finally a couple Blooms in the Basement

Hamilton, OH

here's what's Blooming right now, in the morning Santa Rosa will be in full Blooms, as well as Bon Bon plus a couple more
the fourth photo is Milk & Honey


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Here is what I have blooming... A puppy!!! Hello Elizabeth. I am Back. right now I have nothing blooming but one Xena with one bloom. Best bloomer I have had this year is Painted Lady and one called Serendipity. Have them in their pots in the shade. so they did very well. My camellia is blooming already. I think it is early but they are....
Dahlias are blooming.
Anyhow this will give you an idea. How are the kitties doing???
Love and miss you.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

that would be great, I will be taking up, Angels Exotic this weekend, I will cut you a piece of it, in trade, for the CG, Dmail me your address
I will Dmail you mine. Monday should be good
the Kitty's moved in with my DD, she just had to Sepi, she seems really happy there, both my DD's moved out, all there is here now, is DH & myself
I like having the whole house to ourselves, I like your puppy, it's good to have you back, Love & missed you also


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you, Dear Elizabeth...

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

hi charleen! beautiful blooms here..
hay where is Dee?

Hamilton, OH

well Ladies, it was a full day, today, all my Brugs, are in the basement, I was really Lucky, to have my DD & SIL to help me out, now I have to get
some more soil, to finish potting them up, next year, I will really try to make them standards, the Bushes take up to much room.
now my yard has the Dessert look


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Debbie, we don't know. Wish I did.
My white ginger has shot up a bloom. It is about time to bring them in. By the end of the month, we will be bringing them in....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

I just sent you a Dmail


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

love that bloom, I have grown so many gingers from seed and not one bloom. I gave a costa to my sis in law and she got it to bloom, go figure.
Front and back sure looks bare with out the plant jewelry.

Hamilton, OH

Well I just got rid of one of my White Brugs, Good thing, I had way to many Whites, I gave it to a sweet Lady, that works at Lowes, she couldn't get
over the Scent from the one's Blooming in the basement, as soon as I get them all potted up, I will take Photo's of my Basement GH.
Have a Great Day


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Misty Pink is blooming.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

very Pretty, I bet it has a Great Scent


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Got this note From Dee's Daughter....
Beth McGinness Like

I am her middle daughter Beth and I'm sorry to have to say but we lost mom on August 30th to a massive heart attack. I don't know if you all knew she was fighting breast cancer and was on her 3rd round of chemo. I think the medicine was just to much for her heart. :0(
Mom was only 58 yrs old. I'm sorry I know she loved gardening and she love her garden sights I wish I had gotten a green thumb like my mom had. She could make anything grow. Flowers brought her so much joy. heart thank you for caring about her. Tell everyone to remember her fondly and think about her when the flowers bloom. She will be your angel now as well as ours
I am so sorry for the loss of a dear Plant friend.
We miss you and Love you Dee....♥♥♥

Hamilton, OH

Yes we do, it's a Great Loss, of a Dear Friend


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

scuse me while I cry.. I really wanted Dee to see the things she sent me. I guess she can see everything now..
sister called me, the cancer tumors are again building fluid and she now has a quarter lung capacity and her heart is full of fluid so they are going to drain it next week, i am frustrated because I can't go there to be with her..her fighting spirit is amazing, she says she will do anything to stay alive a little longer, and she isn't feeling any pain, just the suffocating part, and she says as long as she doesn't feel like she is dying, she will keep on doing what ever she can.. silly girl is working out in her yard tommorrow in the rain with her oxygen tank LOL

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Tough Enough!!!!! All we can do is love each other while we can and LET each one KNOW it. So Now I'm saying I LOVE YOU MY GARDENING GIRLFRIENDS, WITH ALL MY HEART ♥
Yes, I'm yelling it from on top of my Computer, yelling to keep from Crying. Miss you Dee, We do love you still....

Brownstown, IN

Im so sorry to hear about Dee`s passing she will be missed.
Sending thoughts and prayers to her family..


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Have another Friend Alert, Needs prayes. Hope you don't mind Elizabeth but Doris is sick and in need of prayers...

Name: Doris Klene

Charlene this is Doris's daughter she wants me to let you know she was taken to the emergency room last Monday She threw up a lot of blood and passed a lot of blood so far they are still doing tests. please ask her friends for prayers, Thanks.

Thank you my friends...

Hamilton, OH

OH NO,not Doris, She & her Family, will be in my Prayers, that she's alright, keep us updated
Charleen, you can always post here, anything

Love & Hugs

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I will let you know. Thank you.
Hugs and blessings to all.

Brownstown, IN

Doris will be in my prayers.
Thank you Charlene.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We got to stay in touch. Life is so fragile.....

Hamilton, OH

well I have been Busy in My Basement GH, here's what I got on sale, while shopping for marked down plants at Lowes
also some Brugs Blooming inside, also the potting Bench my Hubby built me


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Praying for Doris, God Bless her.
Lovely potting bench I love love love it.
love the gorgeous brug blooms too!
busy outside all daytearing down and pulling up and all that stuff. planted a few new viburnums and crape myrtles, a white beauty berrry bush to go with the bright purple and some cuttings of the fragrant white passion vine I found out in the country, I put them at the base of both arbors, along with the native purple passion vine.My night blooming jasmine and the night blooming jessimine are making the otherwise smelly basement really nice to smell now. LOL .
I have a new cross of four o clock, waited all summer to see if it took.. so proud of it..
the yellow rose and the dahlias are going bonkers right now..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Ms. Doris is home. They sent her home yesterday. Was still tired. Believe it was caused by a cyst that had burst in her , so hopefully she will have no more problems....
Beautiful pictures girls. Love them. Nice potting bench, Elizabth.
Love and hugs

Hamilton, OH

Beautiful, I love all of them, I wish passion vine would grow here, I love that one
Thank you, for an update on Doris, our Prayers was answered, so glad she's back home now
that potting Bench, really amazed me, all Hubby did, was see the photo in Country living Magazine, then he made it from the Photo
he can make all kinds of things, if he wanted to, if we can get passed, that round to it thing
Love & Hugs back at ya

Houston, PA(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth you know passiflora incarnata will grow in OH. I have a HUGE vine in my back yard. It dies to the ground in winter and then takes over it's spot in the summer. I even get a few fruits to eat. I can send you some if you want, but it does take over, you have to be sure you have a place for it.

Thumbnail by roxxanne Thumbnail by roxxanne
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

i will send you seeds of the white one too....... it grows in the wild, smells heavenly and is loverly.. like rox said, they are hardy..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have the purple passion vine. Lots of seed here if you want. They grow all over down here....

Hamilton, OH

O.K Ladies, send them seeds, I have a fence on the other side of my yard, I would love to see that there, How Pretty is that, love the photo's plus Fruit
Great, I will have tomorrow of what I got today from Lowes, 3 huge aborvities for $5.00 each, Love the end of the Season Sales


Houston, PA(Zone 6a)

This was my vine last year. I'll get some out this week.

Thumbnail by roxxanne
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

seeds sent today, from work!

Hamilton, OH

Ladies, Thank you for the seeds, I just got a bunch of Red Castor Bean seeds, if anyone wants some


Hamilton, OH

here are more Blooms & the Aborities that I got for $5.00 each, they were $34.98 originally,


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

really pretty, elizabeth. I just had to strip mite infested leaves off most my brugs, poor kaitlyn is all blooms now and no leaf. I am going to set off another doom fogger and order some forbid. I HATE MITES. it is a highly effective mitacide, and now I am ready to spend the big bucks just to rid my whole yard and gardens of those things.

Hamilton, OH

I can totally understand, that,I am trimming a lot of my Brugs, do you have Rosalla? it turned into a bush for, so I did major Surgery on it, I also have a Pretty Pink one
that I lost the Tag, it was the only one that Grew into a standard, I can fit about 6 in a Video mailer, if you're interested? I had to run back to Lowes yesterday, Roger
wanted one of those Huge Palms, so I called Deanna, she's one of the managers, to ask if I could buy it for $10.00 she said sure, so now it's in my Living room
will post pix later


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

sounds nice, I think I will wait until spring to try any cuttings.. I have terrible luck with cuttings over winter.. all the cuttings I took in august are already rooted for send outs, so that seems to work best for me..
I still do not have a yellow... I did have a jean pasco and and a CG, but sent them away last year for some reason..

what kind of palm?? king palm, parlor palm, qween palm, sago palm... LOL

Hamilton, OH

This Kind of Palm, when you are ready for clippings, just let me know.


Thumbnail by plantlover49 Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

the clippings arrived, in Perfect condition, Please let me know when you get yours


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Very pretty. I have the small palms. that looks like a larger one.
These Morning glories are called "Hige" I hope to have seeds. Petals remind me of feathers...Very pretty bloom.
My Serendipity getting ready to bloom. Buds are forming and looking so nice. We are cooler and have been getting rain and they love that!!!
Hugs and Nuzzles
Charleen and critters

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

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