September Chat Continues

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Great! Thanks, KA!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Nice haul, you all. Enjoy your pretties!

Finally found out what this scented Geranium looks like. It has struggled through the summer weather without a bloom and looked terrible, but the cooler temps finally brought out some blooms and it looks much better overall ... now at least I know what it looks like. :-] It's the scented geranium that smells like citronella but I can't think of the name at the moment. Got it written down somewhere.

Can you tell how dry it has been by how much the deck boards have shrunk? Sheesh.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Don't have much to offer due to the relentlessly dry weather but at least it's cooler now. Not wetter, but cooler. Had to haul buckets of water to the back awhile ago when I saw the EE on the ground and the caladiums not far behind. All is okay now.

The Hibiscus m. 'Luna Pink Swirl' is still going and has intensified in color now that it's cooler.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Today was a beautiful day, weather-wise--just perfect for working outside. I spent about 3 1/2 hours outside. I had to enlarge the north end of my shade bed in the far back corner of my yard. That part of the bed is only in shade in the very early morning so I put the iris that K.A. gave me there and also the alba monarda that Charlotte gave me. Further back under the trees, I put the California EE which I split into 3 sections. I put the other EE's elsewhere in the shade bed--all except the boa. I think I am going to put it on the side of the house where the air conditioner condensate line is. That are gets some sun during the day but not more than 2 or 3 hours plus the a/c condensate line will keep the area moist so I won't have to worry about watering the boa. I still have some iris that KA gave me to plant in the front flower bed and also the new echinacea that I bought. I also did get the variegated philo potted up. Charlotte, I have already planted my papyrus in the ground--I hope it makes it through the winter but it will be covered by plenty of oak leaves when the leaves start falling.

Carole: pretty geranium--it's always nice when a new plant blooms so you know what the bloom looks like. Also, lovely hibiscus!

This message was edited Sep 26, 2010 4:41 PM

This message was edited Sep 27, 2010 5:36 AM

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

your further along than I am. I was in the mood to plant today but I just ordered some plant labels and wanted to wait till they cam ein before I put anything else in the ground. my ee's are all going in to the garage this winter. I did plant a couple hydrangea, and I worked in the back flower bed today weeding the louisiana irises, looks good out there now.

don't cha just love it when you get alot accomplished!! Now I have to go to work tomorrow and won't have time again to spend in the flower beds till the weekend.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn't get any planting done this afternoon. I had to show a couple of houses and then I stopped by Wal Mart to pick something up and of course had to wonder through the garden department. I noticed a bunch of bikes and discovered they were 1/2 off. Turned out they were 1/2 off because they had some slight imperfection. I've been wanting a bike but didn't want to pay much for it because I'm not sure how much I'll ride it. Anyway I found a ladies Swinn bike with a whole bunch of speeds (can't remember how many) for $80. It was exactly the kind of bike I was wanting (didn't want a bar) and the price was right so I bought it. I'm been riding up and down the street in front of my house practicing. I did buy a helmet. Now I need to find a nice flat place I can ride it.

Ripley, MS

You go Charlotte !!! Ride that bike, I used to have so much fun riding bikes with my friend when I was growing up.
There was an article in out paper today about a man who built a little wagon and hooked it to his bike and rode from Seattle WA to Tupelo MS. He had lost his job and wanted to move to the south to start over.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Neat story! I don't plan to ride that far. I've always enjoyed riding a bike. I used to have one as an adult. My son and I used to ride together when he was in grade school and I rode by myself for a long time after that. That's why it was fun to get to ride with him this summer. I was about 50 when I finally gave it away because I wasn't riding it and my tires had gotten dry rot. So I'm going to try it one more time before I do get too old!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Look what's smelling up my side yard? smells so good, took me a while to find out what the fragrance was lol Dr Moy is blooming. or about to

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

All of my stuff is divided and planted except for A. California and Sinbad Begonia! I spent all day outside...we even ate out there ;o)

Cville, that hibiscus looks like a wonderful tasting lollipop!

KA, Dr. Moy is lovely...I wish we had scratch and sniff photos. lol

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

am I the only one who didn't plant her stuff today? boohoo. I'm completely out of labels and had to break down and buy some. I hope to get things in the ground next weekend. i'm affraid we're not going to have a fall but just go right into winter. i'm wearing a sweat shirt right now. have been outside pulling things out of the ground and putting them in pots to store in the garage for the winter. I hope I'm finished with that.

Where are you going to store all those brugs at Charlotte? do you heat that storage shed you use?

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Do you want some blinds, KA?

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

um, YES lol I could sure use some metal blinds. now that I bought 500 labels lol bring me some in october, where areyou getting your metal blinds at ? I can't find them anywhere.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I had better start digging and potting too. I have a lot in big pots that I need to dig things out of. Pots are way too big too move Also need to clean out my little mini greenhouse. I use them for storage during the summer.
It looks like a storage shed but it is actually Richards workshop and it is totally insulated and finished out on the inside. Thick fiberglass insulation in the floor, walls and ceiling. Solid sheets of thick plywood over that. He has 3 rows of florescent that run the entire length of the building. I heat it and keep a thermostat out there so I can keep the temperature within a certain range. All it takes to heat it is a ceramic heater turned on low. During that really cold spell last year I had to turn the heater up and I also turned on a second heater just to be on the safe side. I also heat my storage room in the garage. It takes very little heat for it as it gets a lot of heat from the house. I only had to turn on the heater during the super cold days last year.
I'm not ready for it to turn cold!! Surely we have about another 4 weeks before it gets really cold.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Here's a test THIS IS NOT GROWING IN MY YARD but does anyone here know what it is? I do know just wondering if any of you have seen it?

Thumbnail by kjuddy
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I flunk! What on earth is it??

Lakeland / Memphis, TN(Zone 7a)

I'd have to wonder, Karen, since it looks like it is amongst some daylilies, if it is proliferations, except they usually aren't so full. Other than that - I haven't a clue either.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I thought it was one of those daylilies that puts out the new daylilies on the end of the stem some of them do that, what's that called when they do that, figured this was a mutant form for sure lol

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

me, either but it sure looks interesting!
Kim, do you have enough metal blinds to spare some for me? I am just about out of plant markers.

going to be another nice day and I plan to take advantage of it to get the rest of the "stuff" that I got on Saturday in the ground.

Ripley, MS

Looks like walking onions gone wild to me--but I will probably flunk too !!!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

I can't tell the size of it. Could be nutgrass bloom?

Central, LA(Zone 8b)

My guess is green agapanthus.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

N2Birds that was a very good guess - this is 'wigged out' daylily. According to the description it only puts out these huge prolifs no actual blooms

Here's the scoop

Frank Kropf permitted Iron Gate Gardens to introduce this cultivar. Certainly there is nothing like it! The bloom scapes rise from the plant - but there are no blooms, only round mounds of proliferations! Being grass green and very unkept, you will understand why it is an arrangers delight. These interesting green balls of miniature foliage last well into the fall, when most daylilies has stopped blooming. This will certainly be one of the highlights in your daylily collection. You "may" see a "real" bloom, but only on rare occasions, about 3 inches, rusty orange rose and narrow petaled. Foliage height is good for the front of the border. WIGGED OUT makes small plants

That is almost worth the $16.00 it would cost just to see that in person:)
here is the link on ebay

Okay guys that's my addition to our knowledge base for today!

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

I saw that last week on a daylily sellers site..but can't remember who..
I thought it was kind of cool...surely a conversation piece..
I know i've been excuses..just life.....but I did get high speed internet
a couple weeks i'm now in the 21st century...
Here the leaves are all fallen on the ground...It's sooo depressing...

I've had 3 passi's bloom for me this year and 3 brugs...
Can't understand though why they start so late...

this is Passion Flower 'Alba' Passiflora incarnata
I bought seeds for the purple one and this is what I's a year old seedling and it bloomed this wasn't even in Plantfiles..

Thumbnail by lilsista59
(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

This is Lady Margaret Passi

Thumbnail by lilsista59
(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

And this one from Clemen just opened today..
Don't know it's name..but I had to bring them all inside..BRRRR too cold out there for them..

Thumbnail by lilsista59
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Phyllis -- I'm new here but I've got your name written down now with all the others so I can remember who is who. Forgive me if I slip up for awhile. Quite a list of names!

The Passion flowers are beautiful!


Ripley, MS

Yes Phyllis, you have been away too long--now that you are on high speed you can go like a flash anywhere you want to go.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Welcome to the 21st century, Phyllis! LOL Beautiful passis!

I had to enlarge the north end of my shade bed--only on that end it isn't really a shade bed except in the back corner. I put the iris that Kathy Ann gave me this week-end in there and also the alba monarda that Charlotte gave me. The plant in the front corner is a daylily of some kind (I think) that Cindy gave me in May. I just stuck it in the ground where it is now and brought the bed to it. I plan on continuing to bring that bed all the way down the fence. It should be a good place for daylilies and iris, etc. but it will have to be done gradually.
Those small white rocks are everywhere in that corner of the yard--don't know how they got there unless my neighbor on that side had spilled some landscaping rocks there at some point in time before we moved here in Oct. 2006 (and before he put up the fence). There are too many to even begin to get rid of all of them so I have just left them in the soil.

This message was edited Sep 28, 2010 5:16 AM

Thumbnail by marsue
(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Thanks Sandra,Marilyn and Carole..
Welcome as they told me everyone is south of somewhere
if I kinda look out of place..^_^

Lovely Bed Marilyn i'm sure you won't have any problems filling it up around here...LOL

This Brug Isabella I put in the ground this spring..and she y'd for me for the
first time since i've had her over 5 years...
She started blooming in the beginning of Aug and hasn't stopped yet..
Even though I dug her up and put her back in a pot..she's getting ready to start again now..she's up on my deck with her momma and another one blooming called Snocone..and my Salmon one y'd but no buds so far..

Thumbnail by lilsista59
(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

This is her momma up on my deck..1st time for her too..

Thumbnail by lilsista59
(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

And this is Snocone...

Thumbnail by lilsista59
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

So true, everyone is south of somewhere (good one). I just thought maybe you were in Southern PA. LOL. I say if the shoe fits, wear it. Enjoying the pics a lot.

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

It's been raining here now for over 24 hours..we sure needed this..but needed it more
this summer....Will have to mow my lawn again after this is over..thought the last time would be it...
but NOT

I put alot of my lily and daylily pic's in my Picasa web Album
if anyone wants to see..I haven't gotten around yet to name all the lilies yet

Been spending time working on the daylilies..

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

I forgot my camera but my brugs are going absolutely insane!! I took a bunch of pics yesterday and it'll take me awhile but I'll put them in Picasa tonight at home. I have a conference this Thurs and Fri so I won't be able to get anything done.

Ripley, MS

Crissy, we sure want to see your brugs. The one you gave me was doing well, and then a hornworm made a good meal out of it--needless to say IT WAS HIS LAST MEAL TOO !!!

Phyllis, I can almost smell yours-

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I can stop bragging about not having poison ivy for a long time. I have it on the top of my left foot and on my left arm. But I can't imagine where I got it!

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Oh Charlotte..poor you...try not to itch it too much..

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Is this poison ivy?

Thumbnail by crissyr
Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Here's a pic of my bird feeder. I think I just figured it out, there's nothing for them to perch on, not that I've seen any birds anyway. Wonder if I add some perches to it....

Thumbnail by crissyr

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