Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

So sorry for you evelyn. Nettie on another thread lost her cat of 20 years a few days ago. I worry about that with my little dog who is 16 years old and went blind a few months ago. But we will see all of our pets again in heaven.

Thumbnail by Crit
Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Lavina, Ive not seen poke salad since I was a child. If anybody listening could send me some seeds, I'd like to grow some to cook and also to feed the birds with the berries. Look at my "have" list and I'll trade or send postage. Cam

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

can someone post a picture of poke salad ?
well i just put Dinner in the oven cornbeef N Cabbage with all the trimming :) Just for dear ole daddy :)
Now got to get some house work done Before i leave for bingo this afternoon so have a great day .
evelyn just dmail the conf # To Sherman99 when you get the Robin Packed Up tomorrow OK :)
ty a bunch

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

You are so good to DOD

this is the plant. if you google poke salat it will give you lots of info

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

have to have a crain to pull out the roots . i never tried to collect seeds to share for anyone because if something is invassive to me i will not share with others but if you all want it i will try to safe seeds for you next fall .
if i can figure how it is done .

we used it as ink or paint when we were young but i never new what the plant was called.
if i have babies i usually try to pull them out when they are young.
well you all have a great day

i have it planted along my creek bed where nothing else will grow. the birds love the berries. it does not do well in our heat.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

I've never heard it called poke salad; I had to look at Karen's link to see what it was. We've always called it pokeberry around here and my granny used to call it pokeweed. It's terribly invasive here too and I don't know of anyone here that would want it! :) It grows in the woods around my PIL's house. If someone else doesn't send you some, Cam, let me know in June and I can send you tons.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

We always had a lot of it around our house in Kansas. It was not something I wanted, and always pulled it out as soon as I could, but it always came back!

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I doubt it will last long here due to the heat but I'd like to try it as a winter crop. I could save the seed and plant it each year. Jana, my grandmother also called them Pokeberries. If someone wore too much lipstick or too bright, my GM would say they looked like a fox eating Pokeberries. Chuckle. I dont know where she came up with all the sayings she had. Cam

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

the Berries can really stain the cloths & body .
well I Bet Karen Will be out on her door steps this week :) Looks as the Robin will be back in the AIR TODAY
so within a day or two it will be there :))

I have much to do today so will be in & Out on the road this afternoon so you all have a great day .

my tent is pitched by my mailbox !!! (it is one of those boxes on a post out on the road)

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Cam, sounds like your GM and mine must've been friends! :) Mine was from down in a holler (hollow) near the Ky/Tenn border and just was full of old wives tales, superstitions, and full of funny sayings. She moved up to Ohio as a young woman and was the life of the party wherever she went. I sure do miss her.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Too funny Cam and Janae! Sounds like my GM who was from Alabama. She was just good at everything and they aren't made like that any more.

What is some of the wives tales? I bet they are true to this day!

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from deejay9 :

well I Bet Karen Will be out on her door steps this week :) Looks as the Robin will be back in the AIR TODAY so within a day or two it will be there :))

Hello, everyone! I will get it in the air today or tomorrow. I am feeding it so no one will get bored when they see the robin on their porch. Also, I printed up some lists for winter and spring sowings, so if you have never done it, they might be helpful. For more lists go to: If you want them, please make copies and put them back in the robin for all to see. Sorry I am taking so long. I don't have a fever now, but I did not sleep until 4AM this morning. Now, I will get back to work....


This message was edited Mar 21, 2011 12:00 PM

evelyn-hope you made it through the storm ok!! glad you are feeling better

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

All seeds promised to folks ahead of me in the flight path and to Maxine were mailed today except for yours, Cam. For whatever reason the page I printed was cut off so I'll get your seeds out this week. Check the 4th post at the top of the page. I went ahead and mailed yours, Mary, since I knew you were W/Sing.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks, FOTV.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

EVELYN So Funny you posted that site it was the 1st site i found when i first went online :) HHEE searching gardening sites & To show you how i started out this is my back yard that 1st year :) HEHE so funny . i had forgot about it till i saw my pictures i had posted :)

the cages were for my AFRICAN GREY DJ & i dug every inch of that pond myself :) oh what memories
thank you for sharing the site . sure hope you get to feeling better . SO THE Robin can fly soon , maybe you can order pick up online so you will not have to go out.
Just let us know ok .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You're very welcome, Cam. Did you want to check my list again before I mail your padded envy tomorrow?

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

No, FOTV. Im good, but thanks for asking. Cam

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from deejay9 :
EVELYN So Funny you posted that site it was the 1st site i found when i first went online :) HHEE searching gardening sites & To show you how i started out this is my back yard that 1st year :) HEHE so funny . i had forgot about it till i saw my pictures i had posted :)

the cages were for my AFRICAN GREY DJ & i dug every inch of that pond myself :) oh what memories
thank you for sharing the site . sure hope you get to feeling better. SO THE Robin can fly soon, maybe you can order pick up online so you will not have to go out. Just let us know ok.

Just taking a short break...I have a question...what is an AFRICAN GREY DJ?? If I stay up late tonight and if I finish, my DH will take it to the PO, but thanks. I have a slow landline and the last time I went on line for postage, I never got the label but was charged for it. Of course they took it right out of PayPal, but it took (I think) at least 2 or more weeks for me to get my refund. I am not going there again. Oh, BTW, will you please make another thread for this as it is getting a bit long? I am probably the only person here with a landline.....sigh!!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I was also up all night when i went through the Robin. Those are some potent seeds!


the only african gray i am familiar with is a parrot. very intelligent, great talkers.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

My grand mother was full blooded Cherokee Indian and she said if you ate 3 messes of Poke each spring you would never have arthritis. She didn't and died at 103. You have to make sure you cook it right and you can pickle the stalks, all of it is good. Just don't cook it after the plant starts to make berries. I love that stuff and would love to try and grow it from seeds ShermaN YOU HAVE GIVIN ME AN IDEA, JUST REMIND ME NOT TO FORGET to save seeds and try to plant them. In Alabama my aunt had a big farm and the cow pasture was full of it. I used to get it by the trash bag full and cook a whole day and put it in the freezer for winter. Grand mother also drank and made danderlion tea and a few other things.
Sitting here patiently waiting on the Bird.LOL Got a few things planted and fixin to plant more this week end

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

LaVina, I also had relatives that were so poor, that come spring they ate weeds of greens for their meals. Now we know that some weeds are very healthy for us.
Pesky things though.
Do you have any recipes that you have of your grandmothers?
Would love to try some. Don't know that I have ever seen "poke weed" growing in my area.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

EVELYN : Sorry your up at night with the seeds & Do hope your feeling better today , They say our weather is turning back to winter bummer . why do they say MARCH 0th is 1st day of spring think they better change the date & By ZONES .
Happy Gardening .

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Evelyn, That really is some robin, isn't it? I spent hours with it and loved every minute of it. Hope you are better soon.

Susie, I have heard something about cold temps. coming back, too. I think the milder weather we have had lately is spoiling us. Normally, we still get plenty of snow in March. I have finally been doing some WS but the temps have not been winter temps. Oh well, will see what happens. Just started raining with thunder.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

OK, everyone...the moment you have been waiting for....TA DAAAAHH!!!

≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈The robin took flight at 9:54AM! ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Karen, it won't be long now. Are you ready? (I wasn't! LOL!!)

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

LoL Has anyone started Oleander seeds?

I can't wait !!!!!!!!!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

oh but you have to its like crossing your legs :) with antisapation hehe

ty evelyn No One wants to give it up for there are so many to choose from .
MEllen they say possible freezing rain headed our way within the next 12 hrs it is raining now . but going down to 32.
not good.

This message was edited Mar 22, 2011 5:18 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Your seeds flew today, Cam.

Can't remember now how my mom used to season her Poke Salat, probably with fatback or bacon, and it was a delicious treat we ate fresh in Spring and also from our freezer in the Winter. Good memories, hadn't thought about eating it in years.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

I think some people cooked poke salad with scrambled eggs but I never had it that way. Most of our veggies were cooked with bacon or bacon drippings. I still like some things cooked that way better than any other or at least as well. When you think that a whole pot of green beans is cooked with possibly a tablespoon of fat, there cant be many grams per serving. I dont worry about it. My great grand parents lived to 99 and this grandmother lived to 102. They all ate this way. Of course, they all worked so hard they could easily have burned 4000 calories a day!

Athens, PA

I have never had poke salad and quite honestly it does not appeal to me. However, greenbeans cooked in bacon fat is awsome! I love bacon fat for cooking and drain off a small jar of it to keep in the fridge - 'just in case'....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sorry all but not feeling up to par this am not sure why but going to just rest with fluids today
will be back i i feel better.
think evelyn sent me a bug :)

hope you feel better!

Athens, PA

Oh Susie - hope you feel better soon....

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Get well soon Susie! With the comments you've made here, I imagine you as this little engine that never quits. How you have time to do things like the Robin amazes me with all the other responsibilities you have. Oh, well, they say if you want something done, give it to a busy person. Anyway, hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself. Cam

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from deejay9 :
sorry all but not feeling up to par this am not sure why but going to just rest with fluids today
will be back i i feel better.
think evelyn sent me a bug :)

Uh,, no, no! I might send you good wishes, seeds, or prayers, but no bugs! I don't wish my bugs on anyone!

Feel better soon!


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