Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

2nd … All the contents of that bag …. Note one of the bubble wraps was completely empty

Thumbnail by merrymath
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

3rd … All the special envies for others in a gallon zip baggie.

I am going to take a nap before trying to finish prepping the Robin for delivery to NisiNJ.

Thumbnail by merrymath
Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

merrymath, could you let us know what specifically Jennifer did in labeling her seeds that made it special? This is a learning experience for all of us.

The last seed robin I was in required us to put the name of the seed, which cultivar it was unless it was unknown, what perennial zone it was hardy in, sun requirements, year of collection, and our Dave's Garden name. I did that on mine. Was there something else you were looking for?


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Linda, you did a great job! Yes, this is indeed a learning experience. I think as Robin participants we should all practice Do unto others as you would want done unto you. I truely believe all those who were/are participating for the first time strived to adhere. Unfortunately, for many the Robin ended up not being organized as it was the last time. I was not prepared for its present organization. I am going to post more pictures of this Robin.

Including a seed pod in an envy reserved for someone is OK .... but a large bag filled with seed pods is not abiding by the set guidelines.

Apparently someone forgot to return the samples of mesh screening from Corey to the Robin. I can understand forgeting ... but that participant had to realize it later and should have reported the blunder.

Corey IMHO has gone overboard to make this Robin really great. I know he included large bag(s) of Zinnea seeds for all to have an ample helping. But alas, many did not have the opportunity to partake of a measley few.

Linda ... did you get to see his mesh screening? What seeds from Corey do you recall seeing? I found one small packet inside DeeJay's original bag for all. I know how generous he is and a red light went off.

At one point yesterday, I decided to discontinue participating in future seed Robins. Today, I reconsidered ... I do want to share my seeds .... so I will give it one more go and see what happens .... seems that a monitoring system might bee advisable.


oh boy, i hope i am not the one that put in the seed pods. i only had a few kinds of seeds, but lots of those seeds, datura, nicotiana, lilac cosmos, yucca and safflower, so i put large baggies full of them into a gallon baggie. the gallon bag was full with just these and i hate to admit it but there were some seed pods in the nicotiana (really small ones) and the cosmos had some chaff. so sorry. i did not put seeds in individual bags, just figured people could take what they want. hopefully if this was not okay someone will tell me, please. i had such a good time with this robin i dont want to do anything wrong. next time should i do individual seed pkts instead of one big one? please advise

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for giving the feedback, Mary. Now that you mention it, I don't remember seeing zinnia seeds from Corey. I would have noticed them because I was interested in zinnia seeds. I did get one variety directly from another Robin member, but do not remember seeing large numbers of them to look through.

I didn't remember seeing the mesh screening either.

Opening the box was over-whelming to me. There was stuff everywhere. I wasn't prepared for the numbers of padded envies there marked for members - I had to look at every one to see if anything was in there for me. I had lost count of who was putting things directly in there for me! Getting old I guess!!! I too removed at least one empty padded envy.

I too want to participate in future seed robins. I enjoy sharing and also enjoy looking at what is in there.

I was surprised as to how little there was in veggies. Nothing was there that I was interested in growing. We have a very small veggie garden, so we don't grow melons or anything that takes up a lot of room.

Thanks for the input, Mary.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

See DeeJay,

There are participants interested in veggie seeds .... so if I again have the opportunity to purchase all those nice quality veggie packs of seeds at the same discount ... I'm a stocking up.

Poor DeeJay .... receiving complaints (too many) ... and she puts in considerable time and effort to make the Robin an awesome experience for all of us.

So can we all make viable suggestions in regards to our concerns.

I believe the 2nd time around Robin will have to be composed of individualize bags of seeds to share ... to reorganize it into categories would be an extremely time consuming and overwhelming task that I would not wish on anyone ...esp DJ.

I suggest we all refrain from including pod fill bags and that when this Robin returns to DJ she removes them.

By the way, I just spoken with NisiNJ, I plan to leave my residence around 9:30 to 10:00 am (will call to say I'm on my way to make the 10 mile drive to her abode.

I informed her that the contents of the present Robin could all be squeezed into this box¤tPage=0&sort=&viewAll=Y&rn=CategoriesDisplay&


Athens, PA


I wondered about the screens from Corey too, nor did I see zinnia seeds from Corey. I too was wondering, particularly as I was looking forward to some of the zinnia seeds as well. Not sure what happened.....

I don't want to complain, because at the same time, I thoroughly enjoyed the robin and I think that Susie has done a fantastic job.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

It would be interesting to have someone post who remembers seeing the screening and zinnea seeds from Corey.

It is in the best interest of the Robin, if when you receive the Robin if you think something is missing to D-mail DJ. That is what I did. When I realized her phone number is listed with other Robin information, I telephoned her.

And DeeJay, I for one would appreciate if you would inform us of any general complaint ....

Complaints such as I made .... all those bags filled with pods ... general organization .... missing items (such as the screening) .... postage expenses (not something I am concern about and surprise at some who complained), etc.

If you share the complaints, no matter what they are, without mentioning names you can get our input

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Those little pieces of screen? Is that what you're talking about? They were in there when the robin came to my house. I picked out a couple baggies of zinnia seeds but they were from poisondartfrog. Corey did set aside some for me. I didn't really see any from Corey in there now that you mention it.


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Maybe the many big BIG bags of seeds encouraged people to dip deep into my smaller bags, early in the Robin, and they ran out.

I still have some left from several varieties, so how about if anyone who is still interested in commercial Zinnia varieties, let me know, and I'll circulate the remaining seeds around to you? And I'll put some into Round Two. It seemed as if Benary Giant was the most popular variety, and red the preferred color. (What I have most of left are Lilliput Mix, Cut and Come Agian Mix, and Gem Orange.)

So far I've noticed Linda, Mary and Carolyn possibly interested.

(P.S. Many other people have been MUCH more generous than I've been able to be. Susie and LazLo in particular were heroically generous when the Robin first took flight, and if I ever get past issues like mold and lack of pollinators, I would love to be as generous as they were!)

As long as someone is getting use out of them, it's OK if someone kept some of the screens. I'll put another set into Round Two, and/or the Zinnia sub-Robin. That will be just a light bubble mailer, cheap postage. I think I still have a spare of each mesh size, but I know I have the (kind of useless) 30 mesh left over.

My plan was that, after seeing them, if there's interest in certain mesh sizes, I'll order more and share. My guess right now is that a few sizes in the 6-8-10-12-14 range are best for big seeds. (Kitchen strainers seem to be around 16-18 mesh.) I was thinking of getting something like 8 and 12, or 8 and 14.

Maybe someone working with small seeds would be interested in 22 or 24 mesh. The weak and floppy fine meshes kind of need some heavier mesh to support them, but that could be cheap 1/4" hardware cloth as easily as more expensive stuff.

The 4" diameter "sewer pipe adapters" make great nesting seives.

P.S. I found some "Danesco" stainless steel measuring spoons, set of three: 1/8th, 1/16th and 1/32nd tsp. $6 per set from Amazon or (chuckle) $3.50 plus $9.64 S&H from someone else. Amazon would give free shipping if we got an order over $25. Is anyone interested in a co-op buy?


the screens were in the box when i had it, and the zinnias also, but i think i was right after corey. and, come to think of it, there was a big bag of just vegetable seeds. I remember it because it was the only one i didnt go through that was for everyone cause i was not looking for veggies.

This message was edited Jan 28, 2011 2:09 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

I Appreciate it when I Can get input on the robins . & I try my best to make things right but it is not always easy to please everyone .

I Also Believe I Had Put a Quart size baggie of Mixed ZINNIA's In my Mixture along with a quart size baggie of
Marigolds , also had many 2x3 baggies full of seeds where even if you take out out a TBLS There was Much to go around But I Here some were Taken the Whole baggie So many others did not get any of them so you see
this is called greed & So unfair to other Players .

But as Mary said the Biggest NO NO To these Robins are SEED PODS .Some chaff Is not a problem if you cannot get them completely clean we do understand.

as for MELON SEEDS, Squash < ECT Please Put 10-15 seeds to a Baggie & put in No more then 5 pk .unless you do a pretrade this is fine .

most of the comments was about paying the extra postage for the pretraded seeds . & I look at it as
there is not that much extra for themwhen there is all the other variety of seeds to sort through.
Many of the baggies had a 1000 seeds & yet some took the whole baggie & Not just a few seeds this is another
comment & Concerns .

So with that said what is your view on how we can make this better ?

we have one or two that maybe dropping out of round 2 but i have a friend from another garden site & She also is a DG member & I Have ask her to join us for it will also help on the postage you will see in a day or so waiting on an email & I will post it on the 2nd time around forum .

well time to go set super on will try to get back later .

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I saw the huge (quart?) bags of very clean seeds, and many other large bags of seeds that I thought would have been plenty to go around to 20 people and still have left-overs.

Also I saw the big bag of vegetable seeds, I think many left over from the spring Robin?

Lots and LOTS of seeds from LazLo even though he came after me in the flight path - both quantity and variety.

NisiNj and PoisonDartFrog also pre-stuffed the robin with lots of great seeds.

(Next time, I should volunteer to be near the end, not at the beginning!)


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Im sorry that anyone has had a problem with the RR. Susie (and everyone who contributes) puts great effort into harvesting, cleaning and organizing seeds for the RR. I may have added some seeds that had some chaf but I did try to clean to the best of my ability however there may be participants who have limitations or disablilties that may not allow them to thoroughly clean chaf. I don't mind seed pods, however, Susie did ask that no seeds pods are put into the RR. I love swapping seeds. I'm sorry that people are not honest and considerate. I think Susie enjoys sharing her seeds with others. She is extremely generous. So let's come up with a game plan to keep this going. You all are a great bunch of people and this RR brought us together. I would like to continue to interact with you all. I would hate to stop this RR because of a couple of dishonest inconsiderate people. I will do whatever is needed to continue with this robin on a positive note. I may be guitly of including the bubble envies because I mailed seeds in those envelopes. I didn't realize at that time it would cause a problem, for that I apologize. What can we do to make this a pleasurable experience for everyone?

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Corey...I never asked for zinnias from you because I figured I'd wait until the robin arrived and get some them. There is still someone ahead of me before it arrives here. Could you put some aside for me in the second robin? I'd really like to have some.



Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Sure Di, that's probably best. I'll put them in a sandwich baggie with your name, and roll it tight so it's small and light.

Just say what you're interested in, and don't hesitate to say "some of all".
The same goes for everyone, and that isn't even generosity. More like trying to catch up with other peoples' generosity.

Note that I also have plenty of Swan River Daisy Mix [A]
Blue & White & Purple/Violet/Lavender.

And a little of two kinds of Salvia [P to Zone 5 or 7].

These commercial seeds haven't been grown out even once yet, so the colors and forms will be pure.

Commercial seed from Hazzard's 2010

Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Crimson 4-5" giant dahlia-shaped blooms
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Orange 4-5" giant dahlia-shaped blooms
Zinnia elegans "Benary Giant" - Deep Red 4-5" giant dahlia flowered (smaller qty)

Zinnia "Oklahoma" Scarlet 1½" double and semi double blooms, produces all summer, resists mildew
Zinnia "Oklahoma" Golden Yellow 1½" double and semi double blooms, produces all summer, resists mildew

Zinnia elegans "Gem Orange" 1½" beehive shape "new from Hazzards" (lots)
Zinnia elegans "Lilliput Choice" 1½" beehive shape, double, pink, red, white, yellow, orange & coral (lots)

Zinnia Cut & Come Again Mix 3" flat petal, dome shape double pumila type, pink, red, white & yellow/orange (lots)

Salvia x superba "Violet Queen" 6-12" tall space 24-36". Aromatic Perennial to Zone 7. violet, small qty
Salvia nemerosasylvestris "Amethyst Blue" 18" tall. Perennial to Zone 5. bluish pink or pale amythest small qty

Swan River Daisy = Brachyscome iberidifolia (Asteraceae Family) lots
- Brachycome Splendor Mix - Blue & White & Purple/Violet/Lavender
- Annual - sow 5 seeds per cell indoors before last frost
- "from seed to sales in 12 weeks"
- 12-18" tall, 6-9" spacing

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I just read merrymath's post that she dmailed me about the USPS "shoebox" sized box and skipped other succeeding posts to respond immediately. I read her dmail (thank you Merry) and will go to the post office (there is a large, regional one near me) to ask if they have that size on hand. Unfortunately, the USPS site indicated it would take 7-10 business days to receive any online box orders....

...and I'm sure you don't want me holding up the robin that long!

I do have some Benary's zinnia seeds I was going to add to the robin, but they're a mix of all the colors. Well, I'll go back up and read all your other posts now.

Edited to say: Aha! I knew after I read the succeeding posts there would be something in them needing a response! janaestone, do you want some of the Benary Giant mixt zinnias? You're next after me.

This message was edited Jan 28, 2011 6:52 PM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Many of the Bubblewrap envies I had put into the robin for they were seeds from those at tail end to share with the ones in the front. so that was my fault & they should have just been put in one for all to go through & Take out theirs .
so for that sorry & we won't do that any more.

Please let me just say as for seed pods I Guess it just DEPENDS on the type of pods for what type of seeds.
if they are thorny pods or over an INCH thick like Datura PODs They are easy to take Plyiers to open them
& collect seeds .

We do Not Want like dried tomato with seeds those need to be cleaned Please. I have not seen the seed pods so i cannot say any more as to what they are.
I would like to just ask that you do your best to clean .

as long as you Put the type of seeds such as (cosmo) my garden 2011 Tall or short from DJ9
On your seeds to me that is plenty of info but if you know if they are COSMO ( DBL CLICK) My Garden Full Sun
2011 From Dj9 Please add what info you can give .

well my friends I Just want to say Thank you & We will make these robins fun Yet .
well my dishes are calling me ya all have a great evening :)
back later

Oakland, MD


When I had the Robin there was a good bit of seeds left in the bags. They should have more enough for everyone and plus some. Just an idea that I use was a 1/4 teaspoon it made it easy to get seeds out of and it was enough seeds for me to start. It is just an idea for others. For the plastic bags I thought it was a great idea but it does add more weight to the Robin. For the ones that used the bubble envelopes to the player they could just used regular envelopes that would also would help. But I will say that Susie did a great job with this Robin.


Athens, PA


I was interested in some of the zinnia benary red seeds as well.... do you have enough left? If not, then I can go looking for zinnia seeds.

Please let me know.


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I'm still here.

I have several kinds of Datura seedling comming up as well as some canas. I have 4 out of 7 tomatoes popping their heads out and a half row of Boc choy about 3" tall. All from the Robin.

The weather here seems to be warming up and I'm looking forward to planting more of the seeds I got from this Robin. I just need more soil, pots and more time.

I had a lot of fun going thru the Robin and even more fun watching the seeds sprouting. I did not sigh up for the second round as I have enough seeds to keep me busy the rest of the season.

One thing I learned, groups of people are the same whether on line or in person and there is always at least one in every crowd, good, bad or indiffrent.



that would be my wish-more soil, more pots, more time !!

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey Dane, nice to have you chime in. But grrrrr, I'm jealous .... had almost 17 inches of snow this past Wed/Thurs. Snow shoveling is not my cup of tea.

I have experiencing teams that work cohesively because they would not permit one participant turn the group sour.

On the other hand, I have experienced the direct opposite also.

Last year I realized I was involved with a sinking ship ... major push in my considering retirement. The school were I taught had a new principle ... within 2 months of her taking over people starting thinking about how soon they could get out of there. This administrator would throw her own mother under the bus. Before she was appointed, a large size of the faculty had initiated steps to begin collabrative improvement teams ... we even stayed late and met after hours on the last day of school. Before the start of the new school year we met with the new principle .... it was our last meeting.

I am glad I brought my concerns regarding the Robin to the attention of others. I was really deliberating continuing my participation. What bothered me most was knowing that there were so many wonderful participants that wanted to share and learn.


(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

that is what so great about this group, learning from everyone and sharing. i have never met such a great group of people. Meeting here is usually the highlight of my day (tells you how excitng my life is LoL). I don't always chime in with something to say but I watch the threads religiously.

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I have to admit that I have not been following closely and have not read each post, but I did want to chime in about this round robin. Yes, there were a few problems, but I have done many other round robins on other sites and I have to say that this one was one of the best I have been in. Frankly, the last one I was in had such poor quality seeds that I did not take anything from the box.
Having said that, I too was disconcerted by all of those large seed pods. There were several baggies of them. There was also a large bag of super heavy seeds that was probably more than anyone could want in three robins. If the limit was 4 individual packs of one kind of seed, I am not sure it was useful to have no limits on these big "sharing" bags of seeds. It allowed someone to add a lot of weight without actually adding but 1 kind of seed. I had never seen that before in a robin and I actually remember adding something I had not had time to clean myself because there was already so much of that in there.
I realize that as the robin travels some seeds will disappear completely and many will never make it to each person but I too was surprised that more of Corey's zinnias were not in there. I think there were some Giant Cactus zinnias from Corey in there and some Benary's Giant Red zinnias. I took some of the latter. I don't think there were any others in there and I wondered about that at the time.
The screens were in there.

I agree that the little plastic baggies are an unnecessary addition. They are easily obtained and add unnecessary weight and girth.

Just my 2 cents...overall it was fun and I have no criticism of deejay at all. She did a fantastic job and I am sure I will jump in next fall when she starts a new round.


Deep South, TX(Zone 9b)

I know how you feel. I lived on a mountain in AZ (zone 5a) near a ski resort for 23 years. We got the snow but it would usually melt in a week or two but still had freezing temps. It would warm up in April-May and many people would plant their gardens then some years we would get a frost in June. Made the nurseries happy.

Here we have to plant early because the more tender plants can't take the heat and humidity. Most of the farmers here don't even plant a summer crop. I've found alot of annuals can't take it and most people here don't bother with them.

Any where you live has it's perks. I had some friends that moved to Hawaii and after a few years they were ready to move back to the mountain.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

When I deliver the Robin to NisiNJ, it will contain the following individual marked envies.
I listed what is in the envies from me under the participant’s ID

Please notify me ASAP if I made an ommission.

Craig Bennett (1 envy/none from me …already sent 2 mailings)

COREY (2 envies)
Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear

CRIT (3 envies)
Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear (Helianthus annuus)
Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
Cocks Comb
Apple Mint
Chinese Forget Me Nots
Salvia lyrata Purple Knockout
Violet touch-me-not
Celosia Plumosa Dwarf YELLOW
Evening Primrose ‘Tina James”

DEEJAY (9 + 1 other envy)
Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear (Helianthus annuus)
Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
Cockscomb 'Amigo Mahogany Red' (Celosia argentea cristata)
Prunella 'Freelander Blue' (Prunella grand flora)
Celosia Plumosa Dwarf YELLOW

Nieko Blue Hydrangea
Orange trumpet vine

EVELYN (1 envy)
Prunella 'Freelander Blue'.
Osmin Basil
Blue Mirror Delphinium
Ageratum artist rose
Foxglove 'Primrose Carousel' Digitalis purpurea
Evening Primrose ‘Tina James”
Salvia “Blue Chiquita”

janaestone (Di) (3 envies)
Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
Irish Eyes' sunflower
Bearded Bellflower (Campanula barbata)
Creeping thyme
Bird house gourd
Aster-Crego Giant Mixture
Amaryliss Stargazer

JENNIFER (1 envy)
Dwarf Sunflower, Teddy Bear (Helianthus annuus)
Dwarf Sunflower, Sunny Smile (F1) (Helianthus annuus)
Rose of Sharon 'Blue Bird' (Hibiscus syriacus)
Ornamental Pepper “Golden Nugget”

Maxine (8 envies)
Lamb's lettuce
Bell Pepper California wonder
Ageratum artist rose
Evening Primrose “Tina James”

MELLEN (1 envy)
Cockscomb 'Amigo Mahogany Red' (Celosia argentea cristata)
Calendula - officinalis nana Apricot Twist
Agastache licorice
Liatris, Blazingstar, Gayfeather
Ageratum Artist rose
Emilia coccinea Scarlet Magic Tassle flower
Fushia touch-me-not
Evening Primrose

NisiNJ (2 envies/none from me)

SHERMAN (Karen) (1 envy)
SUNFLOWER (5 different varities)
Perennial Sweet Peas
Salvia lyrata Purple Knockout
Salvia "Blue Chiquita

Steady cam (2 envies)
Perennial sweet peas
Lemon Grass, East Indian
Apple Mint
Gysophila, baby's breath
Cerastium Snow in Summer

(Anita) Fort Wayne, IN(Zone 6a)

Mary, you must be extremely organized

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Mary, my kind of lady. ORGANIZED, yes!!


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes very TY But maybe Jen's should be sent to her as she is out your way & she won't have to wait so long for them .

well i was going to fix pancakes for daddy but he wanted cereal so here I "AM :) less time in kitchen better i like it :)

Thank you all I Know many of you really understand How much fun & How much we can learn from each other in this forum & As ANLANA Said With the Bigger seeds Less is More if you know there is only a few more players after you in the robin Place enough for each to take 4-10 seeds pending on type of seeds they are .

& If you take out 5-20 pks DON"T Put in one large baggies of something to take the place if you do not have seeds to replace all i ask is take from each pack what you can use NOT FOR TRADING IN OTHER ROBINS
Your Cheating your friends in this one .

well i order from a company 3 wks ago & still no seeds from them yet & Not even a note to say they have been shipped & yet they have their money . so I'm off to find out why .

chat later

Concord, NH

i think it was a wonderful robin,i saw the screens and tons on big bagies with seeds didnt notice if there was zinnias cause they wouldnt be somthing im interested in.blessings all

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Maxine ... Beautiful pond! And a log home! I'm so envious

Round Robin.... I'm really looking forward to getting this in the 2nd round.

I just mailed off one I got from another RR. This was my first RR and these are some of the things I noted.

1. Would be nice if all the seeds of one kind could be put in a small zip lock baggie. It took a lot of time coming across something that looked like what I already had. Had to go back through the seed packs I had just gotten to see if it was a duplicate. There were several different seed that there were several different packs of the same thing. If they could be put in a small zip lock, would keep it more organized and easier to go through.

2. I agree with no bubble envies or large seed pods.

3. I do not mind some chaff with my seeds. It is very difficult for me to get my seeds really clean. I do use a kitchen strainer the another one with really fine screen. I would like to try what you all use to clean yours

That is all I can think of right now, but I may have some more input later. I thank anyone who takes the time to start/organize/keep going/play by the rules for the RR. They are fun!

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

The robin has arrived. Merrymath (thank you MM) had to negotiate the snow-lined streets of my development to find my house. I sent out my 24 yr old daughter Christine to carry in the giant box so Merry wouldn't have to pull in my driveway, which has giant snow banks on each side (courtesy of snow plow). I watched my daughter with box in one arm, gesturing with other arm, explaining to MM how to find her way out of the development. (Thank you Christine)

My OTHER daughter, Kat, emerged from the shower and quickly located the envelopes designated for me (Thank you all) Most of my requests were for her, as she lives with us and does a lot of the flower gardening on our property. (Thank you Kat) I have been mostly a veggie gardener.

Now Kat has requested that I go out and replenish our stock of seed starting/transplanting supplies, after I make my husband his sandwich. (Thank you Mom/Denise.) Do you think Home Depot would have them yet?

And when I return home, I will be planted in front of the computer, Googling seed ID's all afternoon. (Thank you DJ9 and all the rest of you.)

This message was edited Jan 29, 2011 11:27 AM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

HD did have the seed starting trays, but the were $15 something. I found the same trays at Wal-Mart for $5 something.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Denise Your so welcome & Sounds as if you have lots of time this weekend to spend inside with Daughters Planing on where to plant them all :)))

ALSO I wanted to ask I Thought There was a seperate Baggie of tropicals I Have not heard mention if there was any left ?

Well I Have a Pork Roast in the oven For super , Plants all watered , critters out running in the snow :)
Porch swepted off, got to go put on lunch for daddy & Margaret .

back later this is fairly lazy day :)

Bordentown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Pork roast. Mmmmmmmm........ Maybe someone should have a recipe robin.

Will check for baggie of tropicals this afternoon.

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Hope you and your daughters are having fun with all the seeds!

One more comment on labeling, for future Robins. Please use legible printing and not cursive writing. Everyone writes a little different, but if you print carefully, all members should be able to read the label without spending time trying to decipher which letter is which letter. This is especially important when the seeds are unfamiliar to someone. Almost everyone could figure out "zinnia," but some of the less common names can be a challenge. I found that when you put this type of seed name into a Google search, the correct name does not always come up. Unfortunately.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm back.

Planting trays .... if there is a Big Lots near you (1.2 miles for me) they have them at $4.00 ... tomorrow there is a 20% off total purchase (must have a coupon) ... if you need one d-mail me your regular e-mail address so I can send you a Word Doc with the coupon.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I have a lot of zinnia seed still on the heads that I brought in that I need to collect. That is another thing I meant to mention earlier, I will be putting in a bunch of mixed zinnia. These grow from 3' tall to 7' tall. Red, orange, white, pink, purple, yellow, maybe something else I can't think of right now. Last spring I just sprinkled some seed I had brought from my old house and kind of scratched them into the surface dirt. If I can locate the picture, I will attach it.

Thumbnail by Crit

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