Athens, PA

Susie - today is my Dad's birthday too. Please say happy birthday to your Dad.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I do try to find the humor in any situation. it helps to have a rather warped brain. Thank you all, kind people!

Maxine, here is the advantage to my being so disorganized and slow once I get behind. I still have 5 tiny pkts of mostly-early, mostly-indeterminate tomato seeds set aside for you, that got sidetracked during the Holiday rush.
(Early Kus Ali, Golden Rave, Early Cascade, Early Wonder & Bonny Best)

So I will send those along with:
- Pinto Beans
- straight 8 cucumbers.
- Cherokee trail of of tears beans.

No need for postage: so many people have been overwhelmingly generous to me with seeds that I'll be playing catch-up for years. (You-all know who you are!)

It's a pleasure to send them, I just hope the early tomatoes aren't too late for this year!


Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

does anyone have any calibrachoa seeds? I would like some if anyone has any extras.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Carolyn tell your Dad Happy Birthday, too!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy Happy Birthday to the Dads.....and many more!

Thank you, Maxine, for the envy of seeds :)

Corey, you keep us laughing at warp speed. I want whatever you've been sneaking in your coffee.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Me too, Fruit! I could use a db. shot of what ever he is using.

Susie, hope your Dad has a wonderful birthday and gets to enjoy another yr.


Thanks Corey for the seeds.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Yay..the robin's almost here! I'm so excited even though it has a few stops to make ahead of me.

Susie and Carolyn, hope your dads had a good birthday!

Corey - I agree with everyone as well. It's always fun to read what you have to say. :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I'm Glad it is over Now I Can Have my days back to me in btw MEALS :)

sorry CAROLYN22-------JAN 24 TH & MAXINE-------------JAN 25 TH
Guesses didn't win & Looks as Robin Is speeding up :)

well off to window shop for any new plants if anyone come accross some great deals Please share ok .

have a great day back later

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Good and bad news.

1st Robin arrived at my post office this morning (Good news)

2nd Bad weather here ....presently snowning .....only a few inches so far ... but suppose to snow until 1 am tomorrow .... reports of layers of ice under snow on roadways (grrrr)

3rd My mail is normally delivered late afternoon (they walk door to door here and deliver packages after they have completed route)

So I am not sure if I will receive the Robin today. I do not drive anymore when roads are snow covered or icy.

I am planning to deliver the Robin to NisiNJ myself ... she lives approximately 10 miles away ...we have exchange phone numbers and she has provided me with directions to her house.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

PLEASE REVIEW the following ... notify me ASAP if there are any ommisions

The following marked envy with the indicated seeds will be placed in the present Robin

Carolyn *** need to direct mail
Cerastium Snow in Summer
Foxglove 'Primrose Carousel' Digitalis purpurea

Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear

Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear (Helianthus annuus)
Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
Cocks Comb
Apple Mint
Chinese Forget Me Nots
Salvia lyrata Purple Knockout
Violet touch-me-not
Celosia Plumosa Dwarf YELLOW
Evening Primrose ‘Tina James”

Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear (Helianthus annuus)
Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
Cockscomb 'Amigo Mahogany Red' (Celosia argentea cristata)
Prunella 'Freelander Blue' (Prunella grand flora)
Celosia Plumosa Dwarf YELLOW

Nieko Blue Hydrangea
Orange trumpet vine

Prunella 'Freelander Blue'.
Osmin Basil
Blue Mirror Delphinium
Ageratum artist rose
Foxglove 'Primrose Carousel' Digitalis purpurea
Evening Primrose ‘Tina James”

janaestone (Di)
Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
Irish Eyes' sunflower
Bearded Bellflower (Campanula barbata)
Creeping thyme
Bird house gourd
Aster-Crego Giant Mixture
Amaryliss Stargazer

Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear (Helianthus annuus)
Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
Rose of Sharon 'Blue Bird' (Hibiscus syriacus)
Ornamental Pepper “Golden Nugget”

Maxine (end of 1st Robin)
Lamb's lettuce
Bell Pepper wonder
Ageratum artist rose
Evening Primrose “Tina James”
Cockscomb 'Amigo Mahogany Red' (Celosia argentea cristata)
Calendula - officinalis nana Apricot Twist
Agastache rugosum
Liatris, Blazingstar, Gayfeather
Ageratum rose
Emilia coccinea Scarlet Magic Tassle flower
Fushia touch-me-not
Evening Primrose

SHERMAN (Karen) azalea
SUNFLOWER (A variety)
Perennial Sweet Peas
Salvia lyrata Purple Knockout

Steady cam
Perennial sweet peas
Lemon Grass, East Indian
Apple Mint
Gysophila, baby's breath
Cerastium Snow in Summer

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Good possibility that I will receive the Robin later today ... latest report is that it left my post office and is out for delivery;

It is presently snowing heavy .... somewhat whiteout conditions ... over 3 new inches of snow .... forecast is for heavier snowfall after 7 pm ...very pretty ... I must take pictures.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Looking out my front door

Thumbnail by merrymath
Athens, PA


it is very pretty, but I really prefer my trees with lots of green leaves!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

You-all are very kind.

>> I want whatever you've been sneaking in your coffee.

I think it's that seed-head high. I received a swap recently, from another site. As soon as I opened it, I went on a binge - a real seed bender. As soon as I finished looking at one, I found another in my hand. I lost count!

When I looked up, it was after midnight and visions of seed packets danced in my head. Fortunately, I didn't need to drive home afterwards. I just stumbled to my bedroom and passed out.

I knew I had over-indulged, and yet, the next morning, I still couldn't put down the Baker Creek seed catalog.

Those things are addictive!


New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Corey, I understand "completely."

Mary, Looks perfect. Thank you so much. BTW, I still think snow is beautiful as long as I can look at it from inside. :)


Athens, PA


there aren't any 12 step programs for that yet ^_^

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)


No mail yet .... in a lull .... roads pretty clear ...same for sidewalks .... 4 to 5 inches fell ... major snowfall suppose to start about 7 pm (predicting 1 to 2 inches per hour) ... suppose to stop about 1 am.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

IT'S HERE!! ^_^

Arrived just now! I met the carrier at the door. The box is huge! ... I'll be back shortly to post a picture of the box.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I placed an empty 2 litre bottle in picture to give you all an idea of true size.

Now I off to investigate the contents ... wish me luck.


Thumbnail by merrymath
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Back in 2010, Nov. 6, I think it was around twice as big, if I wasn't hallucinating..

That's a big, wide "lazy man" recliner in the background.


This message was edited Jan 26, 2011 3:20 PM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

The dimensions of the box is 10.5" x 12" x 10".

I'm not too crazy about the organization of this Robin.

I preferred the way the last Robin was organized.

There are way too many bubble enys in this Robin ... I do not recall there being any bubble envies in the previous Robin.

Guess, I best start the task of reviewing the contents.


Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well we know what your going to be into tonight & Haven For BKF :)))) Hope everyone is staying in & Staying safe Nice & Cloudy here but no snow till tomorrow

well go get my dishes done then i can lay back for the day you all have a great evening .
Mary: Hope you find many goodies .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Actually, the current box is almost exactly the same volume as the original, just not as long.

23" x 8" x 7" = 1,288 cubic inches

10.5" x 12" x 10" = 1,260 cubic inches

My bad!


gee, i thought it was really organized. everything marked, labels printed, bags labeled, extra little bags for seeds, and enough seeds to send me into seedhead overdose. well, not really overdose, more like overwhelmed by the sheer number of packets. i dont think i came up for air for two days. it was my very first robin, and i was ever so happy with it. i cant wait for round two !!!!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That's the same box I packed the Robin in when it left here shortly after Christmas. I use digital scales and that box alone weighed 6 oz less than the previous one that was still in OK shape. As the Robin makes its rounds across the Country and it gets closer to home, it's bound to pick up more weight with earmarked envies for the next round. Some people used bubble envies to zip up their trades and others used paper envies.

Linda, including a large Ziploc bag with each person's name on it during the next round is a great idea. Another thought I had that might help hold down postage a little bit next time is for each of us to provide our own baggies. There was 1/2 pound of small plastic envies when I had the Robin. They're only $1 per hundred at Wally World in the craft department, and if that fails most of us already have snack size Ziplocs to use.

You know I'm not complaining at all, Susie, since I never could have ordered a pinch of this and a pinch of that and have so many new seeds to try for only the $12 postage I paid to put the Robin back in flight. Just putting my two cents worth in.

Edited to say: I did double check the list and everyone in line ahead of me had removed their envies, or I would have mailed them individually.

This message was edited Jan 26, 2011 9:01 PM

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Doing a fly by Hi before starting work. Glad to see its doing good.
GO away snow.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OH WOW....... and I thought the Robin I just mailed out was big! I was dreaming in seeds surrounded by little plastic baggies. What is going to happen when I receive this one. wooohooo Maybe WE will get a huge snowstorm and I will have to stay home and go through it. That happened on the last one. tee hee The night I got it we had freezing rain, sleet and a few inches of snow. I couldn't get to the highway so stayed home! LOL

I don't WANT a 12-step for being a seed head...... I LIKE IT!

Athens, PA


I have a pond..... dmail me if you would like as this is off topic. There is also the watergarden forum here on DG.


Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Does anyone here have ponds? I have a preformed pond and will be putting it in the ground (again) and need help deciding what kind of pump I need. At first we started out with a solar one and that didn't work too well. Everytime the sun went down the pump went off. I would appreciate the help . Thanks!


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Carolyn, nice pond! size?
Here is mine. I only have one as the preformed sprung a leak 2 yrs. ago and we filled the hole and I now have daffs, Jap. iris, and other perennial flowers planted there. No pictures as my health wasn't very good last yr. Had vertigo and am still suffering with it.


Thumbnail by Maxine
Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Thanks. I will dmail you. I couldn't find the watergarden forum. I will look again.


Athens, PA


the watergarden forum is

Maxine - my pond is just under 5000gallons, how about yours?

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

I don't know if it helped reduce the weight of the box, but I removed layers of tape and labels from the top of the box. It was getting to the point that I was afraid that my label and tape wouldn't stick properly.

The box could have been much smaller without all the padded envies stacked up. I think one ziplock with a name on it for private trades could have made things more compact. That is how it was handled in the last robin I was involved in.
That being said, I agree with FOTV. It would be hard to get all the seeds and pinches of this and that to try for this price!


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Grrrr .... I just lost my post ... it was fairly long .... gonna do it on a word processor file and save it ... then copy and post.

Please be prepared for me to VENT

By the way Susie ..... the prodical grandson has returned .... with 3 friends and a small tractor that has a plow.

FYI .... almost 17 inches of snow fell here in the last 24 hours. I was outside shoveling snow when my 22 yr old grandson returned .... gave him orders to shovel the back deck from door to steps .... clear the steps and shovel a path to my detached garage (50+ feet away). That is where I prepare my winter sowing jugs .... and it is heated by a small electric heater so my growing medium is not frozen.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I agree that the Robin is a wonderful, abundant, thrilling and incredibly great blessing to participate in. All thanks to Susie and to every generous contributer!


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

When I said be prepared for me to vent .... it was not in regards to my grandson .... it was about the organization of the present Robin.

it is all well and good to vent, but for what reason? you were allowed to participate in something wonderful. isnt that sort of looking a gift horse in the mouth. just a suggestion-but maybe constructive suggestions for improvement rather than venting would be more appropriate. if i am out of line sorry, but i love this robin !!!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm so fatigued; I am scared to touch anything in fear of messing something up ... I think all that snow shoveling took a toll.

But I wanted to inform Jennifer what a nice job she did in packaging and labeling her seeds. I did take one ofthe small packs of Tiger melon seeds ... considering growing on a trellis.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM All Another day Closer to Spring :) Haven't had Quite enough coffee yet to get my brain awake :)
this is my 1st cup .

As for the Robin it has 4 more stops so lets just enjoy what is in it at this point .

well i have a few things to get done this morning so you all have a great weekend .

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I knocked out early last evening …. Woke up in the middle of the night and continued to review the Robin. Just finished my review shortly before 9 am. I still need to place labels on a few packs requested by others and I want to recheck each of my envies for them to make sure I did not omit anything.

Four out five of the individual bags containing “Seeds for ALL to SHARE” from the five participants right before me in this Robin’s were a pleasure for me to review.

I think I spent more time in organizing some of the Robin’s contents (seed envy with names identified for others and the contents of one participant’s baggie’s contents …. Used an entire box of snack zip baggies in doing so) than the time I spent looking up on the internet info for some seeds.

If it were NOT for all the seed pods in the Robin the contents could fit inside a flat rate box.

I did manage to reduce the required space of the special envy for others by at least 40 to 50 percent.

I am posting 3 pictures.

1st …. Plastic shopping bag containing all the special envies for others

Thumbnail by merrymath

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