(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I POSTED your Guesses up top just remember NO SUNDAY GUESSES THEY WILL NOT COUNT.
have a great day everyone

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

FOTV's list is here:

Post #8397595


(I had better get those labels printed ASAP!)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Could I get some:
Snow on the Mtn
Lemon Basil
Any coleus and cockscomb you have enough to turn loose of.
Anything that grows in shade/semi-shade


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Patti, When you get a minute, how about checking the envy of seeds I sent you a couple of weeks ago? According to my check list, you should have Lemon Basil, Coleus "Sonatina Scarlet Yellow" and these Cockscombs "Dwarf Coral Garden Mix", "Sonatina Scarlet Yellow" and "Bombay Wine Red", and at that time I had "Indiana Giant" and sent you a smidgen. Or at least I think I Let me know, OK?

You and Cam are down for Snow-On-The-Mountain. It is Euphorbia marginata, sorry Cam, I should have mentioned that.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh ya ......... lol. I haven't added those to my main envies yet. Guess I'd better add the seeds I've gotten to them before I ask for more, huh???? Just lazy I guess. I have a case of the 'idon'twanna's. Just don't wanna do anything. Can't play outside, getting tired of carrying watering cans to water plants I'm overwintering ... just don't wanna. This is usually about the time of year I start loosing plants 'cause I don't wanna water, and it's almost time to put them out! Waa ..waa..waa......

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh good! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't having a CRS moment and cut you short. And here I thought I was alone having a case of "idon't wannas". It's a good thing my gardens are peeking out to give me motivation, and it won't be long before the daffs and tulips will be blooming.

Susie, Mary & Evelyn, please check your pack of Ptilotus "Joey" and let me know if I sent you enough seeds to try. I was low at the time but have more now.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

FOTV ..... yes, I could use some more Ptilotus "Joey" .... did not think it proper to request more since you previouly sent me some.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

mary .... just blame it on CRS and ask for more like I did! LMBO J/K It really was unintentional.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

FOTV, THANKS FOR INCLUDING ME, and thinking of me.

Any thing for hanging baskets I would like.
Zinna's, would like to try some of each. Doesn't have to be a whole pk.

Thinking of you. Did you get any of that white stuff that just went up the coast?

Wondering if and when spring will ever come to this winter wonder land??


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

SAME HERE MAXINE rain & Snow moving in this way for the next 2 days they say;

Lavina : Your GIFT Box is going out today sorry it took me so long To Choose. & Hope you like it .
well i have much to do today so you all have a great day

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Patti!

You're very welcome, Maxine. It's a beautiful sunshiny day in the 50's. All Winter we've only had a few inches of snow, very unusual for us, and feel for the rest of you who've been clobbered.

Gotcha covered, Mary. There were only like 10 seeds in the Ptilotus "Joey" packs I had before to split, so that's why there were so few.

How's the Winter Sowing going?

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Susie, take a deep breath...the ROBIN HAS LANDED at my house!!! :D I was able to be home just in time to get to the PO and get the mail. My intent was to get on here right away and let you know, but cattle were across the highway in a muddy 240 acre field with the horse in the lead. So I just got in from getting them home...with the help of friends. Hubs is on his way home from meetings this week in IL. Just wanted you to know that it is safe "at home."

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

So glad you had a safe trip, ME, but what a hassle to come home to, at least you had help rounding up the critters. Our neighbors cows get out occasionally and can empathize with you. Check my list near the top of the page and let me know if you see anything you'd like to try.

Susie, when you get a chance, put my guess down for May 21st.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Ah, mellen..not much fun getting errant animals in, is it? I've had to help with goats many times, but never in a 240 acre field. You poor thing! At least you have the robin to keep you on the cheery side :)

Corey, your seeds arrived today in perfect condition - thanks so much!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Great! You're very welcome (I konow how late they are and can only blush and apologize.)

Were they in the clunky foam-and-carboard-and-envelope attempt to go by first-class mail? The postal clerk said it was thicker than 1/4" and had to go package rate anyway. (My "3-significant-digit electronic micrometer" disagreed with her, but maybe it had sagged by the time I got to the P.O. Or their slit in a piece of cardboard may well be more accurate than the gadget ... it needs new bateries.)

My theory is that taping the seeds into the exact middle of anenvelope keeps them away from the crushing/sorting rollers.


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Just opened the robin. OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I Hope that You Have Plenty of coffee to stay awake 12:28 AM ????? I was sound asleep , going to be a rainy day here so i plan to maybe plant a few seeds today . not sure what ones yet but something.
you all have a great day .
Mellen Just send RICKCOREY The CONF # When you are ready to send to Him.
I Tucked a Couple Messuring spoons into the box but should have been a 1/4 messure for some :)

Please feel free to help use up some of the biggger baggies if you have fields they can go in :)

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

FOTV, did you happen to notice what seeds I had asked for?
Please let me know as I am going to town today and will look for some of the zinna's.

Thanks for answering my enquiry. I know how easy it is to over look things! big time, forget full.


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Geez, please forgive me FOTV. If I would look before I leap!! So sorry my brains are in my feet.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

No problem, Maxine.

Just so everyone's aware, I'm keeping track of seeds I have and those promised in the 4th post above. If my head wasn't attached it would roll downhill.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

That makes two of us!!


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Question...if there are say 15 seeds in a baggie, is it okay to just take 3 or 4 just to try something different. I am concerned that as the robin continues that others may not be happy to see a smaller amount in a few baggies. I'm talking tiny seeds for the most part.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Unnh-oh, I'm next! Time to print the labels and gather together the seeds to pass along.

I have a number of vegetable seeds sent to me in trades that I really have no room for, and hope someone else will have a good use for.

And also some seeds that are exotic to me, that I'm afraid might need more skill than I have yet, and am sure that someone else can make thrive, and might appreciaate.

Plus some this-and-that common annual seeds.


(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I think that's okay, mellen. If someone really wants something then most of us have already reserved it from each participant's list in the first place.

Corey, I never thought it was clunky - I thought it was very ingenious! They were absolutely fine and please do not apologize for anything - I'm thrilled to get these seeds and consider them quite a bonus. So thank you again!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes you can try any seeds you want if there is just a few seeds just take the pk

mellen-the first time i saw the robin i was so overwhelmed !! decided my best course of action was to try only a few seeds of each of the things i wanted because there were so many ! now they are all growing and i will have more seeds to share this summer. (hopefully) now if i could just learn not to buy what will not grow in my zone ! i keep ordering things and then realize either the heat or the frost will kill them., or worse, i plant them, watch them grow and then the heat or frost kills them. the upside of that is i have lots to trade. i guess the seed head/seedaholic part of my brain takes over.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm big on "ingenious" ideas that may or may not work, but look wierd. In this case, since it did not get past the eagle eye of the psotal clerk, it didn't accomplish the goal of replacing a bubble mailer at 1/3 the postage.

I'm keepin' my eyes open for even thinner foam or maybe thick chipboard or cardstock as a spacer..
I'll cut out an opening for a ziplock (near the center-top)

Then, I will make the whole envelope out of stiffer (but still thin) cardstock. My goal is to create a light, 4x6" first-class envelope that will go through the sorter without crushing seeds, for 44 cents instead of $1.20 and a trip to the postal scale to weigh it.

Machinable letter-size mail is:
a. Not less than 5 inches long, 3-1/2 inches high, and 0.009-inch thick.
b. Not more than 11-1/2 inches long, or more than 6-1/8 inches high,
- - - - > or greater than 1/4-inch thick. < - - - (the tough one)

d. Within an aspect ratio (length divided by height) of 1.3 to 2.5, inclusive.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

What about the foam you can get at U-Haul that plates are packed in? Thin, durable, strong and light.

I never had any trouble getting my cattle to go where I wanted them to. They were so spoiled all I had to do was holler for them and shake the feed bucket, then get out of the way! lol A lot of them were show animals and I could lead them anywhere I wanted them to go.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Crit, my husband is the one who has them trained to come to him with his call. I try/tried to do it, but they just looked at me. :( All he would have had to do is go across the road and do his call, and they would have come running. When we lived at the other farm, I was a LOT more involved with the cattle, etc., and I had the call down pat. Also, it was the "older" group back then. These are the descendents with whom I have spent little(to no) time with at all. Others around here use 4-wheelers, but those just spook ours. Hubs just stands at our fence when he wants to see them up close and does his "HOOCOW." :D He actually sounds like one of the cattle bellowing. LOL I just realized that since I am now home that maybe I better get out there again and start getting them to come to me. When DH is gone, and IF(when) this happens again, I shouldn't have much problem.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> What about the foam you can get at U-Haul that plates are packed in? Thin, durable, strong and light.

Ah HAH! Hopefully they sell it in small rolls. Thanks!

(BTW, I have been gathering seeds I promised you what seems like months ago. Don't have a heart attack if they finally do arrive some week soon!)


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

MaryM and Di, I just found the seeds that I requested from you. MANY thanks!!!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :

Susie, Mary & Evelyn, please check your pack of Ptilotus "Joey" and let me know if I sent you enough seeds to try. I was low at the time but have more now.

I could use a bit more if you can spare them. Thank you very much!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Corey .... they come in singles. A little pocket you can slip the plates down in. You could cut them to size to fit the seeds. Don't know what they cost, but could easily make up the difference in the price of postage if not too much. Just have to do the math ..... mr. engineer. :-)

Athens, PA

I had never heard of Ptilotus "Joey", so I googled it. I love it - if somebody can spare some, I'd love to try them.

I ordered seeds from - I ordered an extra pack of Echinops ritro 'White Globe' so that I could share them with you. I don't have the seeds yet, but I am wondering whom would be interested?


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OK, so now I had to go to the plant files to check out "Joey". I love it. Any extra seeds sent my way would be appreciated!

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Glad to hear it, mellen. When I first found out you might be at the end of the robin I was kicking myself because I didn't get them out in the mail to you instead. So I'm happy to know you were able to get back on the robin's flight in time to get the seeds for early planting.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I want some Echinops ritro if you have enough. Cam

Athens, PA


putting you down on my list...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You're covered, Carolyn. I'd never heard of "Joey" either and looks like a good candidate for containers.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi, you all have got me inspired. Can I have about 5 seeds of this to see if I can grow it? TIA, Cam

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