tuesday, I am sorry that you're sick, I hope you have a
speedy Recovery


Hamilton, OH

a few more Blooms, the temps have dropped a little, so I have been, taking some already potted up brugs, canna's & some houseplants to the basement
I really like & dislike this time of year, the GH is stuffed also, well here are some more photo's, I took while taking a break


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

all nice and green and very beautiful, Well Done! Son and hubby managed to get everything in to the basement and Garage today.

I set a bug fogger off in the garage, had already treated everything to go into the basement gardens... the huge banana now sits fuly inside the sunken sump pump well, since it doesn't ever get used. perfect fit, but a buggar to get out of garden, trollyed thru the house and down the 13 steps to the garden area.

Hamilton, OH

I totally understand that, I had a helper yesterday, getting a lot of the potted up Brugs, to the basement, I still have a couple huge one's that I also
need help with, my SIL, as well as my DD will help this Thursday, I hate to see the yard without Brugs, but it's that time of year
I am so glad you had helpers


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

good morning, Elizabeth.. I am needing your address, can you send it to me via my regualr email addy?

Hamilton, OH

will do


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