(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

FRUIT: I had some cucumber seeds But not the variety you were looking for sorry for that .
EVE Please get well we want you to enjoy the robin on the 1st day of spring that is just around the cornor from you :) I'm Sure when you see the robin it will make you feel better :)

well time for me to watch the news & Tend to the critters Be well all .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Susan (FOTV),

I suspected P. "Firecracker" might be popular. The seed packet is pretty, and they call it "really really red!"

I bought one pkt at a year-end sale last year, and wound up sharing it so many ways that each person (including me) got about 10 seeds. So I grabbed a whole pkt as soon as my favorite nursery restocked. And they got their first batch of BI seeds withOUT Firecracker, scaring me!

So I got smart and went to get a SECOND pkt Sunday ... got their LAST ONE, and the clerk said she was WSing some, too.

I'm wondering if "native to the western US" and "Botanic Gardens Series" means they are OP?

Botanic Interests says:

- Perennial USDA zones 4-9
- like waving a red flag to hummingbirds

Botanical Interests is very pleased to be working with botanic gardens throughout the U.S. to protect species that are rare and endangered or may become so if not maintained.

Although it is such a striking ornamental, Native Americans found many medicinal uses for this plant and used it in ceremonies. When it bloomed (in late spring), they knew that watermelon planting time was over.

Cold moist stratification around 40 degrees for 8-12 weeks, then bring into a warmer location to germinate.

When to plant outside: There are three options for planting:
1) Sow in spring, 3 to 4 weeks before average last frost when nights are still cold.
2) Sow in late summer, up to 2 months before the average first fall frost, so plants are established before winter.
3) Sow in late fall (for spring germination).

When to start inside: 6 to 8 weeks before average last spring frost.
Cooler soil temperatures are preferred (around 55 degrees F).

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Corey, what ever you can spare. I would like to try them this yr. have never grown them before, but would like them for stir fry.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

G M To All Has anyone here ever ploanted Canary Vine ??? & Have you any seeds for it if you have manybe
you can share a few seeds to try I Hear it is YELLOW My Fav Color But That it looks like a Bird when it opens
So thought that would be something different to try as a vine :)

well I have a couple boxes to work on today sunny & High of 50 today so maybe i can get my porch cleaned off .
have a great day .


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Susie, why are you getting 50 degree weather and we are getting ice rain?

Athens, PA

We are supposed to be 50 degrees also. Looks like we should be hitting high 50- low 60 on Thursday. Can't wait!

i am trying canary vine for the first time this year. will be happy to share with you if/when they flower and i can get seeds.
the pictures i have seen are just amazingly beautiful. it does look like canaries all over the vines.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh sherman, if you get seeds, may I try a few?
You have been so generous to me, but would really like to see this vine. Assume it is an annual for my area, zone 4a.


i will be happy to share if it survives here

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Maxine I Believe that it will be an annual for you & I as many of the vines are . But bet they are pretty .

YOU All will be happy to know I went out & Bought me a NEW PRINTER :) Yep so now I Have to learn how to use it :) just got it hooked up it prints :) HEHE but now you all are going to have to explain how to put the picture & Info at the same time ..

well been gone most the day & Now that I have supper over with i need to answer my mail so you all have a great evening while i go play with my new printer :)
GN All

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> how to put the picture & Info at the same time ..

(I just found a crude tool in MS Paint: click on the "A" in the toolbar, draw a rectangle, then type text into the rectangle.)

I like to use Microsoft Word.

Usually, if I have a photo somewhere as a JPG, I can drag-and-drop it into the doc, then crop and resize right there. Primtive but easier than learning some Photoshop program.

Then, I can use "ALT-Printscreen" or just "Printscreen" to capture all the pictures and text I made inside Word. I think I was able to just paste that into something like Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

I do have one fairly fancy picture editor at home for touching up photos, but have found no way to tape togtehr several small images into one picture.

I had that ability in a program 25 years ago (LViewPro) but I lost the password to it 15 years ago!


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Good afternoon all. It is soooo nice here! 80* and sunny. But boy is it WINDY! Suppose to be this nice for the next week. Chances of storms too though. Can use the rain but hate our spring time storms.

I'm hooked. If you get seeds Karen, can I get my name put on a few of the canary vine as well?

I FINALLY found a Lollipop and Shrimp plant that I have been wanting so badly! When we were at the Lawn & Garden show, a guy that had a guttering or some such booth had one setting at his display. I asked if he wanted to sell it he said no, but told me where he got it. I got the last ones they had! WHEW! I'm so happy.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well the Robin has landed at evelyns yesterday evelyn can you please post when you are ready to send it out to Sherman99 . HOPE YOUR FEELING BETTER .

I'm so still & Sore tonight i have got to get rested up before my date tomorrow with another DG Member Who is Visiting MICH :)
Good Nite all


i better start a list for the canary seeds. another else let me know.


This message was edited Mar 17, 2011 5:34 PM

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)


I am here! Yes, the eagle ROBIN has landed.

Actually I got it today, as I was not feeling up to going up to the PO and my husband was driving the other way, so he picked it up this morning. I had to go to the chiropractor today and had errands to run in town. I did not get home until 5PM. I am exhausted! WHEW!

So from a bit tonight and most of tomorrow, Sat, Sun I hope to get all my seeds ready for you all. I have already packed the ones for those that were requested, but I would like to add some of my own. As well, I have picked out a few "goodies" that I picked up in town since all of the seeds I send on to you are commercial, most of them at least a year old and some older. I will mark the bulk packages what the dates are since the ones chosen for people are all this year's or last year. So then you will know to take a few extra in case the germination might be low.

I have not yet gone into the box, but I was shocked at the size of it, WOW! I think I might not get into it until tomorrow, as it looks overwhelming right now. Well, everyone should really be happy when the robin comes knocking at your door, is all I have to say for now. Who knows how big it will be by the time it lands a Suzy's place?

Well, I am sure you are all on pins and needles by now...everyone get their pots, pans and flower beds all ready, if you can. (We cannot here, as it has rained for a week, and it is supposed to snow by tomorrow night....GRRR!!) I have been "winter sowing" on the back porch as then I do not have to go out in the mud and/or snow. I have also been starting a few things indoors as well. There has been a cold wind blowing as well, but it was fairly nice today in town (Placerville). I had the windows up but the sun roof open.

I will announce the robin's departure forthwith.

Evelyn ^_^

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from sherman99 :
i better start a list for the canary seeds. another else let me know.


Thanks, Karen - I would like some, please.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


My strategy for avoiding seed-overload was to only open one bag at a time.

First I would go through it fast, pretending to be disciplined, reminding myself that I don't have much space, and putting back in as many packets as I could.

Then any pkt that was not BULGING, I would put back, because someone with better seed-starting skills has a better chance than I do. I can always ask THEM for samples five years from now, when I get a system that works for me (and more lights! ... and more beds!)

Then I'd look at what was left, and think "That's still WAY too many seeds!" Then I'd pick the very most appealing of those, and put the rest back in the bag.

Then I'd go to the next bag!

I really really appreciate the way people have put in such large quantities that I can take just a little, and know that I haven't deprived anyone. That's where the 1/32nd tsp and 1/16th tsp measuring spoons come in handy!

Despite this "disciline", so-called, I was still embarassed to have taken SEVENTY little samples, so i went out and bought a few more packets of fresh seeds and split them up. Also, there should be enough of the first-generation Zinnias (Benary Giant, Oklahoma, Gem, Lilliput etc.) that anyone who wants some will get a chance. And Bok Choy.

BTW: I learned from Botanical Interests that the Penstemon eatonii "Firecracker", despite the showy color and form, were propagated from semi-endangered WILD native seeds by their supplier! So they aren't any unstable hybrid - they are OP and genetically stable.

You will most certainly hear me crowing and re-offering them if they sprout, grow and pollinate!

But the fact that the clerk at the nursery was "trying" to winter-sow them makes me nervous. They may be a challenge.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM oh eve YOU WILL HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND , rain or shine & So many to choose from .
I worked out in the yard yesterday both mine & had to help a friend on her's :)
my body hurts so bad I can hardly move this morning not sure what I will get done when warmer weather dose get here for real.


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Corey ~ Was the box this big when you got it? WOW! I am overwhelmed....thanks for your advice. Still I have to look at them all and that might take a while. Then I will be going through my own seeds to share with all of you. (A few surprises...heh, heh...)

Thanks for the screens and the photo of the PVC part to use to make the screen. What a great idea. I will copy it, then put it back in the box.

Deejay9 ~ Are all these leftovers from previous robins and other various trades? I was not expecting this many seeds as I have never seen a box this big of seeds sent through the mail...I am impressed. Honestly, when I was close to the front of the robin, I was not expecting but a few packets of seeds from the people before me.

Well, I am going to start my day with household chores and then get into the seed box.

Have a great day everyone!

Evelyn ^_^

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hee hee hee.

Yes, it WAS that big. I added so little in comparison that it was like adding an eyedropper to the Pacific.

An even better source of seed-screen-seive construction photos is Katlian's article, where I got the idea:


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from deejay9 :
GM oh eve YOU WILL HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND , rain or shine & So many to choose from.
I worked out in the yard yesterday, both mine & had to help a friend on her's :)
my body hurts so bad I can hardly move this morning not sure what I will get done when warmer weather dose get here for real.


I hope that you recover quickly. Gardening at the beginning of the season always seems to be the hardest part, especially if we have not been so physically active during winter. We do not live close to town, so we try to fit a lot when either or both of us goes there. Instead of looking for the closest parking spot, which I frequently do, I try to make a longer walk out of it by parking further away, if I feel I am able...LOL!! (Most of the time I am...)

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Dont know if everyone is aware that Ibuprofen, (Advil, Motrin, etc) are antiprostaglandins which means they prevent pain and soreness by preventing the formation of prostaglandins. Therefore, if you have over-done any kind of exercise and you know it, take Ibuprofen just after. Dont wait until you feel the effects. Take according to the time table on the pkg until you have recovered from the exercise. Prostaglandins cause the pain, stiffness and soreness of overworked muscles. Also if you have fibromyalgia, you should definitely take the Ibuprofen after any type of work-out. Store-brand Ibuprofen works just as well as the brand name products. Tylenol is not an antiprostaglandin and should not be used the same way. Be aware that any antiprostaglandin if taken in excess for long periods can make you susceptible to stomach irritation and/or ulcers. Please google to check out what I have said if you are unfamiliar with this. Cam

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the info cam wish i could take it but being on coumadine there is not much i can take so i have to prety much work through the sore muscles :) .

Evelyn Most of the seeds are from our Spring & Fall robin most of mine were fresh from my gardens this last fall . & some that I had purchased.

Well I Have had such a long Wonderful day with another Dg Member from tx who is here in Mich & We met for lunch & A Walk in the Butterfly Gardens :))

here is a link of my pictures :

time to lay back & rest these old bones :))) gn all back for coffee in the morning

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

HELLLLPPPP!! I am drowning in seeds! WOW, is all I can say. If I didn't already have so many seeds I would take a bit of all of them, not really all of them, but a good percentage.... Actually I cannot do that as then I would have to plant them all. I know I cannot do that, so I will just take a few and donate as many as I can as well as the ones already promised.

steadycam3 ~ Thanks for the great advice. When I was younger I was able to take IBU and it worked wonders. Now I must take enteric coated aspirin, which in itself is effective. After all these doctors prescribing all the new anti-inflammatories, they all bothered my stomach. So now I use an anti-inflammatory patch which works quite well on the shoulders. Hopefully Deejay9 will be able to use any of those to her advantage, as I do believe the advice was directed to her. Not everyone can take them, unfortunately....

It is a good day for seed sorting as it has been snowing since mid-afternoon. I thought it would not snow until tonight. Yesterday there was a bunch of large white crocus greeting me as I came home. I should have taken a picture of them as they are now buried! I am going to get back to it, as I needed a break. I hope that you will be pleasantly surprised when the robin lands on your front porch as I am feeding her lots of fat worms! (No, there won't be any worms in the box...LOL!!)

There is one plastic ziplock, with rather large seeds which have no label at all. Shall I scan them and maybe someone will recognize them?

Deejay9 ~ I am sorry, but one of your plastic ziplocks leaked. I tried to put all the seeds back in the general ziplock, so if you wonder about that I do not know what happened.

There's about 6" of the white powdery stuff right now, though it has been rather steady, so most likely more on the way.....

Thumbnail by evelyn_inthegarden
Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

And now we have no power! I put my battery back into the laptop so I could keep in touch. I got the seeds put away before it got completely dark. We do have lanterns, but right now I have a flashlight in here. I will be going downstairs to join hubby in reading and listening to the radio. This battery doesn't last too long, so I'll sign off for now.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I rememeber that bag of big unlabelled seeds. ???

As to one of them leaking, I did TRY to close-and-check every ziplock, the put it back into its bigger bag so the big bag would help hold them all closed.

But I might have goofed on one!

I rememebr being up until 2:30 am the first night, and feeling drunk or hung over afterwards (without drinking.) It was like one of the last few scenes in the movie "Scarface", but without all the automatic weapons.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Like Corey Said a Bag Might have Not gotten sealed Tightly & That dose Happen & I Just ask that will put the seeds back in the baggie or scatter them out in your garden :) HEHE & Seal up the bag We do not want a messy Robin Nest traveling the country .

sometimes when the air is not pushed out of the packs they can burst open in flight so if you all can remember to SQUEEZE Out The air that might help :)

hope you have your electric back on with all that cold weather out your way , looks as it is headed back out this way .

50"s today then back down to the 30's mid to end of next week.
ya all have a great weekend

Athens, PA

30's mid week? UGh!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Can't wait !!!!

is it better to make individual pkts for the "for everyone " seeds or to just put one larger pkt and let people take what they want?

i was going to make individual pkts for each kind of seed, then i realized that would take up way more room than just putting one bag of each kind and letting people take what they want. i dont have any large seeds or seed pods, so would this be ok?

fine time to ask when i am next !

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Karen, some people made a bunch of individual bags for everyone in the first swap but most just made a bag and let people take what they wanted from it.

cool, that is what i will do. thank you

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

If the seed are very small it is best to make individual bags for everyone but if they are larger Like Columbines, Morning Glories , then One or two 2x3 baggies are plenty for all to take out from . just be sure to mark clearly.

I Found that many pks we could not read when a black marker was used , please print out name & Info on a piece of paper & Put inside the pk or tape it to the outside.

please do not use a sandwish baggie for just a few seeds use the smaller baggies .

& Try to clean the seed the best you can NO BIG SEED PODS Please.
another beautyfull day & Played outside alday :) . now it is time to relax :)
GN All

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I am getting excited as it gets closer to me. I have planted some things in the round coconut thingys and some scattered in egg cartons so they will come up easy. It was in the 80s here yesterday and its cold here today with the wind blowing. I sure hope we have had our last frost as my blue berrys are in full bloom.
Poke salad is comming up also. Anyone loike to cook and eat it beside me?


i like to grow it but have never cooked it. i initially planted it because of that old song and my cuiosity

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Last night I started working on the seeds until the power went out. I told you I was going downstairs, but that did not last long...I went upstairs and washed up for bed as we did not have running water, either, since we are on a well. It seems as though every snowstorm that happens, but at least this one wasn't for 3 days! The power came on at 12:30AM, so I had to go down to turn off the TV and lights. I still wasn't feeling too well.

So, I have been pulling and packing seeds since this morning. I did not sleep much. I did not know that there were thundersnows! It was so loud (at 2:30 AM) and then we had high winds and then the trees were throwing snowballs at the house. Well at least all the loose branches and weak trees were taken care of in the last snowstorm. Usually we have wind but not so much when it is snowing. I looked outside, briefly and sure enough it looked like a blizzard. I think of the east coast when I think of blizzards...not here! (I was awake at 4:30AM.)

So I have been "busy at the seedbox" filling small envelopes FULL of many surprises! I sure hope that you all enjoy these. Some you may have to look up. I put as much info as I could on each one, (that is, on the unusual ones). When I was in town I got a few more seeds to feed the robin. Boy, she is getting fat.

Now onto another subject briefly. Our cat of 20 years just passed away last night. We were expecting it, but we still miss her. Every day she got lighter and lighter she almost floated away. So now, I will go back to the seedbox.

This message was edited Mar 19, 2011 6:59 PM

Thumbnail by evelyn_inthegarden

i am so sorry about your cat.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Karen. We all have a finite lifespan in these bodies, but I do believe that our lives and animals as well have an eternal life. So, as I miss her, she is now out of pain as we all seem to have pain, the older we get. I do not know how many of our years 20 cat years are, but she did remarkably well until the end.

Athens, PA


I am so sorry about your cat. They are such a part of our family and it isn't easy when they pass. My beliefs follow yours and I do think you will see her again in another life.


Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Thank you, Carolyn.

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