Snow in 49 States

Winnsboro, TX

Thank goodness we have the sweats to keep us warm. If not, I Wouldn't be out in the yard until it's over 70 degrees are so. Then when it gets above 90 I'm toasted and just kind of lurk around the gardens a couple of hours a day if I'm lucky. Then by July and August when it gets into the 100's I tend to stay inside and look at the gardens out the windows. Just go out when I have to and then that's usually to water something that's looking thirsty or hungry and then right back in the house. Last year I got way to hot working out there more than once. This year I"m going to be alittle more careful regarding the heat. (maybe) LOL

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Marian to me 70 is the perfect temperature for shorts and tank top to work in the garden, any hotter than that and I just want to sit in the shade. We have the thermostat set at 67 during the day and 63 at night, usual attire for me is jeans and tee shirt. At 90 degrees I just want to sit in the cool


Winnsboro, TX

Oh wow Margaret, you must be alot younger than me. My legs haven't seen the sun in so long I couldn't even tell you. LOL Besides that I don't want to gross anyone out by showing them. Ya'll would die if you saw what I wear to garden in the summer. I'll give you a visual you will not be able to get out of your head.

I wear an old worn out white tee shirt of DH's. It has to be really paper thin. For bottoms I wear a pair of worn out cotton pj''s. They too have to be paper thin. That's it, nothing else but a pair of socks and shoes. LOL Little as possible but everything is covered. I can get as dirty as I want to wipe my hands and face on them and keep on keeping on.
Not very pretty, but very comfortable, light weight, and the cotton lets the material and your body breathThen I toss them in the washer with a little bleach and their ready to go again. It works for me and I can get away with it since I live in the boonies. I have been a little embarrassed a time or two when a neighbor dropped in. LOL Have to run in and get dressed.


Now tell me what you other gardeners wear to work in the yard.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

No Marion I am not a lot younger than you I am a Great-grandma, but still in pretty good When I'm getting down and dirty I wear old jeans to go with the tank top.


Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Yes, jeans usually. Too many mosquitos. Although I too will wear the cotton 'lounging' pajama bottoms or sweatpants. T shirt or sweatshirt - whatever the weather dictates. I like comfort, not looks. Think I will have to buy a gardening hat this summer. ~j

Manchester, CT

I am a transplant up north to CT from TN, and my father once lived in Ohio. He lives in TN still, and enjoys laughing at me on the phone about the snow. We currently have 5 foot snowbanks in the front yard, with another major storm coming on Wednesday. I was so happy when I found the site to curb my jonesing to dig in the dirt!! lol

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Welcome, MariaBurns! You will love it here on Dave's.

I about have snow coming out my ears. Haven't seen bare ground in our yard since before Thanksgiving. We are under a winter storm warning until Tuesday morning. The snow banks are already so high it is hard to see traffic when pulling out of our driveway. The bright side is that we are retired so no longer have to comute. Come on SPRING hurry hurry we are all waiting on you!


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Betty, just got off the phone with Mother Spring. She has a flat tire but, she will be here on time. Told me to tell you to cheer-up!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Well we've been lucky all winter and haven't had much snow. But, I think Tuesday we are getting slammed. They say 8 to 12". Are all you midwesterners ready for it???

Manchester, CT

Hi Hazel, thank you for your warm welcome. We're supposed to get another bad storm on Wednesday, but I just don't know where it's going to go!! I'm SO impatient for spring...tell her to go to Pep boys! lol

Winnsboro, TX

That was a good one Mike. Your so darn funny at times.

Maria, Hazel is really Mike....LOL and I like you telling him to tell Mother Spring to go to Pep Boys. That was an excellent come back. Would have taken me this rest of winter to come up with that one. LOL


Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Maria, you are going to do just fine here!

By the way, according to the lily auction, spring is 48 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes and 58 seconds away..... ~j

Manchester, CT

Thanks! Thanks also for letting me know it's Mike and not Hazel..ha, ha! Thank you, also, Phil...doesn't seem like it when I look out the window! I'm so's 48 days too long!

Mike I hope mother-spring had a spare and didn't have to call road service that could delay her. ;~) I am happy spending my time looking on the lily auction. Shhhh don't tell my DH!


Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I can guarantee you that Mother Nature doesn't have a spare.... at the moment she is stuck over the Midwest, dumping snow, and creating a blizzard she is so unhappy!~j

Manchester, CT

It's coming here tomorrow morning and won't stop till Thursday morning...I think she's trying to figure out who she hates most, the midwest, or northeast! : ) lol

Winnsboro, TX

Well Mother Spring/Mother Nature is just about to wallop us again with snow and ice. That's just not right for East Texas to have this much ice and snow. So whoever it is that Pis - - - her off knock it off. I don't want this next cold blast that is due to hit here tomorrow. Burrr. We just had temps in the 70's for 3 days in a row. I guess Mother Nature is just toying with us. (frown)

Manchester, CT

So sorry, Marian...I wish I could remember the last time it got above freezing, but I can' definitely sucks!! : (

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I had 28 degrees on friday I think- I drove home with my car window open! Almost put shorts on!! of course, now I need to put my coveralls on, and go shovel - talk about fickle!

Manchester, CT

Too funny,'s true! The minute it gets above freezing here I'm going to have to lock myself inside to keep from trying to lay out for a tan! I'm so!

Well, Spring Mother hates the Midwest. She dumped snow and more to come. Was sunny and 40 yesterday. Today 20F. Tomorrow we will be lucky to have 5F. Tomorrow night below zero. Brrrrr! Bless the person who invented sweats and long johns.

On the bright side, it gives my 72 Daylily and 7 Iris seedlings more time to grow under lights before spring. Have more seed to sow that I won from LA. Right now they are in moist kitchen paper towels for another 2 weeks.

Marian "So whoever it is that Pis - - - her off knock it off.. That is hilarious, LOL, LOL!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Marian, I would vote hands down for you as the one with the craziest sense of humor thus far.
Maria, Hazel Crest is the name of the village that I live in, in Illinois. We are expecting 20+ inches, Tuesday thru Wednesday. Topped off the snow blower today.Bring on the snow!!!!!!!

Manchester, CT

Hi I understand! : ) We're getting a storm (maybe the same system) hitting tonight in the overnight and lasting all the way till Thursday morning. Enough is enough!!! lol

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Maria, we are getting hit by two different system. Small one starting tonight. Major tomorrow evening. Mike

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

We only got 4-5" of snow. It is to get down to -20 tonight and tomorrow night. Warmer Wed. Yahoo. East of us in Havre was -21 and Glasgow was -24 and they are to go down to Havre -45 and Glasgow also. Wind chill -60. YOWZERS,

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

All I know is that I will probably be raking my roof again.

Went in to work at 6 am today, and brought an armload of paperwork home with me. I also have abunch of projects at home, that got started this past weekend + superbowl stuff to make.

And I just got back inside from shoveling the 'first' round

BUT, I don't have to go anywhere, or be anywhere for the next couple of days. We have closed my lab at work (we are non-essential personnel) and outside from getting my trash out tomorrow, shoveling my drive, and if the blizzard winds don't blow that snow off my roof, raking it - I plan on being snug as a bug in my house.

Unfortunalty, it also means I will be spending time on the Lily Auction again... and I was doing so well..... ~Stay snug friends, Mother Nature surely is a bit cranky this week ~ Jan

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I hope you all stay safe and warm through this mean strak she is having. Marian is a hoot but she is right on.LOL

Manchester, CT

Good for you, Phil...I'm glad you can stay in and stay safe. All schools in CT have closed, and since I work in a private school here, I get to stay home, too. I feel bad for anyone who has to go out.

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

This is supposed to be a very bad storm today for a lot of people. Hope everyone stays safe.

Manchester, CT

Thank you floweringchild! I am fortunate to get to stay in, but I feel for those who don't. They say it's going to be a two part storm. Part one today, a lot of snow. Part two tomorrow, snow and ice. I already have 5 foot snowbanks in my front yard...yuck! Enough is enough! Thank you, again!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I agree with you Maria, I too am fortunate enough to 'stay in' and will use 2 vacation days - but it is well worth it to not have to make that one hour commute (in good weather) to work. And this entire storm system seems to be a 'double whammy'. We had part one yesterday and this morning; part 2 - the blizzard - begins later today through tomorrow.

But, we are supposed to have sun on Thursday.

On the other hand, the dag blasted snow plow driver just left more piles of snow at the end of my driveway.... Guess I will go outside in a minute to start digging.

It's either shovel, or the LA. Wonder what the lesser of two evils is? ~j

Manchester, CT

Hi hour commute? Yikes! I only have tops with traffic 20 minutes. The snow is getting heavier by the minute. I am beginning to think that the snow plow drivers get enjoyment out of plowing our driveways in! Especially when you're out shoveling and they see you...never fails! As to what's better, I don't know. I guess we have to pick our poison. I can't go without the change of seasons...fall is one of the most beautiful, especially in this area. But I could deal with a little LESS snow...try to stay warm, and don't work too hard shoveling. The Superbowl is coming up for your Packers, too...are you a fan?

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh my yes, I am a Packers fan! So are my kids. The middle son (28) is in college in Grand Forks, ND (talk about COLD!) and was VERY excited when he got a package from me last week, with a T-shirt exclaiming the Packers as NFC Champions!

Yes, I commute an hour in each direction. I have been doing this drive for 15+ years now - we seemed to keep moving further & further from my work. I divorced recently, and wanted to move closer, but realized that I couldn't get as much house, as much YARD (I have a half acre lot) for the same amount of money. Besides, I love my small town in the middle of nowhere.

I work in the medical field, and since I am in the middle of nowhere, I would have to commute 25+ minutes no matter where I worked. Plus I don't have to work evenings, weekends, holidays and I am not on call. Being called in a couple times a day for a local hospital would nullify the shorter commute pretty quickly. Besides, it's an easy commute most of the time - state highway, 4 lane, couple of stop lights, and I am at work. I have friends in Madison suburbs that work downtown, or at the University, commute 20 miles, and their commute can take them almost as long as mine sometimes.

One gets used to it, and I just stick on my cruise control, turn on the satellite radio, point my car in the right direction, and drive!

I too, like the change of seasons. The problem is that I always want it to be the NEXT season. If it's winter, I want spring. If it's spring, I want summer......

Hey Mother Nature, I could do with a little less SNOW this winter!!!! ~Jan

Manchester, CT

Hi Jan...sorry for calling you Phil! : ) lol I love football, but I apologize for saying that I'm not a Packers fan. I'll root for them for you, though, since my teams out of it anyway. I LOVE Indianapolis Colts...I grew up watching Peyton Manning play college ball, and have been in love ever since!
You're right about the checks and balances with the job and commute, especially if you're happy with your home. That makes a world of difference!
I'm like you, also, I can't wait to see the next season, until it comes to winter....that can always wait! Stay warm...Maria

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Packer Fan here but I have to admit I LOVE th SUPERBOWL Commercials. When the game is on and if I am in the kitchen getting more snacks for everyone they are to yell at me when one comes on so I can drop everything and watch the commercial LOL

Manchester, CT

I love the commercials, too...that's all I have to like this year! lol

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Welcome Maria to DG! This is a fun place to hang out;o)

Oh my you are all getting slammed with the snow again! Here in the desert we are getting slapped with another 3 day freeze warning! Really? This is Phoenix? Grrrrrrr...... My plants think it is spring. It's been in the 70s for days and days and now bam! I think Mother Nature is just a little POed at the Southwest. Otherwise she'd be dumping snow here too!

Manchester, CT

Thank you for your warm welcome, kelly! You're right, I'm having a BLAST here already! We are getting another big one (actually 2) today and tomorrow...YUCK! Hope it warms up for you, and thanks again for the welcome! : ) Maria

Winnsboro, TX

Ok, Mother Nature I promise, whatever we did to upset you so will not happen again. We'll do better if you just give us half a chance. The weather man said last night that the cold weather wouldn't be here until this afternoon. I left the heat off in the greenhouse and low and behold it was 32 and FREEZING when I woke up. I was so mad I could spit nails.
The one time I listen to them and don't worry about them being wrong I get slammed. (pouting sticking out bottom lip)

This morning when I left to go to work the roads were wet but otherwise clear. We had no ice, and I could see out my car windows. I drove about 20 miles and the ice and sleet were coming down like crazy with more headed our way. (frown) I worked for one hour and decided if I was going to be able to make it home I needed to leave then. Tried to jump in the car to leave but found the doors were frozen and iced over. I kept pulling on it until I finally got it to open. I couldn't see out the windows so I had to let it run for 15 minutes to defrost the dog-gone thing. Drove by the store and picked up a few things in case we get stuck here for a couple of days. Hot chocolate was the number one thing on the list followed closely by milk and cold cereal in case we lose electricity. LOL

Oh well I'm home now and it's nice, warm, and comfortable for the time being. Mother Nature, please don't bring more of this bad weather to us. We Texan's aren't use to it, don't like it , and certainly don't know how to drive in it.

Now all of you people that live up north and are use to this weather, how in the world do you live with it??? It just seems like going anywhere would be a major challenge. I still want to know more about thisGlobal Warming issue we have.
Brrrrr, I'm going to get a blanket and tuck myself in it. It's 70 degrees in here but I'm still cold from looking outside and just watching the weather on T.V. Think I'll grap a cup of hot chocolate too while I'm up.

Mike you be careful out there with that snowblower, don't slip and get hurt.

Jan can't you find someone else who's hand fits the shovel better than yours? (BFG)

Button down the hatches dear garden buddies and friends to the east, this front is headed your direction and it's BADDDDD to the bone. At least it will chill you to the bones. LOL


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