Snow in 49 States

Oskaloosa, IA(Zone 5a)

We just got put into a blizzard warning from noon today till noon tommorow. We are suppose to get 12-16 inches of snow, then 35 mile an hour winds. Looks like the kids and I wil be snowed in for awhile. My husband has to drive an hour for work, I hope he decides just to stay there and not try to drive home. Kim

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Marian, this nasty stuff, makes us appreciate the really nice weather whenever we get it. Although we do get ice and sleet, I think that some places get more than us. Usually we are too cold for sleet. Personally, I prefer winter temps in the low 20's. That way everything - like the mud, is frozen. Once the temps start getting up around 30, things start melting, and all that mud gets tracked inside of my house.

As for the rest of it, one just learns to live with it - I know that I would never be able to handle the summer heat that many of you that live in the south are prone to. Oh my, I would melt into a glob! Granted, where I live we have humidity, but we only average about a week or two of temps above 90 annually.

Maria, welcome, and anyone that wants can call me Phill. I am used to it, and it has been a nickname for me since I was a kid.

I just spent quite a bit of time outside, shoveling (again) and also, moving the piles of snow that are alongside my driveway further into my yard. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to clear my driveway when this storm is done because I would have no place to put the new snow. The nice thing about the 6-8 inches I have shoveled last night and this morning, is that so far it is a light and fluffy snow. A lot of it, but not heavy.

On the other hand, it will NOT make a good snowman :(

Everyone stay warm & safe. By the way, does ANYONE here have decent weather today? ~Jan

PS- is it too early to add Baileys to my hot chocolate?.

Manchester, CT

Hi everyone! Marian, I'm SO glad you made it home safely! I've been there done that, driving home white knuckled saying prayers the whole way! Kim, take it easy and use this weather as a reason to be here! : ) I do, and my husband just rolls his eyes! lol Jan, it's never too early for Bailey's : ). It is 5 o'clock somewhere, after all! Everyone be safe and warm and dream of flowers tonight...Maria

HOly Cow!!! It is freezing. At 5pm I looked at the thermometer hanging on my garage and it is 16 below. Will go to 30 below by morning. No snow. We already have had that. Hope my car will start again in the morning.

My car door froze shut last month when it was sleet. Googled the problem and I bought a silicone spray at Walmart. Coated all around where the door touches the frame, including the moulding. I sprayed on a rag and ran it around, rather than spray directly. It worked. It kept the door from freezing shut. Did all the doors this way.

I also bought a spray that you use on the windows which helps removing the ice. It slides off. I also use the spray that melts ice on the other windows. Sometimes the ice is so hard that it will not scrape off easily. The spray helps.

Yes, there are times when I wonder what am I doing here. In one word, family. I also know I can't take the extreme heat in the south. I lived in Northern Arizona for 2 years. The winters were nice but the summers just about killed me. What fun is summer when it is too hot to go outside to enjoy?

Hope eeryone stays warm. Spring will come, as it alsways does. Once February is gone, weather will warm up.

This message was edited Feb 1, 2011 5:48 PM

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Manchester, CT

So sorry, Blomma...I grew up in TN and transplanted to CT. The winters here are much worse than what I'm used to for sure! You were saying how cold it was but no snow...the old-timers in TN used to say it had to warm up to snow. Watch out if it does, then! : ) I've not known it to be wrong yet. Stay warm everyone! Maria

Lake Stevens, WA

All of you that are in this storm please take care. Just saw the news and read your posts. Be safe!!

Bakersfield, CA

Gee, I've never seen a thermometer that had a minus scale too. Amazing! So sorry this is hitting everyone again -- but maybe this will be the last of it.

Manchester, CT

Thank you Spring and Bet for your well wishes...we've gotten so slammed, it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel! That's why I enjoy Dave's and the great people so much! Everyone take care, stay warm and safe, and thanks again...Maria

Maria first welcome to our group. Gosh, you must be freezing in CT since you are from TN. I hope your blood thickens quick. I have lived in Massachusetts and NY where not is it only cold but the humidity is high so the dampness it eats right through. clothing.

Thermometers with negative marks are just made for WY LOL!

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh my..I feel for those of you in the path of that storm. Here in south central KY we had 54 degrees today. It seemed the winds from the gulf pushed that snow and cold to the north of Ky. A granddaughter said the snow is about 12 inches where she lives in southern Missouri. I hope everyone is able to keep their electricity and stay warm. Don't overdo it shoveling driveways!

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I was hoping that the wind would blow all the snow OFF my driveway, but instead it seems to be drifting it in. (big frown) Perhaps it blew all the snow off my roof, so I won't have to rake it.

It is REALLY nasty out there, glad I don't have to be out in it. I doubt if my shorthair cross, Molly - dog, will spend any more time then necessary outside either. On the other hand, there is so much snow outside, that she doesn't even have to squat!

Temps are at 15 degrees, with wind chills below zero. We had a couple of days this year, that we barley hit zero for the high. But that too, is normal. Temps are supposed to drop below zero with this arctic chill that is right behind the blizzard.

But so far, I am snug and safe and warm.

I will mention that it is ironic, and thank goodness for technology - that I am looking at beautiful pictures of DL on the other threads here, while such a nasty storm is raging outside. Keep posting those photos, they really warm me up! ~Jan

Manchester, CT

Thank you, Blomma, for your warm welcome! : ) Everyone on Dave's is SO already feels like family. You all are great! It's would think I could handle cold since my mother immigrated from Finland, but I missed the cold tolerance gene. lol! It does get much worse here than TN. I don't know how many times since I've moved here that someone has said, "You don't get snow in TN, do you?" Ha, ha!! We do get snow, just not like THIS! This is riDICulous! My father lived in Ohio as a bachelor and has pictures of the snow higher than his car. I talk to him now (they still live in TN) and he laughs and says, "So, how do you like that snow?" Funny guy!!
Thank you, floweringchild, for thinking of all of us. I have family in Hazard, Kentucky. Are you close to there? I can't wait to see above freezing! It'll be a heat!
Jan, you won't believe this....I have a dog named Molly, too. She's a lab boxer mix, black with a white chest and white boots. We adopted her from the SPCA to be a sister to our older dog, a golden, named Parker. We got her a couple years ago when they brought 300+ animals up all from the southern states, and had a massive day long adoption event. She was 6 weeks old, one of a littler of 6. They were SO pitiful, totally emaciated, I could count every rib, her hip bones stuck all the way out. She was covered in ticks, too. The worst part that she was taken from a supposed "foster home"! My 5 year old son picked her out of all the dogs there, and she's quite a character, now! She "talks" to you, and if you don't answer her, she'll smack you with her paw and start talking all over again. Sleeping is funny, too...she has to have a blankie and pillow. I swear she thinks she's human! I love her dearly! She LOVES this snow! She goes to the back door to go out, but just to play! Then she'll come to the door like she wants to come in, but won't, and "talks" to Parker to join her. Running, jumping, rolling in it...hysterical!! I'll see if I can post a pic of her here for you. I'm glad you're doing well, stay warm and safe! : )
Another day home from work watching it snow... : (

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

Hazard, KY is about 100 miles to the east of me. I visited there once in the 80s. It is more mountainous than here. A pretty area. They usually get more snow than we do.

Manchester, CT

Hopefully this works... : ) this is a picture of Parker on left and Molly on the right.

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Manchester, CT

Ok, floweringchild...I haven't been there in 15 years myself. It's my father's family, and they're not that close.

Manchester, CT

Here is the snow in my front yard, and that was before these last two days...enough already!!

Thumbnail by mariaburns1
Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Well, I am snug as a bug, AND my internet is back up (it was down for a bit)

Maria, Up until about 6 years ago when the last one died, I had goldens for about 20 years. LOVE goldens. In fact, I have a sister in Ohio that judges, trains, teaches and raises goldens. Maybe someday I will have another. I too love Boxers, I bet your Moly is very glad to have you as a 'parent'. I will admit that I will never name another pet with a common 'human' - type name again. When I take Molly to a park, and call her, all sorts of little girls turn & look! That is why my youngest pet, the 2 year old Maine Coon, is named "Gibbs"

I will have to go outside soon to at least move the drift away from my front door. I also have one large branch on my clothesline I need to move. It came down last night, but other than that, so far things are OK here. Will post some pictures later. Total snowfall amounts are in the 18-20 inch range for these two days.

Wish I had a snowmobile...... ~Jan

Manchester, CT

Hi Jan...I LOVE Parker! He is such a good boy! We had to compromise when we wanted to get our first dog- I wanted a collie, my husband wanted a lab. So we chose a golden! : ) He is super protective, loving and listens very well. If he sees me with a mop or a broom in my hand, he only lays in the doorway...won't dare walk on the floor! : ) You are too funny...I think the human name humanized her too much! She really thinks she's one of us. It's so funny, too, that my mom had a Maine Coon years ago. My daughter was 2 and the cat was the same size as her. They are SO beautiful.
Right now we are getting pure ice...hopefully power lines will hold up. Take care and stay warm! Maria

Winnsboro, TX

And to think I thought it was cold here at 15. All I can say is that this is not right for TEXAS. It's suppose to be nice and warm here. I'm ready for those 70 degrees days we had just 3 days ago. DH tries to cheer me up by telling me how much we need this freezing cold weather. He's telling me how it's going to kill all the bugs and so forth. I told him it was pretty expensive bug killer. He asked how I figured that, I told him our heat has not turned off for the entire time so our electric bill will probably be between $4-$500 dollars this month. Not to mention the fact I'll be lucky if the heater in the greenhouse is able to keep it above freezing in there. I think they are saying we have another 2 days of below freezing temps for the entire day (frown).

Praise God that our temps don't get down to below 0. Brrrrrr, I'm staying in bed with the electric blanket all day.
I still don't know how you folks handle this weather. It's not fit for animals or humans. At least the sun is out and gives you the false feeling that it's going to warm up outside.

Certainly gives new hope to Spring things. We can view the photos of all the plants blooming and warm up by knowing that all these things will be here before we know it.

Stay warm dear friends,

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Ok, some pictures of the "Big Blizzard of 2011"

Thumbnail by philljm
Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Looking out my front door

Thumbnail by philljm
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Marian, I feel ya! This sure isn't Arizona weather either. Howling wind and close to freezing last night. Below freezing tonight and possibly tomorrow night... Today is in the mid-40s but feels about 10° colder with the wind chill. 40 mph winds... If it snowed here we would be under a blizzard watch - lol. So windy the covers over the plants were blowing off all night - grr - but everything looks ok this morning. Tonight is the cold one. Y'all stay warm and safe in this crazy weather!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

OK I feel warm now. We are at this moment 24 above. Heat Wave.. I hope you don't have a lot of flooding when it warms up there. Have not seen that much snow in awhile. Stay warm and safe.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

We had a lot of drifting of the snow so it is hard to tell how much we really got. In one spot I measured 14" and another 10". That's certainly plenty. It currently is snowing now and we are supposed to get another inch or two today.

Manchester, CT

So sorry, Marian, for all the unseasonable weather...I actually saw a report on the news last night about it. I feel for you. Have you thought about supplementing your electricity with solar panels? My father did that, and actually got the panels for free from someone who wanted them taken off their home. Maybe someone in your area has them and wants that done also. Just a thought...: )
Jan, your yard looks like mine! Are you sure you're not my neighbor? lol It gets a little tiring looking at nothing but white, huh? I hope you were safe shoveling, and try to starm warm, dear.
Thank you Kelly for thinking of us...I'm sorry it's so cold for you, also. And thank you, also rebloomnut...I worry about the streams once it melts, not to mention the muddy yard!! With the two dogs, it's going to be a mess for a while after, I'm sure! I long ago gave up on the swiffer wet cloths, got sick of having to buy them over and over again, not to mention the question as to making dogs sick... I took old washcloths and use than on the swiffer frame, just spritz the floor with my own cleaner, and then just throw the washcloths in the wash. Works even better! : )
At least the storm is over for the most part here, hemlady...there's a thick coating of ice on our cars and husband is out now trying to chip it off the cars. Better him than me! : ) lol
Everyone stay safe and warm! Maria

Winnsboro, TX

I agree Steph, after seeing the above photos I'm lucky that all we have are a few days in the teens. Not alot of snow but a good deal of ice.

My goodness I'd die if I had to shovel off the driveway and the sidewalk. What am I talking about I don't even have a regular driveway I have a cow patty trail to the house and then a sidewalk about 30 ft long. LOL If we can't get out of the driveway we just start up the John Deere and push the truck or car to the top of the hill so it can get some traction.

Jan, I've never seen that much snow in my life except in the movies.

I'm still holding the bed down with the electric blanket and flannel sheets. I'm watching tv, playing cards on the computer, and so forth. I've even been looking at some daylily catalogs. That's how I'm dealing with this weather were having.


Manchester, CT

Lol, Marian...I think that Dave's is a fix of hope for all of us! If you want, I have plenty of snow to share! : ) I never had to worry about shoveling either...we lived in the county when I was growing up, so no sidewalks or anything else. We did enough to get out, and let nature do the rest. Keep the bed in check, Marian...that's what I plan on doing after supper. Stay warm everyone! Maria

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Molly-dog got stuck in the snow today! It was starting to crust over, and it was taller than her in the area she got into, and I had to wade through it until I could reach her collar and drag her to me! Wish I had my camera outside then!!! It was pretty funny. After that, we played on the cleared off driveway instead. (Molly is a large dog, about 65 lbs)

There is so much snow, the piles in my yard from the street, pushed into my yard courtesy of the Village, is about 10 feet high. (done after my pics were taken) There is a reason I will never plant daylilies along the street, even though because I live on a cul de sac, and have a lot of front yard, and it would look great.

I don't worry about the melt, doesn't do any good. I just need to keep on top of it. We had flooding due to rain in 09, and I was OK. I will hope that it will continue this year during snow melt. There is a reason I have an extra sump pump stored in my garage in case it is necessary!

I too, hate mud season. Ick.

But this snow pack is great for my DL, especially since we are supposed to get sub zero temps here over the next couple of days. Granted, not as cold as others, but still cold.

By the way, I love my insulated, attached garage..... Stay warm and safe everyone, and for those of you in the East, this is an incredible, nasty storm. Wish I could have gotten pictures last night, bet they would not have done the fury of the storm, justice ~Jan

Winnsboro, TX

DH told me I needed to get up and do something or I was going to get bed sores. LOL I told him that's ok, he's going to get recliner burns/sores. He's holding down the recliner which he does 99% of the time anyway. I don't even take naps but he does. These last two days have been awesome as far as I'm concerned. I'm tucked nice and warmly in my bed with the tv on and I can't think of a thing I need. I've visited the LA several times each day, watched a few movies, answered emails, and even played games. I"m in hog heaven and as long as this weather stays nasty, I may become a couch or in my case a Bed potato.

Maria, Dave's does give us a place to just hang out and lurk around looking at plants and things. Yacking to other gardeners and so forth. Better than getting outside in this garbage and getting wet and cold.

Jan, I'm glad you were able to assist Molly back to the house. LOL

My daughter said something to the fact that there were not as many birds coming to the feeders today. I told her well heck no their little footsies are stuck to the ice and they can't get out of the trees, off the barb wire, and so forth. She laughed so hard she cried.


Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Oh Marian, I was just rolling with your post! Thanks for the chuckles! ~Jan

Manchester, CT

I'm so glad Molly's ok, Jan...I can SO picture it, and it made me giggle, too! : ) When my Molly went out the first time after it stopped icing, she was walking on top and then starting sinking scared her when her paws popped through, cause it took a second and pop! She wasn't expecting that!
Marian, why is it they can hold their recliners down, and keep the remotes happy every spare moment they have, and that's ok. But heaven forbid, we have one lazy day, and they're in utter shock! I know exactly what you mean! Too funny...
I have to go to work delay for me, either, because we're a multi-district school. Say a prayer that my Outback doesn't become a "flying car"! Have a great day, and stay safe and warm everyone! Maria

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh how I dislike winter!! I hate the cold. It is 19 degrees now. We have more snow coming in for the weekend. I can't imagine living in the north with all that snow and below zero temps.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Remember, each day brings us closer to spring, snow/ bitter temps - they won't stop spring from coming. Ok, perhaps delay it a bit! According to the LA, we are at 44 days, 16 hours, 49 minutes and a few seconds....

I keep telling myself that, it's 6 * outside.... BUT, it's not snowing right now! ~Jan

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

I think we hit a low of 25° in metro Phoenix this am. Just over 26° at my place... Brrrrrrr... Anything that needs any chill will definitely get it this winter. This is the 3rd cold snap/freeze we've had... very unusual for us. Did somebody say global warming? LOL

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Thermometer says 30 here right now. Heat Wave. Can't believe we are warmer than Phoenix. Supposed to get cold and snowy this weekend again,, Enough already. Saw some of the eastern storm on TV last night-BRUTAL. I am lucky I am where I am.

Oskaloosa, IA(Zone 5a)

Woke up this 4 this morning to make my husbands lunch and coffee, temp was -1. Of course he thought it would be nice if I went out and warmed his car for him. I think he owes me big time, I think I might have to go shopping at the lily auction. Ha Ha. Kim

Manchester, CT

I second that, floweringchild...I keep dreaming for warmth! : ) You are so positive, Jan...the countdown to spring kills me, though, because it's TOO far away. Yikes, kelly! You were not much warmer than us, this a.m. We were at 20. We're supposed to get more on Saturday, too, rebloomnut, and then midweek next week. This is quite enough!! Kim, I see a perfect gift for your husband...a remote car starter!! : ) Then all he has to do is push the button, and you stay nice and warm! lol!! Stay warm, everyone! Maria

Winnsboro, TX

Brrrrr, just got home from work a couple of hours ago. Temps still well below freezing and going to stay that way at least another day or two.

Steph, it's warmer in Cut Bank than it is here in East Texas. I'm screaming and telling you folks THIS AIN'T RIGHT.

I'm headed to the bedroom to turn the electric blanket back on. Once the bed is warmed up I'm crawling back into it. I just love that nice warm toasty feeling. I may even curl up with a good book. At the very least a good catalog for daylilies and or irises. LOL That could be rather costly in the long run. LOL

Maria, your so very right. My DH holds the recliner down all day and watches whatever he wants to on the boob tube. He drives me crazy hopping channels during comercials looking for something else to watch. I think it all has to do with the HUNT. BFG. It drives him crazy when I do the same thing he does with the remote control. HE says "can't you put it on one channel and leave it alone. I tell him nope, I'm doing the same thing as you. I'm hunting! Because I had to work today he rolled me out of the bed at 6:30. I was madder than an old wet hen. I could have slept till 7:00 I didn't have to be at work until 8. It's funny he doesn't work and doesn't have to get up at any given time but he wants me to get up and get out of the house. I guess when I turn 70 I can stay at home and not worry about getting up either. LOL

Ok dear friends, it's got to warm up sooner or later so let's all cheer up, grab a cup of hot chocolate and dream about how beautiful our daylily gardens are going to be this year.

I'm retreating to the bedroom now.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

We will be back in the 70s by early next week - just one more night of cold ( I hope). Kim, just think - you shop on the LA you won't even have to leave the house and go out in the cold;o)

Moline, IL(Zone 5a)

Well on Tuesday thru Wednesday we got 18 1/2 in. I work at Wal Mart and was scheduled to work 6:30 to 11 pm. It was very strange because the whole 3rd shift, except for 3 people, called off. I was the only cashier working and I was actually somewhat busy. On the way home I had to drive thru the whiteout and I got stuck twice. LOL the second time I got stuck was when I was half way on my driveway. I was out there at midnight shoveling and rocking the car back and forth in the snow that was up past my bumper.

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