Snow in 49 States

Manchester, CT

WTG Packers!!!! woo-hoo!!

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

WOW!! What a game..

Sorry for hijacking this thread to discuss Superbowl.

We are supposed to get snow flurries tomorrow and maybe a bigger snow Wednesday.

Beaverton, MI

well its snowing in mi. again. did i tell you its snowing in mi again. i said its snowing in michigan again.

Marian, y ou got the right idea. A superbowl for gardens. wow! I'd stay glued to the tv.

I had Fox news on all day. Caught the celebrating of President Reagans 100th birthday remembrance. Mrs Reagan laid a wreath on her husband grave. She is 89 years old and still active.

In between the news I potted up some Daylily seeds that had sprouted and repotted other seedlings in foam coffee cups. They had outgrown their small pots. Had lunch out with my daughter and son-in-law.

The weather wasn't too bad. Some flurries during the day. Had 2" overnight. Temp about 30 degrees.

Yep, I heard about the snow on the roof of the stadium that injured several people. Goes to show that sport is bad for your health. LOL!

Sorry sportfans. Just had to get that in.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

That was just a bizarre accident for Texans.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

That entire Superbowl was weird, EXCEPT for the game! The weather, the seats that people bought, then they weren't allowed to go into the stadium - if that was me, I would have been P*SSED. Spending all that money on tickets, parking, travel, hotel - and not being allowed into the game, the weather, and then the National Anthem?????? Geez.

The game, was spectacular! I did gnaw off my fingernails, almost didn't think I would survive, and the injuries to primary players? par for the course in this weird season. But I went to bed very late, very happy, and I have a loooong day today, ending with a meeting beginning at 8pm tonight (that's what happens when one is on committees with farmers!) Thanks for allowing this superbowl hijack! ~Jan

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

Glad you guys had fun watching. Neither my DH or I are into football so we did not watch. I did not even pay attention to which teams were playing.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

The H went to his buddies and they had a good time. They were not impressed with the Half time entertainment. Some RAP group. I stayed home and did payroll and schedules, then there was the laundry that had piled up. Then played with seedlings.

Snowing heavily here today and already have 6" piled up and supposed to get 12". We won't be busy at the shop so I better call a cple people and tell them to stay home. Can't pay them all on a dead day.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

I think they have just up the ante so much on the commercials that they have backed themselves into a corner. Wish they would just get good singers to do the anthem instead of these popular recording artist. They want to try to make it such a perfomance.....instead of respecting it for what it is. And yup The Black Eyed Peas were BAD!!!! DH went to bed early.

Not a bad football game tho!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

My husband said that was the worst rendition of the national anthem he had ever heard.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I was in and out of the room during the game. I had to ask who the Packer was playin LOL.

Yes, that anthem was different alright.

I hear the BLACKEYED PEAS at home, so I was ok with them.

More snow for KY this morning! It is coming down in big oh flakes.

Tomah, WI

The game was GREAT!!!! I really liked some of the commercials. But, being the older crowd, I was not impressed by the National Anthem or the half time show. I didn't even know who any of the "artist's" were! My daughter filled me in!
Flurries here today & a bitter cold snap in store for the next few days. YUCK!

Madison, AL(Zone 7b)

One of the years the Super Bowl was in Tampa my youngest brother got to be part of the half time Show. He was part of a cast of hundreds. LOL. He got to wear a white tux and twirl around a cane. I don't remember if it was the first or second time it was there: Super Bowl XVIII in 1984 or Super Bowl XXV in 1991. Probably the first time.

No doubt because of the weather, Tampa has been host to the SB four times. The other two times were Super Bowl XXXV in 2001 and Super Bowl XLIII in 2009.

I knew it had been there at least twice. I had to google it to find out the dates though. LOL.

OK guys/gals we know that we are all tired of snow and winter and wish for spring to come so lets think positive. We are all sounding like a broken record regarding winter.

There has to be something good about winter or the good Lord would not have provided it. So, lets get our thinking cap on and try to find something positive. Example, what is it that you do during the winter that you don't do during the summer.

Here is what makes winter more tolerate for me, which without winter I wouldn't do.

1] Winter is the time to sew, crochet, and cross stitch.
2] Time to plan for next season's garden/flowers
3] Spend more time with family since no garden to watch over.
4] Start new plants/pot seedlings.
5] Drool over garden catalogs or web sites
6] More relaxing days since no garden plants to worry about drying out.
7] After winter I am more refreshed and energized to work for 5 or 6 months in my garden.
8] Winter prevents me from gardening burnout. I could not garden 12 month out a year.
9] Welcomed relief from those hot summer days, which I am sure we will be complaining about eventually.
10] Finally, know that all my plants are snuggly sleeping under blanket of snow to greet me with their beautiful blooms according to their timetable---their renewal for another season of growth.

So, lets hear from the rest of you.


Manchester, CT

Hi everyone...I am happy to report for once no major storm this week! Woo-hoo! Only snow showers tonight. The one they thought was coming Wed.-Thurs. is no longer. Finally, a full week of pay! : ) Lily, you are so positive! I do enjoy the fact that I don't have to do BOTH the outside and inside. I guess if I weren't so anal retentive about things I could delegate more, but noone does things here like! I am also thankful for early dark when I'm tired and I would like the kids to go to bed early. "But mommy, I'm not tired!" "But children, it's dark out!" : ) That is my list...I miss the warmth, the dirt, the sun, and the grass, though. I wouldn't mind more months of spring/summer. Sun is good for the soul! : ) Maria

Cartersville, GA

Like blomma, my favorite thing about winter is that I can slow down, relax, and re-energize. I get to do those other things that I enjoy and have no time to do or am too tired to do other times of the year. I prefer the colder temperatures to the hot, humid mid to upper 90's. I get to read and make quilts. Here is a quilt that I started two years ago. I finally finished hand quilting it in December.

Thumbnail by Casshigh
Cartersville, GA

I have been piecing this quilt for the past few weeks. I will finish sewing the rows together tonight. I will begin cutting the fabric for another quilt tonight. I hope to finish the next quilt top before the weather starts improving in a few weeks. Then I will put one of the tops on the quilt frame and begin quilting as time permits.

I have more daylily labels to make and put on plant stands.

Thumbnail by Casshigh
Winnsboro, TX

My list should be fairly short.

In the winter I sleep a lot later because I don't have to get up and go out and work in the gardens before it gets too hot.

In the winter I'm usually bored to tears so (if I have any money) I get one the Lily Auction to cheer me up. LOL

In the winter I fantasize over how beautiful my gardens are going to look during the spring/summer. Then I wonder why it never turns at as I had invisioned.

In the winter I can clean up some of the mess out there that I couldn't clean up when it was too hot.

In the winter I start new plants and do winter sowing.

In the winter I stock up on broken bags of goodies to use in the yard. Lowe's sales the busted bags of fertilizer, mulch, humus, potting soil, cow manure, and so forth 1/2 price. When you use as much of this stuff as I do it's a big savings.

In the winter I have time to visit with my grandchildren over the best holidays of the year, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

In the mean time in the winter I'm depressed and can't wait for bright sunny days and playing in the dirt.

More snow here for tomorrow and later in the week. I'm seek of this white stuff.

On another note, ya'll please pray for my sister-in-law. She was rushed to the hospital this afternoon throwing up blood. As of 6 this evening she still hadn't seen the doctor, but had undergone several test, and some x-rays. Her name is Fern. Actually it's Alice Fern, but everyone knows her as Fern.

I didn't watch the Super Bowl, I watched the T.V. in the bedroom and played cards on the computer. I could hear DH and DD every once in awhile complaining about something to do with the game. DH is in Dallas with his Sister and her husband. Hopefully everthing will be ok and he can some home in a day or two.

When I went out to the greenhouse this evening I noticed I had lost all my coleus and my HUGE BEATUTIFUL staghorn fern. (sniff sniff) Most of the tropicals look ok, but it will probably take a few days to see exactly what's not going to make it. (BIg UGLY Frown)


Winnsboro, TX

Oh Doris, those quilts are beautiful. I just can't get over how talented some people are. Thank you for posting some photos of them. I was beginning to think I wasn't ever going to get to see them. LOL

Love You and hope DH is doing better!

Manchester, CT

The quilts are absolutely beautiful! Have you thought of making a business out of it? I bet you would do well, and you're very talented! Someone once said that it's not a job if it's something you love. Marian, I will definitely say prayers for Fern. I will also tell my mom to pray. Take care friends, and have a great night! Maria

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

The quilts are beautiful - that is a hobby for the future for me. Perhaps after I get bored with flowers!

And yes, prayers headed out for Fern.

What I can do in the winter, that I can't do in the summer:

*Not swat at mosquitos

*Make snow angels

*Drool over garden catalogs

*Shovel snow

*Figure out my taxes

*Wrap myself in a quilt, and vegetate with a good book on the couch ~Jan

Thanks for posting. See, there are things that only gets done in the winter. I knew it!!

Casshigh Your quilts are beautiful. That takes lots of patience to do. Lucky for you that there is winter or you would never have started it , or finished it. How long does it take to finish one?

Marian First, your sister-in-law will be in my prayers. Keep us posted on what is going on with her.

See, your list wasn't so short after all. All good deeds you did. So sorry that you lost your Staghorn Fern. I had one years ago. I hope all other plants in your greenhouse will be ok. Wyoming weather is the reason I don't have a greenhouse. It would probably blow away. I did own and operated a commercial greenhouse in Nebraska during the 80's. Although a bit warmer there, it was still sometimes stressful worrying about plants. Not to mention it ties you down.

It is interesting to read how you all spend time to avoid going nuts during winter so keep it coming.

Meanwhile, we had 2" of snow today, and still coming down. Oh well......!

Gee, Jan, is that all!!!LOL

Cartersville, GA

Thank you for all the compliments on the quilts. I started quilting about 10 years ago when I had some spare time in the winter. I had been sewing since I was a child and progressed to making clothes in high school and as an adult. I guess it was a natural progression that I would make quilts. I slept under heavy layers of homemade quilts as a child. I sometimes looked at them wondering who had made them and how long it must have taken to make them sewing by hand and dim lights at night after all the farm work was done. I still have some those old ones. I treasure them as I now know how much time goes into making a quilt. I see making a quilt much like constructing a flower bed. I like lots of color in quilts and lots of color in flower beds, too. The quilt that I finished in December had been on the quilt frame for two years. Once I really got into daylilies, I had no extra time for anything else. I'd work on it each winter as time permitted. Before daylilies, I averaged one full size quilt a year from the beginning of cutting the fabric and piecing to the hand quilted finished product. I also made 2 or 3 baby quilts each year. Now, I just go buy diapers and wipes and that is the baby gift.

This message was edited Feb 8, 2011 8:47 AM

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

Quilts are gorgeous!!

I read more in the winter. I still work so I get up early all year round.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Doris I love the qui;ts. Sewing was never easy for me so I am impressed when someone can create such wonderful things.

Marian you are all in my Prayers.

Winter- I blog more than usual and dream of spring.

I play with my seeds

I stay in as much as I can out of the cold and in the warm house.

I work more at the shop to fill the time until spring.

I argue with the H. more as we see too much of each other inside all day and at the shop.

I give my Lil Kitty Britches more snuggles and attention as he doesn't like the cold and snow either. We comfort each other.

I miss my family as they live too far to see them much in the winter

I play Free Cell and Spider Solitaire (too much)

I plan my next blooming season and organize all my plants into files.

So there you have it-Spring is coming.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

We have about 5 new inches of snow again.

In the winter I can :

Look at all the wonderful plants in the garden catalogs. Then paring down my enormous list!

Drink Hot Chocolate

Connect with old friends, to busy in the summer

Birdwatch : Nothing more beautiful than cardinals on a snow covered tree.

Wintersow annuals

Clean closets, under the beds and cupboards
Been procastinating on this one lol

Go to and try new ones


Make hot chili and soups

Hang out more at DG

Winter doesn't seem so bad, this is good therapy for a cabin fever gal.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Doris, you are truly a "GAL" (smile) of many talents! You make David proud. Mike

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Marian, brace yourself ! More precip coming your way !

Thumbnail by HazelCrestMikeB
Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

WOW Teresa, 5 inches!! We got about 2 inches last night. Who knows what is coming Wednesday.

Manchester, CT

Hi friends! You all gave me the giggles looking at your lists!: ) We had a little bit of a mix this morning, didn't amount to much. The remainder of the week shows nothing, and we may make it to 40 degrees on Saturday! Heatwave! My thoughts are with you all who are having more snow, I truly feel for you. I can add one more thing onto my list....
drive my husband crazy because we're trapped in the house together. By the time spring comes, he's going to be so happy to get me out of the house, he won't care how much time I spend outside! Yay! lol...goodnight, friends!

Winnsboro, TX

First dear friends Thank You for your prayers for Fern. Seems like they helped a great deal. Fern is at home now and the doctors told her all that was wrong with her was some kind of stomach virus. I pray to God that they are right.

Mike you don't have to show me pictures of more snow. I don't want people that are use to the snow can keep it. I become a bed potato when it snows and gets cold here. I just came in from playing in the yard. Everything is still pretty wet but at least the snow is gone. (for now) It's suppose to snow again tonight. (sticking out bottom lip pouting). I went to Lowes today and picked up a couple of racks of perennials that had been discounted till they were nearly free. LOL.... Just in time to be covered with snow tonight. Then we're suppose to get freezing rain too.... Did I tell you
I DON"T LIKE THIS WEATHER? Thank God I got a little fix walking around and playing outside in the yard this afternoon. The temps were in the 50's but that really was a heat wave for us considering how cold and windy it has been here lately.

Steph, I play spider solitariary and the other card games too. I had never played Hearts and didn't have the instructions but I played yesterday anyway. You would have died laughing at me cause the first couple of games I kept trying to catch EVERYTHING. I didn't know any better and man when my totals kept adding up I would get real excited, only to find out I lost the game each time. was still fun, cause I didn't know right from wrong playing the game.

Ok, I've got to get ready to go play Volleyball at church in a little while so I got to get all my messages typed and sent before I leave.

I also have to Brace for the storm that's suppose to hit tonight. I'm praying it over looks us this time.


Manchester, CT

Hi Marian...I'm glad Fern is doing better. I'm like you, I'm all done with this weather. When we're using backhoes for snow removal, there's a problem. Not to mention all the collapsing buildings in the area. I'm counting down to spring! : ) Hoping the storm misses you.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Oh Marian I want to play cards with you LOL. Bring all you change-better yet all your bills and I will show you how to play Montana Hold Em. HAHA

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I like Free Cell. I have played others, but come back to Free Cell. ~j

Oskaloosa, IA(Zone 5a)

I am probably strange, but my kids got me into webkinz and the games you play with them and others online. But I really enjoy looking on gardening websites. and trying to get caught up on the gardening magazines that I subscribe to.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, yes I forgot about the extra time we have to play online games. My favorite is Literati at Yahoo. As a child I was the youngest of 3 sisters and I would beg them to play Scrabble with me.
Literati is almost the same. Check it out, it even has a live chat too. I have played games this winter with folks all over the world. Gotta love the internet!

Winnsboro, TX

No way Steph, you'd take/win all my money and then I'd be stuck again without any new daylilies to add to my collection. Besides, I just told you I played hearts for over an hour trying to catch every hand I could and was so very proud of all the points I was racking up. Then I discovered your not suppose to catch the tricks, DUH....That's about right, you'd love to take this Poor old Gr Grandma to the cleaners. But it would be so much fun playing one another because we'd be laughing our tails off. Have any of you ever played the card game they call "Hell"? Where each person playing has their own deck of cards and the object is to play all of your cards before anyone else. The more people that play the crazier the game gets. I've never seen cards fly from all directions in all my life. You have to be very quick and watching every pile or you will be left holding your cards and someone is always beating you in laying down their card in a pile you want to play on. Once you've played the game you can understand how it got it's name. LOL
Steph you know I'm not much of a card player when I told you I was playing hearts all wrong and I got just as much enjoyment out of it as I did when I learned what I was doing wrong. Let's just say it doesn't take alot to keep my mind busy.

Thanks again for everyone's prayers for Fern!!!


Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I too, played Hearts 'backwards' - Love that I am not the only one to play it wrong!

Glad Fern is doing better.

Temps frigid this am, negative numbers. Glad my car is parked inside my warm garage. It had a trauma this week while D25 had it, something that has NEVER happened in all the years I have owned deisels, by anybody - family or friends that have driven it. D put regular gas in it. Realized it, had it towed across the street to a car dealership ($100 for towing - did I mention it was across the street?) and $400 later, my poor traumatized car seems fine.

Then D lost her wallet in all the stress, and is now spending time closing accounts, getting new ID, yada, yada, yada......

But thankfully my car, is home, safe & sound. ~j

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

That is too bad about the vehicle. Poor D must feel terrible. Hope she finds her wallet.

Marian I would love to play that game. Sounds like great fun.

When my one brother comes and my sister, the H & I play Texas Hold-em and we have a riot. Needless to say the H & I make up our own rules and it is a riot. We are all rolling on the floor before it is done and can't wait until the next time we get together. My brother and sister re-named it Montana Hold-Em in our Honor LOL. Believe me I am not the best card player but I sure try.

Cold and below 0 again this AM with some wind. Chilly in the house too,. Yuck.

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