Snow in 49 States

Winnsboro, TX

I'm not very good at this computer stuff and this probably will not work but I"m going to try to cut and paste these pictures. I think I'll stop complaining about the ice and snow we're getting here in Texas. Oh my goodness some of these people only have a small opening for their door to get in and out. If I lived there I'd never go out in that stuff. The one with the snow ski on the roof of the house was just crazy. Well crud, that didn't work. Just trust me it was beyond my wildest dreams. No way would I ever live in those places. Buuuuurrrrrrr!

Yelp, the weather here in East Texas is just wonderful!!!!

These pictures were taken in Lead, South Dakota
January 5, 2011.

Casshigh your quilts are beautiful. One of my sisters designs quilts her website is Jan Douglas Design. I love watching her put fabrics together for quilts, not my thing to make but she loves quilts.

Cartersville, GA

Betty, your sister Jan has made quite a name for herself in the quilting world. I looked at her website. She is very creative, has designed and made many beautiful quilts. I can only copy what others have made. I will go through some of the quilting magazines she mentioned that she has designs. Maybe I have those issues. I keep quilting magazines and have put them in large 3-ring binders. Thank you for sharing this information with me.


Thank you Doris! I am very proud of her, she has worked hard to get where she is in the quilting world while holding down a full time job. She was home for the funeral of our sister in December. She had some of her designs along that I got to take a peak at while one of our cousins drooled over them.


Cartersville, GA

Betty, Jan is to be commended. She has worked very hard and has made some very beautiful creations. I can understand your cousin drooling. I would have been, too. I am sorry that your reunion was for your sister's funeral.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Jan, that was a good price for draining your fuel system and flushing out the lines. This is a common occurrence when someone borrows a vehicle with diesel or super unleaded. They usually get R/Unleaded. Not detrimental to the super unleaded vehicle with one tank full.
I used to do some crocheting in my teen years. Go figure!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Wow Betty - your sister's designs are beautiful;o) Makes me wish I know how to quilt - lol.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I got an email today of those taken in Lead, SD
Gosh, I couldn't stand snow up to the eaves!
I am as far north as I want to go. If I move it will be south for sure!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Mike, you are correct, $400 was a LOT cheaper than a blown up engine would be! In D's defense, she was distracted, tired from the football game, and still wearing her Packers Duds, and was jabbering with the guy at the pump next to her.....

But she has NEVER even made this mistake before, and I have had a diesel for over 10 years. I am going to put a big sign in the car the next time I loan it to her..... But, the car is OK, it's running well. So I guess I did get off cheaply.

Betty, those are beautiful quilts, you must be proud of your sister

Mike, wasn't it Rosy Greer that used to crochet? ~Jan

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

What a snow storm!! Some states like OK, KA, MO has over a foot of snow yesterday. I hope all are safe. Some may not have electricity.

We got about 5 inches here on top of snow already on the ground. Next week we will be in the fifties!!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

No new snow, but temps at -13. Wind chill is down in the minus 20's. But, the great warm up is due this weekend, we are supposed to be in the THIRTIES for a couple of days! Time to break out the shorts!

By the way, I have a son going to college in Grand Forks, ND, and those college students up there are in shorts anytime the temperature is above freezing! Stay warm everybody, stay safe if you got caught in this latest blizzard. ~j

Beaverton, MI

well its very cold in michigan 2 degrees. it better warm up soon.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Early this morning it was 9 degrees brrrr.

Those quilts are so pretty. As a child I remember having quilting gathering. I haven't quilted for several years but collect/buy them. They are art to me. I bought 2 from my dear, late uncles estate auction. I paid to much but they are sentimental to me.

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

We got snow again last night. Not a lot by more northern standards, but there was enough ice and snow on the roads to delay the schools opening beyond the 3 hour cut off that they needed for today to still be considered a "full day" of school. Sooooo.....happy kids at home today! :-/

I hope the roads open up later today. It is Girl Scout Cookie season here and we were to have picked up more cases of cookies from the warehouse today. We need them for our cookies booths this weekend. Once we have signed for this last batch our troop will be responsible for paying for 6024 boxes! While more than half of those were pre sold in initial orders girls started taking in January, but still scary in a good sort of way!

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Be safe, I think I will start putting a blanket in the car and maybe a snack. Sometimes you get caught in slow backed up traffic with the roads in bad condition.
Girl Scout cookies, oh yeah I have 3 boxes on order LOVE those Samoas!

Winnsboro, TX

My in-laws use to make us keep 2 blankets, water, candy, flashlight, and first aid kit for if we ever got stranded in the car. Those are all good things to have in case of an emergency even when it's not winter.

Mike, I have an ex-brother-in-law that knits all the time. He lives in Utah and is always knitting someone one a toboggan, sweater, mittens, or house shoes. He's very good at it too. I have him making me a toboggan and a scarf to match right now. I don't see anything wrong with men doing this. Come to think of it, I know a man that is in his 80's that did crochet sp?. He made his wife's wedding dress and it was BEAUTIFUL. She still has the dress in her closet and it's as beautiful as the day he made it.

Jan, I'm glad your car is now back up and running right. With all things considered $400 is pretty cheap.

It seems like everything we have around here need some work on it.
The air conditioner is out on the Big John Deere Tractor (Thank goodness it's winter time) it went out in the summer.
The windshield on the car cracked all the way across it this morning. As the ice melted this morning the window just started cracking.
The Dually needs work on the electric sensors. The Dodge house said the sensors are not talking to one another.LOL.
One of the belts is off the new John Deere riding mower.
The old riding mower needs a new starter and battery.
The trailers I pull behind the lawn mowers all have a flat, but other than that, everything is just great around here.BFG.
I don't sweat the small stuff and in the big picture, it's all small stuff.

When I win the lottery I'm going to buy a new car, new truck, new house, and then I'm going to spend the rest of it all on daylilies, irises, roses, and other plants to surround me. Oh, of course all of that is after I give the Church their portion. Oh, I forgot I can't win if I don't play. Dog-gone-it! But I can still dream!


Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a) is -1 here this morning. We got out of school at 11 a.m. Wednesday and the snow was coming down then. We got about 4 inches. No school on Thurs or Fri either. Main roads are clear, but the country, curvy, hilly roads are not. We're going to be in the 50s next week!!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Hey, we are above zero this morning! And I am hearing 30's next week. One of my co-workers keeps telling me 40's & 50's, I think she is dreaming.

Or I just don't want to get my hopes up. BUT if so, this several feet of snow is going to be a MESS. Ugh ~Jan

Manchester, CT

Hi friends! Nice weather out today, a little chilly, but I only wore a sweater instead of a coat! YAY! I'm also hearing the same thing as you, Jan, possible 50 middle of next week. Talk about spring fever setting! Hope everyone is well...Maria

Winnsboro, TX

Yahooooo it was 50 degrees here today. It really was a heat wave. Too bad I wasn't able to play outside and work in the gardens. However, I'll be able to play outside tomorrow afternoon. (BFG) I've still got to get all the plants that are in the trunk of my car out and hopefully get some of them planted this weekend.

Hope the rest of you get some warm weather and can play out in your yards and gardens real soon.


Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

My car is happy tonight, I washed it!

And I can't imagine what it must be like in Egypt - AMAZING! ~Jan

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Got dumped on again last night. We have about 6 inches of new snow and then some freezing rain on top of it. All our previous snow had melted. This was hard to take so late in the season, especially when you can smell spring in the air.

Beaverton, MI

I agree hemlady. I saw a few things poking out of the ground now i am but to boohoo.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I haven't smelled even a hint of spring yet. In fact, all of our snow hadn't even finished melting (although a majority of it had, still had drifts though) Now we have about 7 more very heavy inches of snow with another 3-5 expected. And I did not go in to work today - talk about cabin fever!!! Arghhhh!. If I had driven south, I could have gotten on the interstate, Madison got very little snow. But it's that additional sleet & snow that could prevent me coming home tonight, so I called in. Heck, stupid snowplow driver is plowing in my driveway as I type.

Guess I will give up, and work on my taxes today - I can only put them off for so long! And of course, read on DG, and unfortunately scan the LA.

By the way - THE GROUNDHOG LIED ~j

Winnsboro, TX

Jan I think your right the Groundhog lied. However it's a nice 70 degrees here this morning and we have a chance of a couple of showers. I don't care if it rains because I have to work until after 6 today. So let the rain come.
Got to run, works is calling.


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Off today for President's Day. I had planned on weeding but it is so WINDY! So, I am visiting my parents. They will be celebrating 65 yrs together tomorrow.
So glad the snow is gone, even if we get more it will melt soon.

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Our kids were supposed to have it off today, but now it is a make-up snow day.

Winnsboro, TX

I think today was Make-up snow day all over the United States. I know the kids here have a bunch of days they have to make up. Our schools are NEVER closed for snow on very very rare occassions maybe once every 4-5 years .


6" of snow by this morning. So going back playing with my daylily seedling that are sprouting.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

See, I told ya the groundhog lied! ~Jan

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

That he did Jan, we got snow yesterday afternoon and again this morning, it's 18 degrees.;~(

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Cold coming again and more snow. I think the highest we are to get is 20 on Saturday. Yuck.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Look on the bright side, when it is this cold, NO MUD! ~j

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Cold today. The thermometer say -22 right now. Says a high of -3 ( heat Wave ). 6-8" of snow on the ground though for insulation. Oh mother Nature be my friend please.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Zone:3 Brrrrrrrr ! Feel your pain Steph.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I agree with Mike - Brrrr ~j

Winnsboro, TX

Steph,no wonder you made a mistake with your deposit and balance. Your brain cells are FROZEN. That's too cold for anyone or anything. BRRRRRRRRRRR.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I warmed up to -3 during the day. We did get down to -40 in the lower part of town about 6 AM.. We are up on the hill and we got down to -36. Wind chill was about -45. It is currently -12 and to get down to -35.

What brain cells are you talking about Marian. I have none. Mike and Jan know what I mean.

Steph you are not alone. More snow and freezing weather here also. Single digits by morning with 4 to 5" of snow expected.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

We are so ready for spring aren't we Blomma.

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