(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Your item is out for delivery at 9:28 am on March 10, 2011 in EVERETT, WA 98204.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Susie! I was just about to look for the conf # and knew I wouldn't be able to find.
I can confirm it was NOT there last night, and will pick it up ton ight if it fit in the big bin under my mailslot.

If it was too big for that, I'll have to slip home form work at lunch tomorrow, to get it from the banker's-hours managers of the park where I live.

(excitement building)

I have labels ready, and a sample of screens for you, Susie, one of each kind. I will ask people to leave the screens in the Robin, but to feel free to look at them and try them on your own seeds, so you know what size would be useful to you. I will eventually order more screens, if I find out what sizes would be useful to anyone.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thanks corey Isn't it crazy you cannot find something when you want it but when you walk away forget about it
you come accross it :) HEHE
here is what it says now .

Your item was delivered at 10:44 am on March 10, 2011 in EVERETT, WA 98204.

Athens, PA


that happens to me all the time :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

oh good i won't feel so bad now :)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

THE ROBIN HAS LANDED! I got it last night and stayed up until 2:45 am ... yet only got part way through.

Susie and Mary Ellen and Janastone, THANK YOU!

I feel like such a freeloader, I'll have to buy some more seeds Saturday just for the Robin!

I put in one set of screens and 3 tiny measuring spoons for you, Susie (1/8th 1/16th & 1/32nd tsp ), into the "info bag". Everyone is welcome to try them out, but please leave them in the bag for the next person, and for Susie to keep.

If anyone in the Robin wants particular sizes of the screen mesh, let me know and I'll mail direct, until I run out. I have lots of 8-mesh and window screening, and also 9 squares of the most-coarse "6 mesh".

I am particularly hoping that someone wyho cloeans lots of seeds will suggest what sizes are most useful for cleaning, so I can order more.

I suspect they may be the sizes I DON'T have, like "finer then 16 but coarser than 30", or esle "coasrer than 10 but finer than 16".


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I was just looking at a Vesey's seed catalog, and comparing it to our Robin. High prices, few open pollinated varieties, and not many choices (at oleast in the printed catalog).

When people ask what online seed source I like best, I say "Susie's Round Robin, by far!!"


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thank you corey I Have to say that when the Robin arrived Home it was the cleanest & Nestest that I Have seen from other robins & If I Can Be More frank & NO ONE Gets Up-set with me for saying this ,

It is best when we can seed the seeds , when seeds are in a paper envy & you cannot see the seeds but you know there are many there the chore of opening that up & then haven to reclose it with type . no one will bother to take it .

this way with the ziplocks it is much easier to open & Close the packs . but i think maybe also what helps is
How all of you help make it fun & exciting .

I hope to have many more seeds next year to share from all the great seeds i have rec'd .
ty Corey for the spoons & screens .

Corey Hope your not on the coastal side of wa Don't want you washing out to sea.

well off to Bingo soon have a great evening .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I live only a few miles from the water, but there are islands and channels west of me. I got to work before I even knew there might be a tsunami.

it finally occured to me that Evelyn and Karen/Sherman99 are imemdiatly after me in the flight path. So I'm going to put things in it for them, expecting that no one else will even see the extra weight.

Cheermom? If you are intersted in these mesh screens, and Evelyn and Sherman aren't worried about the weight, I could send some to you also.

(P.S. I finally realized that anyone with a use for the very fine screens would probably also need a coarse one, to SUPPORT the fine one.)


the weight is not an issue for me. anything i can do to help other dg'ers

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Fine with me, Corey!


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Corey and Susie, isn't it a flat rate box?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> isn't it a flat rate box?

I was poised to use words like "DUHHH" and "FFFPPPTTT" and bang my head against the CRT, but I just looked ... I see "priority" but not "flat rate" . I could be wrong!

Maybe I'm thinking about the "large" flat rate box, (and this would look more "medium-ish"), but I kind of thought flat rate was more expensive until you got up to 10 pounds or so. I forget.

Anyway, Evelyn and Karen are being sports, so no problem. Too bad it isn't flat rate! Or I'd offer Karen some PVC parts, which I now know where to find in Home Depot.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Corey I DOn't need along of screen are these just 3x4's or 3x3 squares? I Only need a couple for most of my seeds are done with my kitchen colander i 2 sizes but i wanted to try with the pvc pipe that i have just sitting on the bench out in the garage & when you showed that site I Knew I could put them to use rather then throw them out.
thank you.

& No I didnot use a flate rate for the box I didn't think was over 10lbs Not sure what it will be after Corey gets done :)
so it will be up to you all as to send flat rate or just prioity ask your P O when you mail it .

well very cold here but looks as the snow might miss us to early to tell yet .
wishing you all a great weekend .

Athens, PA

today felt like Spring - finally. I have also noticed that my impatiens that I overwintered seem to be greener and are putting out flowers.

Corey - I don't need the screens either. Thank you though.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

If everyone's finished picking seeds I have available (see 4th post above), I'll get them ready to mail to you folks ahead of me.

I'll pass on screens too, Cory, but thank you for offering. Did you want any of my Salvia seeds?

Athens, PA


what kind of salvia seeds?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

These are the two I have, Carolyn. You're welcome to sample one or both.

Salvia “Lady in Red” 3 packs of 10 seeds --
Salvia “Snow Nymph” 2 packs of 10 seeds --

Athens, PA


I would be interested in your Lady in Red seeds. I used to have Lady in Red.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Both are new to me, Carolyn, and have put away a few seeds of each to try myself. Would you like for me to include yours in the Robin or mail them directly? Whatever you prefer is fine with me.

Athens, PA


You can put them into the robin if you would like. I am sure that would be easier.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

I must have been talking with the Postmistress when she weighed the box. I don't remember her doing it. I do know that it cost 15 cents more than when it was sent to me. DUH! here, Corey. So she MUST have weighed it. It's fun going through it, isnt it? So many to choose from. Have fun!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

If you go to Gaggle of Chicks you can get a 20-Page Photo Book (8.75” x 11”) from PhotoBin for only $15 (reg: $34.99) through Wednesday (3/16).

As a bonus, you’ll also get free standard shipping. As a bigger bonus, new Gaggle of Chicks members receive a $10 credit toward their first purchase, so you could get this photo book for as low as $5.

Gaggle of Chicks has great deals on the best products and services for moms and their families. Click here

to check it out.

Every time you invite a friend, they get a $10 credit.
After their first purchase, you get a $10 credit


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

It is an awesome Robin, and I went on a Seed Binge the first night. After a few bags, it felt like a hangover. I thought "but I only took a little from any given bag, THAT's not excessive!" But now I'm thinking again: at a bar, you can drink just a little from each bottle and sill be very excessive!

Thank you FOTV, but I do have both of those Salvia.

Just one type of Delphinium sprouted in my four WS tubs, but they announced loudly that "WE NEED MORE LIGHT!". Time to improve their lids.

I'll get the Robin back into the air Monday.

The screens for Susie will only add a few ounces, and I re-packed a few of the quart Zip-locks that only had a teaspoon of seed into 2x3 ziplocks, to make up for the weight and space.

Besides the trade vegetables, Bok Choy and Zinnia seeds I have to offer, I added some commercial packets split up:
. . 4 . Pencil Pod Wax Bush Beans (yellow 59 days Ed Hume. Said to be early-maturing)
. . 3 . Penstemion eationii "Firecracker" [HP] Botanic Garden Series (tiny qty)
. . 2 . Viola hybrida "Amber Jewels" Hybrid Mix ...scented jewels of amber, copper, raspberry & plum will add edible bling to your garden (TINY qty)

I saw there were almost no beans or peas in the vegetable bag!


This message was edited Mar 13, 2011 5:07 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Not do many in this robin corey sorry so maybe others will have them :) I was at our local ace Lawn N Garden yesterday & They had many packs Like in the catalogs & cheaper per PK & No Postage so i will be buying mine right in town .

well guess i better go work on my Plants for awhile .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Actually, the only peas or beans I grow are Snow Peas and I have several kinds to try. I was just surprised that something so popular was missing - and the seeds are easy to clean!

The packet blurb about these Botanical Interests Violas delighted me, so I had to buy them ("Amber Jewels"):

"This viola's glistening, scented jewels of amber, copper, raspberry and plum will add bling to your garden ...
The edible flowers are also a lovely decoration on cakes and salads!"

Too bad they're hybrids! "Edible bling" would be fun to share around, but the packet was tiny (100 mg) so I only split it three ways (and kept one).

Funny how picking up seeds for the Robin provided an "excuse" to get more Penstemon firecracker for myself! Then that provided an excuse or "need" for a heating pad, so back to the nursery I went, and also bought the last packet of P. "Firecracker" they had. One of clerks there recognizes me from last year's year-end seed sale. I've become notorious!

In a knife-collecting newsgroup, we decided it wasn't about "needing" more knives. It was about delight! Similarly with seeds.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Ya Know Once you have all those Seeds growing & The plants are mature enough I Hope that you will share :) All the extra with me :))) I Love Violas & Pansy But I Just cannot get them to Germinate for me . Have tried 2 yrs in a roll & Nothing . so please I would love to do a swap with any of you who can get them to grow .

My Body feels like an old Jolloppy This morning My 4 tires need a Grease job , My head lights are on low beam,
tail pipe is blowing so much gas & no way to bottle it , I have an apt to see my Machanic Tomorrow but he is in worse shape then I'am for he can only work 3 days a week . he's about to retire his body .

so here is wishing you all a bright sunshiny day :)

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh Susie, you described exactly how I feel!!! and I have an eye apt. this morning and a dentist apt. this afternoon. Have to conserve trips due to the price of gas.

Corey, if you wouldn't mind could you please send me some of your bok choy or have you sent it off in the seed box?

If he has, Susie, would you mind pulling it out and sending it to me if it is still in the box?

Corey, if and when you have time, would you please send me the tomato seeds out as I plan to start my greenhouse sowing by this coming weekend. Spring is starting to look to be around the corner.


Athens, PA

Corey - I am hoping to have you share viola and pansy seeds with me also when they are finished flowering. I love them - they are like little faces.

Susie - I feel the same way you do..... wishing I could be out in the yard. I think that will do me more good than anything else. DH and I were out yesterday, trying to fix the table on the deck. We knew this would have to be done last fall - it was good to be out even though it was on the cool side.

Wondering if we could start a thread somewhere to show everyone's gardens with the seeds we have received from the robin. I'd love to see what everyone does with their seeds. Not sure where we could start it or if perhaps we could do it all with dmails? What do you all think about this idea?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Once our gardens have started to bloom I think it will be a great IDEA to share & I Think Those who have the 1st Bloom should start the thread for all of us to see :)
Happy Gardening

Athens, PA

Oh Susie! I am excited. Cannot wait to see everyones garden pictures!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

have you tried winter sowing your violas and pansies? they are cold weather bloomers...right? Let me know, I would be happy to try to WS some for you. Most of the seeds I have had a hard time germinating are no problem WS.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I planted all my pansy's & Violas last spring but they did not sprout so i don't have any now . but if i do get any i Would love for you to start them .

got another daylily for postage up again so been keeping up with that :) I have a drs apt this afternoon at 2pm
then I have to go check on my friends house she is in fla ,
maybe i should have you start all my seeds :)) sounds as you might have better luck then me :))
chat soon

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm about to go mail the Robin to Evelyn!

There's 2 pkts of "Amber Jewels" Viola seeds in the box. I'll WS what I kept next winter, BUT my success rate is very low. IF I succeed, and if they are pollinated, and if the seed don't rot, I'll surely share!

(But they will be hybrid seed second generation, and the vendor says to expect the colors to be different.)

Maxine, I did put most of my spare Bok Choy into the box, but I have small qtys of some varieties left at home.
What's your preference? I'll see if I have what you're looking for.
- white stem or green stem?
- standard, baby or medium size?
I will certainly put in some of my 2009 saved seed (from full size white stem Bok Choy).

>> Corey, if and when you have time, would you please send me the tomato seeds out as I plan to start my greenhouse sowing by this coming weekend. Spring is starting to look to be around the corner.

That's a bad sign. My notes show that I mailed them Feb 12, including the Tommy Toe. Too bad, there were quite a few varieties in there. I guess I should start using Confirmation stickers!

If you remind me what you;'re looking for, I'll see what I have left. I won't be planting any tomatoes this year, I have too many projects in the air already.

- determinate or indeterminate
- cherry or full-size
- red or other color
- early?
- cool climate?


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

She's in the air! Evelyn, expected delivery is wednesday March 16.
Conf. # 0310 2010 0000 9914 9692
6 pounds, 2 ounces (Zone 5)

There was enoguh room left in the box that I didn't need to sit on any bags to squish them (though I did squeeze most air out. I even had room for a bit of bubble wrap.



this one is fast flying, yippee i am next after evelyn

i better make sure i have all my individual and "for all" packets ready !!!!!!!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Corey NO Viola SEEDS For me I Don't have luck with them but please share any extra PLANTS You Might have :)) HEHE

Well Doc's office called to put me in there today so that took up most my afternoon :) & Now I can go out clean up the Kitchen & sit back for the night .

EVELYN Hope you Have an empty table ready :)))

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from deejay9 :

EVELYN Hope you Have an empty table ready :)))

I hope that I do not delay too long as I have been ill, as well I have not been sleeping much.

I have the seeds packed that are already for others requested, but the problem is I have a huge seed box, no make that an underbed storage tote, but most, but not all seeds are a few years old
due to operations and illness. I will do my best to get the robin on her way with some wonderful surprises. Only thing is, most of them are commercial seeds and I have a lot of variety, but not a lot of bulk. Tomorrow, if I am better, I go to get a mammogram and then the dentist. I had to cancel my chiropractior for today. So, I probably won't work on them until Thursday at the earliest, if it arrives by then. I know I cannot dump all the seeds in as is, nor will I be able to repackage them all. I will try and select the freshest ones and give you as many as I can, as that is the mail reason for participating in this wonderful seed trade. Still, I will admit to weakening and getting more. As Corey would say, I am a confirmed "seedaholic". I just hope that I can get more of them started before spring arrives. I will also sow some right into the ground, once the beds have been prepared and weeded.

The robin arrives at the first sign of spring.....

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evelyn, may I ask a favor when the Robin lands? Would you please set aside a pinch of Penstemion eationii "Firecracker" for me that Corey included?

Does anyone have Cucumber "Spacemaster"? 5-6 fresh seeds would be plenty. Most of the veggies I grow this year will be in containers, and Spacemaster was recommended since it's a bush type instead of a vine.

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