Snow in 49 States

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Single digits here this morning, and I have to be outside at county fair beef weigh-in this morning - all morning.

Is it spring yet? ~j

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Warmed from -10 to +8 during the night. Chinook winds blowing. Here are a cple Pics. this AM.

Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)


Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Britched hunkered down keeping warm. He likes to look out the patio doors and gets inbetween the slats.

Thumbnail by rebloomnut

rebloomnut, you got it! I am ready. 0 degrees and 6 " of snow this morning. I've finished doing all that I usually do in the winter. And my seedlings are doing great.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

drifting good with the wind

Thumbnail by rebloomnut
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Boy your heating bills must be astronomical. I complain about $300 a month with my small (under l000sq ft home). I sure can't imagine how you folks with bigger homes can do it.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Weather looks nasty Steph, love your kitty. It's 3 degrees and snowing here, it's supposed to snow for the next 3 days...sigh!!!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Hemlady our heat bill for 2,500' house runs about $200 for Elec. Gas for heat in the coldest part of the year. We have an Electric Coop here and the Gas Co. is so reasonable.
I can't imagine paying what you do.

Mcash You need to warm up as I am S E of you and it heads my way.. Hurry

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Wow, that is great. Lucky for you. We have about 3 months in the winter where our gas bills are 300 or more, but I guess I shouldn't complain because that does include electric as well.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Snowing here right now, big fluffy powdery stuff. BUT, I heard a male cardinal sing this morning, and the sandhill cranes are on their way back north - a little late this year- usually they arrive about mid February, followed by the geese then the ducks and other migratory birds.

And those pictures LOOK cold!!!!

Temperature was in single digits this morning, warmed up to 14 degrees during beef weigh - in for county fair. Weighed in 160 head of cattle over the 6 hours. I managed to snag myself a spot at the computer entering data, so wasn't outside the entire time - lucky me! ~Jan

Beaverton, MI

Its snowing again. there's no place like spring. there's no place like spring.
is it here yet?????

Winnsboro, TX

I do believe that Spring is here in East Texas. But mother nature maybe just playing with us. It's amazing how the grass can go from dead to green in just a couple of days. Everything here is budding out and the fruit trees are blooming as are the daffodils, and other little bulbs. It's just a matter of time before everything is growing full force.
Did I mention that after I spread all the cow poop we had two days of rain. Boy that poo will make everything jump up out of the ground. I can't wait to see how it effect the plants blooms this year.

Ya'll try to stay warm. Those pictures made me cold. Then when I read everyone's temps for the day, I thought to myself why in the world would anyone live in places that get that cold. Then I thought well those people probably think - why in the world would anyone live where I live, where it's so darn hot in the summer. LOL

Soon dear friends, Spring will be there before you know it.


Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Snow here......spring is never coming

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Just got an e-mail and photo from a friend in Tucson, they got snow last night!!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

My nieces in the Santa Cruz/ Carmel area of CA posted pictures of snow yesterday where they live.

By the way, according to the LA, we are 20 days from spring. ~j

Beaverton, MI

well its taking to long to get here

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Second that!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I want to go from winter, to spring, and skip the mud season in between. Think that will happen? ~j

Beaverton, MI

no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Your lips to Gods ears!!!!!

Manchester, CT

Hi everyone!! I've missed you all (computer problems) but I can FINALLY see the grass in my yard!! Woo-hoo! The 5 foot drifts were getting a little annoying. We're getting rain lately, and the muddy paws are killing me, but I take it as a lesson to make me a better just relax. : )
Steph, my father's lifelong dream has always been to own a tiny cabin in Montana, but I don't think I could deal with the temperatures there. Hope it's getting a little warmer.
Check your Farmer's Almanac for planting dates and look to the sun for warmth! LOL!! Maria

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Good to hear from you Marie. Hope that computer minds it's P's & Q's now. It has warmed now to 50 something today and melting like crazy. FINALLY. If your dad got a cabin he would love it here. The Spring/Summer/Fall are beautiful. He could go back there in the winter.

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Yes, but how long is winter there? From August on? LOL

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

HAHA this year that could have been the case. Actually it does not start until the end of Oct. and ends by March. USUALLY.

Winnsboro, TX

I'm just going to pack up my things and move in with Steph, Les, or Doris. Shoot maybe I'll just spend a couple of months with all of them. I would for sure start at Stephs in the summer, then Les, and finally Doris when it's too cold to go back to Stephs. Hey now that sounds like a plan to me. LOL Ya'll get my room ready and make sure I have a view of the gardens from it.

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