TEA ROOM # 100

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Very cool here this morning but going to get hot later. Its nice not to be getting up to heat straight away. We are having a nice change around 5pm too. Not enough to run for a jumper, but lovely to be out and about then.
I have done all my moving for the time being. Plants are all settling in new positions.
More brug babies will be going to the shadehouse as they grow a bit.
I have lots of brom pups coming on so that will be the next job. Removing them and repotting.

Hello Colleen, your Christmas present do look very nice around the garden.

Teresa, love sweet peas. Such a beautiful color I did have some here that used to self sow each year , but they are no longer there as the area is now a jungle.

Anthony, your arrangement sounds like it would have looked very pretty. Some judges dont know beauty when they see it.

Charleen, how are things over your way. getting colder ?
cookies for Charley in the kitchen.

Karen, I hope you are just about 100% now. Its nice to relax at home isnt it ?

Hello to everyone else. I am going out to enjoy the cool morning before the sun chases me inside.

All our leftovers are now gone so back to normal eating . I do love turkey etc, but imagine the size of all of us if we ate like that all the time. ..lol

Heres something to tempt you , but at least you can eat all you want without putting on the weight.
Yummy Mud Cake.

Happy day,

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

It is cool in the 50-60's but we are making it. Longears roaming in the pasture looking for nibbles of new grass after the last rain. Longears are great, just like me getting older every day...
Yum on the cookies for Charley, he loves them...

Waving as I go past to beat the expected rain !
Back soon ...I don't think it's far away .
Enjoy your morning ^_^

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. It's a beautiful morning here. Not a cloud in the sky. Don't know what might happen in ten minutes time though.lol That's how the weather is these days. Half the sky can be blue and the other half can be full of rain clouds. The day before Christmas my G/daughter showed me a Nutramedics cream that she uses. Apricot scented. So I put some on my hands and smoothed it over my face. Oh boy. am I paying for it now. I have blisters all on my fingers and my face is so itchy and my eyes have puffed up like someone gave me a bop. I hope they don't swell anymore or I won't be able to see.So much for expensive creams. It did feel good and smelled lovely but i won't do that again. I hope you are all getting over Christmas now. I've been out and watered some plants and repotted some. Did I tell you that the Barmera Council has agreed to plant a Memery Garden of Cacti for Brian. The place has been selected now and I just have to wait for them to prepare it and then Brians Cactus can be planted. They also want succulents in there. I will take a before pic for you all to see . It doesn't look very good but is a nice big area and after the cactus are planted it should be lovely. I'll keep you posted on any progress. Must go. be back later. colleen

Sunshine Coast, Australia

I received some seeds this morning.
They went astray in the post and the package is damaged and I do not know who sent them. No name on the seeds.
So ...anyone on this forum I should be thanking?

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

What are they?

Merino, Australia

Colleen, thats lovely that Brian can have his cacti growing for everyone to enjoy. He would be pleased.
I hope you get over that reaction quickly. Allergies can be dangerous. Try anything on a small patch of skin next time.
I find the best thing for most types of skin is good old reliable Sorbolene.. I have been using it in all climates for as long as I can remember.


Clifton Springs, Australia

Colleen, I'm glad that Brian's garden is finally settled...will someone help you prepare the site for the garden?
Sorry about that allergy.....very painful thing to have....love all the ornaments...is your frog in the garden still?
Gorgeous Sweet Peas, Teresa....we plant them on St Patrick's day.

Nice to see you here A_F....drop in for a cuppa anytime.....

Glad that you are enjoying your Christmas break by just relaxing, Karen.

I still have some of that Christmas cake, Jean....hot with the Zab cream.....yummy and so full of cholestrol.....lol

Yikes Colleen ...I have very allergic skin too, and after one severe reaction I can no longer wear make up (I always used to). Wait until it all starts to peel away, just like sun burn. Stay out of the sun for a while because that makes it worse (use a hat if you have to go outside).
Brian's Garden sounds like a wonderful project, please keep us up to date with how it is going.Wouldn't he be chuffed .

Hi A F Happy New Year ! I hope you had a great Christmas.

Your weather sounds great Charleen !

Yes my leftover Christmas cake is whispering to me ...but I whisper back ("New Years Eve").

Merino, Australia

Christmas cake all gone. Christmas pudding all gone....
Now I wait until next year.
Much as I love them, I only eat them at Christmas...

Weeellll.... maybe a teeny piece of fruit cake during the year, but only teeny.

I wont mention the large KitKat hubby buys me every shopping day.... ssshhhhhhh ....
I ration it out with a small piece for supper each night.

barmera, Australia

Dianne. I only had to agree on the site and supply the plants. The Council will do the rest so they said. I will go down there with the cactus as if you don't know how to handle them they can be very dangerous, especially the larger ones. I do hope that they don't get vandalised. Colleen

Christchurch, New Zealand

Colleen - I am so glad that there will be a memorial garden for Brian.
Every time I look at my succulents or see an interesting cactus I think of him...
and when I have a nice wine too :)
Isn't it strange how you can miss somebody you've never met!

Hope your allergy clears up soon, I would never have expected a face cream to cause such a problem - make up yes - have seen my Mum react badly to a few, even expensive hypo allergenic ones.

Take care of your self

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Sunny and bright this morning, frost everywhere, almost look like snow.
Supposed to warm up.
Here is some of my new creations. got some more in oven.
Love playing with the clay. You all have a great day....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Brisbane, Australia

Good morning. I'm off to an early start this morning.

Charleen, love those mules. They look quite cheeky. Glad you have a bright sunny day. It's a bit early here to tell what the sky looks like but they predict fine weather, not necessarily sunny.

Colleen, you must feel very proud that Brian will have such a lovely memorial. I will look forward to seeing photos as it develops. It's awful being allergic to beauty products. I have to be careful with shampoos, as some burn me behind the ears.

I didn't buy Christmas cake (being diabetic) but I don't miss out. I had a small piece at the dinner, and even some plum pudding with brandy custard. Paid the price after, but once a year, its worth it.

Going on a shopping excursion this morning. Mainly just to get out of the house for a bit. My leg is healing well and faster than predicted, but won't really stop seeping until that dead patch fills in and loses the rejected grafting skin caught in it. It's getting close, and infection free, so doing well.

The birds are stirring, and will soon get noisy, so will get some feed ready for them to keep them quiet for a while. I can see a glow in the air which means the sun is coming up through the trees. Time to start the day.

Hope everyone has a good one.

Christmas for my little nocturnal visitor, happily munching on corn. Somewhat timid, so photo is taken in the dark with a flash through the screen door. Not the best but is all she will allow. She even got a couple of apricots last night.

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Karen, she is so cute. What kind of little creature is it??? You know I love animals.
Hubby is making me a work table in feed shed. Not going out til he calls me . Think I ask too many questions, so it's best I just let him be til he calls.
got our light bill it was cheapest one we have had in a long time. New pump does not run all the time...
You all have a wonderful day...

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Just one more sorrow for 2011....My sweet Springer Spaniel Chester died today. He turned 9 in September.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl

Oh moon ...(((HUGS))) I am so sorry.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Very cool morning but so nice to be out and about at this time , before the sun gets really hot.
did a bit more moving of a few brugs yesterday. I now have 4 on the veranda near the window. They all have buds , so maybe a nice scented place soon.

Moon , so sorry about your lovely dog. Always sad when a loved pet leaves us.

Charleen, that brown clay creature would have to be cheeky Charley.
I love the purple one though. You are a clever lady.

Karen, glad you are well on the way to better health now. Love your possum.
I had them when I used to live in Bright. They became quite tame and would eat from my hand.
They never touched my garden , but would eat the neighbors roses.

Colleen, its going to be an exciting time for you as Brians garden progresses. Dont forget to show us lots of pics.

Teresa, I hope you are getting some lovely weather for your walking to work . How is Copper handling the new lot of shakes? Poor thing must be a nervous wreck..

Dianne. I have a tray of new baby abutilons now. The first lot are doing well in their pots. I am hoping to see flowers next year.

Anthony, my Tigers are starting to open. I love the way they get their shiny black seeds up the stems.
How are your liliums going ? Getting closer the the show, I believe.
How is Squeaky going ?

One of our neighbors passed away just before Christmas day, and we havent heard from our closer neighbor since he went away before Christmas.after asking me to keep an eye on his chooks and livestock. Hope all is well with him.

I am just off to open the greenhouses and let the sun in.

Hello to everyone else looking in.
I will open a new thread on Sunday. I know this one has become long but I have been holding off until next year....

Happy day and enjoy this plate of Cranberry Lemon Slices.... ( Is there cream , I can hear Brian asking....lol)

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Quote from g_whizz :
What are they?

I don't know...no name on seeds.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Howl, sorry for Chester!!!!!-Lilies coming on -too fast!!!!!!most are down in the garage[everytime i go to download a pic on the lily thread, it doesnt work]

Marlene does the envelope tell you where it came from ?
maybe something has gone to the wrong address or something.
Post a picture of the seeds ...we might recognize what they are for you at least.

Jean I hope your neighbor is just having a good time and will be back soon.
So sad to lose people and pets at any time, but it this time of the year it magnifies the loss.

I hope everyone is getting quietly excited about seeing 2011 off,
Hurry up please ...roll on 2012 !

Clifton Springs, Australia

Moon, we can feel your grief......we have to cherish every hour with those we love..animal or human.

I finally bought the electric frypan, a nice deep one....while I was looking at the recipes that came with it.
I had to smile to think of the ones that came with my first one....
The meals on the left are the modern ones......on the right are the ones suggested back in the 70's when you bought a new frypan.
Gyoza (japanese dumplings)..................Roast Beef
Chili crab.............Roast lamb
Creamy oyster chicken.............Roast Chicken
Dahl. ........Curried sausages
Penne Boscaiola ......... Spaghetti Bolognaise
Lamb tagine ............ Lamb hot pot.
How times have changed.....

My husband loves all of the ones on the right....but wouldn't touch the others....I'm sure it's only the names..lol
I hope all of your partners are a little more adventurous.....

I am glad that your seeds are doing well, Jean...they would have just sat here....

Have a safe and happy weekend everyone, 2012 is 30 hrs away....
Happy New Year...

This message was edited Dec 30, 2011 5:54 PM

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Quote from chrissy100 :
Marlene does the envelope tell you where it came from ?
maybe something has gone to the wrong address or something.
Post a picture of the seeds ...we might recognize what they are for you at least.

Jean I hope your neighbor is just having a good time and will be back soon.
So sad to lose people and pets at any time, but it this time of the year it magnifies the loss.

I hope everyone is getting quietly excited about seeing 2011 off,
Hurry up please ...roll on 2012 !

Chrissy I planted them thinking when they grow I may recognize what they are.

Christchurch, New Zealand

MoonHowl _ so sorry to hear that you have lost your lovely dog.
Springers are such sweethearts.


Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks to you all for your kind words. It was very sudden and a total shock. I will sorely miss Chester.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. It's pretty warm here already. Supposed to be in the low 40's for the New Year. Thank heavens for aircon. Have been out and watered early this morning so everything looks pretty good at the moment. Don't know what they'll look like at the end of the day though. Have moved some seedlings right out of the sun. Will check on them this afternoon and make sure that they're still in the shade. Sorry to hear about your little dog Moon. It's so sad when we lose a pet. I will never forget having to get my son's shepherd of 15 years down. It broke my heart as it was like losing my son all over again. I still have his cat Lily here, actually she's sitting right here on the computer desk. She doesn't wander too far from either me or the youngest boy. Had a visitor the day before yesterday after 2 and a half years. The boy's "Mother" popped up out of the blue. The oldest one recognised her out the gate, the little one is having a bit of a hard time and boy, was he crabby last night. I just said to him if there's anything upsetting him to talk about it don't just get angry. He settled down quite well after that and then hopped into my bed for the night. Poor little ones, they don't know what's going on. She will be back today and then after that I don't know. Will have to wait and see what happens. I don't ask any questions, I just go with the flow, all the time wondering why. Well enough of my whinging. I hope everyone has a great last day of the year and not too many headaches tomorrow. I don't drink so it will be coffee for me. Be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone..
This is the first morning for a long time that has started off warm. We are in for a few very hot days so nothing much will get done outside.
I may spend the time cleaning out all the inside of the house and drive hubby mad.

I am going out to water everything while its still nice out there.
Hello to you all and I hope you all enjoy the last night of the year.
Hopefully 2012 can only be better.

Keep safe and I'll see you all next year.

♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪ ❃ ❂ ❁ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪ ❃ ❂ ❁.... HAPPY NEW YEAR... ❃ ❂ ❁ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪ ❃ ❂ ❁ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♩ ♭ ♪


Merino, Australia

Darn, where did the cake go ???
Oh well . Try again. Enjoy but dont overdo.
Happy day. Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Bless you Moon, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Have a great day everyone....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

Have a Safe and Happy New Year everyone ...


Thumbnail by
Brisbane, Australia

Moon, I too am so sorry that you have lost Chester. I think most of us know the sadness of losing a much loved pet, and can truly empathise with you.

Charleen, that is a possum. I know a lot of people consider them a pest, but I admire the way they survive suburbia and all its risks, cars and dogs and people. This one is part of a little family of mum, dad, and baby. They are a problem in the garden, but I find they do minimal damage if I leave them a treat each night. They like the pollen/nectar I feed my birds and will eat the left overs, along with apple, carrot, most fruits. This one is munching on a cob of corn, and last night she dined on a couple of apricots. I'd bought some that turned out to be too sour to eat, so the possum is getting them each night until they run out. Extra special treat.

Jean, what a colourful cake. You must do a lot of searching to find these.

Well, the year is almost over. I have to say that I, like so many others, will be glad to see the back of it. I hope we can march together into the New Year prepared, willing and able to make the most of it.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Your opossum is not ugly like ours. That is a cute baby.
See how my baby chick is grown. she is almost as tall as her adopted "daddy, Lil Champ"
This is Happy Chicken Family....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Clifton Springs, Australia

Our possums aren't opossums, Charleen...they are a different species.....
Ours are either Brush tailed or ringtail...we have both near me....thank goodness they are only on the farms or nature reserves....in the city, they can wreck the home garden...they love roses and such.
They are very cute though, both of them and they love cut up fruit.
You and Colleen, both have lovely chicken families....and that's a great pic of the longears too..

Happy New Year to All....
See you in 2012.

Christchurch, New Zealand

and the brush tail possum likes birds eggs & baby birds too...
they are eating the native bush here in NZ to the extent that a lot of trees are dying and they have been filmed raiding the nests of endangered native birds.
their fur is lovely & soft & a clever kiwi came up with a way to strip the fur from possum skin so it can be blended with merino wool & spun into yarn.
They call it Merino Mink & it makes the softest, warmest socks, gloves, hats & scarves...
on a par with cashmere cost wise so I don't have any.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Hello Possums!!!! I succumbed to everybodys talk of roast pork, and hunted down an "Anthony" sized $16 piece,.,..,MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!-with perfect cracklin'-spuds n gravy,.,.now after eating about 4/5 of it, im wallowing around like a big walrus [not that i was'nt that size before] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!Charlene, the possums here, are like Meerkats,.,.they love hot chilli,jalapenos, hot salami,curry, mustard,hot spicy pizza- they and the beautiful little birds are great garbage disposal units[along with the kangaroo],..,,,,,New Year everyone,..,.,$31 million coming up!!!!!

Looking forward to 2012 !
See you all then !!!!!!
Have a great New Years Eve everyone ... I am off to bed ... hubby shared his nasty head cold with me.
I am happy anyway because when I wake up 2011 will be gone.

Christchurch, New Zealand

Happy New Year everyone :)

Only a few hours lefty of this year - and what a dramatic one it has been...

Wishing you all peace, prosperity & good health in 2012.


barmera, Australia

Happy New Year everyone. Thank you for lending me your ears throughout 2011. I thank the people who have helped me out with plants and seeds and cuttings. I hope that 2012 will be the most healthy and happy for all of us. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Anthony , good Luck on the $31 Million.
I bet they would be spicey to eat after all those peppers.
Got you a picture of our critter. Got hideous teeth too.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Here is a pitiful Mom with Babys hanging on her. They are like your Kangaroos, they are marsupial, have baby's in pocket...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule

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