(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes Janae< I am extremely excited. I will still have time to do some winter sowing.

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

DJ Time for a new thread .... this one is getting too long.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday, igrowinpa, and hope you aren't too snowbound. Since I haven't seen you post on the new page, I thought this one would still be on your radar.

Sorry to post on a closed thread, Susie, but couldn't let the day pass without sending her B-day wish.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

NOt a problem I Didn't know about the B-birthday Happy Belated Birthday IG :)

Athens, PA


Happy Birthday!

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I appreciate the birthday wishes. We didn't do anything much due to the bad weather. I made a pot of cream of potato/cheese/broccoli/cauliflower soup and baked my own birthday cake. We will be meeting both daughters and their families for a dinner out on Friday night.

My youngest called to wish me a happy birthday, and she asked if I felt a year smarter. I told her absolutely NO!


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> she asked if I felt a year smarter.

I decided, once I reached 50, that from that point forward, I would rather become one year YOUNGER each birthday.

I didn't realize that meant I would be getter dumber also!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I Don't concider myself Dumber But I would agree alittle more crazy & Out of control with Gardening.
But when you look back to See all these STARS OUT There Richer then Myself & What they are doing to their Life.
Just shows me I'm Not that bad :))) .

OH My Looks As the BIRDIE Is Going to Land Today :))) Di Are You All Plowed OUT :)))
We are still Snowed in here Not sure why the guy has not been here to plow us out when the road is plowed.
but going to call him soon.

well off to fed my critters back later

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Finally! Yep, I'm ready to go and get the mail when Speedy arrives here with the robin. We were on the very southern end of the storm and only received flurries and 3/8 inch of ice. School is back in today and the sun is shining nice and bright here right now.

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I am getting excited as if Christmas is in a few days and I'm getting somehting special for Christmas. LoL

Susie, I agree with you. I am getting sillier with my gardening (as far as spending) as I get older. Before long, my entire yard will be a garden. right now I'm just working on the perimeters. LoL

Does anyone here shop at Kmart? We only have one here in town. I went there yeaterday and they had beautiful Peony (bareroots or bulbs) but they were all sold out! I could not believe it and they were on sale!!!! I think thye were under $5 and there was a red double bloom that caught my eye. I will have to hit up Lowes, Menards and Home Depot now. LoL I may be able to find more good deals, as if I need any more flowers!

Athens, PA


I am surprised they were selling peonies now.....

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ANITA: I Will Have DBL RED< BLACK < PURPLE, PINK Poppies & I will send you some seeds as soon as they get here . I Have the DBL RED PINK HERE Now . But have The black & Purple & Also White DBL Coming Soon . Be happy to share with you.

well still not plowed out the guy who was to do it says my drive is to narrow for his plow & his plow was not
up to handling our long drive & amount of snow that we have .
another guy wanted $125. to plow it out So I just said forget it I'm Sure it will melt by spring I have plenty of food & heat ,

Anita let me know if you would like some of the seeds .

Athens, PA

NISiNJ - Happy birthday!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

NISiNJ - Happy birthday! to you can't carry a tune Here :(

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Susie I would love the Dbl red, purple, and white. I'll pass on the pink. where did you find the seeds? Are these the Peopny Poppy or just Peony seeds? If they are the Peony Poppy, I ordered those by mistake so I have some. I was so disappointed that those were annuals. Very pretty blooms!

Carolyn, I have never seen anything other than Peony bushes sold in the stores. I couldn't figure out it was being sold as a small start or what. Every single Peony was sold out! there were on display with the Dahlia tubers.

Athens, PA

Anita - I am just surprised. Our dahlia tubers are not in the stores yet either....

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm not sure if it was an oops but I couldn't even check out the Dahlias I was so disappointed and shocked by the Peonies.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

sorry anita I have the peony poppies Not peonies & & My Pink & Reds Dbl peony poppies Are mixed
I have not been out to check our stores we just got plowed out about 1/2 hr ago :))
off to go clean up the dishes then my time to sit back .
have a great evening to all

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

this forum is closed we have chat on pt 6

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)


I'm geting closer to mailing out some pending trades, yours among them.

However, I just remembered this:

>> Corey, what can I send you for your little one to plant? Or aren't you teaching them to grow things?

Unless you know something I don't, I have no children! If I'm mistaken, please break it to me gently.

Mr. Toby, the cat who owns me, disdains to garden. He prefers that food be brought to him, when he's in the mood, for his approval.

I forget if you have excess lettuce seed just hanging around, but if you happen to, you might put a little into the RR box for me to find in the second round. Any lettuce will do - I just recently realized that I might be able to lure slugs away from delphiniums by giving them something even tastier. They didn't seem to like Chard very much, and Bok Choy was not as appealing as Delphiniums to them.

(Wickedly) I'm planning to put small, vented plastic soda bottles over at-risk seedlings. Hopefully the slugs won't smell them in there, and won't be able to climb the plastic if they do. And if they DO get in, they won't be able to climb the reverse-curve to get back out! Bwaaah-hah-hah-hah-HAH! Sic semper slugs!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

they say slugs & LUSHES & Love Beer So Try Filling your vented plastic soda bottles for them .

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Had to share a picture of our new family member. This is Bowzer. He is a Rat Terrier and 6 months old. My little blind Pistol 'tolerates' him somewhat, but Polly has someone to play with again.

Thumbnail by Crit
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

very cute

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks.... we think so! They are such good dogs! Good micers and snakers too.

Thumbnail by Crit
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> they say slugs & LUSHES & Love Beer So Try Filling your vented plastic soda bottles for them .

Well, I don't want to attract slugs directly TO my seedlings.

Last night, as I cut the bottoms off small plastic bottles, I saved the larger bottoms for "slug saucers". I set them out with really cheap beer or beer-like malt-beverage.

I already caught a couple dozen boozing slugs! Take that!

I've already started trying to "psych out" those slugs, placing saucers of beer AWAY from plamts I wnat to protect, but not so far away that they won't smell the beer. (If my experience with my cat and squirrels teaches me anything, it is that I might have a hard time out-smarting mollusks. We'll see!)

The beer itself is SO cheap and awfull that I'm not even tempted after the first taste-test. Of course, I have some nice, hoppy IPA and ales in stock at all times.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

won't be long & Your slug Party will be carried over from your neighbors yard :) HEHE

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Susie, I am fairly new to seed collecting and cleaning. I know that other Robin participants are in the same boat.

I strived to clean seeds to the best of my ability. Most of my packs were small ... but IMHO contained fairly clean seeds with minimal chaff. I was not successfull in harvesting some seed pods.

What was most challenging was identifying the actual seed from some of the chaff.

While listening (spent more time listening than watching) the superbowl, I spent time cleaning seeds that I obtained in the robin. In the picture are the seeds I was able to obtained from a 2x3 baggie stuffed with sage (salvia). pods + stems.

What a waste of space. I could have added some different varities of salvia, but did not because they were still in pods on stems.

Note: That is a dime in the picture!

Thumbnail by merrymath
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes now we know why some seeds cost us so much for they have to pay someone to clean those seeds .
all i ask is that everyone will try to clean the best they can .

If you have seeds that someone whats really bad & you cannot get them clean then tell that person & maybe work out to send 2-3 small pods . from now on we will list type of seed pods & If someone wants them there will be a limit as to what is sent.

dose that sound fair ???

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> Your slug Party will be carried over from your neighbors yard

I know, I know. As I put out my first few beer saucers, I could hear slugs all over the neighbrohood calling to each other: "Hey Dudes! Party at Corey's place! Just bring your own slime, he's got beer."

I also read that they can lay up to 6 batches of eggs per year, that might hatch and mature over a two-year period.

So it's a Forever War.


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

maybe you might get luck & they will get to DRUNK TO MATE :)

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> to DRUNK TO MATE :)

I guess that's a humane strategy. However, wouldn't it work the other way? Like, by lowering inhibitions? I think I would have get pretty bombed before I'd want to make moves on a SLUG. Yuckk.

Besides, can sligs get cirrhosis ?

Instead of "kill them with kindness" ... "kill them with Guiness".


Athens, PA


You could always not take their keys at at door and see what happens......

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

slugs have Keys ???

Athens, PA

they drink...... I say let them drive.

New Providence, IA(Zone 5a)

And they can crash into the other slugs on the way to the party. Double duty.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

>> too DRUNK TO MATE :)
>> not take their keys
>> they drink... I say let them drive.
>> And they can crash into the other slugs on the way to the party. Double duty.

That explains all the intersecting slime trails with skid marks and broken glasss. Drunk slugs driving home.

I used to live on a tight corner with long straight runs in either direction, speed limit theoretically something like 25 MPH. Weekend nights were prime time for doubling that, leaving deep skid marks in our lawn and knocking down and flattening the mailbox.

Then my parents got smart and had me haul just enough stones to build a very LOW stone wall on that corner .

That way, we didn't destroy anyone's car or mash their drunk head through their windshield. But it protected the mailbox!

And we caught a fair number of low-slung cars that way.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Corey ..... and to all of you others too. What a conversation .... slugs, and drunk slugs at that. Makes me smile!!!!

Do you remember the song 'Here we go again? Well ............ here it is. We have passed the record of snowfall that had held since the 1920's. I know it isn't a drop in the bucket to you folks in some of the northern states, but we are at 26" of snow for the year already. Our normal is something like 9". Off from work again. The piles and ruts that were around from last weeks blizzard are covered up. Can't even see where they were! Sheesh. Have a couple pictures to share.

Skating rink still open.

Thumbnail by Crit
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Glad I have more than 1 door to my house!

Thumbnail by Crit
Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Crit

I know what you mean about horrible, unbearable weather!

Why, just this morning, not only did my breath fog up in front of my face, we had FROST!
Partly-frozen soil!


I think this brutal winter is slowing down the bulbs that have emerged!


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