Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

From the other direction

Thumbnail by Crit
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

1st ... I will be post a slew of pictures of the Robin's content before I repacked it. Good luck Denise in your repacking endeavors're gonna say "How did she manage to fit all those seeds inside this box.

A suggestion to help you ... if you have quart size zip baggies to replace all the gallon size whose contents can fit inside a quart bag will save a lot of grief. The only quart and gallon baggies I have are the expensive vacumn ones and miss frugal was not about to use them. And I was not about to venture out on treatorous roads to purchase some.

The streets around Denise were a challenge to navigate ... lots of thick ice covered surfaces. To make matters worse, when I left Denise's, I was almost to the main highway and encountered a detour that led to an even more challenging driving experience ... I was traveling at the great rate of 5 mi/hr ... praying to find my way back to the main highway.

Linda, it was the packs written in cursive that made me decide to not even consider reorganizing the ROBIN into caregories. I am not that knowledgeable ... but I do know a lot more now then I did 6 months ago. Back then I was ignorant regarding many of the common names ... had no idea what a rudbeckia was (thought they were talking about veggies).

If you write Helianthus annus for the ID ... seriously doubt if I'm going to remember it is sunflower unless sunflower is written on the same label.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Butterfly on orange one

Thumbnail by Crit
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Zinnia seeds ... there is a large quanity in DJ's bag .... don't recall exactly what ... but noted it when I took pictures this morning.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I agree MM. All I know are common names, have no idea on the Horticultural names. I like to keep things simple.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Crit ... that's a winner! Truely awesome.

I did not take any zinnia seeds ... Corey sent me some ... I'm a gonna try a few again Corey ... but those #@?^! slugs devour them ... and my marigolds also ... only way for any success is in planters

I am planning on having some sort of water garden .. I want frogs ... frogs eat slugs .... and I want fat happy frogs that crave slugs.

I was considering visit my daughter in Maple Shade after delivering the Robin to Denise ... glad I scratched that idea ... parking there is a problem without snow ... so with snow it has to be a nightmare ... and boy do we have snow ...more forcasted for Mon evening.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Robin all backed and ready for delivery

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

a different view ... its inside the empty box it came in

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Important envelop ... contains info regarding who to send next to and pre-printed address label

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Some of the individualized bags containing a variety of To share with ALL

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

A different group of indivdual for to share with ALL

I found more treasures for myself in the sanwich size pack baggies that contained individualized packets for individuals to take.

If you notice one of the individual portion bags with a smaller quanity than the others ... well Miss Frugal took a smitten out (thanks Corey for those little baggies ^_^ .. I ran out and could not remember where I placed the box I had recently purchase)

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

This is what is left of the small baggies when I gave it to Denise ... I used about 20

Thumbnail by merrymath
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I did not take any zinnia seeds ... Corey sent me some ... I'm a gonna try a few again Corey ... but those #@?^! slugs devour them ... and my marigolds also ... only way for any success is in planters
Have you tried sprinkling epsom salts around the plants to keep the slugs out? Salt kills them

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

All those baggies in a sanwich zip baggie .... not gonna require much room in Robin.

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Crit .. I have tried epson salt (which is not a salt), crushed egg shells, coffee grounds, and oatmeal .. also a commercial product but forgot the name .... I am hoping frogs will do the trick.

Here's my little baggie of FOR ALL TO SHARE ... grrr ... I forgot my For All to Share label.

I hope Denise will do it for me .... pretty please Denise

This is what my little baggie contained

Orange trumpet vine (6 pkgs)
Petunia (wave) Mystic Pink (5 pkgs)
Oriental Lily (NOID) (3 pkgs)
Asiatic Lily (NOID) (7 pkgs)
Vinca (NOID) (5 pkgs)
Prince Charles Clematis (5 pkgs)
French Marigold/Durango (4 pkgs)
Amaryllis Stargazer (1 pkg)
Apple Mint (1 pkg)
Agastachi Licorice (1 pkg)
Ageratum Artist Rose (4 pkg)
Bearded Bellflower (8 pkg)
Blazing Star Liatris (4 pkg)
Celosia-Plumosa Dwarf yellow (1 pkg)
Blue Bird Rose of Sharon (5 pkg)
Chinese Forget Me Not (2 pkg)
Delphinium Blue Mirror (5 pkg)
Dill, Mammoth Long Island (1 pkg)
Emilia Coccinea Scarlett Magic (2 pkg)
French Marigolg/Durango (4 pkg)
Ornamental Pepper (2 pkg)
Salvia/Blue Chiquita (1 pkg)
Salvia/Purple Knockout (1 pkg)

This message was edited Feb 11, 2011 6:14 PM

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

bags containing envelops marked for others .... envelops for 2nd time around in larger bag ... smaller bags are for the last 4 participants in round one.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

opps here's the picture

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

All the special marked envys in this bag ... this is where you should go 1st .... review what you have received before investigating the other bags ...

Unfortunately, I did not do this ... sure wish I had

I think I was trying to figure out how this Robin was organized ... Last one was in categories ...perrenials, veggies, vines, tropicals, annuals etc.

For me having it in categories was easier on my brain ... less demanding on recall

There are some tropical seeds in this ROBIN

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Contents of DJ's bag

Upper right hand corner, next to packs with pics of yellow flowers is the bag of zinnia seeds

This message was edited Jan 29, 2011 2:39 PM

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I located this one lone pack from Corey inside DJ's large bag.

Very nicely done. I am impress.

This message was edited Jan 29, 2011 2:43 PM

Thumbnail by merrymath
(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Corey, thanks in advance for the seeds!

NisiNJ - I appreciate it but Carolyn wanted some as well so if there's any left she can have them as Corey is going to send some to me in the second round.

You guys are great - thanks to all!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have loads of frogs!!! Can't manage to keep them from getting in my pool. I am forever snatching those little rascals out in a net. Maybe that's why I don't see slugs here .... happy frogs. lol

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Crit, I'm very jealous ..I covet your frogs.

Denise, look outside. It's snowing again!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Wish I could package them up and send to you!!!

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

The dollar general just got in alot of cute things..ladybugs..frogs..windchimes. Sometimes its not a good thing that I work there! They take all my money right back!!! =D


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

lol .... they see me coming!

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

Well, good, garsh, darn, not hard to figure out where "stuff" went.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

DJ ... I just found out that one of the best commercially packed seeds are the Lake Valley seeds.

They are not pre-treated.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Here's what I did to find out exactly what some of the flowers were that I'm not familiar with. Put the name in a Google search and most of the time, a link came up from Dave's. There is tons of information on plants right here at Dave's. You can also go to "Guides and Information" here at Dave' s and then go to "Plant Files" and then click on the green bar to put in the name of the plant, Latin name or common name works too, and up comes a page of info, including pictures of some plants. That is where I got the zone info and sun info that I put on my labels.

I have lots of perennials and not a lot of room. That is why I'm looking for specific varieties and why I asked for specific seeds from some of the Robin members. I do love all zinnias, but this year, I wanted to grow more disease resistant varieties - mildew resisitant. That means that a bag marked as mixed zinnias doesn't do me much good. And I'm interested in growing only shorter varieties of marigolds that I can put in a large mixed pot. So, mixed marigolds of different heights don't help me either. This is why I think it's important to accurately mark seeds so the Robin member can make intelligent choices as to which seeds they would like to try.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Linda, I think approximate height esp for flowers is very helpful in deciding if and where we want to plant something.
I am going to try to remember that the next time I print labels ...If I make the print smaller, I can fit more lines ...and more info.

Flower selection criteria for me ... 1st does the flower have visable appeal for me
So I like to see a picture on the label .... esp for plants I have never grown

2nd ...its height ... can I incorporate it into my landscape

3rd ... sun requirements ... which local in my garden works best for the plant .... and if I would want such a plant in that location.

hardiness zone is my last consideration It would be nice if all the flowers that I like were perrenials ... but alas, that will never be.

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Quote from merrymath :
Here's my little baggie of FOR ALL TO SHARE ... grrr ... I forgot my For All to Share label.

I hope Denise will do it for me .... pretty please Denise


Just starting to go through Robin now. Hope to send it on its way Monday. Especially since my husband heard that there will be more snow Tuesday. Tired of looking out window and seeing white. Can't wait for green.

Athens, PA

I am sick of seeing white too - cannot wait to see the green myself.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Thank you, and you're welcome, everyone.

Thanks, Mary. When I looked up plants to see how to handle them, I usually typed a short form of that info onto the seed packets. My handwriting is AWFUL, so even if the laser print is only 10 points or even 8 points tall, it's easier to read tan my scrawl.

The part I'm proud of is lining up "tables" on alternate pages so that I can print double sided labels!

It may be obsessive, but it's fun for me. Some year I hope I'll be showing off more ability to germinate and grow out plants, instead of just printing labels!


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Corey, I for one could use your expertise on how to use my printer for some thing other than printing ordinary things.

We are under a winter storm watch here, so my DH will be happy as he loves to plow snow with his blower that takes 6' at a time with him inside. It is an industrial model.

Boy, can hardly wait. Only 2 more people before me!!!WHOOOPPPPEEE

Then dishes, floors swept, clothes washed, nothing will get done other than going thru the seeds. Forgot to say, will be taking food already prepared out of the freezer. I do believe in being prepared!!
Thanks in advance for all the seeds that people so graciously shared with me. I will have lots of seeds to include, but you are out of luck if you think I am going to print out pics and include them in each pac. You are on your own. I am ducking in case you wish to throw some thing at me?


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Corey I Just wish I Could get my printer to work I Have to reprogram it every time i want to use it or it tells my It is working off line or please go online . DUH

Hope everyone haven a great day planned I maybe going to BINGO :) . But will check in when i get home :)

sorry these guesses didn't win
CAROLYN22-------JAN 24 TH
MAXINE-------------JAN 25 TH
DMTOM-------------JAN 28 TH

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Yay!! I'm next, I'm next! Almost here - I am so excited!!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Denise, if you're wondering why I gave you the box that housed the Robin upon its arrival to my abode, it because to I compressed almost all the air out as I packed the Robin to hand over to you. Each time I added a few items to the Robin, I pressed down on its contents to remove air that had returned (I think some of the zip baggies have developed pin holes that allows air to creep back in).

I like to have 2 boxes when I review the Robin .... one for baggies I have reviewed and the other for those still to be reviewed.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Am I after Janae? Is it finally goin to be right next door?

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Yep,'re right after me then it goes to Maxine then home to Susie. Are you excited? LOL

This message was edited Jan 30, 2011 5:43 PM

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Logged onto computer to look up info on a few of my new seed acquisitions ... so had to report the following

I was impressed with Corey's packet ... but the packet of Pansy seeds from Denise was even better.

Way to go Corey and Denise ... you two have set a standard I will strive to achieve .... it may take me some time but I'll be a trying


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