TEA ROOM # 100

Brisbane, Australia

So sad to hear that flood victims are still suffering. Our governments need a good dose of reality, but I doubt it would ever touch Anna Bligh. She's just a puppet on someone else's strings.

I wish everyone a healthy and joyful Christmas, and pray they get it.

Well, I should be here for the next couple of days, but in case anyone won't be, have you all a Very Merry Christmas, and a safe, Happy New Year.


Thumbnail by DawnSong

Oh Kat that is such a sad situation ...pity the Gov., does not help our own as much as it should. A disaster is a disaster. So sorry to hear that lovely bloke has lost his life, makes you wonder what life is all about sometimes. I am not a cat person (though I have had and cared for many over the years, but I must say that if I ever end up alone I would have a Rag Doll cat, I grew to love Boogie very much while caring for him (he is my G D's cat-recently stolen) he was loud and very talkative, his personality was like a ten year old child, most of all he was gentle and beautiful, a real sook, never ever put the claws out, I miss him.

I wanted to pop this in here because it is so wonderful I call this paying it forward ...and it's beautiful.

Christmas is awfully close now ...are you ready for it ?
In a blink 2012 will be born ...given to us a brand new year ...I hope it is so much better than 2011 was, one thing always remains wonderful though and that is our family here at D's G ... (((Hugs)))

Picture of Boogie as a youngster

Wish the rain would stop, it may stop in 2012, if not I will be looking for bog plants ^_^

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Clifton Springs, Australia

Hugs back at you, Chrissy....I think we all feel the same..we can listen and sympathise with each other on here but we don't have to bring the problems home....and when there is something joyous it can stay with us all day.......
Lovely pic of Boogie, so sorry that he is missing.......we have always had cats...the older they get the more companionable they become.....cats live with you...dogs live for you.....luv 'em both......and good ol' birds like Squeaky do their own thing.....luv them too...glad it wasn't too serious, Anthony.

Kat, just looked up your Layanese, a very good friend for the Ragdoll by the sound of it, your other kitten will keep these on their toes......you will be in for a funny Christmas...kittens are a laugh a minute.

The death of that man is such a tragedy....life can be so unfair....

western sydney nsw, Australia

A very Happy Christmas to Every One dont know if I will be in before the big day I have a house over flowing with love and family I was taken by surprise thinking it was a 2 day visit when it was 2 week misreading my mail again and now we are having a pre Christmas dinner to -night with Santa and the works before they leave in the morning then shop and plan to do it all over again on Sunday.
Have a great Christmas elaine.

Elaine ...there you are.
may your Christmas be most beautiful,
see you in the New Year ...it's going to be a beauty !!!
Enjoy your family ...that's what it's all about .
♥ x x

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That was absolutely Beautiful Chrissy. Very inspiring....Loved it.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Good Morning Its 4:30 AM dark but not raining just looked over on the desk there is a stack of mail waiting to be opened golly hope there is no bills in it over due also my cards have not been posted
Might have to toss a coin to see if I go back to bed for a nother hour or clean the bathroom or stay here and catch up. elaine.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Morning all,
Just time for a quick cuppa, this morning.
2 more sleeps ......
Just a bit more shopping......make the extra desserts tomorrow for those who aren't plum pudding fans.
Always a Trifle for our daughter...I decided to use meringue cases this year rather than a pav.....pavs are too big with the other desserts.....

Presents all wrapped and under tree....a gift for our doctor and my hairdresser to be delivered today.
Have to buy treats for all of our families' dogs..they all have a stocking too..Horse cookies for Mick...
The cats are happiest with all the boxes and bags, where they can hide and play guerilla warfare and attack any leg that goes past.....

Have a good day, everyone.

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. A cool morning here and a bit overcast. Yesterday was quite hot but not uncomfortable while shopping.
I didnt get any orphans....The orphan table has gone. The store has put in a new entrance to the garden area and taken away the orphans.
Now what am I going to look for ? There is no where else there that has any.
I am sad. Maybe it will appear later.
I did buy a nice new jacket. ( hubby actually paid for it for my Christmas present)
I wanted something to wear on cool mornings when we go out . Not a cardigan but something light just until the sun warms up. I fond just the exact thing in a small shop.
Its a long line loose jacket in a lovely soft viscose fabric. It has 3/4 sleeves, no buttons etc just hangs nicely . It is black with large embroidery also in black, down the front.
Hubby thinks it looks very nice.
I was despairing of finding anything as all the other shops only seem to have summer wear and nothing in any type of jacket with sleeves.
Its about time buyers for shops and manufacturers realised that we can have summer & winter in the same week these days.

I have my potting mix now so will be potting madly over the weekend.
We may go out for a drive if the weather doesnt get too hot. Its nice to just drive and stop for a cuppa and some place that looks inviting. .

Hello Elaine, hope all goes well for you over the holidays.

Hello Chrissy, so nice to see the young ones having a good time and bringing pleasure to others.

Hello Charleen, I hope you have some nice weather for Christmas. pats for Charley .

Hello Colleen. I hope the boys have great time over Christmas. take time for yourself too.

Hello Karen. best wishes to you and family .

Hello Dianne, look after those brug babies, Enjoy the holidays.

Hello Anthony. lots of wishes for you and I hope little Molly has a great time . Hope Squeaky is feeling better too.

Hello Kat. nice to see you pop in again. Hope your broadband is okay again.
I hope the fenceman has not damaged too much there. He will get his just desserts one of these days.
Give him a shock and present him with a pot plant and card for Christmas.
You may hit a nerve and convince him to be nicer.

Hello Louise, if you happen to pop in. Best wishes to you & Hank and the girls.

I am not giving you all any cakes today. I have a lovely gift for each of you.
A virtual hamper of goodies to enjoy over the holidays.

Best wishes for Christmas and enjoy the day.
The Tea Room is always open so pop in if you need a break from the festivities.

Happy day. Stay safe and well.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Waving as I pass ...Christmas Eve, Eve and all,
Try not to overdo things everyone ...
Have a beautiful day ^_^

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barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Just popping in to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas. I hope Santa is kind to everyone. I already have my first visitors and the next few days will be busy. The new stove works beautifully now to see how it preforms doing the roast. Have a great festive season everyone. I'll be back when I get a break. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris

Teresa are you ok ?
another Earthquake as shoppers are doing their last minute Christmas shopping ,
Teresa we hope you are ok ...worried about you !
Please let us know you are safe when you can (((hugs )))

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Hello All------lots of bad news about!!!!!,.,.,I survived 'work break up refreshments day',.,.but in the process of walking from the pub to the bus[50 metres] have done a strain on the achilles,near the ankle..so ive pulled out my 'sore back' walking stick[or nothing will get done],..,i filled[i mean filled] the commodore with fresh lily pots and made the earlier mentioned sale i was talking about,.,. in the process i stopped in on my nan and gave her some special potted lilies-I drove on past the local vegie outlet[what a queue] and got some vegies for the birds at the IGA,..,,Still havnt got a turkey,cheese, xxxtra beer,omni blue,garlic-----on and on-----[i hate crowds],.,.,.Always tomorrow-Anthony

Awwww sorry Anthony ...looks like this dreadful year won't let us go easily.
Commiserations mate.
Roll on 2012 ...please be kind won't you ?

Christchurch, New Zealand

well the earthquakes have certainly put the kybosh on last minute Xmas shopping...
I had a merino t shirt put aside for my brother & was going to pay for it this afternoon...
we were sent home when the after shocks kept coming & I forgot all about it until I got home, left my jacket behind as well so guess who is going in to work tomorrow - as long as we are open!
There might be a few people on Xmas day being told 'I am so sorry but your present is still in the shop'.
feel sorry for those who have flooding again, the liquefaction makes such a mess.
One lady on the news was saying it is the 4th time she has been flooded & she is sick of it, she started to cry but when she finished said thanks to the news crew for letting her vent...
the shakes are still going on, some serious rattles, hubby had to go back in to work as some of the machines are alarmed - aren't we all ;)
my family are ok, the house is still standing - the dog is nervous but sleeping on the couch beside me, the cat has teleported out of a closed room & nowhere to be seen.
she will come in when she is hungry & the house stops jumping around.
thanks for the good wishes everyone
merry xmas!

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Merino, Australia

Teresa, special wishes to you for Christmas. I do hope the New Year is so much better for all in NZ.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

thanks Jean...
instead of 2012 being the end of the world as per Hollywood lets hope it is a year of peace & prosperity for all.
We have all had our share of natural & man made disasters this year - that's enough for now!!!

Oh whew so glad you are ok, awful to see the poor people crying in the streets.Sending a Christmas Angel to watch over you and NZ

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barmera, Australia

Teresa thanks for letting us all know that you're okay. We do really worry about our cyber friends. Hope you can get into work and do the rest of your shopping. I hope you have the most wonderful Christmas and hurry up New Year. Colleen

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You all will be Santa Claus before you know it.
Want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a wonderful much better New Year.
Hugs and mule nuzzles from
Charleen, Charley and all the critters

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Good thoughts and warmest wishes to you all for a very Merry Christmas.

Teresa, special good thoughts to you and all the folks in ChCh...please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

As the Mayans said....2012 is not the end of the world....it is the end of a calendar....because the Spaniards over ran the Mayan nation. Perhaps Mother Nature has spent her her fury and we all will live in a sunnier, kinder world.

Kindest regards to you all.


Clifton Springs, Australia

Terrible news this morning, another quake in CC......Teresa, we hope that you and yours are safe....that poor cat and dog of yours must be nervous wrecks....
Are you sure that you want to stay there?...I know it's your home and you love it..but it seems that you are all sitting on a time bomb....you have such a beautiful country...it's just a bit safer some other part of it.....

I called in to wish everyone a very happy day tomorrow, be safe over the holidays and let's hope 2012
is a little kinder to everyone.

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.. The sun is out and its very warm early. I will be sitting in the cool areas today. No running about in the sun.
I wont be doing much cooking at all tomorrow as I cooked out turkey last night so we can relax.

Teresa, I hope you are safe and well.
Its a terrible thing to be happening again , especially at Christmas.
I can only hope Mother Nature intends the New Year to be quieter and is using up all her shaking now.

A very happy time to everyone and I wish you all the most wonderful Christmas and a really fantastic 2012.

The jolly fat man is on his way.

Hugs and love to you all.
Thank you for making the Tea Room a pleasant place to be.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Ooops , forgot the cake. Help yourself.
Teresa, Dianne, Chrissy, Charleen, Colleen, Anthony, Kat & Louise.
hugs all round.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

The year is ending on a shaky note, with the earthquakes in NZ, and it is very active along the Ring Of Fire. Lets hope Mother Nature is celebrating, and those areas are feeling the effects of her partying. But right, too many big disasters this year, floods, and fires among them. Enough! Be at peace, Mother.

Its all done, no need to face the masses in the shopping centres today, we can do our own thing. Weather has been very wet (yay, we needed it) but looks like the rain is easing now and it could be a lovely weekend. Just so long as it doesn't go the other way and get too hot! (Never happy, am I!)

Well, its Christmas Eve. Blessings to all, and may you be surrounded by the love of your family and friends, and the Light of those loved ones no longer with you.


Thumbnail by DawnSong

The year is ending as it began ...

Please 2012 please allow our Blue Planet some Peace and Respite.
Hugs and Kisses all around ^_^

I know this is an American style of Christmas but I love it and hope you will too.
Happy Christmas to our D'sG family and friends !
as you can see I have some Christmas Bells of the Floral Kind x x

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Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Love to all....

Brisbane, Australia

Where's the "Like" button? :)

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

The jolly 'fat man' is here Jean-selling the last of his lilies out the front gate[slowly].,,.got all the last of food/drink etc and can now cruise through christmas,.Teresa my thoughts are with you all!!!!,.,.,.I purchased 4 bottles of good ginger beer this morning,.,.pulled the bag out of the car and one bottle flew away, landing down the driveway,then the next one escaped, smashing near the back wheel as i tried to juggle the other 2 to safety[brummy ankle and all]-what a scene,.,.needless to say, i only have 3 bottles in the fridge and one[in pieces] in the wheelie bin.,.,

Merino, Australia

Never mind Anthony, next year will be fantastic for us all.
You will survive on 3 bottles of ginger beer.

Have a happy time with Molly and the family.

Love the Christmas 'bells' Chrissy.
hugs to all.

Christchurch, New Zealand

quite a productive day, load of washing, dead heading roses & penstemons, mowed the lawns, went for an eye exam & picked out new glasses...
then into town to pick up my brother's prezzie, bought a few other bits & pieces then on the way home had to stop & get sellotape as hubby txt me that we were all out...
finally home & now all my presents are wrapped & in a big red bag by the door ready to go tomorrow.
All I have to do now is cook the chicken that we will take to my brother & sister-in-law's for xmas dinner.
Hope everyone has a lovely time tomorrow :)
Merry Christmas everyone!

barmera, Australia

Merry Christmas to everyone. It's very hot here. supposed to be 37C tomorrow but it's overcast now so hopefully the cool change will come through and we'll be able to enjoy our roast for lunch. I'll be back when it calms down here. Love to all. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris

New Years Eve ...I hope you like this, it's very beautiful, have a wonderful evening everyone.


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rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

All is groovy, cocky is here [very tired] ,with the occasional [tired ] whistle or '' what are you doing you silly bugger''?-Sooty has sold me off,because there is someone else here,.,..,.,.,taking his place!!Anyway, tomorrow, let it be,..,and lets make the most of what we have[eh !-Teresa-] and if ive won tatts tonight,everyone will be welcome here[dont hold your breath],..,,,,Anthony

It's Christmas !

Joy to the World !
Happy Christmas everyone ...have a wonderful day !

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Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Merry Christmas to you all.

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Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

A Christmas wish for you all with Happiest thoughts and regards. Moon


Merino, Australia

Happy Christmas everyone. Just popped in to leave food out for those who need to escape crowds, family and friends for a small rest.
Enjoy your day and spread smiles and hugs all over the place.


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Oooops, cant forget the Christmas pudding.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

Merry Christmas ^_^ ...cheers ! every one.

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