finally a couple Blooms in the Basement

Hamilton, OH

no I didn't inherit the Chicks, I bought them so the GK's could enjoy them without having to care for them, I have all the Brugs planted in the ground, well all
that I have space for, then I have some planted in big pots, Yes it will be heavenly when they all Bloom
I agree everyone must be Gardening


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

The only one I saw posting were from My Australia Friends. So I thought I'd pop in and see where folks were....
You will love those little chicks Elizabeth, I enjoy mine...

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Very cute chicks. I've never heard of hens that lay Easter colored eggs!! If you have any extra Brug pieces, I'd love to root and plant again. the only survivor was the 5 ft tall one that bloomed last year. One's better than none though!
Happy gardening

Hamilton, OH

they are Arcanums, they are so cute, the one looks like it has eye makeup, Hey I got my first egg Yesterday, it was a small egg, so I am pretty sure it was the
Bantam Hen, that laid the egg, well have a great evening


La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I don't know much about raising chickens as my first and only attempt ended in disaster — neighborhood dogs got into their pen — but my son has about 50 of the Ameraucanas who are similar to Araucanas and also lay blue eggs in various shades. He must not have the pure breed because some of his chickens produce green eggs and various other shades.
I'll stick with cattle. Coyotes don't usually bother them although we have begun to have a problem with vultures and Mexican Eagles.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I am so excited!!! on my war back from picking up the newspaper from the drive, a wondrous thing appeared before me. An old dead looking Brug stick (a Y!) that I actually had meant to discard............was sporting little baby leaves all up and down its "dead stick body".

I can't help but wonder if others ,long gone into the woodland garden area, had potential life remaining somewhere in a deep hidden cell. ;-( Oh well, now I have two and will focus on gratitude for them. Wonder what they are??

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Never, never throw away a slightly dead-looking Brug! Check for feeder roots instead. As long as there are live feeder roots atill attached to the buried trunk, there is a good chance that the Brug will put out new growth. I've had some come back after being seemingly dead 6 mos. Just keep the root ball slightly moist to almost dry so you don't drown the roots and then wait. Only when the feeder roots are brown and falling apart can you truly say your Brug is dead.

I hope your baby makes a healthy comeback.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I checked them and this one definitely was shriveled and dry. I'll never toss another, though even if I'm totally convinced it's dead.

Yeah God for the rebirth of this baby!!

(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

Is it possible that my first two brugs(planted from cuttings this spring) could already be getting ready to bloom? The Frosty Pink is only about two feet tall but definitely has a Y and the new growth is looking "different".
The Ecuador Pink, also from cutting this spring, is not quite at a V but is growing like crazy. Everyone says brugs require patience so I'm pleasantly surprised about the fast pace. Must be the heat and rain, in an area prone to drought this is a perfect spring.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Luckily, you received cuttings taken from above the mother plant's "Y". Your plants are behaving normally. The only growing tissue your Brugs have at this point is flowering tissue. Later, as your Brugs' root systems grow and mature, your plants will send out new vegetative growth from below ground. That growth will be straight and tall. That is the growth that tries your patience. Each cultivar is different, but some may grow up to 12' before they put out their first "Y" and bloom.

Never pinch out the tip of those vegetative growth shoots in hopes that they will branch and bloom sooner. The snipped shoot will branch but it will not set blooms any sooner. In fact, it will only slow blooming. The vegetative cycle is genetically set. Snipping the tips re-sets the cycle back to zero.

Enjoy your two beauties!

Hamilton, OH

Good evening Ladies
well I have something Blooming, here it is, I also have a ripe tomato, this early, Yippee


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Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

You must have not only a green thumb, but a Brug thumb too!! I always enjoy your post pics!!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

WoW! I have missed a lot!
I agree with Sheri, green arm...

Brownstown, IN

Pretty blooms Elizabeth, great job!


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

OT (sorry)- I want all of y friends here and on other threads to know just how much I have learned from you and how special each and every one of you re to me.
It is looking grim on me renewing my DG membership in a couple weeks, I have had much increased medical & pharmacy charges, and find myself hanging on a wing and a prayer.

Much love,
Sheri :-(

Hamilton, OH

Good evening everyone
I am so glad everyone. likes my photo's, there should be a lot more, I have Buds everywhere, Sheri, I so hope you get to be on DG's, you're very dear to all of us
well have a great Evening, everyone


Hamilton, OH

I thought everyone would like these photo's, I just took them today, you can see my figs, are growing very well


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Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

WOW!!! Those sure are some beautiful flowers! What is the red one with leaves that look like a Christmas cactus? Oh, & yes I must have an angel as my membership has been renewed till 2013. Thank you Angel, whoever you are!!

Hamilton, OH

Ladies, some Blooming plants, Yippee

Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Wow!! it smells wonderful, especially in the early morning around your house Hopefully some day (soon) I will be able to have even just 1 blooming Brug here.
A neighbor on my short morning walk has a number in her yard, and I'm awaiting the 1st flush. That fragrance that must be in heaven is..such
a wonderful morning gift from above.
Heading out around 6:30am to go to VA. to a DG round-up on the Blue Ridge Mountains. I'm very excited. This will be my 2nd one and many of the members who were at the NC one a couple months ago will be there.


Brownstown, IN

Soo pretty Elizabeth!


Hamilton, OH

Thank you. I was up at 7 am this morning watering all the plants & the lawn, it was warm at that time, then it really got hot, this afternoon
I hope you're staying cool


Hamilton, OH

Good Morning Everyone
Look what I caught taking a nap, he was in the tree to fight the heat, then he fell asleep
I hope Everyone had a Great 4th of July


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

I have a couple Blooms of Day Blooming Cerus, the heat has affected the Brugs, I have a couple small Buds


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Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

So there are both night blooming and day blooming cereous!?

Hamilton, OH

Yes, I will show you the Bud on it, you have to catch it right when it Blooms, to take a nice photo of it, they are fragrant also
here's the photo


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Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

totally cool. can a piece of it be rooted??

Hamilton, OH

I rooted mine, with a leaf, you just put it in soil, it has to be 3 years from rooting to Bloom


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

i can't wait for all my cerus to bloom someday. none of my brugs are doing well, it is just too hot.

Hamilton, OH

I water mine every morning, they look good, but are stressed, not a bud anywhere, I am sure when it cools down, both of us, will have plenty of Blooms.
for some reason, the Cerus has to be 3yrs old, before they Bloom.
Hey, it's good to hear from you


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Now I understand the Night Blooming Cerus parties to watch the bloom open. I used to have a rather large mature cactus in the Cerus family that bloomed a very big, very similar night only. Oh how I have missed that annual show.


Hamilton, OH

I thought I would show you the Red Orchaid Catcus, also some other things Blooming right now, also I checked the Brugs, I do have 3 with small Buds
I'll post those as soon as they Bloom


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Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh Wow!!! That Red Orchid Cactus is breathtaking!! How is it propagated?? The leaves remind me of those on a Christmas Cactus. Also, looks to be a day bloomer...?


ps: within 24*'s of feeding, my very tall double bloomer, it is leafing all up & down the main staff

Hamilton, OH

that's great news, I sure hope you have Blooms soon, I think you can take a stem, let it dry out for a week, then plant it in soil, I had a Crown of thorns, that had a broken
stem, I put it in soil, it rooted, then I shared it with my neighbor, it's growing well for her, we finally got some Rain for the last 2 days, I have at least 4 Brugs with Buds
so hopefully soon, I'll have photo's


(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

The Ecuador pink purchased as a rooted cutting this spring has forked in two places! Looks like buds are definitely getting ready to form...teach me patience.

Hamilton, OH

Good evening, I have about 7 Brugs with Buds, that's the hardest part of growing these Beauty's, waiting, hopefully you will see
Blooms soon, the Ecuador Pink is Beautifull


(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

Looked closer today and buds are already formed, that couldn't have happened overnight, must have been there before. Maybe they did form overnight, our weather has been perfect for it: rainy afternoons and hot days. Everything is growing so lush, and just a little ways from here is drought. Thank my lucky stars.

Hamilton, OH

glad to hear it, Congratulations, on your Buds, everything is lush here also. when rain isn't in the forecast, I water every morning at 7:30
it really does them good, so they can stand the afternoon sun, I also have a Plumeria about to Bloom, anyday now


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am hoping to see the first orchid cactus and the firstbloms of phicks cross I grew from a seed I purchased. no rain here so watering almost 6 hours a day total for all gardens. I don't water the grass out front as no one else does on our block. we all have burmuda out there. My back yard is lush because I am paying out the ying yang to water. I am even draining the washer rinse water outside now. insidebasement garden is where peach versi, milk n honey, and the phicks cross are. I have buds on betty marshall outside. Here is Kaitlyn, bless her heart, she blomed all winter until april.
She looks to be gearing up for some flushes as soon as it rains I bet thee are buds. Silly rain lillys think it is raining because it gets cloudy and then I water. All the rain keeps going past and around us. *sigh*
new arbor on south east fence, since all the trees and 11 ft shrubs have been whacked out by the neighbors. It is very sunny ou there, but this area has shade by 1 pm
here is the other arch on the north east corner of the patio.. we moved it from the middle to the corner so we could walk out that way off the pario. I have built shade with living walls of sunflowers and morning glorys. the brugs on the pario are opposife this arch.
This used to be the bean patch. We got almost a bushel of beans this year . now it is full of tomatoes, peppers, moring glorys , maranthus, lilac de fleur moon flower, mariglds, zinnia, sunflowers, and a number of other things. including my banana tree.
I bulit this living wall of vines to shade the squash... it seems to work.. 4 o clocks are opposite this view.
I will show you the brugs outside next post. sorry to hog the thread.

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Hamilton, OH

Nice,Nice, & Nice, it's really Good to see you Posting, with all your Nice Green Things, I am Glad to see you Hog the Thread
feel free to anytime, I have a Double that's about to Open, it has 3 Blooms, I'll post it as soon as it Blooms
we're lacking the Rain also, I have been watering, I had a Cross by Patricia Watson, with all kinds of Buds, well with
the Heat, almost all of them fell off, you gotta love the four o'clock they Bloom all the time


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