Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sure thing, Cam. Johnny's Seeds says to sow Ptilotus "Joey" 6-8 weeks ahead of planting time and to cover seeds lightly with vermiculite as light aids germination. It also said seeds do not do well planted directly. Guess I should get mine going. There's more info about "Joey" and a pic on their website. I want to try so much too...inspired is a great description.

Well shoot, I just realized I didn't stop at Lowe's today for more seed starting medium. Have to run back to town Monday to pick up an Rx so will stop and pick up a few bags then and another bag or two of vermiculite. I don't have much experience using the peat pellets. Anybody here like using them and what seeds work well?

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

After looking at the plant i see it is the same one i have planted out front i knew it was a lambs ear but didn't know its name I bought it about 2-3 yrs ago it is not a fast grower or mulitipler like the reg lanbs ear I Have loads of that always tossing it out :) but this joey is not invassive at all. or mine hasn't been .

well off to sit back awhile you all have a great evening MELLEN Whatcha think of the robin ???
GN all

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What plant were you looking at, Susie? Ptilotus "Joey" is an annual, except for very warm Zones.

Athens, PA

Susan - thank you......

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

As I am going through my seeds, I am finding some I can share. Most are commercial ones from last year. Some seedhouses give more seeds than are actually needed, so I would like to share them. I will get back later with the list. Otherwise, I will just have to give them to the robin.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I think Susie has the wrong end of the lamb in mind. Tee hee.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Susie, My cats have been trying to roll in the seed bags. It is AWESOME!!!! Seed heaven! As of late this afternoon, I have gone through everything, looked up a LOT of things, and taken bits here and there. Next step is to get my seeds ready to go which I will do tomorrow-Sunday. The robin will be ready to go on Monday.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sounds Great MEL : I Know Corey Is layNWaiten for this one :)

yes cam The lambs ears are all over up here but I Do have another plant that when i bought it said lambs tails
& it is planted out front & has been there for 2-3 yrs hardly grows I will take pictures of it this year if ya all remind me for now I NEED to Know it also has little Purple tails pop up .

well off to go make oatmeal for my critters & feed the wild you all have a great day :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

WOW got home today and have a beautiful wind chime thanks so much Susie I love it.(So does hubby as my old one broke and he thinks it keeps the bears out of our yard.) LOL

OK I will guess May 5th.
Hope all are well. It was hot in Raleigh and that seemed strange for this time of year. My blue berries are in full bloom so I hope we have no more frost.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey, Lavina .... just got off phone .... long chat with daughter in N. Carolina.

I told her about some cookies they sell at Family Dollar in my neck of the woods .... brand name is Heavenly Rewards ... they are sinfully delicious .... esp the fudge cover caramel coconut ones .... a real candy treat cookie ... the fudge covered mint cookies are just like the girl scount ones but at 1/2 the price.

I had to go and buy some more to give to daughter from NJ when she comes on Tue to take me to the Philadelphia International Flower Show .... did not mention to daughter in N Carolina, that I could not resist purchasing two nice froggie lawn ornaments at Family Dollar .... I just could not resist them .. and was fearful of them being no longer available later.


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

RICK, the robin will be on its way to you tomorrow/Monday. I had such a GREAT time going through all of the seeds and picking a bit here and there. Susie, you make it so easy to pack and send with the labels ready to go.

Thank you all for the seeds that you included in the box. We have a very generous group here.

ME/Mellen/Mary Ellen

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Mary I understand where you are comming from I love Family Dollar stores and we have 2 in Pamlico so I frequent them more than I should.
I need to check out your Daughter's store as I need a scanner to do my pictures for storage.
Have a great day everyone, all the bradford pears and other trees are in full bloom here. Hope we don't have anymore frost.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Oh I sure hope all of you are ok with all the storms out all over the states it is pretty calm here.
just very cold so I will not complain .

well frankie is calling so guess i better get my long johns on :)
have a great day .

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

The robin flew the roost today at 1:30 to the PO. Rick is up next.

My guess is May 15.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I'll guess Aprl 26th ... since April 28th (my birthday) is taken.

FOTV ... I think I woul like just a few seeds of Zinnia "Orange King"


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

thankS Me for the up-date . corey hope your coffee pot is waiting for the robin he will keep you up late at nite :)))
busy busy around here the next two days , but i will stop by :)

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

May 16th - that is my son's birthday.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thnaks for the warning, Mary Ellen. I'll be printing those labelks RIGHT NOW!


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Just added your requests, Mary and Evelyn. If I've missed anyone, please let me know. My haves and promised list is in the 4th post above...lots of good fresh seeds are still available.....reserve yours while you can, otherwise the Robin is going to gobble them up.

Susie, please put my guess down for Saturday, May 21st.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I have some new screening for making seed seives. I would like to put some 4" and 6" squares into the Spring Robin, uless someone is concerned that will add enough weight to affect the postage.

I think they should only total a few ounces.

If there is concern, I can just send them to whoever is interested, outside the robin.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

FOTV ... don't remember if I asked you for this. :-( Big case of CRS these days!

Salvia “Lady in Red”
Salvia “Snow Nymph”
Ptilotus “Joey”


I am interested in the screens corey

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

corey i would like to try a screen & if there are others who want any why not just put their names onto them
in the robin & we take out as it lands they are not going to take up that much room .

so ask who wants them ME ME ME

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Consider it done, Crit.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Corey, are they plastic or metal screens? What size is the mesh?

would be a welcome addition for me also. i tried them last time, really liked how they worked, but put the samples back in the robin and prompty forgot what they looked like and what they were called.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Corey, I would gladly reimburse you for the cost of the screening plus postage .... I must confess .... I'm a seedaholic ... a plantaholoic .... a gardening gadgetaholic .... garden artaholic

I'm am a real sickie .... and beyond hope .... way too many enablers.

Here is a link to some pictures I took today at the Philadelphia International Flower Show


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

very beautiful pictures wish i could have been there .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Those topiary animals were awesome creations. Thank you for sharing your album with us, Mary. Going to the famous Philly Flower Show is on my bucket list.

Corey, are the screens the same size mesh of the two different ones you had last time? If they are I would like to have a set and would be glad to reimburse you for your out-of-pocket costs if you wanted to mail them direct. Otherwise I can wait for the Robin if you end up including them but still want to pay you back somehow. There was one set left in the Robin when I put it back in flight last time. Did you want any Salvia seeds I have? See post four above.

Athens, PA

I haven't been to the Phila Flower show in a number of years......each year I tell myself, this is the year I am going again and it just doesn't happen. Perhaps next year....

Oakland, MD


My guess for the Robin to get back would be April 22 because that is also my birthday lol


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Good for you, Jennifer. Lots of folks are guessing special days. I just picked May 21st at random.

Several years ago I drove to Philly by myself and did fine ringing DC in 5 o'clock traffic -- even if it was a white knuckle experience -- but wasn't aware of a tunnel coming up next in Baltimore. Oh my gosh, I can handle tall bridges but am petrified of tunnels. My heart rate soars and my palms literally sweat. That's the main reason we haven't vacationed on the DELMARVA peninsula like hubby wants to so badly. When I do get to go to the Philly Flower Show, it'll be courtesy of Amtrak.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Work got busy, so I missed a lot of replies. I'll try to answer all in one email.

Unfortunatly, the big piece of mesh that I just picked up is "8 mesh" meaning 8 openings per inch, each hole a little under 1/8th inch. That is a little coarse for many seeds, but it is good for removing all pods and big pieces.

Steadycam: the 8 mesh that I have a lot of is some kind of steel, I don't know how stainless. My other samples are all stainless. (Once I stored some very cheap "plain steel" mesh in a cool-humid NJ basement touching humid cardboard, and it rusted in less than a year.)

I guess I should only put the 8 mesh screens in the Robin if enough people might want them. I think it would only be a few ounces, but MIGHT push us over the edge from one pound to another whole pound.

The Postal calculator seeems to say that Priority Mail, WA to FL, costs $2.70 per pound, or 17 cents per ounce (but the price goes up by $2.70 when the weight goes over the next whole pound.)

I have a few of the finer meshes left, and it seems less complicated to just mail those directly to the five people who might want them. I'll take that out of this thread and start another thread.

If "strangers" want some, I'll probably ask them to pay postage and materials. Everyone in this Robin has been plenty generous that they don't need to worry about re-imbursing the few bucks, but if you worry about it, we can work something out. (The mesh itself is $5-10 per square foot, so a 4" square or 6" square is just a buck or two. And I'm looking for an excuse to get another order from MSC, with their S&H charges.)

Since I found out that paypal only lets me recieve 5 personal payments per year if paid for by credit card, that seems useless! (Does anyone know how to use Paypal to recieve payments in a practical way without being a business?)


i did your payment as services, not personal. will that make a difference?

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Good question! If I find out, I'll mention it.

I thought the idea of paypal was wonderfull, but it seems you HAVE to play the game the way they want you to (like give them access to your checking account).

My theory is that, for 3% plus 30 cents per transaction, they MIGHT be a little flexible.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Mellen, are you getting the robin again near the end of her flight? Should I include a mailing label for you?


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

If it's not fine mesh like before, Corey, that's OK. I'll pass and use a left-over window screen a neighbor gave me. Pretty awkward doing a balancing act with it on my lap but it does work and has very fine mesh.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


8 mesh is very like 10 mesh. Before, the only finer meshes I put in were (I think) 16 and 30. You're welcome to some 30 mesh - it's too fine for me!

I'll see what I have at home, and I know I have some 16 mesh left over, but that is about the same as a kitchen strianer.

BTW - these sieves made from PVC pipe fittings are VERY handy! Just fill, nest, shake.

Here is Katlians blog entry for How-To make them. Just buy the parts and cut the screen.

It's a GREAT idea. You can make several of them, each with a different size mesh. They nest, and you can shake the whole stack at once.

The key part is a PVC "DWV Sewer & Drain Adapter".
"DWV" is the key word for the best shape. I found them at Home Depot for $2-3 each.
An end cap is very handy, if they have that also.
The 4" size lets you clean faster, but 3" fittings are also made.

The thread in the forum:
Saving Seeds: An inexpensive set of durable seed sorting sieves (Katlian)

(Post #8063729 tells how to order from MSC Direct)
Here is the MSC Direct link:

This message was edited Mar 8, 2011 9:34 PM

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Corey, I dont need one either so just leave me out. Thank you for thinking of us.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Corey, No, I am not at the end of the robin again. But thank you for the thought. :(


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening all well Dumb me i thought i had the list of conF# & For the life of me i sure cannot find them so i cannot tell you where the robin is it should land by tomorrow if not today :)

SO Please When you send the conf# to the next person please send it to me also ; if you will please .
well got company coming to visit with daddy so you all have a great evening back for coffee in the morning .
someone have the donuts ready :)

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