Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Carolyn, if you don't like collards or turnip greens, you definitely wouldn't like poke salat. Thanks much for the penstemon seeds :)

Athens, PA


glad they got there.

I have not had collard greens before, but I do love turnip greens!

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

We cook turnip greens with bacon fat!

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I cook my poke like MaMa Brooks did.
And of course I par boiled it and drained it 2st before it goes into my iron skillet to cook.
Lots of onion cut up and butter as my grease.

My uncle loved it with eggs but I didn't.
My favorite meal of MaMas was Poke,poke pickled stalks,pintos, home fries and pone corn bread and spring onions.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Whew! You all are making me hungry for some greens (collards, turnips or spinach) with jowl bacon and cornbread! Help me with "pone" corn bread??? Is that like pancakes or hotwater corn bread?

It's a shame that these green leafy veggies are good for us but I need/crave/want the fatty pork to eat with or really don't want it. LoL I'm learning to compromise by adding smoked turkey but I have to deal with the salt...

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Susie!!! Where are you? Better, I hope

When I was in Texas a month ago, I had collard greens for the first time. They had been fixed like spinach with the vinegar, etc. I loved the greens. Enough so that I bought a pack of seeds to grow them.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm Here MELLEN Just in & Out just put lunch on & Daddy wants a Pie for supper All i want to do is lay down under nice warm blankets but I guess go pop his pie in the oven maybe i can warm up :))) will check back later .

my 2nd husband was from Louisiana and was the best cook. his family reunions were so much fun. i learned all kinds of great recipes and still love to surprise people with something they totally do not expect from an new york italian. unfortunately poke greens was not one of them, so will have to learn. i dont cook much anymore since it is usually just me here, but this is gumbo weather and am making a big pot. gumbo and the robin on the way close to perfect

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Sherman, Louisiana....good place, good food. I should know, teehee.

i dont miss him but i sure miss the cooking !

THE ROBIN HAS LANDED !!! be back in a few days.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We know what you'll be doing the next few days, Karen.....deep seed diving! Really hope you find some to try in your butterfly gardens.

Anita, My Mom used to make Pone cornbread too. Best I remember she cooked it in the oven in a cast iron skillet. There was nothing like having a bowl of hot cornbread and milk, and a Spring onion on the side if they were in season. She also made hoecakes on a stove top burner and cooked hers low and slow so the bottom didn't burn. Help me out, Lavina. How do you cook your pones?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OH BOY, OH BOY...... only one person after Karen and it is MY turn. I have a bunch of packets for people I promised seed to. I need to look and see if anyone I have them for was ahead of me, and send them off if so.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

You have not had cornbread until you have had hot cornbread with milk or buttermilk!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

YUCK. Never could get a taste for that. My ex-grandmother use to eat it all the time, and she got my son started on it at a young age. My DH loves it and eats it anytime I make cornbread. I make mine a little sweet and just eat it with lots of melted 'real butter' on it. YUUUUUUUmmmmmmy!

I have been cleaning seed to put in the Robin when it gets to me. I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again ..... please forgive me all the chaff left in my seed. I get them as clean as I can, but it really hurts my thumbs. *arthur in them*. My zinnia's have a lot of extra stuff, so if you take some of them from the 'for all bag' .... shake it down some then reach to the bottom. They are a mixture of colors, which is the way I plant mine. I'll try to keep some colors seperate next year.

Thumbnail by Crit
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Crit, I love your zinnias! What's the name of the orange and yellow zinnias?

Athens, PA


love the zinnias. I am doing a whole bunch of zinnias this year.

The best cornbread I have ever had was in Gettysburg, PA. There is a restaurant with a buffet down there and their cornbread is like cake. It is sweet and the texture if fine, not course and the cornbread is white, not yellow.

I asked them for their recipe and they told me to add extra sugar - have not tried it yet and somehow I think there is more to it then that.

I'd go back in a heartbeat just for the cornbread!

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Wow, they must use the white cornmeal and extra flour and sugar.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

We have Cornbread & Milk Here about every sunday super that is dadys LAW He grew up that way & that is what he wants , & I put the leftover corn bread in the freezer & I Make a CORNBREAD Dressing for Pork steak, or pork chops or stuff chicken MMMMM Goood .

Crit we do not mind some chaff What I & Others would like is just not putting the Whole flower heads in the Robin. Break them down .

feeling better this morning so i guess i will try to get some house work done . so you all have a great
day , susie

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I'm sorry I don't know the names of the zinnia's. Several years ago I bought a pack of mixed zinnia seeds and now I save them every year. They are OP so may be getting some crosses now, don't know. Some of them got up to 6' tall where I had them. Of course, I watered them very well because I wanted them to grow up to be seen over my deck railing. It is a beautiful mix!

Thumbnail by Crit
Athens, PA


that is so gorgeous! Love the color. Did they all get to 6' tall?

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I agree, Carolyn..gorgeous color, Crit.

My GM made cornbread and milk for all of us but me - just never could eat it that way either. And it always was made in a cast-iron skillet. Everything she made, though, was made in a cast-iron pot/pan/skillet. She had an onion and a beer every afternoon with my great-grandmother when she got older and I remember how my mom just hated that -lol. GGM lived to be 3 weeks shy of 100 so I guess beer and onions agreed with her!

does anyone recognize these seeds? in robin with no label

Thumbnail by
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

NO, not all of them did, so they were lovely 'layers' of color. You can see that better in this pic.

Thumbnail by Crit
(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

The color is stunning! I'm going to be looking for those in the box stores. It reminds me of the orange and gold marigold but only more dramatic.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

They look like a crepe myrtle seed to me.

Athens, PA


gorgeous! Can I beg you for some seed?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sure Carolyn. I'll make you a baggie! I think (HOPE!) I have all the colors in the mix.

thanks, my seed obsession is so bad i just had to know. unfortunately i lost all my crepe myrtles in the frosts we had so cant even plant them.

Athens, PA

Oh Patti

Thank you!

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I realize this is off topic but I just must chime in to say that "proper" cornbread to be eaten with meals does not have sugar in it. cornmeal muffins to be eaten by themselves or with a cup of coffee can have sugar. Also, my mom made finer textured cornbread and my grandmother made coarse textured. Im always striving for the coarse texture my grandmother had. I liked the taste better. (OK, now Im piling on) Corn meal you buy nowadays is de-germinated meaning the germ plasm of the kernel has been removed because that is where the oil is. It really is just the corn dust left over from making corn oil. The flavor of anything is in the fat so the flavor has been removed. For cornbread to taste like "it used to", buy cornmeal that has not been degerminated. It is usually marketed under "stoneground". This is the South and yet my stores only carry one brand of the whole grain type. Hodgeson's Mill. The company address is Effingham, IL and they have a website with recipes. With all my Southern heart, Cam

you can get it here in calif. personally i like sugar in my corn bread, but i am not southern born.

Athens, PA

Cam- that is good to know. I will have to remember that.

Thank you.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

i don't remember those seeds being in the robin but they do look like a crepe myrtle I thought i checked all seed packs to be sure they were labled so maybe the lable dropped off at one of the stops :)

Hope your haven fun Karen

should i put a label on them?

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Susie, I do remember wondering what those seeds were, too, but I forgot to ask. I wish they grew in my zone. They are so beautiful.

Cam, great info. on cornbread. Hubs is a MO boy, and he LOVES his cornbread.

Athens, PA


I would label them.......

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes please do karen

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Crit, is that a Banana Tree in the back ground?

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

FOTV, received your seeds from the Robin today. Thanks so much. Happy Growing. Cam

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