Snow in 49 States

Bakersfield, CA

Yikes! That sounds kinda scary. Is it getting better yet?

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Nice sunny frigid day here, and another day closer to spring. Apparently La Nina is the one to blame for all of this weird weather, not Mother Nature, not Mr Global Warming. At least that is what the news said!

Glad I didn't have to go anywhere during the nasty weather - Sue, did you get your car unstuck? That was one HECK of a storm. Wish I could have gotten some pictures during the storm- but since it was all white-out, there would have been nothing to see!

Stay safe and warm everyone! ~Jan

Manchester, CT

Marian, you are TOO funny! My husband does the same thing...he never warches all of anything, but 20 different shows at! You're lucky, Kelly. We're getting more snow tomorrow. : ( I hope you're okay, Sue. So far, I haven't had to go out when it's bad, so because of that I'm fortunate. La Nina is a hispanic name, can she go back there and leave us alone??

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

WOW!! All this snow and low temps in the most unusual places. On TV it is snowing in Dallas, TX now. That's strange. And so cold in Phoenix. Love both those areas. I would move to them if my DH would..just to get away from the winters here. My daughter has lived in both cities and I visited there many times.


Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

You realize that it is snowing in Dallas just so that the PACKERS and Steelers can feel right at home! Even though they are playing the Superbowl in a dome, both teams must feel more comfortable with the cold snap and the snow! ~Jan

Winnsboro, TX

Well I'm glad someone is going to feel at home with this snow. I live 2 1/2 hours East of Dallas and we have at least 6 inches of snow again today. The Dallas schools have been closed 4 days in a row and that's never happened before as long as I can remember. So when the Super Bowl game is over the winner can take this white stuff home with them. I want my 60 70 degrees winter weather back so I can play outside. George maybe right, I may have bed sores before this mess goes away. (BIG FAT FROWN)


Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Marian, you realize that we had so much snow up here, that we needed to share it.....

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

I never thought about the snow being for the Superbowl, but that does make

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Bol Jan, I managed to get my car unstuck and into the garage after about half an hour.
MariaBurns1 all I am is sore from 2 days of shoveling and plowing. I was really lucky on the second day of shoveling. I had a strip of snow that was about 3 ft deep, 3 ft wide, and about 8 ft long left to do, when some guy with a truck and plow just drove up my drive way and shoved it all to one side then drove off.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

SueMe, that was your G/Angel. I have some pics that I will post tomorrow

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Sue, one of my darling neighbors snowblowed my driveway after the worst of it! I am taking some cakeballs over to him today in Packer green & yellow of course! Love those guardian angels!

By the way, I am glad I couldn't even think about buying Superbowl tickets (waaay to far out of my price range!) I would have spent all that money, and not been able to travel there! Between the midweek blizzard up here, and now the snow in Dallas closing the airport..... I will just stay home, cheer on the Packers, howl at the commercials, and eat pulled pork, venison sausage, and other appetizers - plus drink some beer, Spotted Cow of course! ~Jan

Winnsboro, TX

Buying the tickets is just the start of how out of hands things are. The tickets for parking are $1,000 each. To watch it outside the stadium on a big screen TV is $200. (to be out in the cold). The vendors will be very expensive too. So I'd say it's for the rich. The poor will have enough sense to stay home in their warm houses, have a few friends over if they want to and hoot and hollar at any given time they can do so. I vote everyone stay in the safty of your home and forget about driving, flying, and so forth to make it to the game.

Did you hear about the accident at the stadium yesterday that injured 7 people? Snow and ice came sliding off the top of the building and it injured one of them seriously.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

The H is going to some Buddies house and a bunch of other Buddies will be there and that is great with me. I will Hoot and Hollar at the commercials by myself,. We were having it here but one fellow has a hard time getting around and it is easier there. I will of course Have my Packer sweats on and so will he.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I heard about that accident - so sad & sorry it happened. Especially as it is a new stadium, did anyone even imagine that could happen there in the Dallas area?

And $1000 to PARK???? We only pay $20 to park and tailgate at a Packers game - oh my! Listening to a Milwaukee station that has been down there since last weekend, apparently in their hotel the heat is off, and there are rolling blackouts too. I know Dallas is hoping to get the Superbowl back in 5 years, but after Mother Nature is done with everything down there this time, I am not sure it will happen so soon.

I love to watch the Packers, and can 'control' myself when I go to the occasional game. But for the most part, I am better off watching the game by myself (I have the same problem with Nebraska football) That way noone can see how much of a jerk I can be when things don't go my way! I can also pop outside and leave when the pressure is too much!! ~j

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

We're Packers fans too. A lot of my husbands family is from Wi.

Winnsboro, TX

I bet I'm not the only one that screams at the refs when they make a bad call. I talk to the TV like they can all here me. I tell them what they did wrong and what they should have done. I don't understand why not narry a one of them listen to me.


Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Hahahaha, your not alone Marian, my DH does that too with football and hockey.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I don't watch too much anymore as I get highly excited LOL. I am one who will stand and scream when no one else is and I don't make any bones about it. I can yell if when I can do nothing else. The H. almost lost his Fav. TV one time.

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

My DH and I are Packers fans. Most of my family are for Pitts. I have always loved watching Brett Favre play football since he was in college. I remained a Packers fan when he left, but I watched whatever team he played for. I hope he is retired for good now even though I will miss his playing.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Personally, I think Brett is having a Mid Life Crisis. He sure did blowup his life these last couple of years. But oh my, the talent!

But my heart now belongs to Aaron Rogers. He came in under a difficult situation, and has done anything anybody could have asked.

Yeppers, we are Packers fans here. Yesterday, one of my co-workers told me"Not everyone in Wisconsin likes the Packers, or even loves football"

Really? Does she TRULY believe that???? Oh my, I think she is a bit naive.....

No matter what, it is still safer if I watch the game by myself. I promise that my TV will stay safe! ~Jan

Hej Jan: Even in WY, it is true that not everyone loves, or even likes, football. Guess who---ME!!

Yes me, I am not a bit interested in watching guys throwing a ball, whether it is baseball, football, basketball, or any kind of ball. None in my family do. I just wasn't raised with it. On the other hand, we all love to camp, some hunt, other fish, some do all three. Then there is gardening.

Can someone please explain to me what is the fun in watching a game on TV where the guys run back and forth trying to catch a ball? Honestly, I don't understand it. No insult intended to those who watch.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

I do not like sports either, DH watches the TV, I find other things to amuse myself with!!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh I prefer to watch sports in person - football, hockey, baseball,.... We have minor league teams around here which are great fun to watch too.

In Wisconsin, with the Packers in the Superbowl, it is a passion... Even the state capitol is colored green & yellow this week. Now, all they have to do is WIN! Next week, things will return to normal! ~Jan

Manchester, CT

Hi everyone!! Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?? (Dun, dun, DUN, DUN!!) Does it sound like the music? lol!! I am right in the midst of two of the biggest rivalries in two major sports...Red Sox and Yankees, and Giants, Jets, and Patriots. I am a Red Sox fan, and everyone else in the house loves the Yankees. Everyone in the house loves the Giants, whereas I am a Colts fan (Peyton Manning, if you see this, will you marry me? ; ) I grew up watching him play college football at University of Tennessee, and I've been a fan since. I was 15 then, not too big of an age difference! : ) For everyone who yells at the TV, don't feel bad. The last game the Colts played (the Jets beat them) I yelled, jumped up and down, and ended up sinking onto the floor in front of the TV and crying when it was over. I called my mother to tell her they lost, and she said, "Are you CRYING?" She laughed at me! All the nerve...that's a big deal to me! I will be a good sport today, and make my famous barbecued meatballs, and a big pot of chili, and crack open a cold beer. For all you friends who are Packers fans, I will cheer for them along with you! Have a great day! Maria

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Hubby certainly be watching. I am really not a football fan myself. I just can't get interested in it. Now I like to watch hockey and baseball.

Manchester, CT

Before I really got into football, I would watch it and learn what the rules were and what things meant...then I fell in love with it when I understood it. Men get flabbergasted when I start talking about football, and I really know what I'm talking about! They're shocked, and I get a kick out of it! Hysterical!! : ) Maria

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I had always liked sports to some extent, (played hooky as a kid, and went downtown to the old Cleveland Indian's Stadium - I can't believe I did that, and traveled down there with a girlfriend as a young teen- by ourselves!!!) then I married a guy from Nebraska, and learned to love Nebraska football. My kids have been brought up on sports, we started all of them in soccer as little ones, so it was a natural part of our lives. Still is, and the adult kids and I going to games, is part of what we do now for family 'bonding'.

I do prefer watching the game in real life, compared to on a TV or radio. Can't beat a day spent tailgating with family and friends, and seeing the game. And it is team sports. Sorry, but I just can't get enthused about tennis or golf!

So some of it was survival, and became something to enjoy.

But I have to admit, the superbowl commercials are half of the fun of watching the game, especially if it consists of teams that I don't care who wins. of course, this year, I truly hope it will be the Packers, although I believe both teams are very well matched, and it will be a good, tense game ~Jan

Manchester, CT

The commercials are hysterical! I do think it'll be a good game, too. They both bring stuff to the table, but a blow-out Superbowl is no fun, anyway. You're right, too, Jan, about going to the game...I've never been to a pro-football game, but to go to UCONN game, tailgate, it's SO fun! You feel like your family has grown into 100,000 people. Good times! Have fun today, and go Packers! : )

Winnsboro, TX

Maria, I could hear the music and I could also see Hank Williams Jr. say "Are You Ready for some FOOTBALL?"
I might as well be ready for some football I can't do anything else. The snow is melting and hopefully it will all be gone today. Other than that everything is one big soggy mess.

My favorite sport and team is Basketball and the Dallas Mavericks. When I lived in Dallas I use to go watch them play in person all the time. Now I enjoy watching them from the comfort of my own home. My DH will start watching them and fall asleep during the game. He goes to bed with the chickens and always falls asleep around 8:00 p.m. As it gets closer to the end of the game and they are doing stupid things that may cost them the game I start hollaring at them. The other night they had the ball stolen on a pass and I sat up in the bed and screamed at them. DH jumped straight up in the bed thinking something was wrong. He said is was a good thing he wasn't sleeping. LOL

I use to be a Dallas Cowboy fan until Jerry Jones bought them. I can't stand him he's arrogant and thinks he's above the law. I'll just leave it at that. There's more to it but no need to go into it. LOL

Ok, I'm off to church in a few minutes. Will watch the game and probably cheer both teams on. Then when it get's closer to the end of the game I'll make a choice on which team I really want to win. No favorite here.

Oh and I agree, I think Brett is having a mid life crisis along with Tiger Woods. What we must remember is that they are human too and we all make mistakes. It's just some are alot bigger than others. Then there's the fact that they got caught. How many other men and WOMEN do you think are out there doing the same thing and haven't got caught yet. I'd be willing to say the numbers are HUGE. There are no morals and like I said before, some people think they are above the law. Then others think they are hurting anyone, and they will never get caught. Enuff said! Stepping down off Soapbox.

R U Ready for some Football?

Manchester, CT

LOL, are TOO funny! I haven't gotten into basketball, but give me football and a cold beer, and I'm a happy girl! : ) I personally don't have a favorite but since my friends here are overwhelmingly Packers fans, I am one today.
I think the thing with Brett is that he is like a kid that just loves to play, and hence doesn't know how to quit when he's ahead. Oh, and the woman thing, too. They are human, but I do get disgusted when they tout themselves as being perfect (Tiger Woods) and THEN blow the image. He represented himself as someone who had high regard for children, set up the golf foundation for them, said he would NEVER be like his father, and BAM!! I had to explain to my son why the news was talking about him like that. At least with Brett he never said he was perfect. On the other hand, there are those in the spotlight that aren't blasphemed...Denzel Washington, for one. Have you heard anything negative about that man? Oh, and he's SO handsome, to boot! : )
I'm ready, Hank!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

My ex had, and still is having, a doozy of a midlife crisis - and I assure you, the majority (male and female, it is not an all guy thing) do get caught. And most of them, no matter what their career or lifestyle, feel entitled.

It is just sad to watch someone, and like Maria said, Brett never claimed to be perfect, noone is - but to watch them make such a mash of their lives, when all you want to do is shake them and say "get a grip"! Mel Gibson is another one, and some of the political figures, yada, yada, yada.....

Oops, stepping off my soapbox too - I would rather listen to Hank: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL.....

Beer in the fridge - check
Pork roast in the crockpot for pulled pork sandwiches - check
Chips - check
Cakeballs - yellow with green, of course - check

Darn- snowplow just dumped a load of snow at the end of my driveway.. later folks, gotta go shovel, AGAIN ~j

Winnsboro, TX

Ok now it's my turn to make a check list for the Super Bowl Game.

Chips- No- Maybe some micro wave popcorn maybe not.
Beer or mixed drinks - No. Ice Tea or some hot chocolate with marshmellows.
Food- ? Something easy to fix maybe a sandwich or pizza.
Game- No, not until after church. Of course there will not be many there as they will stay home to watch the game.

You can all see that I make a really big deal out of the Super Bowl Games. LOL
Now it was another thing when Tom Landry was the coach and the Dallas Cowboys had class. Now I don't even watch football very much. I will today when I get home from Church.

Now you know how much trouble I go to for stuff that doesn't mean alot to me. Now we just need to see a Super Bowl of Gardening or Gardens. Then I'd be VERY INTERESTED.

I hope everyone enjoys the game and I pray that no one gets hurt either trying to get there, playing or getting back home.

BTW the snow is nearly all gone and now everything is just one big soggy mess!

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

When my two kids were growing up, they were into cross country running, volleyball, baseball, and softball. Often we would take them to Cinn Reds games. All of us still go together to college games and that's almost too expensive now. My DH says he can see better on TV..not me..I want the whole atmosphere and yelling, etc. Yes, I am typing between

Manchester, CT

LOL floweringchild...I'm typing between the game, too! Way to go to my Packers friends out there! You're up by 11! My friends across the street picked the Steelers, but I'm going for you! WTG!! Keep it up! And btw, that was SUCH a BS call, the penalty when #36 fell to the ground...he was up in the AIR! He was diving for the touchdown, what do they expect? Can he call gravity and ask it to stop for a moment? REAlly!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

YAY....Packers ahead!!

Haven't been impressed with any of the commercilas so far ...tho the volkswagon with the little kid dressed like Darth Vadar was kind of cute!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Halftime, lets keep the momentum Packers! Having my Spotted Cow beer, kids all left to watch the game in Milwaukee,so I can swear & make armchair coaching comments to my hearts content.

For some reason, the critters are eyeing me warily... ~Jan

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

GO PACKERS!! I have a granddaughter who is for the Steelers. She messaged me that no matter who wins, she will still love me. I told her I guess so since I don't have any control over who

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

THAT was one of the best half time a long time.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I also haven't been impressed with many of the commercials. Some of the Bud ones, and yes, the VW one but the rest? naaah ~j

Manchester, CT

Hi Jan...the VW commercial was hysterical!! My 6 year old son, Thomas, has the same Darth Vader costume, and does run around the house doing the SAME thing! It was like looking at him...I almost cried I laughed so hard! When he was into Transformers, I was walking out to the car with him and hit my remote start, and he almost fell over...I told him our car was alive like Bumblebee! I think he still believes that...LOL! None of the others impressed me. Go Packers!!

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